#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD #include #endif typedef unsigned char NvV8; /* "void": enumerated or multiple fields */ typedef unsigned short NvV16; /* "void": enumerated or multiple fields */ typedef unsigned char NvU8; /* 0 to 255 */ typedef unsigned short NvU16; /* 0 to 65535 */ typedef signed char NvS8; /* -128 to 127 */ typedef signed short NvS16; /* -32768 to 32767 */ typedef float NvF32; /* IEEE Single Precision (S1E8M23) */ typedef double NvF64; /* IEEE Double Precision (S1E11M52) */ typedef unsigned int NvV32; /* "void": enumerated or multiple fields */ typedef unsigned int NvU32; /* 0 to 4294967295 */ typedef unsigned long long NvU64; /* 0 to 18446744073709551615 */ typedef union { volatile NvV8 Reg008[1]; volatile NvV16 Reg016[1]; volatile NvV32 Reg032[1]; } litmus_nv_hwreg_t, * litmus_nv_phwreg_t; typedef struct { NvU64 address; #if defined(CONFIG_CUDA_4_2) || defined(CONFIG_CUDA_5_0) || defined(CONFIG_CUDA_5_X) NvU64 strapped_size; #endif NvU64 size; NvU32 offset; NvU32 *map; litmus_nv_phwreg_t map_u; } litmus_nv_aperture_t; typedef struct { void *priv; /* private data */ void *os_state; /* os-specific device state */ #ifdef CONFIG_CUDA_4_0 int rmInitialized; /* TODO: appears in CUDA 3_2? */ #endif int flags; /* PCI config info */ NvU32 domain; NvU16 bus; NvU16 slot; NvU16 vendor_id; NvU16 device_id; NvU16 subsystem_id; NvU32 gpu_id; void *handle; NvU32 pci_cfg_space[16]; /* physical characteristics */ litmus_nv_aperture_t bars[3]; litmus_nv_aperture_t *regs; litmus_nv_aperture_t *fb, ud; #ifndef CONFIG_CUDA_5_X litmus_nv_aperture_t agp; #endif NvU32 interrupt_line; #ifndef CONFIG_CUDA_5_X NvU32 agp_config; NvU32 agp_status; #endif NvU32 primary_vga; NvU32 sim_env; NvU32 rc_timer_enabled; /* list of events allocated for this device */ void *event_list; void *kern_mappings; } litmus_nv_state_t; typedef struct work_struct litmus_nv_task_t; typedef struct litmus_nv_work_s { litmus_nv_task_t task; void *data; } litmus_nv_work_t; typedef struct litmus_nv_linux_state_s { litmus_nv_state_t nv_state; atomic_t usage_count; struct pci_dev *dev; #ifndef CONFIG_CUDA_5_X void *agp_bridge; #endif void *alloc_queue; void *timer_sp; void *isr_sp; void *pci_cfgchk_sp; void *isr_bh_sp; #ifndef CONFIG_CUDA_3_2 char registry_keys[512]; #endif /* keep track of any pending bottom halfes */ struct tasklet_struct tasklet; litmus_nv_work_t work; /* get a timer callback every second */ struct timer_list rc_timer; /* lock for linux-specific data, not used by core rm */ struct semaphore ldata_lock; /* lock for linux-specific alloc queue */ struct semaphore at_lock; NvU32 device_num; struct litmus_nv_linux_state_s *next; } litmus_nv_linux_state_t; #ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG_TRACE static void __attribute__((unused)) dump_nvidia_info(const struct tasklet_struct *t) { litmus_nv_state_t* nvstate = NULL; litmus_nv_linux_state_t* linuxstate = NULL; struct pci_dev* pci = NULL; nvstate = (litmus_nv_state_t*)(t->data); if(nvstate) { TRACE("NV State:\n" "\ttasklet ptr = %p\n" "\tstate ptr = %p\n" "\tprivate data ptr = %p\n" "\tos state ptr = %p\n" "\tdomain = %u\n" "\tbus = %u\n" "\tslot = %u\n" "\tvender_id = %u\n" "\tdevice_id = %u\n" "\tsubsystem_id = %u\n" "\tgpu_id = %u\n" "\tinterrupt_line = %u\n", t, nvstate, nvstate->priv, nvstate->os_state, nvstate->domain, nvstate->bus, nvstate->slot, nvstate->vendor_id, nvstate->device_id, nvstate->subsystem_id, nvstate->gpu_id, nvstate->interrupt_line); linuxstate = container_of(nvstate, litmus_nv_linux_state_t, nv_state); } else { TRACE("INVALID NVSTATE????\n"); } if(linuxstate) { int ls_offset = (void*)(&(linuxstate->device_num)) - (void*)(linuxstate); int ns_offset_raw = (void*)(&(linuxstate->device_num)) - (void*)(&(linuxstate->nv_state)); int ns_offset_desired = (void*)(&(linuxstate->device_num)) - (void*)(nvstate); TRACE("LINUX NV State:\n" "\tlinux nv state ptr: %p\n" "\taddress of tasklet: %p\n" "\taddress of work: %p\n" "\tusage_count: %d\n" "\tdevice_num: %u\n" "\ttasklet addr == this tasklet: %d\n" "\tpci: %p\n", linuxstate, &(linuxstate->tasklet), &(linuxstate->work), atomic_read(&(linuxstate->usage_count)), linuxstate->device_num, (t == &(linuxstate->tasklet)), linuxstate->dev); pci = linuxstate->dev; TRACE("Offsets:\n" "\tOffset from LinuxState: %d, %x\n" "\tOffset from NVState: %d, %x\n" "\tOffset from parameter: %d, %x\n" "\tdevice_num: %u\n", ls_offset, ls_offset, ns_offset_raw, ns_offset_raw, ns_offset_desired, ns_offset_desired, *((u32*)((void*)nvstate + ns_offset_desired))); } else { TRACE("INVALID LINUXNVSTATE?????\n"); } } #endif static struct module* nvidia_mod = NULL; static int init_nv_device_reg(void); static int shutdown_nv_device_reg(void); void shutdown_nvidia_info(void); static int nvidia_going_module_notify(struct notifier_block *self, unsigned long val, void *data) { struct module *mod = data; if (nvidia_mod && (mod == nvidia_mod)) { switch (val) { case MODULE_STATE_GOING: /* just set our mod reference to null to avoid crash */ nvidia_mod = NULL; mb(); break; default: break; } } return 0; } static struct notifier_block nvidia_going = { .notifier_call = nvidia_going_module_notify, .priority = 1, }; struct init_nvinfo_wq_data { struct work_struct work; }; static void __init_nvidia_info(struct work_struct *w) { struct init_nvinfo_wq_data *work = container_of(w, struct init_nvinfo_wq_data, work); struct module* mod; mutex_lock(&module_mutex); mod = find_module("nvidia"); mutex_unlock(&module_mutex); if(mod != NULL) { TRACE("%s : Found NVIDIA module. Core Code: %p to %p\n", __FUNCTION__, (void*)(mod->module_core), (void*)(mod->module_core) + mod->core_size); init_nv_device_reg(); nvidia_mod = mod; /* make module visible to others */ register_module_notifier(&nvidia_going); } else { TRACE("%s : Could not find NVIDIA module! Loaded?\n", __FUNCTION__); init_nv_device_reg(); } kfree(work); } int init_nvidia_info(void) { struct init_nvinfo_wq_data *wq_job = kmalloc(sizeof(struct init_nvinfo_wq_data), GFP_ATOMIC); INIT_WORK(&wq_job->work, __init_nvidia_info); schedule_work(&wq_job->work); return 0; } void shutdown_nvidia_info(void) { if (nvidia_mod) { nvidia_mod = NULL; mb(); unregister_module_notifier(&nvidia_going); shutdown_nv_device_reg(); } } /* works with pointers to static data inside the module too. */ int is_nvidia_func(void* func_addr) { int ret = 0; struct module* mod = nvidia_mod; if(mod) { ret = within_module_core((long unsigned int)func_addr, mod); /* if(ret) { TRACE("%s : %p is in NVIDIA module: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, func_addr, ret); }*/ } return(ret); } u32 get_tasklet_nv_device_num(const struct tasklet_struct *t) { // life is too short to use hard-coded offsets. update this later. litmus_nv_state_t* nvstate = (litmus_nv_state_t*)(t->data); litmus_nv_linux_state_t* linuxstate = container_of(nvstate, litmus_nv_linux_state_t, nv_state); BUG_ON(linuxstate->device_num >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); return(linuxstate->device_num); } u32 get_work_nv_device_num(const struct work_struct *t) { // offset determined though observed behavior of the NV driver. const int DEVICE_NUM_OFFSET = sizeof(struct work_struct); void* state = (void*)(t); void** device_num_ptr = state + DEVICE_NUM_OFFSET; return(*((u32*)(*device_num_ptr))); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { raw_spinlock_t lock; struct binheap owners; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD klmirqd_callback_t interrupt_callback; struct task_struct* interrupt_thread; unsigned int interrupt_ready:1; /* todo: make threads check for the ready flag */ #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED klmirqd_callback_t workq_callback; struct task_struct* workq_thread; unsigned int workq_ready:1; #endif #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NV_KLMIRQD_DEBUG struct tasklet_struct nv_klmirqd_dbg_tasklet; #endif }nv_device_registry_t; static nv_device_registry_t NV_DEVICE_REG[NV_DEVICE_NUM]; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD static int nvidia_launch_interrupt_cb(void *arg) { unsigned long flags; int reg_device_id = (int)(long long)(arg); nv_device_registry_t *reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[reg_device_id]; TRACE("nvklmirqd callback for GPU %d\n", reg_device_id); raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); reg->interrupt_thread = current; reg->interrupt_ready = 1; raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED static int nvidia_launch_workq_cb(void *arg) { unsigned long flags; int reg_device_id = (int)(long long)(arg); nv_device_registry_t *reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[reg_device_id]; TRACE("nvklmworkerd callback for GPU %d\n", reg_device_id); raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); reg->workq_thread = current; reg->workq_ready = 1; raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); return 0; } #endif #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NV_KLMIRQD_DEBUG struct nv_klmirqd_dbg_timer_struct { struct hrtimer timer; }; static struct nv_klmirqd_dbg_timer_struct nv_klmirqd_dbg_timer; static void nv_klmirqd_arm_dbg_timer(lt_t relative_time) { lt_t when_to_fire = litmus_clock() + relative_time; TRACE("next nv tasklet in %d ns\n", relative_time); __hrtimer_start_range_ns(&nv_klmirqd_dbg_timer.timer, ns_to_ktime(when_to_fire), 0, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS_PINNED, 0); } static void nv_klmirqd_dbg_tasklet_func(unsigned long arg) { lt_t now = litmus_clock(); nv_device_registry_t *reg = (nv_device_registry_t*)arg; int gpunum = reg - &NV_DEVICE_REG[0]; TRACE("nv klmirqd routine invoked for GPU %d!\n", gpunum); /* set up the next timer */ nv_klmirqd_arm_dbg_timer(now % (NSEC_PER_MSEC * 10)); // within the next 10ms. } static enum hrtimer_restart nvklmirqd_timer_func(struct hrtimer *timer) { lt_t now = litmus_clock(); int gpu = (int)(now % num_online_gpus()); nv_device_registry_t *reg; TRACE("nvklmirqd_timer invoked!\n"); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[gpu]; if (reg->interrupt_thread && reg->interrupt_ready) { TRACE("Adding a tasklet for GPU %d\n", gpu); litmus_tasklet_schedule(®->nv_klmirqd_dbg_tasklet, reg->interrupt_thread); } else { TRACE("nv klmirqd is not ready!\n"); nv_klmirqd_arm_dbg_timer(now % (NSEC_PER_MSEC * 10)); // within the next 10ms. } return HRTIMER_NORESTART; } #endif static int gpu_owner_max_priority_order(struct binheap_node *a, struct binheap_node *b) { struct task_struct *d_a = container_of(binheap_entry(a, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); struct task_struct *d_b = container_of(binheap_entry(b, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); BUG_ON(!d_a); BUG_ON(!d_b); return litmus->compare(d_a, d_b); } static int init_nv_device_reg(void) { int i; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD if (!klmirqd_is_ready()) { TRACE("klmirqd is not ready!\n"); return 0; } #endif memset(NV_DEVICE_REG, 0, sizeof(NV_DEVICE_REG)); mb(); for(i = 0; i < num_online_gpus(); ++i) { raw_spin_lock_init(&NV_DEVICE_REG[i].lock); INIT_BINHEAP_HANDLE(&NV_DEVICE_REG[i].owners, gpu_owner_max_priority_order); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NV_KLMIRQD_DEBUG tasklet_init(&NV_DEVICE_REG[i].nv_klmirqd_dbg_tasklet, nv_klmirqd_dbg_tasklet_func, (unsigned long)&NV_DEVICE_REG[i]); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD { char name[MAX_KLMIRQD_NAME_LEN+1]; int default_cpu = litmus->map_gpu_to_cpu(i); /* spawn the interrupt thread */ snprintf(name, MAX_KLMIRQD_NAME_LEN, "nvklmirqd%d", i); NV_DEVICE_REG[i].interrupt_callback.func = nvidia_launch_interrupt_cb; NV_DEVICE_REG[i].interrupt_callback.arg = (void*)(long long)(i); mb(); if(launch_klmirqd_thread(name, default_cpu, &NV_DEVICE_REG[i].interrupt_callback) != 0) { TRACE("Failed to create nvklmirqd thread for GPU %d\n", i); } #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED /* spawn the workqueue thread */ snprintf(name, MAX_KLMIRQD_NAME_LEN, "nvklmworker%d", i); NV_DEVICE_REG[i].workq_callback.func = nvidia_launch_workq_cb; NV_DEVICE_REG[i].workq_callback.arg = (void*)(long long)(i); mb(); if(launch_klmirqd_thread(name, default_cpu, &NV_DEVICE_REG[i].workq_callback) != 0) { TRACE("Failed to create nvklmworkqd thread for GPU %d\n", i); } #endif } #endif } #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NV_KLMIRQD_DEBUG hrtimer_init(&nv_klmirqd_dbg_timer.timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS); nv_klmirqd_dbg_timer.timer.function = nvklmirqd_timer_func; nv_klmirqd_arm_dbg_timer(NSEC_PER_MSEC * 1000); #endif return(1); } /* The following code is full of nasty race conditions... */ /* spawning of klimirqd threads can race with init_nv_device_reg()!!!! */ static int shutdown_nv_device_reg(void) { TRACE("Shutting down nv device registration.\n"); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD { unsigned long flags; int i; nv_device_registry_t *reg; for (i = 0; i < num_online_gpus(); ++i) { TRACE("Shutting down GPU %d.\n", i); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[i]; if ((reg->interrupt_thread && reg->interrupt_ready) #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED || (reg->workq_thread && reg->workq_ready) #endif ) { raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); if (reg->interrupt_thread && reg->interrupt_ready) { struct task_struct* th = reg->interrupt_thread; reg->interrupt_thread = NULL; mb(); reg->interrupt_ready = 0; mb(); raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); kill_klmirqd_thread(th); } else raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); if (reg->workq_thread && reg->workq_ready) { struct task_struct* th = reg->workq_thread; reg->workq_thread = NULL; mb(); reg->workq_ready = 0; mb(); raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); kill_klmirqd_thread(th); } else raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); #endif } while (!binheap_empty(®->owners)) { binheap_delete_root(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node); } } } #endif return(1); } /* use to get the owner of nv_device_id. */ struct task_struct* get_nv_max_device_owner(u32 target_device_id) { struct task_struct *owner = NULL; nv_device_registry_t *reg; BUG_ON(target_device_id >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[target_device_id]; if (!binheap_empty(®->owners)) { struct task_struct *hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); TRACE_CUR("hp: %s/%d\n", hp->comm, hp->pid); owner = hp; } return(owner); } #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD typedef enum { INTERRUPT_TH, WORKQ_TH } nvklmtype_t; static struct task_struct* __get_klm_thread(nv_device_registry_t* reg, nvklmtype_t type) { struct task_struct *klmirqd = NULL; switch(type) { case INTERRUPT_TH: #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON case WORKQ_TH: #endif if(likely(reg->interrupt_ready)) klmirqd = reg->interrupt_thread; break; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED case WORKQ_TH: if(likely(reg->workq_ready)) klmirqd = reg->workq_thread; break; #endif default: break; } return klmirqd; } static struct task_struct* __get_and_lock_klm_thread(nv_device_registry_t* reg, unsigned long* flags, nvklmtype_t type) { struct task_struct *klmirqd; raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, *flags); klmirqd = __get_klm_thread(reg, type); if (!klmirqd) { /* unlock if thread does not exist or is not ready */ raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, *flags); } return klmirqd; } static void __unlock_klm_thread(nv_device_registry_t* reg, unsigned long* flags, nvklmtype_t type) { /* workq and interrupts share a lock per GPU */ raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, *flags); } struct task_struct* get_and_lock_nvklmirqd_thread(u32 target_device_id, unsigned long* flags) { nv_device_registry_t *reg; struct task_struct *th; BUG_ON(target_device_id >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); if (unlikely(nvidia_mod == NULL)) return NULL; reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[target_device_id]; th = __get_and_lock_klm_thread(reg, flags, INTERRUPT_TH); barrier(); if (unlikely(nvidia_mod == NULL)) { th = NULL; __unlock_klm_thread(reg, flags, INTERRUPT_TH); } return th; } void unlock_nvklmirqd_thread(u32 target_device_id, unsigned long* flags) { nv_device_registry_t *reg; BUG_ON(target_device_id >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[target_device_id]; __unlock_klm_thread(reg, flags, INTERRUPT_TH); } struct task_struct* get_nvklmirqd_thread(u32 target_device_id) { /* should this function be allowed? who will use klmirqd thread without thread safety? */ unsigned long flags; struct task_struct *klmirqd; klmirqd = get_and_lock_nvklmirqd_thread(target_device_id, &flags); if(klmirqd) unlock_nvklmirqd_thread(target_device_id, &flags); return klmirqd; } #if defined(CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON) || defined(CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED) struct task_struct* get_and_lock_nvklmworkqd_thread(u32 target_device_id, unsigned long* flags) { nv_device_registry_t *reg; struct task_struct *th; BUG_ON(target_device_id >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); if (unlikely(nvidia_mod == NULL)) return NULL; reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[target_device_id]; th = __get_and_lock_klm_thread(reg, flags, WORKQ_TH); barrier(); if (unlikely(nvidia_mod == NULL)) { th = NULL; __unlock_klm_thread(reg, flags, WORKQ_TH); } return th; } void unlock_nvklmworkqd_thread(u32 target_device_id, unsigned long* flags) { nv_device_registry_t *reg; BUG_ON(target_device_id >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[target_device_id]; __unlock_klm_thread(reg, flags, WORKQ_TH); } struct task_struct* get_nvklmworkqd_thread(u32 target_device_id) { /* should this function be allowed? who will use klmirqd thread without thread safety? */ unsigned long flags; struct task_struct *klmirqd; klmirqd = get_and_lock_nvklmworkqd_thread(target_device_id, &flags); if(klmirqd) unlock_nvklmworkqd_thread(target_device_id, &flags); return klmirqd; } #endif // end WORKQs static int gpu_klmirqd_increase_priority(struct task_struct *klmirqd, struct task_struct *hp) { int retval = 0; /* TRACE_CUR("Increasing priority of %s/%d to %s/%d.\n", klmirqd->comm, klmirqd->pid, (hp) ? hp->comm : "null", (hp) ? hp->pid : 0); */ /* the klmirqd thread should never attempt to hold a litmus-level real-time * so nested support is not required */ retval = litmus->__increase_prio(klmirqd, hp); return retval; } static int gpu_klmirqd_decrease_priority(struct task_struct *klmirqd, struct task_struct *hp, int budget_triggered) { int retval = 0; /* TRACE_CUR("Decreasing priority of %s/%d to %s/%d.\n", klmirqd->comm, klmirqd->pid, (hp) ? hp->comm : "null", (hp) ? hp->pid : 0); */ /* the klmirqd thread should never attempt to hold a litmus-level real-time * so nested support is not required */ retval = litmus->__decrease_prio(klmirqd, hp, budget_triggered); return retval; } #endif // end CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD /* call when an gpu owner becomes real-time */ long enable_gpu_owner(struct task_struct *t) { long retval = 0; int gpu; nv_device_registry_t *reg; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD struct task_struct *hp; #endif if (!tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus) { // TRACE_CUR("task %s/%d does not hold any GPUs\n", t->comm, t->pid); return -1; } BUG_ON(!is_realtime(t)); gpu = find_first_bit(&tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus, BITS_PER_BYTE*sizeof(tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus)); if (binheap_is_in_heap(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node)) { TRACE_CUR("task %s/%d is already active on GPU %d\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); goto out; } /* update the registration (and maybe klmirqd) */ reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[gpu]; binheap_add(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node, ®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); if (hp == t) { int interrupt_success; /* we're the new hp */ /* TRACE_CUR("%s/%d (eff_prio = %s/%d) is new hp on GPU %d.\n", t->comm, t->pid, effective_priority(t)->comm, effective_priority(t)->pid, gpu); */ interrupt_success = gpu_klmirqd_increase_priority(reg->interrupt_thread, effective_priority(t)); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED { int workq_success = gpu_klmirqd_increase_priority(reg->workq_thread, effective_priority(t)); if(interrupt_success != 1 || workq_success != 1) retval = (interrupt_success != 1) ? interrupt_success : workq_success; else retval = 1; } #else retval = interrupt_success; #endif } #endif out: return retval; } /* call when an gpu owner exits real-time */ long disable_gpu_owner(struct task_struct *t) { long retval = 0; int gpu; nv_device_registry_t *reg; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD struct task_struct *hp; struct task_struct *new_hp = NULL; #endif if (!tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus) { TRACE_CUR("task %s/%d does not hold any GPUs\n", t->comm, t->pid); return -1; } BUG_ON(!is_realtime(t)); gpu = find_first_bit(&tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus, BITS_PER_BYTE*sizeof(tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus)); if (!binheap_is_in_heap(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node)) { // TRACE_CUR("task %s/%d is not active on GPU %d\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); goto out; } // TRACE_CUR("task %s/%d exiting from GPU %d.\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[gpu]; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); binheap_delete(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node, ®->owners); if (!binheap_empty(®->owners)) { new_hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); } if (hp == t && new_hp != t) { int interrupt_success; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED #endif struct task_struct *to_inh = (new_hp) ? effective_priority(new_hp) : NULL; /* TRACE_CUR("%s/%d is no longer hp on GPU %d; new hp = %s/%d (eff_prio = %s/%d).\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu, (new_hp) ? new_hp->comm : "null", (new_hp) ? new_hp->pid : 0, (to_inh) ? to_inh->comm : "null", (to_inh) ? to_inh->pid : 0); */ interrupt_success = gpu_klmirqd_decrease_priority(reg->interrupt_thread, to_inh, 0); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED { int workq_success = gpu_klmirqd_decrease_priority(reg->workq_thread, to_inh, 0); if(interrupt_success != 1 || workq_success != 1) retval = (interrupt_success != 1) ? interrupt_success : workq_success; else retval = 1; } #else retval = interrupt_success; #endif } #else binheap_delete(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node, ®->owners); #endif out: return retval; } long recheck_gpu_owner(struct task_struct* t) { /* TODO: blend implementation of disable/enable */ int retval = disable_gpu_owner(t); if (!retval) retval = enable_gpu_owner(t); return retval; } int gpu_owner_increase_priority(struct task_struct *t) { int retval = 0; int gpu; nv_device_registry_t *reg; struct task_struct *hp = NULL; struct task_struct *hp_eff = NULL; #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD int increase_klmirqd = 0; #endif BUG_ON(!is_realtime(t)); BUG_ON(!tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus); gpu = find_first_bit(&tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus, BITS_PER_BYTE*sizeof(tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus)); if (!binheap_is_in_heap(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node)) { TRACE_CUR("nv klmirqd may not inherit from %s/%d on GPU %d\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); goto out; } TRACE_CUR("task %s/%d on GPU %d increasing priority.\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[gpu]; hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); hp_eff = effective_priority(hp); if (hp != t) { /* our position in the heap may have changed. hp is already at the root. */ binheap_decrease(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node, ®->owners); } #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD else { /* unconditionally propagate - t already has the updated eff and is at the root, so we can't detect a change in inheritance, but we know that priority has indeed increased/changed. */ increase_klmirqd = 1; } hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); /* check if the eff. prio. of hp has changed */ if (increase_klmirqd || (effective_priority(hp) != hp_eff)) { int interrupt_success; hp_eff = effective_priority(hp); TRACE_CUR("%s/%d (eff_prio = %s/%d) is new hp on GPU %d.\n", t->comm, t->pid, hp_eff->comm, hp_eff->pid, gpu); interrupt_success = gpu_klmirqd_increase_priority(reg->interrupt_thread, hp_eff); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED { int workq_success = gpu_klmirqd_increase_priority(reg->workq_thread, hp_eff); if(interrupt_success != 1 || workq_success != 1) retval = (interrupt_success != 1) ? interrupt_success : workq_success; else retval = 1; } #else retval = interrupt_success; #endif } #endif out: return retval; } int gpu_owner_decrease_priority(struct task_struct *t) { int retval = 0; int gpu; nv_device_registry_t *reg; struct task_struct *hp = NULL; struct task_struct *hp_eff = NULL; BUG_ON(!is_realtime(t)); BUG_ON(!tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus); gpu = find_first_bit(&tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus, BITS_PER_BYTE*sizeof(tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus)); if (!binheap_is_in_heap(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node)) { TRACE_CUR("nv klmirqd may not inherit from %s/%d on GPU %d\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); goto out; } TRACE_CUR("task %s/%d on GPU %d decresing priority.\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[gpu]; hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); hp_eff = effective_priority(hp); binheap_delete(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node, ®->owners); binheap_add(&tsk_rt(t)->gpu_owner_node, ®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD if (hp == t) { /* t was originally the hp */ struct task_struct *new_hp = container_of(binheap_top_entry(®->owners, struct rt_param, gpu_owner_node), struct task_struct, rt_param); /* if the new_hp is still t, or if the effective priority has changed */ if ((new_hp == t) || (effective_priority(new_hp) != hp_eff)) { int interrupt_success; hp_eff = effective_priority(new_hp); TRACE_CUR("%s/%d is no longer hp on GPU %d.\n", t->comm, t->pid, gpu); interrupt_success = gpu_klmirqd_decrease_priority(reg->interrupt_thread, hp_eff, 1); #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_NVIDIA_WORKQ_ON_DEDICATED { int workq_success = gpu_klmirqd_decrease_priority(reg->workq_thread, hp_eff, 1); if(interrupt_success != 1 || workq_success != 1) retval = (interrupt_success != 1) ? interrupt_success : workq_success; else retval = 1; } #else retval = interrupt_success; #endif } } #endif out: return retval; } static int __reg_nv_device(int reg_device_id, struct task_struct *t) { __set_bit(reg_device_id, &tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus); return(0); } static int __clear_reg_nv_device(int de_reg_device_id, struct task_struct *t) { __clear_bit(de_reg_device_id, &tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus); return(0); } int reg_nv_device(int reg_device_id, int reg_action, struct task_struct *t) { int ret; if((reg_device_id < num_online_gpus()) && (reg_device_id >= 0)) { if(reg_action) ret = __reg_nv_device(reg_device_id, t); else ret = __clear_reg_nv_device(reg_device_id, t); } else { ret = -ENODEV; } return(ret); } #ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_PAI_SOFTIRQD //void pai_check_priority_increase(struct task_struct *t, int reg_device_id) //{ // unsigned long flags; // nv_device_registry_t *reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[reg_device_id]; // // // // if(reg->max_prio_owner != t) { // // raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); // // if(reg->max_prio_owner != t) { // if(litmus->compare(t, reg->max_prio_owner)) { // litmus->change_prio_pai_tasklet(reg->max_prio_owner, t); // reg->max_prio_owner = t; // } // } // // raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); // } //} // // //void pai_check_priority_decrease(struct task_struct *t, int reg_device_id) //{ // unsigned long flags; // nv_device_registry_t *reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[reg_device_id]; // // if(reg->max_prio_owner == t) { // // raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); // // if(reg->max_prio_owner == t) { // reg->max_prio_owner = find_hp_owner(reg, NULL); // if(reg->max_prio_owner != t) { // litmus->change_prio_pai_tasklet(t, reg->max_prio_owner); // } // } // // raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); // } //} #endif //static int __reg_nv_device(int reg_device_id, struct task_struct *t) //{ // int ret = 0; // int i; // struct task_struct *old_max = NULL; // // // raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); // // if(reg->nr_owners < NV_MAX_SIMULT_USERS) { // TRACE_TASK(t, "registers GPU %d\n", reg_device_id); // for(i = 0; i < NV_MAX_SIMULT_USERS; ++i) { // if(reg->owners[i] == NULL) { // reg->owners[i] = t; // // //if(edf_higher_prio(t, reg->max_prio_owner)) { // if(litmus->compare(t, reg->max_prio_owner)) { // old_max = reg->max_prio_owner; // reg->max_prio_owner = t; // //#ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_PAI_SOFTIRQD // litmus->change_prio_pai_tasklet(old_max, t); //#endif // } // //#ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD // down_and_set_stat(t, HELD, &tsk_rt(t)->klmirqd_sem); //#endif // ++(reg->nr_owners); // // break; // } // } // } // else // { // TRACE_CUR("%s: device %d is already in use!\n", __FUNCTION__, reg_device_id); // //ret = -EBUSY; // } // // raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); // // __set_bit(reg_device_id, &tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus); // // return(ret); //} // //static int __clear_reg_nv_device(int de_reg_device_id, struct task_struct *t) //{ // int ret = 0; // int i; // unsigned long flags; // nv_device_registry_t *reg = &NV_DEVICE_REG[de_reg_device_id]; // //#ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD // struct task_struct* klmirqd_th = get_klmirqd(de_reg_device_id); //#endif // // if(!test_bit(de_reg_device_id, &tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus)) { // return ret; // } // // raw_spin_lock_irqsave(®->lock, flags); // // TRACE_TASK(t, "unregisters GPU %d\n", de_reg_device_id); // // for(i = 0; i < NV_MAX_SIMULT_USERS; ++i) { // if(reg->owners[i] == t) { //#ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD // flush_pending(klmirqd_th, t); //#endif // if(reg->max_prio_owner == t) { // reg->max_prio_owner = find_hp_owner(reg, t); //#ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_PAI_SOFTIRQD // litmus->change_prio_pai_tasklet(t, reg->max_prio_owner); //#endif // } // //#ifdef CONFIG_LITMUS_SOFTIRQD // up_and_set_stat(t, NOT_HELD, &tsk_rt(t)->klmirqd_sem); //#endif // // reg->owners[i] = NULL; // --(reg->nr_owners); // // break; // } // } // // raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(®->lock, flags); // // __clear_bit(de_reg_device_id, &tsk_rt(t)->held_gpus); // // return(ret); //} // // //int reg_nv_device(int reg_device_id, int reg_action, struct task_struct *t) //{ // int ret; // // if((reg_device_id < NV_DEVICE_NUM) && (reg_device_id >= 0)) // { // if(reg_action) // ret = __reg_nv_device(reg_device_id, t); // else // ret = __clear_reg_nv_device(reg_device_id, t); // } // else // { // ret = -ENODEV; // } // // return(ret); //} //void lock_nv_registry(u32 target_device_id, unsigned long* flags) //{ // BUG_ON(target_device_id >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); // // if(in_interrupt()) // TRACE("Locking registry for %d.\n", target_device_id); // else // TRACE_CUR("Locking registry for %d.\n", target_device_id); // // raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&NV_DEVICE_REG[target_device_id].lock, *flags); //} // //void unlock_nv_registry(u32 target_device_id, unsigned long* flags) //{ // BUG_ON(target_device_id >= NV_DEVICE_NUM); // // if(in_interrupt()) // TRACE("Unlocking registry for %d.\n", target_device_id); // else // TRACE_CUR("Unlocking registry for %d.\n", target_device_id); // // raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&NV_DEVICE_REG[target_device_id].lock, *flags); //}