path: root/drivers/staging/vt6656/card.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Staging: vt6656: Fixed typo in a macro nameGustavo A. R. Silva2015-01-12
* staging: vt6656: remove unnecessary else after returnTapasweni Pathak2014-09-23
* staging: vt6656: remove comments of old functions nolonger present.Malcolm Priestley2014-07-27
* staging: vt6656: remove return from all void functionsMalcolm Priestley2014-07-27
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace abyBBVGA with bb_vgaMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace bShortSlotTime with short_slot_timeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byTopCCKBasicRate with top_cck_ba...Malcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byTopOFDMBasicRate with top_ofdm_...Malcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace wBasicRate with basic_ratesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byPacketType with packet_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byBBType with bb_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove camel case IFS namesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove uCwMin/uCwMaxMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename qwCurrTSF to current_tsfMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byRFType with rf_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: put radio power off and on into correct state every time.Malcolm Priestley2014-07-18
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove unused variable bRadioOffMalcolm Priestley2014-07-18
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove unused variable bRadioControlOffMalcolm Priestley2014-07-18
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvExitDeepSleep to vnt_exit_deep_sleepMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvSetDeepSleep to vnt_set_deep_sleepMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvSetVGAGainOffset to vnt_set_vga_gain_offsetMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6556: Cleanup coding style: lines over 80 charsPeter Senna Tschudin2014-07-16
* staging: vt6556: Cleanup coding style: commentsPeter Senna Tschudin2014-07-16
* staging: vt6656: vnt_update_ifs vendor changes to uSIFS/uDIFSMalcolm Priestley2014-07-08
* staging: vt6656: vnt_set_channel remove power setting functionsMalcolm Priestley2014-07-08
* staging: vt6656: set BBvSetVGAGainOffset inside vnt_set_bss_modeMalcolm Priestley2014-06-29
* staging: vt6656: remove vnt_add_basic_rateMalcolm Priestley2014-06-29
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove tmacro.hMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: remove dead code datarateMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove rc4.c/hMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove zonetypesMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: mac80211 conversion: vnt_update_ifs change basic ratesMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvCalculateParameter to vnt_get_phy_fieldMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename MACvRegBitsOff to vnt_mac_reg_bits_offMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename MACvRegBitsOff to vnt_mac_reg_bits_offMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename MACvSetBBType to vnt_mac_set_bb_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDvSetBSSMode to vnt_set_bss_modeMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDbRadioPowerOn to vnt_radio_power_onMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDbRadioPowerOff to vnt_radio_power_offMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDvUpdateNextTBTT to vnt_update_next_tbttMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDvSetFirstNextTBTT to vnt_reset_next_tbttMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDqGetNextTBTT to vnt_get_next_tbttMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDbClearCurrentTSF to vnt_clear_current_tsfMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDbGetCurrentTSF to vnt_get_current_tsfMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDvAdjustTSF to vnt_adjust_tsfMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDqGetTSFOffset to vnt_get_tsf_offsetMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDbyGetPktType to vnt_get_pkt_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDbIsOFDMinBasicRate to vnt_ofdm_min_rateMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDbAddBasicRate to vnt_add_basic_rateMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename CARDvSetRSPINF to vnt_set_rspinfMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19