#!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then error "Usage: `basename $0` " fi . $(dirname $0)/arm-installer-common.sh LOAD_ADDR=0x81008000 ENTRY_POINT=0x81008000 USB_PART=/dev/sdb1 TMP_MOUNT=$(mktemp -d) # Use default boot image name on Tegra instead of creating a new boot script # The tegra cannot install a new boot script without manual labor BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinux.uimg KVERSION=$(getversion) CONFIG_FILE="config-$KVERSION" fetchfiles mkuboot moveconfig echo "Mounting USB partition ..." >&2 sudo mount $USB_PART $TMP_MOUNT echo "done." >&2 if [ ! -d "$TMP_MOUNT/boot" ]; then sudo rm -f "$TMP_MOUNT/boot" sudo mkdir "$TMP_MOUNT/boot" fi sudo cp $out_image "$TMP_MOUNT/boot/$BOOT_IMAGE" echo "Unmounting USB partition ..." >&2 sudo umount $TMP_MOUNT echo "done." >&2 rm_tmp_files rm -rf $TMP_MOUNT echo "All done!" >&2