This is a simple, quick-n-dirty wrapper for plotting .csv files with Gnuplot. The tool will remove comments (lines starting with a '#' character) before passing the data to Gnuplot. This makes it possible to have experimental setup and date information encoded in the .csv file, which is beneficial for archival reasons. You can plot the example file to a PNG graph using the following command: ./ -o example -f png --xlabel "Time" --ylabel "Supply Bound" \ example.csv 1 2 "Supply Bound Function" In general, each curve that you want to plot in a graph is defined by four arguments: ./ [OPTIONS] \ \ \ ... and so on ... For large experiments with many graphs, it is more convenient to wrap in a project-specific plotting script. Have a look at and to see how I did it. Basically, the scrips infer what to plot and how to name and label the graphs from the name of each .csv file. For example, the file name 'hard_rtss09_dist=uni_medium_250.csv' encodes the following information: 1) it uses hard real-time schedulability tests, it was using the RTSS'09 experimental setup and overheads, the task sets were generated with uniform utilization from the range [0.1, 0.4] (medium), and periods were distributed uniformly in [50, 250]. This is parsed by, which then calls to generate a graph with the correct labels and settings.