path: root/drivers/staging/vt6656/device.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Staging: vt6656: Fixed typo in a macro nameGustavo A. R. Silva2015-01-12
* staging: vt6656: Use ether_addr_copy() on vnt_private members.Krzysztof Adamski2015-01-12
* staging: vt6656: change driver version to mac80211Malcolm Priestley2014-07-27
* staging: vt6656: Remove unused macro MP_TEST_FLAGSMalcolm Priestley2014-07-24
* staging: vt6656: use clear_bit to remove device flagMalcolm Priestley2014-07-24
* staging: vt6656: use set_bit to set flagsMalcolm Priestley2014-07-24
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private merge flag and macrosMalcolm Priestley2014-07-24
* staging: vt6656: Remove unsed macro DEVICE_FLAGS_OPENEDMalcolm Priestley2014-07-24
* staging: vt6656: remove macro MP_IS_READYMalcolm Priestley2014-07-24
* staging: vt6656: Remove flags fMP_POST_READS and fMP_POST_WRITESMalcolm Priestley2014-07-24
* staging; vt6656: rxtx add current_rate into vnt_usb_send_context as tx_rateMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: rxtx move frame_len/size into vnt_usb_send_context as frame_lenMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: move need_ack into into vnt_usb_send_contextMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: rxtx move pkt_type into vnt_usb_send_contextMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove channel switch.Malcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename byBBPreEDIndex with bb_pre_ed_indexMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byBBPreEDRSSI with bb_pre_ed_rssiMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove dead code ldBmThresholdMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace abyBBVGA with bb_vgaMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byAutoFBCtrl with auto_fb_ctrlMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace wSeqCounter with seq_counterMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove dead variable bBarkerPreambleMdMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace bShortSlotTime with short_slot_timeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove camel case retry limitMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace wCurrentRate with current_rateMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rf power table remove camel caseMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byPreambleType with preamble_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace abyEEPROM with eepromMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byTopCCKBasicRate with top_cck_ba...Malcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byTopOFDMBasicRate with top_ofdm_...Malcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace wBasicRate with basic_ratesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byPacketType with packet_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byBBType with bb_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove camel case IFS namesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove uCwMin/uCwMaxMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove camel case antenna variablesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: antenna modes remove unused variablesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename uCurrRSSI to current_rssiMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename qwCurrTSF to current_tsfMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: replace bExistSWNetAddr with exist_sw_net_addrMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: rename abyPermanentNetAddr to permanent_net_addrMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: remame abyCurrentNetAddr to current_net_addrMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: remove variable byZoneTypeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename byBBRxConf to bb_rx_confMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byRFType with rf_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename byLocalID to local_idMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename wFirmwareVersion to firmware_versionMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename cdTD to num_tx_contextMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename cbRD to num_rcbMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: put radio power off and on into correct state every time.Malcolm Priestley2014-07-18