path: root/maintainers.html
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Update the People and Maintainers pagesHEADmasterJoshua Bakita2021-02-09
* updatedNamhoon Kim2017-12-11
* UpdatedNamhoon Kim2015-07-10
* need to edit maintainersBipasa Chattopdhyay2014-08-15
* Feb 6 update(3)Bipasa Chattopdhyay2014-02-06
* Some updates.Bryan Ward2013-02-25
* Minor typo fixed.Bryan Ward2012-12-26
* Updated site maintainers.Bryan Ward2012-12-26
* Bryan is the maintainer of rtlunch.Bryan Ward2012-12-18
* Fixed copyright characterMac Mollison2012-01-06
* Woops, forgot the actual maintainers page - sryMac Mollison2012-01-06