path: root/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/usb/am33xx-usb.txt
blob: 20c2ff2ba07ebd3f8e7d4e2b438b69373cacfbba (plain) (tree)





  AM33xx MUSB
- compatible: ti,am33xx-usb
- reg: offset and length of the usbss register sets
- ti,hwmods : must be "usb_otg_hs"

The glue layer contains multiple child nodes. It is required the have
at least a control module node, USB node and a PHY node. The second USB
node and its PHY node is optional. The DMA node is also optional.

Reset module
- compatible: ti,am335x-usb-ctrl-module
- reg: offset and length of the "USB control registers" in the "Control
  Module" block. A second offset and length for the USB wake up control
  in the same memory block.
- reg-names: "phy_ctrl" for the "USB control registers" and "wakeup" for
  the USB wake up control register.

compatible: ti,am335x-usb-phy
reg: offset and length of the "USB PHY" register space
ti,ctrl_mod: reference to the "reset module" node
reg-names: phy
The PHY should have a "phy" alias numbered properly in the alias

- compatible: ti,musb-am33xx
- reg: offset and length of "USB Controller Registers", and offset and
  length of "USB Core" register space.
- reg-names: control for the ""USB Controller Registers" and "mc" for
  "USB Core" register space
- interrupts: USB interrupt number
- interrupt-names: mc
- dr_mode: Should be one of "host", "peripheral" or "otg".
- mentor,multipoint: Should be "1" indicating the musb controller supports
  multipoint. This is a MUSB configuration-specific setting.
- mentor,num-eps: Specifies the number of endpoints. This is also a
  MUSB configuration-specific setting. Should be set to "16"
- mentor,ram-bits: Specifies the ram address size. Should be set to "12"
- mentor,power: Should be "500". This signifies the controller can supply up to
  500mA when operating in host mode.
- phys: reference to the USB phy
- dmas: specifies the dma channels
- dma-names: specifies the names of the channels. Use "rxN" for receive
  and "txN" for transmit endpoints. N specifies the endpoint number.

The controller should have an "usb" alias numbered properly in the alias

- compatible: ti,am3359-cppi41
- reg: offset and length of the following register spaces: USBSS, USB
  CPPI DMA Controller, USB CPPI DMA Scheduler, USB Queue Manager
- reg-names: glue, controller, scheduler, queuemgr
- #dma-cells: should be set to 2. The first number represents the
  endpoint number (0 … 14 for endpoints 1 … 15 on instance 0 and 15 … 29
  for endpoints 1 … 15 on instance 1). The second number is 0 for RX and
  1 for TX transfers.
- #dma-channels: should be set to 30 representing the 15 endpoints for
  each USB instance.

The following example contains all the nodes as used on am335x-evm:

aliases {
	usb0 = &usb0;
	usb1 = &usb1;
	phy0 = &usb0_phy;
	phy1 = &usb1_phy;

usb: usb@47400000 {
	compatible = "ti,am33xx-usb";
	reg = <0x47400000 0x1000>;
	#address-cells = <1>;
	#size-cells = <1>;
	ti,hwmods = "usb_otg_hs";

	ctrl_mod: control@44e10000 {
		compatible = "ti,am335x-usb-ctrl-module";
		reg = <0x44e10620 0x10
			0x44e10648 0x4>;
		reg-names = "phy_ctrl", "wakeup";

	usb0_phy: usb-phy@47401300 {
		compatible = "ti,am335x-usb-phy";
		reg = <0x47401300 0x100>;
		reg-names = "phy";
		ti,ctrl_mod = <&ctrl_mod>;

	usb0: usb@47401000 {
		compatible = "ti,musb-am33xx";
		reg = <0x47401400 0x400
			0x47401000 0x200>;
		reg-names = "mc", "control";

		interrupts = <18>;
		interrupt-names = "mc";
		dr_mode = "otg"
		mentor,multipoint = <1>;
		mentor,num-eps = <16>;
		mentor,ram-bits = <12>;
		mentor,power = <500>;
		phys = <&usb0_phy>;

		dmas = <&cppi41dma  0 0 &cppi41dma  1 0
			&cppi41dma  2 0 &cppi41dma  3 0
			&cppi41dma  4 0 &cppi41dma  5 0
			&cppi41dma  6 0 &cppi41dma  7 0
			&cppi41dma  8 0 &cppi41dma  9 0
			&cppi41dma 10 0 &cppi41dma 11 0
			&cppi41dma 12 0 &cppi41dma 13 0
			&cppi41dma 14 0 &cppi41dma  0 1
			&cppi41dma  1 1 &cppi41dma  2 1
			&cppi41dma  3 1 &cppi41dma  4 1
			&cppi41dma  5 1 &cppi41dma  6 1
			&cppi41dma  7 1 &cppi41dma  8 1
			&cppi41dma  9 1 &cppi41dma 10 1
			&cppi41dma 11 1 &cppi41dma 12 1
			&cppi41dma 13 1 &cppi41dma 14 1>;
		dma-names =
			"rx1", "rx2", "rx3", "rx4", "rx5", "rx6", "rx7",
			"rx8", "rx9", "rx10", "rx11", "rx12", "rx13",
			"rx14", "rx15",
			"tx1", "tx2", "tx3", "tx4", "tx5", "tx6", "tx7",
			"tx8", "tx9", "tx10", "tx11", "tx12", "tx13",
			"tx14", "tx15";

	usb1_phy: usb-phy@47401b00 {
		compatible = "ti,am335x-usb-phy";
		reg = <0x47401b00 0x100>;
		reg-names = "phy";
		ti,ctrl_mod = <&ctrl_mod>;

	usb1: usb@47401800 {
		compatible = "ti,musb-am33xx";
		reg = <0x47401c00 0x400
			0x47401800 0x200>;
		reg-names = "mc", "control";
		interrupts = <19>;
		interrupt-names = "mc";
		dr_mode = "host"
		mentor,multipoint = <1>;
		mentor,num-eps = <16>;
		mentor,ram-bits = <12>;
		mentor,power = <500>;
		phys = <&usb1_phy>;

		dmas = <&cppi41dma 15 0 &cppi41dma 16 0
			&cppi41dma 17 0 &cppi41dma 18 0
			&cppi41dma 19 0 &cppi41dma 20 0
			&cppi41dma 21 0 &cppi41dma 22 0
			&cppi41dma 23 0 &cppi41dma 24 0
			&cppi41dma 25 0 &cppi41dma 26 0
			&cppi41dma 27 0 &cppi41dma 28 0
			&cppi41dma 29 0 &cppi41dma 15 1
			&cppi41dma 16 1 &cppi41dma 17 1
			&cppi41dma 18 1 &cppi41dma 19 1
			&cppi41dma 20 1 &cppi41dma 21 1
			&cppi41dma 22 1 &cppi41dma 23 1
			&cppi41dma 24 1 &cppi41dma 25 1
			&cppi41dma 26 1 &cppi41dma 27 1
			&cppi41dma 28 1 &cppi41dma 29 1>;
		dma-names =
			"rx1", "rx2", "rx3", "rx4", "rx5", "rx6", "rx7",
			"rx8", "rx9", "rx10", "rx11", "rx12", "rx13",
			"rx14", "rx15",
			"tx1", "tx2", "tx3", "tx4", "tx5", "tx6", "tx7",
			"tx8", "tx9", "tx10", "tx11", "tx12", "tx13",
			"tx14", "tx15";

	cppi41dma: dma-controller@07402000 {
		compatible = "ti,am3359-cppi41";
		reg =  <0x47400000 0x1000
			0x47402000 0x1000
			0x47403000 0x1000
			0x47404000 0x4000>;
		reg-names = "glue", "controller", "scheduler", "queuemgr";
		interrupts = <17>;
		interrupt-names = "glue";
		#dma-cells = <2>;
		#dma-channels = <30>;
		#dma-requests = <256>;