path: root/drivers/staging/vt6656/baseband.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Staging: vt6656: Removing else after break statement to fix warningRajbinder Brar2014-09-19
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename byBBPreEDIndex with bb_pre_ed_indexMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byBBPreEDRSSI with bb_pre_ed_rssiMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private remove dead code ldBmThresholdMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace abyBBVGA with bb_vgaMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace bShortSlotTime with short_slot_timeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byPreambleType with preamble_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace abyEEPROM with eepromMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: remove variable byZoneTypeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private rename byBBRxConf to bb_rx_confMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: struct vnt_private replace byRFType with rf_typeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-21
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvUpdatePreEDThreshold to vnt_update_pre_ed_thresholdMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvExitDeepSleep to vnt_exit_deep_sleepMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvSetDeepSleep to vnt_set_deep_sleepMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvSetVGAGainOffset to vnt_set_vga_gain_offsetMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvSetShortSlotTime to vnt_set_short_slot_timeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBbVT3184Init to vnt_vt3184_initMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvSetAntennaMode to vnt_set_antenna_modeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6656: baseband.c rename awcFrameTime to vnt_frame_timeMalcolm Priestley2014-07-17
* staging: vt6556: Cleanup coding style: lines over 80 charsPeter Senna Tschudin2014-07-16
* staging: vt6556: Cleanup coding style: commentsPeter Senna Tschudin2014-07-16
* staging: vt6556: Remove double parenthesesPeter Senna Tschudin2014-07-15
* staging: vt6656: baseband.c rename abyVT3184_VT3226D0 to vnt_vt3184_vt3226d0Malcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: baseband.c remame abyVT3184_AL2230 to vnt_vt3184_al2230Malcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: baseband.c rename abyVT3184_AGC to vnt_vt3184_agcMalcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: baseband clean up VT3184 static variablesMalcolm Priestley2014-07-12
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove tmacro.hMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: remove dead code datarateMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: decode remove tether.c/hMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove zonetypesMalcolm Priestley2014-06-26
* staging: vt6656: rename BBuGetFrameTime to vnt_get_frame_timeMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename BBvCalculateParameter to vnt_get_phy_fieldMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rename MACvRegBitsOff to vnt_mac_reg_bits_offMalcolm Priestley2014-06-19
* staging: vt6656: rf.c rename RFbRFTableDownload to vnt_rf_table_download.Malcolm Priestley2014-05-28
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove control.c/hMalcolm Priestley2014-05-26
* staging: vt6656: create vnt_control_in_u8 to replace ControlvReadByteMalcolm Priestley2014-05-26
* staging: vt6656: replace ControlvWriteByte with vnt_control_out_u8Malcolm Priestley2014-05-26
* staging: vt6656: rename PIPEnsControlIn/CONTROLnsRequestIn with vnt_control_inMalcolm Priestley2014-05-26
* staging: vt6656: rename PIPEnsControlOut/CONTROLnsRequestOut to vnt_control_outMalcolm Priestley2014-05-26
* staging: vt6656: BBbVT3184Init fix word lenghtMalcolm Priestley2014-05-25
* staging: vt6656: baseband.c replace DBG_PRT debug messagesMalcolm Priestley2014-05-25
* staging: vt6656: dead code remove diversity codeMalcolm Priestley2014-05-23
* staging: vt6656: clean up BBvUpdatePreEDThresholdMalcolm Priestley2014-05-19
* staging: vt6656: BBvUpdatePreEDThreshold change byBBPreEDIndexMalcolm Priestley2014-05-19
* staging: vt6656: BBvUpdatePreEDThreshold reorganize ControlvWriteByte.Malcolm Priestley2014-05-19
* staging: vt6656: BBvUpdatePreEDThreshold replace debug messages.Malcolm Priestley2014-05-19
* staging: vt6656: BBvExitDeepSleep remove camel case.Malcolm Priestley2014-05-19
* staging: vt6656: BBvSetDeepSleep remove camel caseMalcolm Priestley2014-05-19
* staging: vt6656: BBvSetVGAGainOffset remove camel caseMalcolm Priestley2014-05-19
* staging: vt6656: BBvSetShortSlotTime remove camel case.Malcolm Priestley2014-05-19