path: root/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_bsg.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Add BSG interface for read/write serdes register.Joe Carnuccio2013-12-19
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Enhancements to support ISPFx00.Giridhar Malavali2013-04-11
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Update the copyright information.Saurav Kashyap2013-02-22
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Update the driver copyright.Chad Dupuis2012-09-24
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Changes for ISP83xx loopback support.Chad Dupuis2012-09-24
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Implementation of bidirectional.Saurav Kashyap2012-09-24
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Add I2C BSG interface.Joe Carnuccio2012-09-14
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Provide method for updating I2C attached VPD.Joe Carnuccio2011-08-29
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Update copyright banner.Andrew Vasquez2011-05-01
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Add flash read/update support using BSG interfaceHarish Zunjarrao2010-10-25
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Update copyright banner.Giridhar Malavali2010-07-28
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Add internal loopback support for ISP81xx.Sarang Radke2010-07-27
* [SCSI] qla2xxx: Re-organized BSG interface specific code.Giridhar Malavali2010-04-11