* linux/drivers/mmc/host/mshci.h
* Mobile Storage Host Controller Interface driver
* Copyright (c) 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* http://www.samsung.com
* Based on linux/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.h
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
#include <linux/scatterlist.h>
#include <linux/compiler.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
* Controller registers
/* MSHC Internal Registers */
#define MSHCI_CTRL 0x00 /* Control */
#define MSHCI_PWREN 0x04 /* Power-enable */
#define MSHCI_CLKDIV 0x08 /* Clock divider */
#define MSHCI_CLKSRC 0x0C /* Clock source */
#define MSHCI_CLKENA 0x10 /* Clock enable */
#define MSHCI_TMOUT 0x14 /* Timeout */
#define MSHCI_CTYPE 0x18 /* Card type */
#define MSHCI_BLKSIZ 0x1C /* Block Size */
#define MSHCI_BYTCNT 0x20 /* Byte count */
#define MSHCI_INTMSK 0x24 /* Interrupt Mask */
#define MSHCI_CMDARG 0x28 /* Command Argument */
#define MSHCI_CMD 0x2C /* Command */
#define MSHCI_RESP0 0x30 /* Response 0 */
#define MSHCI_RESP1 0x34 /* Response 1 */
#define MSHCI_RESP2 0x38 /* Response 2 */
#define MSHCI_RESP3 0x3C /* Response 3 */
#define MSHCI_MINTSTS 0x40 /* Masked interrupt status */
#define MSHCI_RINTSTS 0x44 /* Raw interrupt status */
#define MSHCI_STATUS 0x48 /* Status */
#define MSHCI_FIFOTH 0x4C /* FIFO threshold */
#define MSHCI_CDETECT 0x50 /* Card detect */
#define MSHCI_WRTPRT 0x54 /* Write protect */
#define MSHCI_GPIO 0x58 /* General Purpose IO */
#define MSHCI_TCBCNT 0x5C /* Transferred CIU byte count */
#define MSHCI_TBBCNT 0x60 /* Transferred host/DMA to/from byte count */
#define MSHCI_DEBNCE 0x64 /* Card detect debounce */
#define MSHCI_USRID 0x68 /* User ID */
#define MSHCI_VERID 0x6C /* Version ID */
#define MSHCI_HCON 0x70 /* Hardware Configuration */
#define MSHCI_UHS_REG 0x74 /* UHS and DDR setting */
#define MSHCI_BMOD 0x80 /* Bus mode register */
#define MSHCI_PLDMND 0x84 /* Poll demand */
#define MSHCI_DBADDR 0x88 /* Descriptor list base address */
#define MSHCI_IDSTS 0x8C /* Internal DMAC status */
#define MSHCI_IDINTEN 0x90 /* Internal DMAC interrupt enable */
#define MSHCI_DSCADDR 0x94 /* Current host descriptor address */
#define MSHCI_BUFADDR 0x98 /* Current host buffer address */
#define MSHCI_CLKSEL 0x9C /* Clock Selection Register */
#define MSHCI_WAKEUPCON 0xA0 /* Wakeup control register */
#define MSHCI_CLOCKCON 0xA4 /* Clock (delay) control register */
#define MSHCI_FIFODAT 0x100 /* FIFO data read write */
* Control Register Register
* MSHCI_CTRL - offset 0x00
#define CTRL_RESET (0x1<<0) /* Reset DWC_mobile_storage controller */
#define FIFO_RESET (0x1<<1) /* Reset FIFO */
#define DMA_RESET (0x1<<2) /* Reset DMA interface */
#define INT_ENABLE (0x1<<4) /* Global interrupt enable/disable bit */
#define DMA_ENABLE (0x1<<5) /* DMA transfer mode enable/disable bit */
#define READ_WAIT (0x1<<6) /* For sending read-wait to SDIO cards */
#define SEND_IRQ_RESP (0x1<<7) /* Send auto IRQ response */
#define ABRT_READ_DATA (0x1<<8)
#define SEND_CCSD (0x1<<9)
#define SEND_AS_CCSD (0x1<<10)
#define CEATA_INTSTAT (0x1<<11)
#define CARD_VOLA (0xF<<16)
#define CARD_VOLB (0xF<<20)
#define ENABLE_OD_PULLUP (0x1<<24)
#define ENABLE_IDMAC (0x1<<25)
#define MSHCI_RESET_ALL (0x1)
* Power Enable Register
* MSHCI_PWREN - offset 0x04
#define POWER_ENABLE (0x1<<0)
* Clock Divider Register
* MSHCI_CLKDIV - offset 0x08
#define CLK_DIVIDER0 (0xFF<<0)
#define CLK_DIVIDER1 (0xFF<<8)
#define CLK_DIVIDER2 (0xFF<<16)
#define CLK_DIVIDER3 (0xFF<<24)
* Clock Enable Register
* MSHCI_CLKENA - offset 0x10
#define CLK_SDMMC_MAX (48000000) /* 96Mhz. it SHOULDBE optimized */
#define CLK_ENABLE (0x1<<0)
#define CLK_DISABLE (0x0<<0)
* Timeout Register
* MSHCI_TMOUT - offset 0x14
#define RSP_TIMEOUT (0xFF<<0)
#define DATA_TIMEOUT (0xFFFFFF<<8)
* Card Type Register
* MSHCI_CTYPE - offset 0x18
#define CARD_WIDTH4 (0xFFFF<<0)
#define CARD_WIDTH8 (0xFFFF<<16)
* Block Size Register
* MSHCI_BLKSIZ - offset 0x1C
#define BLK_SIZ (0xFFFF<<0)
* Interrupt Mask Register
* MSHCI_INTMSK - offset 0x24
#define INT_MASK (0xFFFF<<0)
#define SDIO_INT_MASK (0xFFFF<<16)
#define SDIO_INT_ENABLE (0x1<<16)
/* interrupt bits */
#define INTMSK_CDETECT (0x1<<0)
#define INTMSK_RE (0x1<<1)
#define INTMSK_CDONE (0x1<<2)
#define INTMSK_DTO (0x1<<3)
#define INTMSK_TXDR (0x1<<4)
#define INTMSK_RXDR (0x1<<5)
#define INTMSK_RCRC (0x1<<6)
#define INTMSK_DCRC (0x1<<7)
#define INTMSK_RTO (0x1<<8)
#define INTMSK_DRTO (0x1<<9)
#define INTMSK_HTO (0x1<<10)
#define INTMSK_FRUN (0x1<<11)
#define INTMSK_HLE (0x1<<12)
#define INTMSK_SBE (0x1<<13)
#define INTMSK_ACD (0x1<<14)
#define INTMSK_EBE (0x1<<15)
#define INT_SRC_IDMAC (0x0)
#define INT_SRC_MINT (0x1)
* Command Register
* MSHCI_CMD - offset 0x2C
#define CMD_RESP_EXP_BIT (0x1<<6)
#define CMD_RESP_LENGTH_BIT (0x1<<7)
#define CMD_CHECK_CRC_BIT (0x1<<8)
#define CMD_DATA_EXP_BIT (0x1<<9)
#define CMD_RW_BIT (0x1<<10)
#define CMD_TRANSMODE_BIT (0x1<<11)
#define CMD_SENT_AUTO_STOP_BIT (0x1<<12)
#define CMD_WAIT_PRV_DAT_BIT (0x1<<13)
#define CMD_ABRT_CMD_BIT (0x1<<14)
#define CMD_SEND_INIT_BIT (0x1<<15)
#define CMD_CARD_NUM_BITS (0x1F<<16)
#define CMD_SEND_CLK_ONLY (0x1<<21)
#define CMD_READ_CEATA (0x1<<22)
#define CMD_CCS_EXPECTED (0x1<<23)
#define CMD_USE_HOLD_REG (0x1<<29)
#define CMD_STRT_BIT (0x1<<31)
* Masked Interrupt Status Register
* MSHCI_MINTSTS - offset 0x40
* Raw Interrupt Register
* MSHCI_RINTSTS - offset 0x44
#define INT_STATUS (0xFFFF<<0)
#define SDIO_INTR (0xFFFF<<16)
* Status Register
* MSHCI_STATUS - offset 0x48
#define FIFO_RXWTRMARK (0x1<<0)
#define FIFO_TXWTRMARK (0x1<<1)
#define FIFO_EMPTY (0x1<<2)
#define FIFO_FULL (0x1<<3)
#define CMD_FSMSTAT (0xF<<4)
#define DATA_3STATUS (0x1<<8)
#define DATA_BUSY (0x1<<9)
#define DATA_MCBUSY (0x1<<10)
#define RSP_INDEX (0x3F<<11)
#define FIFO_COUNT (0x1FFF<<17)
#define DMA_ACK (0x1<<30)
#define DMA_REQ (0x1<<31)
#define FIFO_WIDTH (0x4)
#define FIFO_DEPTH (0x20)
/*Command FSM status */
#define FSM_IDLE (0<<4)
#define FSM_SEND_INIT_SEQ (1<<4)
#define FSM_TX_CMD_STARTBIT (2<<4)
#define FSM_TX_CMD_TXBIT (3<<4)
#define FSM_TX_CMD_INDEX_ARG (4<<4)
#define FSM_TX_CMD_CRC7 (5<<4)
#define FSM_TX_CMD_ENDBIT (6<<4)
#define FSM_RX_RESP_STARTBIT (7<<4)
#define FSM_RX_RESP_IRQRESP (8<<4)
#define FSM_RX_RESP_TXBIT (9<<4)
#define FSM_RX_RESP_CMDIDX (10<<4)
#define FSM_RX_RESP_DATA (11<<4)
#define FSM_RX_RESP_CRC7 (12<<4)
#define FSM_RX_RESP_ENDBIT (13<<4)
#define FSM_CMD_PATHWAITNCC (14<<4)
#define FSM_WAIT (15<<4)
* FIFO Threshold Watermark Register
* MSHCI_FIFOTH - offset 0x4C
#define TX_WMARK (0xFFF<<0)
#define RX_WMARK (0xFFF<<16)
#define MSIZE_MASK (0x7<<28)
/* DW DMA Mutiple Transaction Size */
#define MSIZE_1 (0<<28)
#define MSIZE_4 (1<<28)
#define MSIZE_8 (2<<28)
#define MSIZE_16 (3<<28)
#define MSIZE_32 (4<<28)
#define MSIZE_64 (5<<28)
#define MSIZE_128 (6<<28)
#define MSIZE_256 (7<<28)
* FIFO Threshold Watermark Register
* MSHCI_FIFOTH - offset 0x4C
#define GPI (0xFF<<0)
#define GPO (0xFFFF<<8)
* Card Detect Register
* MSHCI_CDETECT - offset 0x50
* It assumes there is only one SD slot
#define CARD_PRESENT (0x1<<0)
* Write Protect Register
* MSHCI_WRTPRT - offset 0x54
* It assumes there is only one SD slot
#define WRTPRT_ON (0x1<<0)
* Bus Mode Register
* MSHCI_BMOD - offset 0x80
#define BMOD_IDMAC_RESET (0x1<<0)
#define BMOD_IDMAC_FB (0x1<<1)
#define BMOD_IDMAC_ENABLE (0x1<<7)
* Hardware Configuration Register
* MSHCI_HCON - offset 0x70
#define CARD_TYPE (0x1<<0)
#define NUM_CARDS (0x1F<<1)
#define H_BUS_TYPE (0x1<<6)
#define H_DATA_WIDTH (0x7<<7)
#define H_ADDR_WIDTH (0x3F<<10)
#define DMA_INTERFACE (0x3<<16)
#define GE_DMA_DATA_WIDTH (0x7<<18)
#define FIFO_RAM_INSIDE (0x1<<21)
#define UMPLEMENT_HOLD_REG (0x1<<22)
#define SET_CLK_FALSE_PATH (0x1<<23)
#define NUM_CLK_DIVIDER (0x3<<24)
* Hardware Configuration Register
* MSHCI_IDSTS - offset 0x8c
#define IDSTS_FSM (0xf<<13)
#define IDSTS_EB (0x7<<10)
#define IDSTS_AIS (0x1<<9)
#define IDSTS_NIS (0x1<<8)
#define IDSTS_CES (0x1<<5)
#define IDSTS_DU (0x1<<4)
#define IDSTS_FBE (0x1<<2)
#define IDSTS_RI (0x1<<1)
#define IDSTS_TI (0x1<<0)
struct mshci_ops;
struct mshci_idmac {
u32 des0;
u32 des1;
u32 des2;
u32 des3;
#define MSHCI_IDMAC_OWN (1<<31)
#define MSHCI_IDMAC_ER (1<<5)
#define MSHCI_IDMAC_CH (1<<4)
#define MSHCI_IDMAC_FS (1<<3)
#define MSHCI_IDMAC_LD (1<<2)
#define MSHCI_IDMAC_DIC (1<<1)
#define INTMSK_IDMAC_ALL (0x337)
#define INTMSK_IDMAC_ERROR (0x214)
struct mshci_host {
/* Data set by hardware interface driver */
const char *hw_name; /* Hardware bus name */
unsigned int quirks; /* Deviations from spec. */
/* Controller has no write-protect pin connected with SD card */
#define MSHCI_QUIRK_NO_WP_BIT (1<<0)
int irq; /* Device IRQ */
void __iomem *ioaddr; /* Mapped address */
const struct mshci_ops *ops; /* Low level hw interface */
/* Internal data */
struct mmc_host *mmc; /* MMC structure */
u64 dma_mask; /* custom DMA mask */
spinlock_t lock; /* Mutex */
int flags; /* Host attributes */
#define MSHCI_USE_IDMA (1<<1) /* Host is ADMA capable */
#define MSHCI_REQ_USE_DMA (1<<2) /* Use DMA for this req. */
#define MSHCI_DEVICE_DEAD (1<<3) /* Device unresponsive */
unsigned int version; /* SDHCI spec. version */
unsigned int max_clk; /* Max possible freq (MHz) */
unsigned int timeout_clk; /* Timeout freq (KHz) */
unsigned int clock; /* Current clock (MHz) */
unsigned int clock_to_restore; /* Saved clock for dynamic clock gating (MHz) */
u8 pwr; /* Current voltage */
struct mmc_request *mrq; /* Current request */
struct mmc_command *cmd; /* Current command */
struct mmc_data *data; /* Current data request */
unsigned int data_early:1; /* Data finished before cmd */
struct sg_mapping_iter sg_miter; /* SG state for PIO */
unsigned int blocks; /* remaining PIO blocks */
int sg_count; /* Mapped sg entries */
u8 *idma_desc; /* ADMA descriptor table */
u8 *align_buffer; /* Bounce buffer */
dma_addr_t idma_addr; /* Mapped ADMA descr. table */
dma_addr_t align_addr; /* Mapped bounce buffer */
struct tasklet_struct card_tasklet; /* Tasklet structures */
struct tasklet_struct finish_tasklet;
struct timer_list timer; /* Timer for timeouts */
u32 fifo_depth;
u32 fifo_threshold;
u32 data_transfered;
/* IP version control */
u32 data_addr;
u32 hold_bit;
u32 error_state;
unsigned long sl_flags;
unsigned long private[0] ____cacheline_aligned;
struct mshci_ops {
void (*set_clock)(struct mshci_host *host, unsigned int clock);
int (*enable_dma)(struct mshci_host *host);
unsigned int (*get_max_clock)(struct mshci_host *host);
unsigned int (*get_min_clock)(struct mshci_host *host);
unsigned int (*get_timeout_clock)(struct mshci_host *host);
void (*set_ios)(struct mshci_host *host,
struct mmc_ios *ios);
int (*get_ro) (struct mmc_host *mmc);
void (*init_issue_cmd)(struct mshci_host *host);
void (*init_card)(struct mshci_host *host);
int (*dma_map_sg)(struct mshci_host *host,
struct device *dev,
struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, enum dma_data_direction dir,
int flush_type);
void (*dma_unmap_sg)(struct mshci_host *host,
struct device *dev,
struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, enum dma_data_direction dir,
int flush_type);
int (*get_fifo_depth)(struct mshci_host *host);
static inline void mshci_writel(struct mshci_host *host, u32 val, int reg)
__raw_writel(val, host->ioaddr + reg);
static inline u32 mshci_readl(struct mshci_host *host, int reg)
return readl(host->ioaddr + reg);
extern struct mshci_host *mshci_alloc_host(struct device *dev,
size_t priv_size);
extern void mshci_free_host(struct mshci_host *host);
static inline void *mshci_priv(struct mshci_host *host)
return (void *)host->private;
extern int mshci_add_host(struct mshci_host *host);
extern void mshci_remove_host(struct mshci_host *host, int dead);
#ifdef CONFIG_PM
extern int mshci_suspend_host(struct mshci_host *host, pm_message_t state);
extern int mshci_resume_host(struct mshci_host *host);