path: root/drivers/staging/vt6656/rf.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* staging: vt6656: vnt_rf_setpower: fix missing rate RATE_12MMalcolm Priestley2015-03-09
* Staging: vt6656: Merge two lines of code into oneRajbinder Brar2014-09-23
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rf power table remove camel caseMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename uCurrRSSI to current_rssiMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byRFType with rf_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: rf.c cleanup commentsMalcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: vnt_rf_write_embedded add reg length and IFREGCTL_REGWMalcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: rf.c remove dead code RFaby11aChannelIndexMalcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: rf.c clean up channel and power tablesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: vnt_rf_setpower rate <= RATE_11M check array boundMalcolm Priestley2014-07-08
* staging: vt6656: vnt_rf_set_txpower use power for priv->byCurPwrMalcolm Priestley2014-07-08
* staging: vt6656: remove dead code datarateMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: mac80211 conversion: change vnt_rf_set_txpowerMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: rf.c replace DBG_PRT debug messagesMalcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: rf.c Fix typo error at3226*Malcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: rf.c rename RFbRFTableDownload to vnt_rf_table_download.Malcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: rf.c/h rename RFvRSSITodBm to vnt_rf_rssi_to_dbmMalcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: rf.c/h rename RFbRawSetPower to vnt_rf_set_txpowerMalcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: rf.c/h rename RFbSetPower to vnt_rf_setpowerMalcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: rf.c: rename IFRFbWriteEmbedded to vnt_rf_write_embeddedMalcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: IFRFbWriteEmbedded remove camel caseMalcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: IFRFbWriteEmbedded use ARRAY_SIZEMalcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove control.c/hMalcolm Priestley2014-05-26
* staging: vt6656: rename PIPEnsControlOut/CONTROLnsRequestOut to vnt_control_outMalcolm Priestley2014-05-26
* staging: vt6656: rndis.h move all to device.hMalcolm Priestley2014-05-18
* staging: vt6656: rf.c additional power.Malcolm Priestley2014-05-18
* staging: vt6656: Remove always 0 variable dwDiagRefCountMalcolm Priestley2013-11-25
* staging: vt6656: Fix (most) sparse warnings regarding static functions/variablesValentina Manea2013-11-10
* staging: vt6656: rf.c: Remove camel case from local variablesMalcolm Priestley2013-05-30
* staging: vt6656: rf.c: RFbRFTableDownload: Remove camel case and clean up.Malcolm Priestley2013-05-30
* staging: vt6656: rf.c: RFvRSSITodBm Remove camel case and clean up.Malcolm Priestley2013-05-30
* staging: vt6656: rf.c: RFbRawSetPower Remove camel case and cleanup.Malcolm Priestley2013-05-30
* staging: vt6656: rf.c: RFbSetPower Remove camel case and clean up.Malcolm Priestley2013-05-30
* staging: vt6656: remove consecutive newlinesAndres More2013-03-28
* staging: vt6656: remove unused functionsAndres More2013-03-26
* staging: vt6656: remove code placeholdersAndres More2013-03-25
* staging: vt6656: replaced custom DWORD definition with u32Andres More2013-03-11
* staging: vt6656: replaced custom TRUE definition with trueAndres More2013-02-15
* staging: vt6656: replaced custom FALSE definition with falseAndres More2013-02-15
* staging: vt6656: staging: vt6656 change remaining to vnt_mgmt and remove type...Malcolm Priestley2013-01-18
* staging: vt6656: iwctl/key/rf use new structures.Malcolm Priestley2013-01-07
* staging: vt6656: [BUG] out of bound array reference in RFbSetPower.Malcolm Priestley2012-10-22
* staging "vt6656" Typo rename Embeded to Embedded.Justin P. Mattock2012-09-04
* staging "vt6656" Fix typos in comments, and in a printk message.Justin P. Mattock2012-09-04
* staging: vt6656: Fix typo in vt6656Masanari Iida2012-08-13
* Staging: vt6656: removed custom UCHAR/USHORT/UINT/ULONG/ULONGLONG typedefsAndres More2010-05-18
* Staging: vt6656: removed custom CHAR/SHORT/INT/LONG typedefsAndres More2010-05-18
* Staging: vt6656: removed VOID/PVOID definitionsAndres More2010-05-11
* Staging: vt6656: Removed IN definitionAndres More2010-05-11
* Staging: vt665x: Clean up include files, Part 1Jim Lieb2009-09-15