
Public Access (Read-Only)

Given your-project with the project name, clone over HTTP from the URL,


git clone

Using this server

Contact the current server admin (jbakita@cs as of 2023) if you need help with something not covered below.

Creating a Repository


  1. SSH to using your CS login and password
  2. First choose where to put it! For long running projects, /home/litmus/ is the recommended location, but you can also use your home directory if it is a temporary repository.
  3. Now choose a project name! Then create a directory in your desired storage location named your-project-name.git.
  4. Change into your new directory and initialize it as a git repository with the command git init --bare.
  5. You can now clone your repository with git clone - but we can make this easier.
  6. To shorten the clone command and enable the web interface, link your repository to /public/ with ln -s /path/to/your-project.git /public/.
  7. As soon as the cgit cache updates (may take several minutes), you can now see your project listed in the web interface!
  8. You may notice that your project has no description shown online in cgit. To fix this, add a one-line description to /public/your-project.git/description.
  9. Done!

Quick reference:

  1. ssh
  2. mkdir /home/litmus/your-project.git
  3. cd /home/litmus/your-project.git
  4. git init --bare
  5. ln -s "$(pwd)" /public/
  6. vim description

Clone Read/Write (CS Account Required)

git clone

Replace with for off-campus access via SSH.

Migrate from GitHub

If you are migrating a repository in the default configuration from GitHub:

  1. git remote set-url origin
  2. git push --all origin

Maintaining this File

This file is /home/litmus/ on, rendered to HTML by cgit.