path: root/drivers/usb/serial/mct_u232.h
blob: 07b6bec31dc898a2e6f9fcccc5ff1ab654b328c6 (plain) (tree)







 * Definitions for MCT (Magic Control Technology) USB-RS232 Converter Driver
 *   Copyright (C) 2000 Wolfgang Grandegger (wolfgang@ces.ch)
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 * This driver is for the device MCT USB-RS232 Converter (25 pin, Model No.
 * U232-P25) from Magic Control Technology Corp. (there is also a 9 pin
 * Model No. U232-P9). See http://www.mct.com.tw/p_u232.html for further
 * information. The properties of this device are listed at the end of this
 * file. This device is available from various distributors. I know Hana,
 * http://www.hana.de and D-Link, http://www.dlink.com/products/usb/dsbs25.
 * All of the information about the device was acquired by using SniffUSB
 * on Windows98. The technical details of the reverse engineering are
 * summarized at the end of this file.


#define MCT_U232_VID	                0x0711	/* Vendor Id */
#define MCT_U232_PID	                0x0210	/* Original MCT Product Id */

/* U232-P25, Sitecom */
#define MCT_U232_SITECOM_PID		0x0230	/* Sitecom Product Id */

/* DU-H3SP USB BAY hub */
#define MCT_U232_DU_H3SP_PID		0x0200	/* D-Link DU-H3SP USB BAY */

/* Belkin badge the MCT U232-P9 as the F5U109 */
#define MCT_U232_BELKIN_F5U109_VID	0x050d	/* Vendor Id */
#define MCT_U232_BELKIN_F5U109_PID	0x0109	/* Product Id */

 * Vendor Request Interface
#define MCT_U232_SET_REQUEST_TYPE	0x40
#define MCT_U232_GET_REQUEST_TYPE	0xc0

#define MCT_U232_GET_MODEM_STAT_REQUEST 2  /* Get Modem Status Register (MSR) */
#define MCT_U232_GET_MODEM_STAT_SIZE    1

#define MCT_U232_GET_LINE_CTRL_REQUEST  6  /* Get Line Control Register (LCR) */
#define MCT_U232_GET_LINE_CTRL_SIZE     1  /* ... not used by this driver */

#define MCT_U232_SET_BAUD_RATE_REQUEST	5  /* Set Baud Rate Divisor */
#define MCT_U232_SET_BAUD_RATE_SIZE     4

#define MCT_U232_SET_LINE_CTRL_REQUEST	7  /* Set Line Control Register (LCR) */
#define MCT_U232_SET_LINE_CTRL_SIZE     1

#define MCT_U232_SET_MODEM_CTRL_REQUEST	10 /* Set Modem Control Register (MCR) */
#define MCT_U232_SET_MODEM_CTRL_SIZE    1

/* This USB device request code is not well understood.  It is transmitted by
   the MCT-supplied Windows driver whenever the baud rate changes. 
#define MCT_U232_SET_UNKNOWN1_REQUEST   11  /* Unknown functionality */
#define MCT_U232_SET_UNKNOWN1_SIZE       1

/* This USB device request code appears to control whether CTS is required
   during transmission.
   Sending a zero byte allows data transmission to a device which is not
   asserting CTS.  Sending a '1' byte will cause transmission to be deferred
   until the device asserts CTS.
#define MCT_U232_SET_CTS_REQUEST   12
#define MCT_U232_SET_CTS_SIZE       1

 * Baud rate (divisor)
 * Actually, there are two of them, MCT website calls them "Philips solution"
 * and "Intel solution". They are the regular MCT and "Sitecom" for us.
 * This is pointless to document in the header, see the code for the bits.
static int mct_u232_calculate_baud_rate(struct usb_serial *serial, speed_t value, speed_t *result);

 * Line Control Register (LCR)
#define MCT_U232_SET_BREAK              0x40

#define MCT_U232_PARITY_SPACE		0x38
#define MCT_U232_PARITY_MARK		0x28
#define MCT_U232_PARITY_EVEN		0x18
#define MCT_U232_PARITY_ODD		0x08
#define MCT_U232_PARITY_NONE		0x00

#define MCT_U232_DATA_BITS_5            0x00
#define MCT_U232_DATA_BITS_6            0x01
#define MCT_U232_DATA_BITS_7            0x02
#define MCT_U232_DATA_BITS_8            0x03

#define MCT_U232_STOP_BITS_2            0x04
#define MCT_U232_STOP_BITS_1            0x00

 * Modem Control Register (MCR)
#define MCT_U232_MCR_NONE               0x8     /* Deactivate DTR and RTS */
#define MCT_U232_MCR_RTS                0xa     /* Activate RTS */
#define MCT_U232_MCR_DTR                0x9     /* Activate DTR */

 * Modem Status Register (MSR)
#define MCT_U232_MSR_INDEX              0x0     /* data[index] */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_CD                 0x80    /* Current CD */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_RI                 0x40    /* Current RI */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_DSR                0x20    /* Current DSR */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_CTS                0x10    /* Current CTS */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_DCD                0x08    /* Delta CD */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_DRI                0x04    /* Delta RI */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_DDSR               0x02    /* Delta DSR */
#define MCT_U232_MSR_DCTS               0x01    /* Delta CTS */

 * Line Status Register (LSR)
#define MCT_U232_LSR_INDEX              1       /* data[index] */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_ERR                0x80    /* OE | PE | FE | BI */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_TEMT               0x40    /* transmit register empty */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_THRE               0x20    /* transmit holding register empty */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_BI                 0x10    /* break indicator */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_FE                 0x08    /* framing error */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_OE                 0x02    /* overrun error */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_PE                 0x04    /* parity error */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_OE                 0x02    /* overrun error */
#define MCT_U232_LSR_DR                 0x01    /* receive data ready */

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Technical Specification reverse engineered with SniffUSB on Windows98
 * =====================================================================
 *  The technical details of the device have been acquired be using "SniffUSB"
 *  and the vendor-supplied device driver (version 2.3A) under Windows98. To
 *  identify the USB vendor-specific requests and to assign them to terminal 
 *  settings (flow control, baud rate, etc.) the program "SerialSettings" from
 *  William G. Greathouse has been proven to be very useful. I also used the
 *  Win98 "HyperTerminal" and "usb-robot" on Linux for testing. The results and 
 *  observations are summarized below:
 *  The USB requests seem to be directly mapped to the registers of a 8250,
 *  16450 or 16550 UART. The FreeBSD handbook (appendix F.4 "Input/Output
 *  devices") contains a comprehensive description of UARTs and its registers.
 *  The bit descriptions are actually taken from there.
 * Baud rate (divisor)
 * -------------------
 *   BmRequestType:  0x40 (0100 0000B)
 *   bRequest:       0x05
 *   wValue:         0x0000
 *   wIndex:         0x0000
 *   wLength:        0x0004
 *   Data:           divisor = 115200 / baud_rate
 *   SniffUSB observations (Nov 2003): Contrary to the 'wLength' value of 4
 *   shown above, observations with a Belkin F5U109 adapter, using the
 *   MCT-supplied Windows98 driver (U2SPORT.VXD, "File version: 1.21P.0104 for
 *   Win98/Me"), show this request has a length of 1 byte, presumably because
 *   of the fact that the Belkin adapter and the 'Sitecom U232-P25' adapter
 *   use a baud-rate code instead of a conventional RS-232 baud rate divisor.
 *   The current source code for this driver does not reflect this fact, but
 *   the driver works fine with this adapter/driver combination nonetheless.
 * Line Control Register (LCR)
 * ---------------------------
 *  BmRequestType:  0x40 (0100 0000B)    0xc0 (1100 0000B)
 *  bRequest:       0x07                 0x06
 *  wValue:         0x0000
 *  wIndex:         0x0000
 *  wLength:        0x0001
 *  Data:           LCR (see below)
 *  Bit 7: Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB). When set, access to the data
 *  	   transmit/receive register (THR/RBR) and the Interrupt Enable Register
 *  	   (IER) is disabled. Any access to these ports is now redirected to the
 *  	   Divisor Latch Registers. Setting this bit, loading the Divisor
 *  	   Registers, and clearing DLAB should be done with interrupts disabled.
 *  Bit 6: Set Break. When set to "1", the transmitter begins to transmit
 *  	   continuous Spacing until this bit is set to "0". This overrides any
 *  	   bits of characters that are being transmitted.
 *  Bit 5: Stick Parity. When parity is enabled, setting this bit causes parity
 *  	   to always be "1" or "0", based on the value of Bit 4.
 *  Bit 4: Even Parity Select (EPS). When parity is enabled and Bit 5 is "0",
 *  	   setting this bit causes even parity to be transmitted and expected.
 *  	   Otherwise, odd parity is used.
 *  Bit 3: Parity Enable (PEN). When set to "1", a parity bit is inserted
 *  	   between the last bit of the data and the Stop Bit. The UART will also
 *  	   expect parity to be present in the received data.
 *  Bit 2: Number of Stop Bits (STB). If set to "1" and using 5-bit data words,
 *  	   1.5 Stop Bits are transmitted and expected in each data word. For
 *  	   6, 7 and 8-bit data words, 2 Stop Bits are transmitted and expected.
 *  	   When this bit is set to "0", one Stop Bit is used on each data word.
 *  Bit 1: Word Length Select Bit #1 (WLSB1)
 *  Bit 0: Word Length Select Bit #0 (WLSB0)
 *  	   Together these bits specify the number of bits in each data word.
 *  	     1 0  Word Length
 *  	     0 0  5 Data Bits
 *  	     0 1  6 Data Bits
 *  	     1 0  7 Data Bits
 *  	     1 1  8 Data Bits
 *  SniffUSB observations: Bit 7 seems not to be used. There seem to be two bugs
 *  in the Win98 driver: the break does not work (bit 6 is not asserted) and the
 *  stick parity bit is not cleared when set once. The LCR can also be read
 *  back with USB request 6 but this has never been observed with SniffUSB.
 * Modem Control Register (MCR)
 * ----------------------------
 *  BmRequestType:  0x40  (0100 0000B)
 *  bRequest:       0x0a
 *  wValue:         0x0000
 *  wIndex:         0x0000
 *  wLength:        0x0001
 *  Data:           MCR (Bit 4..7, see below)
 *  Bit 7: Reserved, always 0.
 *  Bit 6: Reserved, always 0.
 *  Bit 5: Reserved, always 0.
 *  Bit 4: Loop-Back Enable. When set to "1", the UART transmitter and receiver
 *  	   are internally connected together to allow diagnostic operations. In
 *  	   addition, the UART modem control outputs are connected to the UART
 *  	   modem control inputs. CTS is connected to RTS, DTR is connected to
 *  	   DSR, OUT1 is connected to RI, and OUT 2 is connected to DCD.
 *  Bit 3: OUT 2. An auxiliary output that the host processor may set high or
 *  	   low. In the IBM PC serial adapter (and most clones), OUT 2 is used
 *  	   to tri-state (disable) the interrupt signal from the
 *  	   8250/16450/16550 UART.
 *  Bit 2: OUT 1. An auxiliary output that the host processor may set high or
 *  	   low. This output is not used on the IBM PC serial adapter.
 *  Bit 1: Request to Send (RTS). When set to "1", the output of the UART -RTS
 *  	   line is Low (Active).
 *  Bit 0: Data Terminal Ready (DTR). When set to "1", the output of the UART
 *  	   -DTR line is Low (Active).
 *  SniffUSB observations: Bit 2 and 4 seem not to be used but bit 3 has been
 *  seen _always_ set.
 * Modem Status Register (MSR)
 * ---------------------------
 *  BmRequestType:  0xc0  (1100 0000B)
 *  bRequest:       0x02
 *  wValue:         0x0000
 *  wIndex:         0x0000
 *  wLength:        0x0001
 *  Data:           MSR (see below)
 *  Bit 7: Data Carrier Detect (CD). Reflects the state of the DCD line on the
 *  	   UART.
 *  Bit 6: Ring Indicator (RI). Reflects the state of the RI line on the UART.
 *  Bit 5: Data Set Ready (DSR). Reflects the state of the DSR line on the UART.
 *  Bit 4: Clear To Send (CTS). Reflects the state of the CTS line on the UART.
 *  Bit 3: Delta Data Carrier Detect (DDCD). Set to "1" if the -DCD line has
 *  	   changed state one more more times since the last time the MSR was
 *  	   read by the host.
 *  Bit 2: Trailing Edge Ring Indicator (TERI). Set to "1" if the -RI line has
 *  	   had a low to high transition since the last time the MSR was read by
 *  	   the host.
 *  Bit 1: Delta Data Set Ready (DDSR). Set to "1" if the -DSR line has changed
 *  	   state one more more times since the last time the MSR was read by the
 *  	   host.
 *  Bit 0: Delta Clear To Send (DCTS). Set to "1" if the -CTS line has changed
 *  	   state one more times since the last time the MSR was read by the
 *  	   host.
 *  SniffUSB observations: the MSR is also returned as first byte on the
 *  interrupt-in endpoint 0x83 to signal changes of modem status lines. The USB
 *  request to read MSR cannot be applied during normal device operation.
 * Line Status Register (LSR)
 * --------------------------
 *  Bit 7   Error in Receiver FIFO. On the 8250/16450 UART, this bit is zero.
 *  	    This bit is set to "1" when any of the bytes in the FIFO have one or
 *  	    more of the following error conditions: PE, FE, or BI.
 *  Bit 6   Transmitter Empty (TEMT). When set to "1", there are no words
 *  	    remaining in the transmit FIFO or the transmit shift register. The
 *  	    transmitter is completely idle.
 *  Bit 5   Transmitter Holding Register Empty (THRE). When set to "1", the FIFO
 *  	    (or holding register) now has room for at least one additional word
 *  	    to transmit. The transmitter may still be transmitting when this bit
 *  	    is set to "1".
 *  Bit 4   Break Interrupt (BI). The receiver has detected a Break signal.
 *  Bit 3   Framing Error (FE). A Start Bit was detected but the Stop Bit did not
 *  	    appear at the expected time. The received word is probably garbled.
 *  Bit 2   Parity Error (PE). The parity bit was incorrect for the word received.
 *  Bit 1   Overrun Error (OE). A new word was received and there was no room in
 *  	    the receive buffer. The newly-arrived word in the shift register is
 *  	    discarded. On 8250/16450 UARTs, the word in the holding register is
 *  	    discarded and the newly- arrived word is put in the holding register.
 *  Bit 0   Data Ready (DR). One or more words are in the receive FIFO that the
 *  	    host may read. A word must be completely received and moved from the
 *  	    shift register into the FIFO (or holding register for 8250/16450
 *  	    designs) before this bit is set.
 *  SniffUSB observations: the LSR is returned as second byte on the interrupt-in
 *  endpoint 0x83 to signal error conditions. Such errors have been seen with
 *  minicom/zmodem transfers (CRC errors).
 * Unknown #1
 * -------------------
 *   BmRequestType:  0x40 (0100 0000B)
 *   bRequest:       0x0b
 *   wValue:         0x0000
 *   wIndex:         0x0000
 *   wLength:        0x0001
 *   Data:           0x00
 *   SniffUSB observations (Nov 2003): With the MCT-supplied Windows98 driver
 *   (U2SPORT.VXD, "File version: 1.21P.0104 for Win98/Me"), this request
 *   occurs immediately after a "Baud rate (divisor)" message.  It was not
 *   observed at any other time.  It is unclear what purpose this message
 *   serves.
 * Unknown #2
 * -------------------
 *   BmRequestType:  0x40 (0100 0000B)
 *   bRequest:       0x0c
 *   wValue:         0x0000
 *   wIndex:         0x0000
 *   wLength:        0x0001
 *   Data:           0x00
 *   SniffUSB observations (Nov 2003): With the MCT-supplied Windows98 driver
 *   (U2SPORT.VXD, "File version: 1.21P.0104 for Win98/Me"), this request
 *   occurs immediately after the 'Unknown #1' message (see above).  It was
 *   not observed at any other time.  It is unclear what other purpose (if
 *   any) this message might serve, but without it, the USB/RS-232 adapter
 *   will not write to RS-232 devices which do not assert the 'CTS' signal.
 * Flow control
 * ------------
 *  SniffUSB observations: no flow control specific requests have been realized
 *  apart from DTR/RTS settings. Both signals are dropped for no flow control
 *  but asserted for hardware or software flow control.
 * Endpoint usage
 * --------------
 *  SniffUSB observations: the bulk-out endpoint 0x1 and interrupt-in endpoint
 *  0x81 is used to transmit and receive characters. The second interrupt-in 
 *  endpoint 0x83 signals exceptional conditions like modem line changes and 
 *  errors. The first byte returned is the MSR and the second byte the LSR.
 * Other observations
 * ------------------
 *  Queued bulk transfers like used in visor.c did not work. 
 * Properties of the USB device used (as found in /var/log/messages)
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Manufacturer: MCT Corporation.
 *  Product: USB-232 Interfact Controller
 *  SerialNumber: U2S22050
 *    Length              = 18
 *    DescriptorType      = 01
 *    USB version         = 1.00
 *    Vendor:Product      = 0711:0210
 *    MaxPacketSize0      = 8
 *    NumConfigurations   = 1
 *    Device version      = 1.02
 *    Device Class:SubClass:Protocol = 00:00:00
 *      Per-interface classes
 *  Configuration:
 *    bLength             =    9
 *    bDescriptorType     =   02
 *    wTotalLength        = 0027
 *    bNumInterfaces      =   01
 *    bConfigurationValue =   01
 *    iConfiguration      =   00
 *    bmAttributes        =   c0
 *    MaxPower            =  100mA
 *    Interface: 0
 *    Alternate Setting:  0
 *      bLength             =    9
 *      bDescriptorType     =   04
 *      bInterfaceNumber    =   00
 *      bAlternateSetting   =   00
 *      bNumEndpoints       =   03
 *      bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol =   00:00:00
 *      iInterface          =   00
 *      Endpoint:
 * 	  bLength             =    7
 * 	  bDescriptorType     =   05
 * 	  bEndpointAddress    =   81 (in)
 * 	  bmAttributes        =   03 (Interrupt)
 * 	  wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
 * 	  bInterval           =   02
 *      Endpoint:
 * 	  bLength             =    7
 * 	  bDescriptorType     =   05
 * 	  bEndpointAddress    =   01 (out)
 * 	  bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
 * 	  wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
 * 	  bInterval           =   00
 *      Endpoint:
 * 	  bLength             =    7
 * 	  bDescriptorType     =   05
 * 	  bEndpointAddress    =   83 (in)
 * 	  bmAttributes        =   03 (Interrupt)
 * 	  wMaxPacketSize      = 0002
 * 	  bInterval           =   02
 * Hardware details (added by Martin Hamilton, 2001/12/06)
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * This info was gleaned from opening a Belkin F5U109 DB9 USB serial
 * adaptor, which turns out to simply be a re-badged U232-P9.  We
 * know this because there is a sticky label on the circuit board
 * which says "U232-P9" ;-)
 * The circuit board inside the adaptor contains a Philips PDIUSBD12
 * USB endpoint chip and a Philips P87C52UBAA microcontroller with
 * embedded UART.  Exhaustive documentation for these is available at:
 *   http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/pip/p87c52ubaa
 *   http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/pip/pdiusbd12
 * Thanks to Julian Highfield for the pointer to the Philips database.

#endif /* __LINUX_USB_SERIAL_MCT_U232_H */

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 *  Fast Userspace Mutexes (which I call "Futexes!").
 *  (C) Rusty Russell, IBM 2002
 *  Generalized futexes, futex requeueing, misc fixes by Ingo Molnar
 *  (C) Copyright 2003 Red Hat Inc, All Rights Reserved
 *  Removed page pinning, fix privately mapped COW pages and other cleanups
 *  (C) Copyright 2003, 2004 Jamie Lokier
 *  Robust futex support started by Ingo Molnar
 *  (C) Copyright 2006 Red Hat Inc, All Rights Reserved
 *  Thanks to Thomas Gleixner for suggestions, analysis and fixes.
 *  PI-futex support started by Ingo Molnar and Thomas Gleixner
 *  Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar <mingo@redhat.com>
 *  Copyright (C) 2006 Timesys Corp., Thomas Gleixner <tglx@timesys.com>
 *  PRIVATE futexes by Eric Dumazet
 *  Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Dumazet <dada1@cosmosbay.com>
 *  Thanks to Ben LaHaise for yelling "hashed waitqueues" loudly
 *  enough at me, Linus for the original (flawed) idea, Matthew
 *  Kirkwood for proof-of-concept implementation.
 *  "The futexes are also cursed."
 *  "But they come in a choice of three flavours!"
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/poll.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/file.h>
#include <linux/jhash.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/futex.h>
#include <linux/mount.h>
#include <linux/pagemap.h>
#include <linux/syscalls.h>
#include <linux/signal.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <asm/futex.h>

#include "rtmutex_common.h"

# include "rtmutex-debug.h"
# include "rtmutex.h"


 * Priority Inheritance state:
struct futex_pi_state {
	 * list of 'owned' pi_state instances - these have to be
	 * cleaned up in do_exit() if the task exits prematurely:
	struct list_head list;

	 * The PI object:
	struct rt_mutex pi_mutex;

	struct task_struct *owner;
	atomic_t refcount;

	union futex_key key;

 * We use this hashed waitqueue instead of a normal wait_queue_t, so
 * we can wake only the relevant ones (hashed queues may be shared).
 * A futex_q has a woken state, just like tasks have TASK_RUNNING.
 * It is considered woken when plist_node_empty(&q->list) || q->lock_ptr == 0.
 * The order of wakup is always to make the first condition true, then
 * wake up q->waiters, then make the second condition true.
struct futex_q {
	struct plist_node list;
	wait_queue_head_t waiters;

	/* Which hash list lock to use: */
	spinlock_t *lock_ptr;

	/* Key which the futex is hashed on: */
	union futex_key key;

	/* For fd, sigio sent using these: */
	int fd;
	struct file *filp;

	/* Optional priority inheritance state: */
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state;
	struct task_struct *task;

	 * This waiter is used in case of requeue from a
	 * normal futex to a PI-futex
	struct rt_mutex_waiter waiter;

 * Split the global futex_lock into every hash list lock.
struct futex_hash_bucket {
	spinlock_t lock;
	struct plist_head chain;

static struct futex_hash_bucket futex_queues[1<<FUTEX_HASHBITS];

/* Futex-fs vfsmount entry: */
static struct vfsmount *futex_mnt;

 * We hash on the keys returned from get_futex_key (see below).
static struct futex_hash_bucket *hash_futex(union futex_key *key)
	u32 hash = jhash2((u32*)&key->both.word,
	return &futex_queues[hash & ((1 << FUTEX_HASHBITS)-1)];

 * Return 1 if two futex_keys are equal, 0 otherwise.
static inline int match_futex(union futex_key *key1, union futex_key *key2)
	return (key1->both.word == key2->both.word
		&& key1->both.ptr == key2->both.ptr
		&& key1->both.offset == key2->both.offset);

 * get_futex_key - Get parameters which are the keys for a futex.
 * @uaddr: virtual address of the futex
 * @shared: NULL for a PROCESS_PRIVATE futex,
 *	&current->mm->mmap_sem for a PROCESS_SHARED futex
 * @key: address where result is stored.
 * Returns a negative error code or 0
 * The key words are stored in *key on success.
 * For shared mappings, it's (page->index, vma->vm_file->f_path.dentry->d_inode,
 * offset_within_page).  For private mappings, it's (uaddr, current->mm).
 * We can usually work out the index without swapping in the page.
 * fshared is NULL for PROCESS_PRIVATE futexes
 * For other futexes, it points to &current->mm->mmap_sem and
 * caller must have taken the reader lock. but NOT any spinlocks.
int get_futex_key(u32 __user *uaddr, struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
		  union futex_key *key)
	unsigned long address = (unsigned long)uaddr;
	struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
	struct vm_area_struct *vma;
	struct page *page;
	int err;

	 * The futex address must be "naturally" aligned.
	key->both.offset = address % PAGE_SIZE;
	if (unlikely((address % sizeof(u32)) != 0))
		return -EINVAL;
	address -= key->both.offset;

	 * PROCESS_PRIVATE futexes are fast.
	 * As the mm cannot disappear under us and the 'key' only needs
	 * virtual address, we dont even have to find the underlying vma.
	 * Note : We do have to check 'uaddr' is a valid user address,
	 *        but access_ok() should be faster than find_vma()
	if (!fshared) {
		if (unlikely(!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, uaddr, sizeof(u32))))
			return -EFAULT;
		key->private.mm = mm;
		key->private.address = address;
		return 0;
	 * The futex is hashed differently depending on whether
	 * it's in a shared or private mapping.  So check vma first.
	vma = find_extend_vma(mm, address);
	if (unlikely(!vma))
		return -EFAULT;

	 * Permissions.
	if (unlikely((vma->vm_flags & (VM_IO|VM_READ)) != VM_READ))
		return (vma->vm_flags & VM_IO) ? -EPERM : -EACCES;

	/* Save the user address in the ley */
	key->uaddr = uaddr;

	 * Private mappings are handled in a simple way.
	 * NOTE: When userspace waits on a MAP_SHARED mapping, even if
	 * it's a read-only handle, it's expected that futexes attach to
	 * the object not the particular process.  Therefore we use
	 * VM_MAYSHARE here, not VM_SHARED which is restricted to shared
	 * mappings of _writable_ handles.
	if (likely(!(vma->vm_flags & VM_MAYSHARE))) {
		key->both.offset |= FUT_OFF_MMSHARED; /* reference taken on mm */
		key->private.mm = mm;
		key->private.address = address;
		return 0;

	 * Linear file mappings are also simple.
	key->shared.inode = vma->vm_file->f_path.dentry->d_inode;
	key->both.offset |= FUT_OFF_INODE; /* inode-based key. */
	if (likely(!(vma->vm_flags & VM_NONLINEAR))) {
		key->shared.pgoff = (((address - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
				     + vma->vm_pgoff);
		return 0;

	 * We could walk the page table to read the non-linear
	 * pte, and get the page index without fetching the page
	 * from swap.  But that's a lot of code to duplicate here
	 * for a rare case, so we simply fetch the page.
	err = get_user_pages(current, mm, address, 1, 0, 0, &page, NULL);
	if (err >= 0) {
		key->shared.pgoff =
			page->index << (PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT - PAGE_SHIFT);
		return 0;
	return err;

 * Take a reference to the resource addressed by a key.
 * Can be called while holding spinlocks.
inline void get_futex_key_refs(union futex_key *key)
	if (key->both.ptr == 0)
	switch (key->both.offset & (FUT_OFF_INODE|FUT_OFF_MMSHARED)) {

 * Drop a reference to the resource addressed by a key.
 * The hash bucket spinlock must not be held.
void drop_futex_key_refs(union futex_key *key)
	if (key->both.ptr == 0)
	switch (key->both.offset & (FUT_OFF_INODE|FUT_OFF_MMSHARED)) {

static inline int get_futex_value_locked(u32 *dest, u32 __user *from)
	int ret;

	ret = __copy_from_user_inatomic(dest, from, sizeof(u32));

	return ret ? -EFAULT : 0;

 * Fault handling.
 * if fshared is non NULL, current->mm->mmap_sem is already held
static int futex_handle_fault(unsigned long address,
			      struct rw_semaphore *fshared, int attempt)
	struct vm_area_struct * vma;
	struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
	int ret = -EFAULT;

	if (attempt > 2)
		return ret;

	if (!fshared)
	vma = find_vma(mm, address);
	if (vma && address >= vma->vm_start &&
	    (vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE)) {
		switch (handle_mm_fault(mm, vma, address, 1)) {
			ret = 0;
			ret = 0;
	if (!fshared)
	return ret;

 * PI code:
static int refill_pi_state_cache(void)
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state;

	if (likely(current->pi_state_cache))
		return 0;

	pi_state = kzalloc(sizeof(*pi_state), GFP_KERNEL);

	if (!pi_state)
		return -ENOMEM;

	/* pi_mutex gets initialized later */
	pi_state->owner = NULL;
	atomic_set(&pi_state->refcount, 1);

	current->pi_state_cache = pi_state;

	return 0;

static struct futex_pi_state * alloc_pi_state(void)
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state = current->pi_state_cache;

	current->pi_state_cache = NULL;

	return pi_state;

static void free_pi_state(struct futex_pi_state *pi_state)
	if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&pi_state->refcount))

	 * If pi_state->owner is NULL, the owner is most probably dying
	 * and has cleaned up the pi_state already
	if (pi_state->owner) {

		rt_mutex_proxy_unlock(&pi_state->pi_mutex, pi_state->owner);

	if (current->pi_state_cache)
	else {
		 * pi_state->list is already empty.
		 * clear pi_state->owner.
		 * refcount is at 0 - put it back to 1.
		pi_state->owner = NULL;
		atomic_set(&pi_state->refcount, 1);
		current->pi_state_cache = pi_state;

 * Look up the task based on what TID userspace gave us.
 * We dont trust it.
static struct task_struct * futex_find_get_task(pid_t pid)
	struct task_struct *p;

	p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
	if (!p)
		goto out_unlock;
	if ((current->euid != p->euid) && (current->euid != p->uid)) {
		p = NULL;
		goto out_unlock;
	if (p->exit_state != 0) {
		p = NULL;
		goto out_unlock;

	return p;

 * This task is holding PI mutexes at exit time => bad.
 * Kernel cleans up PI-state, but userspace is likely hosed.
 * (Robust-futex cleanup is separate and might save the day for userspace.)
void exit_pi_state_list(struct task_struct *curr)
	struct list_head *next, *head = &curr->pi_state_list;
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state;
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;
	union futex_key key;

	 * We are a ZOMBIE and nobody can enqueue itself on
	 * pi_state_list anymore, but we have to be careful
	 * versus waiters unqueueing themselves:
	while (!list_empty(head)) {

		next = head->next;
		pi_state = list_entry(next, struct futex_pi_state, list);
		key = pi_state->key;
		hb = hash_futex(&key);


		 * We dropped the pi-lock, so re-check whether this
		 * task still owns the PI-state:
		if (head->next != next) {

		WARN_ON(pi_state->owner != curr);
		pi_state->owner = NULL;




static int
lookup_pi_state(u32 uval, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb,
		union futex_key *key, struct futex_pi_state **ps)
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state = NULL;
	struct futex_q *this, *next;
	struct plist_head *head;
	struct task_struct *p;
	pid_t pid;

	head = &hb->chain;

	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head, list) {
		if (match_futex(&this->key, key)) {
			 * Another waiter already exists - bump up
			 * the refcount and return its pi_state:
			pi_state = this->pi_state;
			 * Userspace might have messed up non PI and PI futexes
			if (unlikely(!pi_state))
				return -EINVAL;


			*ps = pi_state;

			return 0;

	 * We are the first waiter - try to look up the real owner and attach
	 * the new pi_state to it, but bail out when the owner died bit is set
	 * and TID = 0:
	pid = uval & FUTEX_TID_MASK;
	if (!pid && (uval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED))
		return -ESRCH;
	p = futex_find_get_task(pid);
	if (!p)
		return -ESRCH;

	pi_state = alloc_pi_state();

	 * Initialize the pi_mutex in locked state and make 'p'
	 * the owner of it:
	rt_mutex_init_proxy_locked(&pi_state->pi_mutex, p);

	/* Store the key for possible exit cleanups: */
	pi_state->key = *key;

	list_add(&pi_state->list, &p->pi_state_list);
	pi_state->owner = p;


	*ps = pi_state;

	return 0;

 * The hash bucket lock must be held when this is called.
 * Afterwards, the futex_q must not be accessed.
static void wake_futex(struct futex_q *q)
	plist_del(&q->list, &q->list.plist);
	if (q->filp)
		send_sigio(&q->filp->f_owner, q->fd, POLL_IN);
	 * The lock in wake_up_all() is a crucial memory barrier after the
	 * plist_del() and also before assigning to q->lock_ptr.
	 * The waiting task can free the futex_q as soon as this is written,
	 * without taking any locks.  This must come last.
	 * A memory barrier is required here to prevent the following store
	 * to lock_ptr from getting ahead of the wakeup. Clearing the lock
	 * at the end of wake_up_all() does not prevent this store from
	 * moving.
	q->lock_ptr = NULL;

static int wake_futex_pi(u32 __user *uaddr, u32 uval, struct futex_q *this)
	struct task_struct *new_owner;
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state = this->pi_state;
	u32 curval, newval;

	if (!pi_state)
		return -EINVAL;

	new_owner = rt_mutex_next_owner(&pi_state->pi_mutex);

	 * This happens when we have stolen the lock and the original
	 * pending owner did not enqueue itself back on the rt_mutex.
	 * Thats not a tragedy. We know that way, that a lock waiter
	 * is on the fly. We make the futex_q waiter the pending owner.
	if (!new_owner)
		new_owner = this->task;

	 * We pass it to the next owner. (The WAITERS bit is always
	 * kept enabled while there is PI state around. We must also
	 * preserve the owner died bit.)
	if (!(uval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED)) {
		newval = FUTEX_WAITERS | new_owner->pid;
		/* Keep the FUTEX_WAITER_REQUEUED flag if it was set */
		newval |= (uval & FUTEX_WAITER_REQUEUED);

		curval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr, uval, newval);
		if (curval == -EFAULT)
			return -EFAULT;
		if (curval != uval)
			return -EINVAL;


	list_add(&pi_state->list, &new_owner->pi_state_list);
	pi_state->owner = new_owner;


	return 0;

static int unlock_futex_pi(u32 __user *uaddr, u32 uval)
	u32 oldval;

	 * There is no waiter, so we unlock the futex. The owner died
	 * bit has not to be preserved here. We are the owner:
	oldval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr, uval, 0);

	if (oldval == -EFAULT)
		return oldval;
	if (oldval != uval)
		return -EAGAIN;

	return 0;

 * Express the locking dependencies for lockdep:
static inline void
double_lock_hb(struct futex_hash_bucket *hb1, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb2)
	if (hb1 <= hb2) {
		if (hb1 < hb2)
			spin_lock_nested(&hb2->lock, SINGLE_DEPTH_NESTING);
	} else { /* hb1 > hb2 */
		spin_lock_nested(&hb1->lock, SINGLE_DEPTH_NESTING);

 * Wake up all waiters hashed on the physical page that is mapped
 * to this virtual address:
static int futex_wake(u32 __user *uaddr, struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
		      int nr_wake)
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;
	struct futex_q *this, *next;
	struct plist_head *head;
	union futex_key key;
	int ret;

	if (fshared)

	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, fshared, &key);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;

	hb = hash_futex(&key);
	head = &hb->chain;

	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head, list) {
		if (match_futex (&this->key, &key)) {
			if (this->pi_state) {
				ret = -EINVAL;
			if (++ret >= nr_wake)

	if (fshared)
	return ret;

 * Called from futex_requeue_pi.
 * PI-futex value; search its associated pi_state if an owner exist
 * or create a new one without owner.
static inline int
lookup_pi_state_for_requeue(u32 __user *uaddr, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb,
			    union futex_key *key,
			    struct futex_pi_state **pi_state)
	u32 curval, uval, newval;

	 * We can't handle a fault cleanly because we can't
	 * release the locks here. Simply return the fault.
	if (get_futex_value_locked(&curval, uaddr))
		return -EFAULT;

		 * No waiters yet, we prepare the futex to have some waiters.

		uval = curval;

		curval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr, uval, newval);

		if (unlikely(curval == -EFAULT))
			return -EFAULT;
		if (unlikely(curval != uval))
			goto retry;

	if (!(curval & FUTEX_TID_MASK)
	    || lookup_pi_state(curval, hb, key, pi_state)) {
		/* the futex has no owner (yet) or the lookup failed:
		   allocate one pi_state without owner */

		*pi_state = alloc_pi_state();

		/* Already stores the key: */
		(*pi_state)->key = *key;

		/* init the mutex without owner */
		__rt_mutex_init(&(*pi_state)->pi_mutex, NULL);

	return 0;

 * Keep the first nr_wake waiter from futex1, wake up one,
 * and requeue the next nr_requeue waiters following hashed on
 * one physical page to another physical page (PI-futex uaddr2)
static int futex_requeue_pi(u32 __user *uaddr1,
			    struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
			    u32 __user *uaddr2,
			    int nr_wake, int nr_requeue, u32 *cmpval)
	union futex_key key1, key2;
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb1, *hb2;
	struct plist_head *head1;
	struct futex_q *this, *next;
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state2 = NULL;
	struct rt_mutex_waiter *waiter, *top_waiter = NULL;
	struct rt_mutex *lock2 = NULL;
	int ret, drop_count = 0;

	if (refill_pi_state_cache())
		return -ENOMEM;

	 * First take all the futex related locks:
	if (fshared)

	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr1, fshared, &key1);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;
	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr2, fshared, &key2);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;

	hb1 = hash_futex(&key1);
	hb2 = hash_futex(&key2);

	double_lock_hb(hb1, hb2);

	if (likely(cmpval != NULL)) {
		u32 curval;

		ret = get_futex_value_locked(&curval, uaddr1);

		if (unlikely(ret)) {
			if (hb1 != hb2)

			 * If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem, fault
			 * it in and start all over again.
			if (fshared)

			ret = get_user(curval, uaddr1);

			if (!ret)
				goto retry;

			return ret;
		if (curval != *cmpval) {
			ret = -EAGAIN;
			goto out_unlock;

	head1 = &hb1->chain;
	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head1, list) {
		if (!match_futex (&this->key, &key1))
		if (++ret <= nr_wake) {
		} else {
			 * FIRST: get and set the pi_state
			if (!pi_state2) {
				int s;
				/* do this only the first time we requeue someone */
				s = lookup_pi_state_for_requeue(uaddr2, hb2,
								&key2, &pi_state2);
				if (s) {
					ret = s;
					goto out_unlock;

				lock2 = &pi_state2->pi_mutex;

				/* Save the top waiter of the wait_list */
				if (rt_mutex_has_waiters(lock2))
					top_waiter = rt_mutex_top_waiter(lock2);
			} else

			this->pi_state = pi_state2;

			 * SECOND: requeue futex_q to the correct hashbucket

			 * If key1 and key2 hash to the same bucket, no need to
			 * requeue.
			if (likely(head1 != &hb2->chain)) {
				plist_del(&this->list, &hb1->chain);
				plist_add(&this->list, &hb2->chain);
				this->lock_ptr = &hb2->lock;
				this->list.plist.lock = &hb2->lock;
			this->key = key2;

			 * THIRD: queue it to lock2
			waiter = &this->waiter;
			waiter->task = this->task;
			waiter->lock = lock2;
			plist_node_init(&waiter->list_entry, this->task->prio);
			plist_node_init(&waiter->pi_list_entry, this->task->prio);
			plist_add(&waiter->list_entry, &lock2->wait_list);
			this->task->pi_blocked_on = waiter;

			if (ret - nr_wake >= nr_requeue)

	/* If we've requeued some tasks and the top_waiter of the rt_mutex
	   has changed, we must adjust the priority of the owner, if any */
	if (drop_count) {
		struct task_struct *owner = rt_mutex_owner(lock2);
		if (owner &&
		    (top_waiter != (waiter = rt_mutex_top_waiter(lock2)))) {
			int chain_walk = 0;

			if (top_waiter)
				plist_del(&top_waiter->pi_list_entry, &owner->pi_waiters);
				 * There was no waiters before the requeue,
				 * the flag must be updated

			plist_add(&waiter->pi_list_entry, &owner->pi_waiters);
			if (owner->pi_blocked_on) {
				chain_walk = 1;


			if (chain_walk)
				rt_mutex_adjust_prio_chain(owner, 0, lock2, NULL,
		} else {
			/* No owner or the top_waiter does not change */

	if (hb1 != hb2)

	/* drop_futex_key_refs() must be called outside the spinlocks. */
	while (--drop_count >= 0)

	if (fshared)
	return ret;

 * Wake up all waiters hashed on the physical page that is mapped
 * to this virtual address:
static int
futex_wake_op(u32 __user *uaddr1, struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
	      u32 __user *uaddr2,
	      int nr_wake, int nr_wake2, int op)
	union futex_key key1, key2;
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb1, *hb2;
	struct plist_head *head;
	struct futex_q *this, *next;
	int ret, op_ret, attempt = 0;

	if (fshared)

	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr1, fshared, &key1);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;
	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr2, fshared, &key2);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;

	hb1 = hash_futex(&key1);
	hb2 = hash_futex(&key2);

	double_lock_hb(hb1, hb2);

	op_ret = futex_atomic_op_inuser(op, uaddr2);
	if (unlikely(op_ret < 0)) {
		u32 dummy;

		if (hb1 != hb2)

#ifndef CONFIG_MMU
		 * we don't get EFAULT from MMU faults if we don't have an MMU,
		 * but we might get them from range checking
		ret = op_ret;
		goto out;

		if (unlikely(op_ret != -EFAULT)) {
			ret = op_ret;
			goto out;

		 * futex_atomic_op_inuser needs to both read and write
		 * *(int __user *)uaddr2, but we can't modify it
		 * non-atomically.  Therefore, if get_user below is not
		 * enough, we need to handle the fault ourselves, while
		 * still holding the mmap_sem.
		if (attempt++) {
			ret = futex_handle_fault((unsigned long)uaddr2,
						fshared, attempt);
			if (ret)
				goto out;
			goto retry;

		 * If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem,
		 * fault it in and start all over again.
		if (fshared)

		ret = get_user(dummy, uaddr2);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

		goto retryfull;

	head = &hb1->chain;

	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head, list) {
		if (match_futex (&this->key, &key1)) {
			if (++ret >= nr_wake)

	if (op_ret > 0) {
		head = &hb2->chain;

		op_ret = 0;
		plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head, list) {
			if (match_futex (&this->key, &key2)) {
				if (++op_ret >= nr_wake2)
		ret += op_ret;

	if (hb1 != hb2)
	if (fshared)
	return ret;

 * Requeue all waiters hashed on one physical page to another
 * physical page.
static int futex_requeue(u32 __user *uaddr1, struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
			 u32 __user *uaddr2,
			 int nr_wake, int nr_requeue, u32 *cmpval)
	union futex_key key1, key2;
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb1, *hb2;
	struct plist_head *head1;
	struct futex_q *this, *next;
	int ret, drop_count = 0;

	if (fshared)

	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr1, fshared, &key1);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;
	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr2, fshared, &key2);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;

	hb1 = hash_futex(&key1);
	hb2 = hash_futex(&key2);

	double_lock_hb(hb1, hb2);

	if (likely(cmpval != NULL)) {
		u32 curval;

		ret = get_futex_value_locked(&curval, uaddr1);

		if (unlikely(ret)) {
			if (hb1 != hb2)

			 * If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem, fault
			 * it in and start all over again.
			if (fshared)

			ret = get_user(curval, uaddr1);

			if (!ret)
				goto retry;

			return ret;
		if (curval != *cmpval) {
			ret = -EAGAIN;
			goto out_unlock;

	head1 = &hb1->chain;
	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head1, list) {
		if (!match_futex (&this->key, &key1))
		if (++ret <= nr_wake) {
		} else {
			 * If key1 and key2 hash to the same bucket, no need to
			 * requeue.
			if (likely(head1 != &hb2->chain)) {
				plist_del(&this->list, &hb1->chain);
				plist_add(&this->list, &hb2->chain);
				this->lock_ptr = &hb2->lock;
				this->list.plist.lock = &hb2->lock;
			this->key = key2;

			if (ret - nr_wake >= nr_requeue)

	if (hb1 != hb2)

	/* drop_futex_key_refs() must be called outside the spinlocks. */
	while (--drop_count >= 0)

	if (fshared)
	return ret;

/* The key must be already stored in q->key. */
static inline struct futex_hash_bucket *
queue_lock(struct futex_q *q, int fd, struct file *filp)
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;

	q->fd = fd;
	q->filp = filp;


	hb = hash_futex(&q->key);
	q->lock_ptr = &hb->lock;

	return hb;

static inline void __queue_me(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb)
	int prio;

	 * The priority used to register this element is
	 * - either the real thread-priority for the real-time threads
	 * (i.e. threads with a priority lower than MAX_RT_PRIO)
	 * - or MAX_RT_PRIO for non-RT threads.
	 * Thus, all RT-threads are woken first in priority order, and
	 * the others are woken last, in FIFO order.
	prio = min(current->normal_prio, MAX_RT_PRIO);

	plist_node_init(&q->list, prio);
	q->list.plist.lock = &hb->lock;
	plist_add(&q->list, &hb->chain);
	q->task = current;

static inline void
queue_unlock(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb)

 * queue_me and unqueue_me must be called as a pair, each
 * exactly once.  They are called with the hashed spinlock held.

/* The key must be already stored in q->key. */
static void queue_me(struct futex_q *q, int fd, struct file *filp)
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;

	hb = queue_lock(q, fd, filp);
	__queue_me(q, hb);

/* Return 1 if we were still queued (ie. 0 means we were woken) */
static int unqueue_me(struct futex_q *q)
	spinlock_t *lock_ptr;
	int ret = 0;

	/* In the common case we don't take the spinlock, which is nice. */
	lock_ptr = q->lock_ptr;
	if (lock_ptr != 0) {
		 * q->lock_ptr can change between reading it and
		 * spin_lock(), causing us to take the wrong lock.  This
		 * corrects the race condition.
		 * Reasoning goes like this: if we have the wrong lock,
		 * q->lock_ptr must have changed (maybe several times)
		 * between reading it and the spin_lock().  It can
		 * change again after the spin_lock() but only if it was
		 * already changed before the spin_lock().  It cannot,
		 * however, change back to the original value.  Therefore
		 * we can detect whether we acquired the correct lock.
		if (unlikely(lock_ptr != q->lock_ptr)) {
			goto retry;
		plist_del(&q->list, &q->list.plist);


		ret = 1;

	return ret;

 * PI futexes can not be requeued and must remove themself from the
 * hash bucket. The hash bucket lock (i.e. lock_ptr) is held on entry
 * and dropped here.
static void unqueue_me_pi(struct futex_q *q)
	plist_del(&q->list, &q->list.plist);

	q->pi_state = NULL;



 * Fixup the pi_state owner with current.
 * The cur->mm semaphore must be  held, it is released at return of this
 * function.
static int fixup_pi_state_owner(u32 __user *uaddr, struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
				struct futex_q *q,
				struct futex_hash_bucket *hb,
				struct task_struct *curr)
	u32 newtid = curr->pid | FUTEX_WAITERS;
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state = q->pi_state;
	u32 uval, curval, newval;
	int ret;

	/* Owner died? */
	if (pi_state->owner != NULL) {
	} else
		newtid |= FUTEX_OWNER_DIED;

	pi_state->owner = curr;

	list_add(&pi_state->list, &curr->pi_state_list);

	/* Unqueue and drop the lock */
	if (fshared)
	 * We own it, so we have to replace the pending owner
	 * TID. This must be atomic as we have preserve the
	 * owner died bit here.
	ret = get_user(uval, uaddr);
	while (!ret) {
		newval = (uval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED) | newtid;
		newval |= (uval & FUTEX_WAITER_REQUEUED);
		curval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr,
						       uval, newval);
		if (curval == -EFAULT)
 			ret = -EFAULT;
		if (curval == uval)
		uval = curval;
	return ret;

 * In case we must use restart_block to restart a futex_wait,
 * we encode in the 'arg3' shared capability
#define ARG3_SHARED  1

static long futex_wait_restart(struct restart_block *restart);
static int futex_wait(u32 __user *uaddr, struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
		      u32 val, ktime_t *abs_time)
	struct task_struct *curr = current;
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;
	struct futex_q q;
	u32 uval;
	int ret;
	struct hrtimer_sleeper t, *to = NULL;
	int rem = 0;

	q.pi_state = NULL;
	if (fshared)

	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, fshared, &q.key);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out_release_sem;

	hb = queue_lock(&q, -1, NULL);

	 * Access the page AFTER the futex is queued.
	 * Order is important:
	 *   Userspace waiter: val = var; if (cond(val)) futex_wait(&var, val);
	 *   Userspace waker:  if (cond(var)) { var = new; futex_wake(&var); }
	 * The basic logical guarantee of a futex is that it blocks ONLY
	 * if cond(var) is known to be true at the time of blocking, for
	 * any cond.  If we queued after testing *uaddr, that would open
	 * a race condition where we could block indefinitely with
	 * cond(var) false, which would violate the guarantee.
	 * A consequence is that futex_wait() can return zero and absorb
	 * a wakeup when *uaddr != val on entry to the syscall.  This is
	 * rare, but normal.
	 * for shared futexes, we hold the mmap semaphore, so the mapping
	 * cannot have changed since we looked it up in get_futex_key.
	ret = get_futex_value_locked(&uval, uaddr);

	if (unlikely(ret)) {
		queue_unlock(&q, hb);

		 * If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem, fault it in and
		 * start all over again.
		if (fshared)

		ret = get_user(uval, uaddr);

		if (!ret)
			goto retry;
		return ret;
	if (uval != val)
		goto out_unlock_release_sem;

	 * This rt_mutex_waiter structure is prepared here and will
	 * be used only if this task is requeued from a normal futex to
	 * a PI-futex with futex_requeue_pi.
	q.waiter.task = NULL;

	/* Only actually queue if *uaddr contained val.  */
	__queue_me(&q, hb);

	 * Now the futex is queued and we have checked the data, we
	 * don't want to hold mmap_sem while we sleep.
	if (fshared)

	 * There might have been scheduling since the queue_me(), as we
	 * cannot hold a spinlock across the get_user() in case it
	 * faults, and we cannot just set TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE state when
	 * queueing ourselves into the futex hash.  This code thus has to
	 * rely on the futex_wake() code removing us from hash when it
	 * wakes us up.

	/* add_wait_queue is the barrier after __set_current_state. */
	add_wait_queue(&q.waiters, &wait);
	 * !plist_node_empty() is safe here without any lock.
	 * q.lock_ptr != 0 is not safe, because of ordering against wakeup.
	if (likely(!plist_node_empty(&q.list))) {
		if (!abs_time)
		else {
			to = &t;
			hrtimer_init(&t.timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
			hrtimer_init_sleeper(&t, current);
			t.timer.expires = *abs_time;

			hrtimer_start(&t.timer, t.timer.expires, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);

			 * the timer could have already expired, in which
			 * case current would be flagged for rescheduling.
			 * Don't bother calling schedule.
			if (likely(t.task))


			/* Flag if a timeout occured */
			rem = (t.task == NULL);

	 * NOTE: we don't remove ourselves from the waitqueue because
	 * we are the only user of it.

	if (q.pi_state) {
		 * We were woken but have been requeued on a PI-futex.
		 * We have to complete the lock acquisition by taking
		 * the rtmutex.

		struct rt_mutex *lock = &q.pi_state->pi_mutex;

		if (unlikely(q.waiter.task)) {
			remove_waiter(lock, &q.waiter);

		if (rem)
			ret = -ETIMEDOUT;
			ret = rt_mutex_timed_lock(lock, to, 1);

		if (fshared)

		 * Got the lock. We might not be the anticipated owner if we
		 * did a lock-steal - fix up the PI-state in that case.
		if (!ret && q.pi_state->owner != curr) {
			 * We MUST play with the futex we were requeued on,
			 * NOT the current futex.
			 * We can retrieve it from the key of the pi_state
			uaddr = q.pi_state->key.uaddr;

			/* mmap_sem and hash_bucket lock are unlocked at
			   return of this function */
			ret = fixup_pi_state_owner(uaddr, fshared,
						   &q, hb, curr);
		} else {
			 * Catch the rare case, where the lock was released
			 * when we were on the way back before we locked
			 * the hash bucket.
			if (ret && q.pi_state->owner == curr) {
				if (rt_mutex_trylock(&q.pi_state->pi_mutex))
					ret = 0;
			/* Unqueue and drop the lock */
			if (fshared)


		return ret;


	/* If we were woken (and unqueued), we succeeded, whatever. */
	if (!unqueue_me(&q))
		return 0;
	if (rem)
		return -ETIMEDOUT;

	 * We expect signal_pending(current), but another thread may
	 * have handled it for us already.
	if (!abs_time)
		return -ERESTARTSYS;
	else {
		struct restart_block *restart;
		restart = &current_thread_info()->restart_block;
		restart->fn = futex_wait_restart;
		restart->arg0 = (unsigned long)uaddr;
		restart->arg1 = (unsigned long)val;
		restart->arg2 = (unsigned long)abs_time;
		restart->arg3 = 0;
		if (fshared)
			restart->arg3 |= ARG3_SHARED;

	queue_unlock(&q, hb);

	if (fshared)
	return ret;

static long futex_wait_restart(struct restart_block *restart)
	u32 __user *uaddr = (u32 __user *)restart->arg0;
	u32 val = (u32)restart->arg1;
	ktime_t *abs_time = (ktime_t *)restart->arg2;
	struct rw_semaphore *fshared = NULL;

	restart->fn = do_no_restart_syscall;
	if (restart->arg3 & ARG3_SHARED)
		fshared = &current->mm->mmap_sem;
	return (long)futex_wait(uaddr, fshared, val, abs_time);

static void set_pi_futex_owner(struct futex_hash_bucket *hb,
			       union futex_key *key, struct task_struct *p)
	struct plist_head *head;
	struct futex_q *this, *next;
	struct futex_pi_state *pi_state = NULL;
	struct rt_mutex *lock;

	/* Search a waiter that should already exists */

	head = &hb->chain;

	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head, list) {
		if (match_futex (&this->key, key)) {
			pi_state = this->pi_state;


	/* set p as pi_state's owner */
	lock = &pi_state->pi_mutex;


	list_add(&pi_state->list, &p->pi_state_list);
	pi_state->owner = p;

	/* set p as pi_mutex's owner */
	debug_rt_mutex_proxy_lock(lock, p);
	rt_mutex_set_owner(lock, p, 0);
	rt_mutex_deadlock_account_lock(lock, p);



 * Userspace tried a 0 -> TID atomic transition of the futex value
 * and failed. The kernel side here does the whole locking operation:
 * if there are waiters then it will block, it does PI, etc. (Due to
 * races the kernel might see a 0 value of the futex too.)
static int futex_lock_pi(u32 __user *uaddr, struct rw_semaphore *fshared,
			 int detect, ktime_t *time, int trylock)
	struct hrtimer_sleeper timeout, *to = NULL;
	struct task_struct *curr = current;
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;
	u32 uval, newval, curval;
	struct futex_q q;
	int ret, lock_held, attempt = 0;

	if (refill_pi_state_cache())
		return -ENOMEM;

	if (time) {
		to = &timeout;
		hrtimer_init(&to->timer, CLOCK_REALTIME, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
		hrtimer_init_sleeper(to, current);
		to->timer.expires = *time;

	q.pi_state = NULL;
	if (fshared)

	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, fshared, &q.key);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out_release_sem;

	hb = queue_lock(&q, -1, NULL);

	lock_held = 0;

	 * To avoid races, we attempt to take the lock here again
	 * (by doing a 0 -> TID atomic cmpxchg), while holding all
	 * the locks. It will most likely not succeed.
	newval = current->pid;

	curval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr, 0, newval);

	if (unlikely(curval == -EFAULT))
		goto uaddr_faulted;

	/* We own the lock already */
	if (unlikely((curval & FUTEX_TID_MASK) == current->pid)) {
		if (!detect && 0)
			force_sig(SIGKILL, current);
		 * Normally, this check is done in user space.
		 * In case of requeue, the owner may attempt to lock this futex,
		 * even if the ownership has already been given by the previous
		 * waker.
		 * In the usual case, this is a case of deadlock, but not in case
		 * of REQUEUE_PI.
		if (!(curval & FUTEX_WAITER_REQUEUED))
			ret = -EDEADLK;
		goto out_unlock_release_sem;

	 * Surprise - we got the lock. Just return
	 * to userspace:
	if (unlikely(!curval))
		goto out_unlock_release_sem;

	uval = curval;
	 * In case of a requeue, check if there already is an owner
	 * If not, just take the futex.
	if ((curval & FUTEX_WAITER_REQUEUED) && !(curval & FUTEX_TID_MASK)) {
		/* set current as futex owner */
		newval = curval | current->pid;
		lock_held = 1;
	} else
		/* Set the WAITERS flag, so the owner will know it has someone
		   to wake at next unlock */
		newval = curval | FUTEX_WAITERS;

	curval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr, uval, newval);

	if (unlikely(curval == -EFAULT))
		goto uaddr_faulted;
	if (unlikely(curval != uval))
		goto retry_locked;

	if (lock_held) {
		set_pi_futex_owner(hb, &q.key, curr);
		goto out_unlock_release_sem;

	 * We dont have the lock. Look up the PI state (or create it if
	 * we are the first waiter):
	ret = lookup_pi_state(uval, hb, &q.key, &q.pi_state);

	if (unlikely(ret)) {
		 * There were no waiters and the owner task lookup
		 * failed. When the OWNER_DIED bit is set, then we
		 * know that this is a robust futex and we actually
		 * take the lock. This is safe as we are protected by
		 * the hash bucket lock. We also set the waiters bit
		 * unconditionally here, to simplify glibc handling of
		 * multiple tasks racing to acquire the lock and
		 * cleanup the problems which were left by the dead
		 * owner.
		if (curval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED) {
			uval = newval;
			newval = current->pid |

			curval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr,
							       uval, newval);

			if (unlikely(curval == -EFAULT))
				goto uaddr_faulted;
			if (unlikely(curval != uval))
				goto retry_locked;
			ret = 0;
		goto out_unlock_release_sem;

	 * Only actually queue now that the atomic ops are done:
	__queue_me(&q, hb);

	 * Now the futex is queued and we have checked the data, we
	 * don't want to hold mmap_sem while we sleep.
	if (fshared)

	 * Block on the PI mutex:
	if (!trylock)
		ret = rt_mutex_timed_lock(&q.pi_state->pi_mutex, to, 1);
	else {
		ret = rt_mutex_trylock(&q.pi_state->pi_mutex);
		/* Fixup the trylock return value: */
		ret = ret ? 0 : -EWOULDBLOCK;

	if (fshared)

	 * Got the lock. We might not be the anticipated owner if we
	 * did a lock-steal - fix up the PI-state in that case.
	if (!ret && q.pi_state->owner != curr)
		/* mmap_sem is unlocked at return of this function */
		ret = fixup_pi_state_owner(uaddr, fshared, &q, hb, curr);
	else {
		 * Catch the rare case, where the lock was released
		 * when we were on the way back before we locked
		 * the hash bucket.
		if (ret && q.pi_state->owner == curr) {
			if (rt_mutex_trylock(&q.pi_state->pi_mutex))
				ret = 0;
		/* Unqueue and drop the lock */
		if (fshared)

	if (!detect && ret == -EDEADLK && 0)
		force_sig(SIGKILL, current);

	return ret != -EINTR ? ret : -ERESTARTNOINTR;

	queue_unlock(&q, hb);

	if (fshared)
	return ret;

	 * We have to r/w  *(int __user *)uaddr, but we can't modify it
	 * non-atomically.  Therefore, if get_user below is not
	 * enough, we need to handle the fault ourselves, while
	 * still holding the mmap_sem.
	if (attempt++) {
		ret = futex_handle_fault((unsigned long)uaddr, fshared,
		if (ret)
			goto out_unlock_release_sem;
		goto retry_locked;

	queue_unlock(&q, hb);
	if (fshared)

	ret = get_user(uval, uaddr);
	if (!ret && (uval != -EFAULT))
		goto retry;

	return ret;

 * Userspace attempted a TID -> 0 atomic transition, and failed.
 * This is the in-kernel slowpath: we look up the PI state (if any),
 * and do the rt-mutex unlock.
static int futex_unlock_pi(u32 __user *uaddr, struct rw_semaphore *fshared)
	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;
	struct futex_q *this, *next;
	u32 uval;
	struct plist_head *head;
	union futex_key key;
	int ret, attempt = 0;

	if (get_user(uval, uaddr))
		return -EFAULT;
	 * We release only a lock we actually own:
	if ((uval & FUTEX_TID_MASK) != current->pid)
		return -EPERM;
	 * First take all the futex related locks:
	if (fshared)

	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, fshared, &key);
	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
		goto out;

	hb = hash_futex(&key);

	 * To avoid races, try to do the TID -> 0 atomic transition
	 * again. If it succeeds then we can return without waking
	 * anyone else up:
	if (!(uval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED)) {
		uval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr, current->pid, 0);

	if (unlikely(uval == -EFAULT))
		goto pi_faulted;
	 * Rare case: we managed to release the lock atomically,
	 * no need to wake anyone else up:
	if (unlikely(uval == current->pid))
		goto out_unlock;

	 * Ok, other tasks may need to be woken up - check waiters
	 * and do the wakeup if necessary:
	head = &hb->chain;

	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, head, list) {
		if (!match_futex (&this->key, &key))
		ret = wake_futex_pi(uaddr, uval, this);
		 * The atomic access to the futex value
		 * generated a pagefault, so retry the
		 * user-access and the wakeup:
		if (ret == -EFAULT)
			goto pi_faulted;
		goto out_unlock;
	 * No waiters - kernel unlocks the futex:
	if (!(uval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED)) {
		ret = unlock_futex_pi(uaddr, uval);
		if (ret == -EFAULT)
			goto pi_faulted;

	if (fshared)

	return ret;

	 * We have to r/w  *(int __user *)uaddr, but we can't modify it
	 * non-atomically.  Therefore, if get_user below is not
	 * enough, we need to handle the fault ourselves, while
	 * still holding the mmap_sem.
	if (attempt++) {
		ret = futex_handle_fault((unsigned long)uaddr, fshared,
		if (ret)
			goto out_unlock;
		goto retry_locked;

	if (fshared)

	ret = get_user(uval, uaddr);
	if (!ret && (uval != -EFAULT))
		goto retry;

	return ret;

static int futex_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
	struct futex_q *q = filp->private_data;


	return 0;

/* This is one-shot: once it's gone off you need a new fd */
static unsigned int futex_poll(struct file *filp,
			       struct poll_table_struct *wait)
	struct futex_q *q = filp->private_data;
	int ret = 0;

	poll_wait(filp, &q->waiters, wait);

	 * plist_node_empty() is safe here without any lock.
	 * q->lock_ptr != 0 is not safe, because of ordering against wakeup.
	if (plist_node_empty(&q->list))

	return ret;

static const struct file_operations futex_fops = {
	.release	= futex_close,
	.poll		= futex_poll,

 * Signal allows caller to avoid the race which would occur if they
 * set the sigio stuff up afterwards.
static int futex_fd(u32 __user *uaddr, int signal)
	struct futex_q *q;
	struct file *filp;
	int ret, err;
	struct rw_semaphore *fshared;
	static unsigned long printk_interval;

	if (printk_timed_ratelimit(&printk_interval, 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
		printk(KERN_WARNING "Process `%s' used FUTEX_FD, which "
		    	"will be removed from the kernel in June 2007\n",

	ret = -EINVAL;
	if (!valid_signal(signal))
		goto out;

	ret = get_unused_fd();
	if (ret < 0)
		goto out;
	filp = get_empty_filp();
	if (!filp) {
		ret = -ENFILE;
		goto out;
	filp->f_op = &futex_fops;
	filp->f_path.mnt = mntget(futex_mnt);
	filp->f_path.dentry = dget(futex_mnt->mnt_root);
	filp->f_mapping = filp->f_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mapping;

	if (signal) {
		err = __f_setown(filp, task_pid(current), PIDTYPE_PID, 1);
		if (err < 0) {
			goto error;
		filp->f_owner.signum = signal;

	q = kmalloc(sizeof(*q), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!q) {
		err = -ENOMEM;
		goto error;
	q->pi_state = NULL;

	fshared = &current->mm->mmap_sem;
	err = get_futex_key(uaddr, fshared, &q->key);

	if (unlikely(err != 0)) {
		goto error;

	 * queue_me() must be called before releasing mmap_sem, because
	 * key->shared.inode needs to be referenced while holding it.
	filp->private_data = q;

	queue_me(q, ret, filp);

	/* Now we map fd to filp, so userspace can access it */
	fd_install(ret, filp);
	return ret;
	ret = err;
	goto out;

 * Support for robust futexes: the kernel cleans up held futexes at
 * thread exit time.
 * Implementation: user-space maintains a per-thread list of locks it
 * is holding. Upon do_exit(), the kernel carefully walks this list,
 * and marks all locks that are owned by this thread with the
 * FUTEX_OWNER_DIED bit, and wakes up a waiter (if any). The list is
 * always manipulated with the lock held, so the list is private and
 * per-thread. Userspace also maintains a per-thread 'list_op_pending'
 * field, to allow the kernel to clean up if the thread dies after
 * acquiring the lock, but just before it could have added itself to
 * the list. There can only be one such pending lock.

 * sys_set_robust_list - set the robust-futex list head of a task
 * @head: pointer to the list-head
 * @len: length of the list-head, as userspace expects
asmlinkage long
sys_set_robust_list(struct robust_list_head __user *head,
		    size_t len)
	 * The kernel knows only one size for now:
	if (unlikely(len != sizeof(*head)))
		return -EINVAL;

	current->robust_list = head;

	return 0;

 * sys_get_robust_list - get the robust-futex list head of a task
 * @pid: pid of the process [zero for current task]
 * @head_ptr: pointer to a list-head pointer, the kernel fills it in
 * @len_ptr: pointer to a length field, the kernel fills in the header size
asmlinkage long
sys_get_robust_list(int pid, struct robust_list_head __user * __user *head_ptr,
		    size_t __user *len_ptr)
	struct robust_list_head __user *head;
	unsigned long ret;

	if (!pid)
		head = current->robust_list;
	else {
		struct task_struct *p;

		ret = -ESRCH;
		p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
		if (!p)
			goto err_unlock;
		ret = -EPERM;
		if ((current->euid != p->euid) && (current->euid != p->uid) &&
			goto err_unlock;
		head = p->robust_list;

	if (put_user(sizeof(*head), len_ptr))
		return -EFAULT;
	return put_user(head, head_ptr);


	return ret;

 * Process a futex-list entry, check whether it's owned by the
 * dying task, and do notification if so:
int handle_futex_death(u32 __user *uaddr, struct task_struct *curr, int pi)
	u32 uval, nval, mval;

	if (get_user(uval, uaddr))
		return -1;

	if ((uval & FUTEX_TID_MASK) == curr->pid) {
		 * Ok, this dying thread is truly holding a futex
		 * of interest. Set the OWNER_DIED bit atomically
		 * via cmpxchg, and if the value had FUTEX_WAITERS
		 * set, wake up a waiter (if any). (We have to do a
		 * futex_wake() even if OWNER_DIED is already set -
		 * to handle the rare but possible case of recursive
		 * thread-death.) The rest of the cleanup is done in
		 * userspace.
		/* Also keep the FUTEX_WAITER_REQUEUED flag if set */
		mval |= (uval & FUTEX_WAITER_REQUEUED);
		nval = futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic(uaddr, uval, mval);

		if (nval == -EFAULT)
			return -1;

		if (nval != uval)
			goto retry;

		 * Wake robust non-PI futexes here. The wakeup of
		 * PI futexes happens in exit_pi_state():
		if (!pi) {
			if (uval & FUTEX_WAITERS)
				futex_wake(uaddr, &curr->mm->mmap_sem, 1);
	return 0;

 * Fetch a robust-list pointer. Bit 0 signals PI futexes:
static inline int fetch_robust_entry(struct robust_list __user **entry,
				     struct robust_list __user * __user *head,
				     int *pi)
	unsigned long uentry;

	if (get_user(uentry, (unsigned long __user *)head))
		return -EFAULT;

	*entry = (void __user *)(uentry & ~1UL);
	*pi = uentry & 1;

	return 0;

 * Walk curr->robust_list (very carefully, it's a userspace list!)
 * and mark any locks found there dead, and notify any waiters.
 * We silently return on any sign of list-walking problem.
void exit_robust_list(struct task_struct *curr)
	struct robust_list_head __user *head = curr->robust_list;
	struct robust_list __user *entry, *pending;
	unsigned int limit = ROBUST_LIST_LIMIT, pi, pip;
	unsigned long futex_offset;

	 * Fetch the list head (which was registered earlier, via
	 * sys_set_robust_list()):
	if (fetch_robust_entry(&entry, &head->list.next, &pi))
	 * Fetch the relative futex offset:
	if (get_user(futex_offset, &head->futex_offset))
	 * Fetch any possibly pending lock-add first, and handle it
	 * if it exists:
	if (fetch_robust_entry(&pending, &head->list_op_pending, &pip))

	if (pending)
		handle_futex_death((void __user *)pending + futex_offset,
				   curr, pip);

	while (entry != &head->list) {
		 * A pending lock might already be on the list, so
		 * don't process it twice:
		if (entry != pending)
			if (handle_futex_death((void __user *)entry + futex_offset,
						curr, pi))
		 * Fetch the next entry in the list:
		if (fetch_robust_entry(&entry, &entry->next, &pi))
		 * Avoid excessively long or circular lists:
		if (!--limit)


long do_futex(u32 __user *uaddr, int op, u32 val, ktime_t *timeout,
		u32 __user *uaddr2, u32 val2, u32 val3)
	int ret;
	int cmd = op & FUTEX_CMD_MASK;
	struct rw_semaphore *fshared = NULL;

	if (!(op & FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG))
		fshared = &current->mm->mmap_sem;

	switch (cmd) {
		ret = futex_wait(uaddr, fshared, val, timeout);
		ret = futex_wake(uaddr, fshared, val);
	case FUTEX_FD:
		/* non-zero val means F_SETOWN(getpid()) & F_SETSIG(val) */
		ret = futex_fd(uaddr, val);
		ret = futex_requeue(uaddr, fshared, uaddr2, val, val2, NULL);
		ret = futex_requeue(uaddr, fshared, uaddr2, val, val2, &val3);
		ret = futex_wake_op(uaddr, fshared, uaddr2, val, val2, val3);
		ret = futex_lock_pi(uaddr, fshared, val, timeout, 0);
		ret = futex_unlock_pi(uaddr, fshared);
		ret = futex_lock_pi(uaddr, fshared, 0, timeout, 1);
		ret = futex_requeue_pi(uaddr, fshared, uaddr2, val, val2, &val3);
		ret = -ENOSYS;
	return ret;

asmlinkage long sys_futex(u32 __user *uaddr, int op, u32 val,
			  struct timespec __user *utime, u32 __user *uaddr2,
			  u32 val3)
	struct timespec ts;
	ktime_t t, *tp = NULL;
	u32 val2 = 0;
	int cmd = op & FUTEX_CMD_MASK;

	if (utime && (cmd == FUTEX_WAIT || cmd == FUTEX_LOCK_PI)) {
		if (copy_from_user(&ts, utime, sizeof(ts)) != 0)
			return -EFAULT;
		if (!timespec_valid(&ts))
			return -EINVAL;

		t = timespec_to_ktime(ts);
		if (cmd == FUTEX_WAIT)
			t = ktime_add(ktime_get(), t);
		tp = &t;
	 * requeue parameter in 'utime' if cmd == FUTEX_REQUEUE.
	    || cmd == FUTEX_CMP_REQUEUE_PI)
		val2 = (u32) (unsigned long) utime;

	return do_futex(uaddr, op, val, tp, uaddr2, val2, val3);

static int futexfs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type,
			  int flags, const char *dev_name, void *data,
			  struct vfsmount *mnt)
	return get_sb_pseudo(fs_type, "futex", NULL, 0xBAD1DEA, mnt);

static struct file_system_type futex_fs_type = {
	.name		= "futexfs",
	.get_sb		= futexfs_get_sb,
	.kill_sb	= kill_anon_super,

static int __init init(void)
	int i = register_filesystem(&futex_fs_type);

	if (i)
		return i;

	futex_mnt = kern_mount(&futex_fs_type);
	if (IS_ERR(futex_mnt)) {
		return PTR_ERR(futex_mnt);

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(futex_queues); i++) {
		plist_head_init(&futex_queues[i].chain, &futex_queues[i].lock);
	return 0;