/* linux/drivers/media/video/samsung/fimc/fimc.h
* Copyright (c) 2010 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* http://www.samsung.com/
* Header file for Samsung Camera Interface (FIMC) driver
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#ifndef __FIMC_H
#define __FIMC_H __FILE__
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <media/v4l2-common.h>
#include <media/v4l2-device.h>
#include <media/v4l2-ioctl.h>
#include <media/videobuf-core.h>
#include <media/v4l2-mediabus.h>
#include <mach/dev.h>
#include <plat/media.h>
#include <plat/fimc.h>
#include <plat/cpu.h>
#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
#define FIMC_NAME "s3c-fimc"
#define FIMC_CMA_NAME "fimc"
#define FIMC_CORE_CLK "sclk_fimc"
#define FIMC_CLK_RATE 166750000
#define EXYNOS_BUSFREQ_NAME "exynos-busfreq"
#if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_EXYNOS4)
#define FIMC_DEVICES 4
#define FIMC_PHYBUFS 32
#define FIMC_MAXCAMS 7
#define FIMC_DEVICES 3
#define FIMC_PHYBUFS 4
#define FIMC_MAXCAMS 5
#define FIMC_SUBDEVS 3
#define FIMC_OUTBUFS 3
#define FIMC_INQUEUES 10
#define FIMC_MAX_CTXS 4
#define FIMC_TPID 3
#define FIMC_CAPBUFS 32
#define FIMC_FIFOOFF_CNT 1000000 /* Sufficiently big value for stop */
#define FIMC_ADDR_Y 0
#define FIMC_ADDR_CB 1
#define FIMC_ADDR_CR 2
#define FIMC_HD_WIDTH 1280
#define FIMC_HD_HEIGHT 720
#define FIMC_FHD_WIDTH 1920
#define FIMC_FHD_HEIGHT 1080
#define FIMC_MMAP_IDX -1
#define FIMC_HCLK 0
#define FIMC_SCLK 1
#define CSI_CH_0 0
#define CSI_CH_1 1
#if defined(PINGPONG_2ADDR_MODE)
#define check_bit(data, loc) ((data) & (0x1<<(loc)))
#define FRAME_SEQ 0xf
#define fimc_cam_use ((pdata->use_cam) ? 1 : 0)
#define L2_FLUSH_ALL SZ_1M
#define L1_FLUSH_ALL SZ_64K
enum fimc_status {
FIMC_STREAMON_IDLE = 0x04, /* oneshot mode */
FIMC_ON_IDLE_SLEEP = 0x07, /* oneshot mode */
enum fimc_fifo_state {
enum fimc_fimd_state {
enum fimc_rot_flip {
FIMC_XFLIP = 0x01,
FIMC_YFLIP = 0x02,
FIMC_ROT = 0x10,
enum fimc_input {
enum fimc_overlay_mode {
FIMC_OVLY_NOT_FIXED = 0x0, /* Overlay mode isn't fixed. */
FIMC_OVLY_FIFO = 0x1, /* Non-destructive Overlay with FIFO */
FIMC_OVLY_DMA_AUTO = 0x2, /* Non-destructive Overlay with DMA */
FIMC_OVLY_DMA_MANUAL = 0x3, /* Non-destructive Overlay with DMA */
FIMC_OVLY_NONE_SINGLE_BUF = 0x4, /* Destructive Overlay with DMA single destination buffer */
FIMC_OVLY_NONE_MULTI_BUF = 0x5, /* Destructive Overlay with DMA multiple dstination buffer */
enum fimc_autoload {
enum fimc_log {
FIMC_LOG_DEBUG = 0x1000,
FIMC_LOG_INFO_L2 = 0x0200,
FIMC_LOG_INFO_L1 = 0x0100,
FIMC_LOG_WARN = 0x0010,
FIMC_LOG_ERR = 0x0001,
enum fimc_range {
enum fimc_pixel_format_type{
enum fimc_framecnt_seq {
enum fimc_sysmmu_flag {
enum fimc_id {
FIMC0 = 0x0,
FIMC1 = 0x1,
FIMC2 = 0x2,
FIMC3 = 0x3,
enum fimc_power_status {
enum cam_mclk_status {
/* for reserved memory */
struct fimc_meminfo {
dma_addr_t base; /* buffer base */
size_t size; /* total length */
dma_addr_t curr; /* current addr */
dma_addr_t vaddr_base; /* buffer base */
dma_addr_t vaddr_curr; /* current addr */
struct fimc_buf {
dma_addr_t base[3];
size_t length[3];
struct fimc_overlay_buf {
u32 vir_addr[3];
size_t size[3];
u32 phy_addr[3];
struct fimc_overlay {
enum fimc_overlay_mode mode;
struct fimc_overlay_buf buf;
s32 req_idx;
/* general buffer */
struct fimc_buf_set {
int id;
dma_addr_t base[4];
dma_addr_t vaddr_base[4];
size_t length[4];
size_t garbage[4];
enum videobuf_state state;
u32 flags;
atomic_t mapped_cnt;
dma_addr_t paddr_pktdata;
u32 *vaddr_pktdata;
struct list_head list;
/* for capture device */
struct fimc_capinfo {
struct v4l2_cropcap cropcap;
struct v4l2_rect crop;
struct v4l2_pix_format fmt;
struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt mbus_fmt;
struct fimc_buf_set bufs[FIMC_CAPBUFS];
/* using c110 */
struct list_head inq;
int outq[FIMC_PHYBUFS];
/* using c210 */
struct list_head outgoing_q;
int nr_bufs;
int irq;
int lastirq;
bool pktdata_enable;
u32 pktdata_size;
u32 pktdata_plane;
/* flip: V4L2_CID_xFLIP, rotate: 90, 180, 270 */
u32 flip;
u32 rotate;
bool cacheable;
/* for output overlay device */
struct fimc_idx {
int ctx;
int idx;
struct fimc_ctx_idx {
struct fimc_idx prev;
struct fimc_idx active;
struct fimc_idx next;
/* scaler abstraction: local use recommended */
struct fimc_scaler {
u32 bypass;
u32 hfactor;
u32 vfactor;
u32 pre_hratio;
u32 pre_vratio;
u32 pre_dst_width;
u32 pre_dst_height;
u32 scaleup_h;
u32 scaleup_v;
u32 main_hratio;
u32 main_vratio;
u32 real_width;
u32 real_height;
u32 shfactor;
u32 skipline;
struct fimc_ctx {
u32 ctx_num;
struct v4l2_cropcap cropcap;
struct v4l2_rect crop;
struct v4l2_pix_format pix;
struct v4l2_window win;
struct v4l2_framebuffer fbuf;
struct fimc_scaler sc;
struct fimc_overlay overlay;
u32 buf_num;
u32 is_requested;
struct fimc_buf_set src[FIMC_OUTBUFS];
struct fimc_buf_set dst[FIMC_OUTBUFS];
s32 inq[FIMC_OUTBUFS];
s32 outq[FIMC_OUTBUFS];
u32 flip;
u32 rotate;
enum fimc_status status;
struct fimc_outinfo {
int last_ctx;
spinlock_t lock_in;
spinlock_t lock_out;
spinlock_t slock;
struct fimc_idx inq[FIMC_INQUEUES];
struct fimc_ctx ctx[FIMC_MAX_CTXS];
bool ctx_used[FIMC_MAX_CTXS];
struct fimc_ctx_idx idxs;
struct s3cfb_user_window {
int x;
int y;
enum s3cfb_data_path_t {
enum s3cfb_mem_owner_t {
#define S3CFB_WIN_OFF_ALL _IO('F', 202)
#define S3CFB_WIN_POSITION _IOW('F', 203, struct s3cfb_user_window)
#define S3CFB_GET_LCD_WIDTH _IOR('F', 302, int)
#define S3CFB_GET_LCD_HEIGHT _IOR('F', 303, int)
#define S3CFB_SET_WRITEBACK _IOW('F', 304, u32)
#define S3CFB_SET_WIN_ON _IOW('F', 305, u32)
#define S3CFB_SET_WIN_OFF _IOW('F', 306, u32)
#define S3CFB_SET_WIN_PATH _IOW('F', 307, enum s3cfb_data_path_t)
#define S3CFB_SET_WIN_ADDR _IOW('F', 308, unsigned long)
#define S3CFB_SET_WIN_MEM _IOW('F', 309, enum s3cfb_mem_owner_t)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
struct fimc_fbinfo {
struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix;
struct fb_var_screeninfo *var;
int lcd_hres;
int lcd_vres;
u32 is_enable;
/* lcd fifo control */
int (*open_fifo)(int id, int ch, int (*do_priv)(void *), void *param);
int (*close_fifo)(int id, int (*do_priv)(void *), void *param);
struct fimc_limit {
u32 pre_dst_w;
u32 bypass_w;
u32 trg_h_no_rot;
u32 trg_h_rot;
u32 real_w_no_rot;
u32 real_h_rot;
struct fimc_effect {
int ie_on;
int ie_after_sc;
int pat_cb;
int pat_cr;
struct fimc_is {
struct v4l2_pix_format fmt;
struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt mbus_fmt;
struct v4l2_subdev *sd;
u32 frame_count;
u32 valid;
u32 bad_mark;
u32 offset_x;
u32 offset_y;
u32 zoom_in_width;
u32 zoom_in_height;
/* fimc controller abstration */
struct fimc_control {
int id; /* controller id */
char name[16];
atomic_t in_use;
void __iomem *regs; /* register i/o */
struct clk *clk; /* interface clock */
struct fimc_meminfo mem; /* for reserved mem */
atomic_t irq_cnt; /* for interrupt cnt */
struct work_struct work_struct; /* for work queue */
struct workqueue_struct *fimc_irq_wq; /* for work queue */
/* kernel helpers */
struct mutex lock; /* controller lock */
struct mutex v4l2_lock;
spinlock_t outq_lock;
wait_queue_head_t wq;
struct device *dev;
struct device *bus_dev;
int irq;
/* v4l2 related */
struct video_device *vd;
struct v4l2_device v4l2_dev;
struct v4l2_subdev *flite_sd;
struct fimc_is is;
/* fimc specific */
struct fimc_limit *limit; /* H/W limitation */
struct s3c_platform_camera *cam; /* activated camera */
struct fimc_capinfo *cap; /* capture dev info */
struct fimc_outinfo *out; /* output dev info */
struct fimc_fbinfo fb; /* fimd info */
struct fimc_scaler sc; /* scaler info */
struct fimc_effect fe; /* fimc effect info */
enum fimc_status status;
enum fimc_log log;
enum fimc_range range;
/* for suspend mode */
int suspend_flag;
int suspend_framecnt;
enum fimc_sysmmu_flag sysmmu_flag;
enum fimc_power_status power_status;
char cma_name[16];
bool restart;
/* global */
struct fimc_global {
struct fimc_control ctrl[FIMC_DEVICES];
struct s3c_platform_camera *camera[FIMC_MAXCAMS];
int camera_isvalid[FIMC_MAXCAMS];
int active_camera;
int initialized;
enum cam_mclk_status mclk_status;
struct fimc_prv_data {
struct fimc_control *ctrl;
int ctx_id;
/* debug macro */
#define FIMC_DEBUG(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (ctrl->log & FIMC_LOG_DEBUG) \
printk(KERN_INFO FIMC_NAME "%d: " \
fmt, ctrl->id, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define FIMC_INFO_L2(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (ctrl->log & FIMC_LOG_INFO_L2) \
printk(KERN_INFO FIMC_NAME "%d: " \
fmt, ctrl->id, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define FIMC_INFO_L1(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (ctrl->log & FIMC_LOG_INFO_L1) \
printk(KERN_INFO FIMC_NAME "%d: " \
fmt, ctrl->id, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define FIMC_WARN(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (ctrl->log & FIMC_LOG_WARN) \
printk(KERN_INFO FIMC_NAME "%d: " \
fmt, ctrl->id, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define FIMC_ERROR(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (ctrl->log & FIMC_LOG_ERR) \
printk(KERN_INFO FIMC_NAME "%d: " \
fmt, ctrl->id, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define fimc_dbg(fmt, ...) FIMC_DEBUG(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define fimc_info2(fmt, ...) FIMC_INFO_L2(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define fimc_info1(fmt, ...) FIMC_INFO_L1(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define fimc_warn(fmt, ...) FIMC_WARN(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define fimc_err(fmt, ...) FIMC_ERROR(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
extern struct fimc_global *fimc_dev;
extern struct video_device fimc_video_device[FIMC_DEVICES];
extern const struct v4l2_ioctl_ops fimc_v4l2_ops;
extern struct fimc_limit fimc40_limits[FIMC_DEVICES];
extern struct fimc_limit fimc43_limits[FIMC_DEVICES];
extern struct fimc_limit fimc50_limits[FIMC_DEVICES];
extern struct fimc_limit fimc51_limits[FIMC_DEVICES];
/* FIMD */
#ifdef CONFIG_FB_S5P /* Legacy FIMD */
extern int s3cfb_direct_ioctl(int id, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
extern int s3cfb_open_fifo(int id, int ch, int (*do_priv)(void *), void *param);
extern int s3cfb_close_fifo(int id, int (*do_priv)(void *), void *param);
#else /* Mainline FIMD */
static inline int s3cfb_direct_ioctl(int id, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return 0; }
static inline int s3cfb_open_fifo(int id, int ch, int (*do_priv)(void *), void *param) { return 0; }
static inline int s3cfb_close_fifo(int id, int (*do_priv)(void *), void *param) { return 0; }
/* general */
extern void s3c_csis_start(int csis_id, int lanes, int settle, int align, int width, int height, int pixel_format);
extern void s3c_csis_stop(int csis_id);
extern int s3c_csis_get_pkt(int csis_id, void *pktdata);
extern void s3c_csis_enable_pktdata(int csis_id, bool enable);
extern int fimc_dma_alloc(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_buf_set *bs, int i, int align);
extern void fimc_dma_free(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_buf_set *bs, int i);
extern u32 fimc_mapping_rot_flip(u32 rot, u32 flip);
extern int fimc_get_scaler_factor(u32 src, u32 tar, u32 *ratio, u32 *shift);
extern void fimc_get_nv12t_size(int img_hres, int img_vres,
int *y_size, int *cb_size);
extern int fimc_hwget_number_of_bits(u32 framecnt_seq);
/* camera */
extern int fimc_select_camera(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
/* capture device */
extern int fimc_enum_input(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_input *inp);
extern int fimc_g_input(struct file *file, void *fh, unsigned int *i);
extern int fimc_s_input(struct file *file, void *fh, unsigned int i);
extern int fimc_enum_fmt_vid_capture(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_fmtdesc *f);
extern int fimc_g_fmt_vid_capture(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_s_fmt_vid_capture(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_s_fmt_vid_private(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_try_fmt_vid_capture(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_reqbufs_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_requestbuffers *b);
extern int fimc_querybuf_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_buffer *b);
extern int fimc_g_ctrl_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_control *c);
extern int fimc_g_ext_ctrls_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_ext_controls *c);
extern int fimc_s_ctrl_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_control *c);
extern int fimc_s_ext_ctrls_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_ext_controls *c);
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_S5PV210)
extern int fimc_change_clksrc(struct fimc_control *ctrl, int fimc_clk);
extern int fimc_cropcap_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_cropcap *a);
extern int fimc_g_crop_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_crop *a);
extern int fimc_s_crop_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_crop *a);
extern int fimc_streamon_capture(void *fh);
extern int fimc_streamoff_capture(void *fh);
extern int fimc_qbuf_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_buffer *b);
extern int fimc_dqbuf_capture(void *fh, struct v4l2_buffer *b);
extern int fimc_g_parm(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_streamparm *a);
extern int fimc_s_parm(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_streamparm *a);
extern int fimc_queryctrl(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_queryctrl *qc);
extern int fimc_querymenu(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_querymenu *qm);
extern int fimc_stop_capture(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_enum_framesizes(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_frmsizeenum *fsize);
extern int fimc_enum_frameintervals(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_frmivalenum *fival);
extern int fimc_release_subdev(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_is_release_subdev(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_is_set_zoom(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct v4l2_control *c);
/* output device */
extern void fimc_outdev_set_src_addr(struct fimc_control *ctrl, dma_addr_t *base);
extern int fimc_outdev_set_ctx_param(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
extern int fimc_start_fifo(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
extern int fimc_fimd_rect(const struct fimc_control *ctrl, const struct fimc_ctx *ctx, struct v4l2_rect *fimd_rect);
extern int fimc_outdev_stop_streaming(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
extern int fimc_outdev_resume_dma(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
extern int fimc_outdev_start_camif(void *param);
extern int fimc_reqbufs_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_requestbuffers *b);
extern int fimc_querybuf_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_buffer *b);
extern int fimc_g_ctrl_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_control *c);
extern int fimc_s_ctrl_output(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_control *c);
extern int fimc_cropcap_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_cropcap *a);
extern int fimc_g_crop_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_crop *a);
extern int fimc_s_crop_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_crop *a);
extern int fimc_streamon_output(void *fh);
extern int fimc_streamoff_output(void *fh);
extern int fimc_qbuf_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_buffer *b);
extern int fimc_dqbuf_output(void *fh, struct v4l2_buffer *b);
extern int fimc_g_fmt_vid_out(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_s_fmt_vid_out(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_try_fmt_vid_out(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_init_in_queue(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
extern int fimc_push_inq(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx, int idx);
extern int fimc_pop_inq(struct fimc_control *ctrl, int *ctx_num, int *idx);
extern int fimc_push_outq(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx, int idx);
extern int fimc_pop_outq(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx, int *idx);
extern int fimc_init_out_queue(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
extern void fimc_outdev_init_idxs(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern void fimc_dump_context(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
extern void fimc_print_signal(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
/* overlay device */
extern int fimc_try_fmt_overlay(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_g_fmt_vid_overlay(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_s_fmt_vid_overlay(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f);
extern int fimc_g_fbuf(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_framebuffer *fb);
extern int fimc_s_fbuf(struct file *filp, void *fh, struct v4l2_framebuffer *fb);
/* Register access file */
extern int fimc_hwset_camera_source(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_camera_change_source(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_enable_irq(struct fimc_control *ctrl, int overflow, int level);
extern int fimc_hwset_disable_irq(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_clear_irq(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_reset(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwget_frame_end(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_clksrc(struct fimc_control *ctrl, int src_clk);
extern int fimc_hwget_overflow_state(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_camera_offset(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_camera_polarity(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_camera_type(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_size(struct fimc_control *ctrl, int width, int height);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_colorspace(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_rot_flip(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 rot, u32 flip);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_area(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 width, u32 height);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_area_size(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 size);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_scan(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct v4l2_pix_format *fmt);
extern int fimc_hwset_enable_lastirq(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_disable_lastirq(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_enable_lastend(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_disable_lastend(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_prescaler(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_scaler *sc);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_yuv(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_address(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_buf_set *bs, int id);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_rot(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 rot, u32 flip);
extern int fimc_hwset_scaler(struct fimc_control *ctrl, struct fimc_scaler *sc);
extern int fimc_hwset_scaler_bypass(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_enable_lcdfifo(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_disable_lcdfifo(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_start_scaler(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_stop_scaler(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_rgb(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_intput_field(struct fimc_control *ctrl, enum v4l2_field field);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_rgb(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_ext_rgb(struct fimc_control *ctrl, int enable);
extern int fimc_hwset_enable_capture(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 bypass);
extern int fimc_hwset_disable_capture(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern void fimc_wait_disable_capture(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_address(struct fimc_control *ctrl, dma_addr_t *base);
extern int fimc_hwset_enable_autoload(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_disable_autoload(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_real_input_size(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 width, u32 height);
extern int fimc_hwset_addr_change_enable(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_addr_change_disable(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_burst_cnt(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 cnt);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_colorspace(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_yuv(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_flip(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 rot, u32 flip);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_source(struct fimc_control *ctrl, enum fimc_input path);
extern int fimc_hwset_start_input_dma(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_stop_input_dma(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_offset(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat, struct v4l2_rect *bound, struct v4l2_rect *crop);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_offset(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat, struct v4l2_rect *bound, struct v4l2_rect *crop);
extern int fimc_hwset_org_input_size(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 width, u32 height);
extern int fimc_hwset_org_output_size(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 width, u32 height);
extern int fimc_hwset_ext_output_size(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 width, u32 height);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_addr_style(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_addr_style(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 pixelformat);
extern int fimc_hwset_jpeg_mode(struct fimc_control *ctrl, bool enable);
extern int fimc_hwget_frame_count(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hw_wait_winoff(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hw_wait_stop_input_dma(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_input_lineskip(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hw_reset_camera(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
void fimc_hwset_stop_processing(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hw_reset_output_buf_sequence(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_output_buf_sequence(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 shift, u32 enable);
extern void fimc_hwset_output_buf_sequence_all(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 framecnt_seq);
extern int fimc_hwget_output_buf_sequence(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwget_before_frame_count(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwget_present_frame_count(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwget_output_buf_sequence(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwget_check_framecount_sequence(struct fimc_control *ctrl, u32 frame);
extern int fimc_hwset_image_effect(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_sysreg_camblk_fimd0_wb(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_sysreg_camblk_fimd1_wb(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwset_sysreg_camblk_isp_wb(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern int fimc_hwget_last_frame_end(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern void fimc_hwset_enable_frame_end_irq(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern void fimc_hwset_disable_frame_end_irq(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
extern void fimc_reset_status_reg(struct fimc_control *ctrl);
/* IPC related file */
extern void ipc_start(void);
#define to_fimc_plat(d) (to_platform_device(d)->dev.platform_data)
static inline struct fimc_global *get_fimc_dev(void)
return fimc_dev;
static inline struct fimc_control *get_fimc_ctrl(int id)
return &fimc_dev->ctrl[id];
#endif /* __FIMC_H */