#include <linux/bug.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <litmus/bheap.h> void bheap_init(struct bheap* heap) { heap->head = NULL; heap->min = NULL; } void bheap_node_init(struct bheap_node** _h, void* value) { struct bheap_node* h = *_h; h->parent = NULL; h->next = NULL; h->child = NULL; h->degree = NOT_IN_HEAP; h->value = value; h->ref = _h; } /* make child a subtree of root */ static void __bheap_link(struct bheap_node* root, struct bheap_node* child) { child->parent = root; child->next = root->child; root->child = child; root->degree++; } /* merge root lists */ static struct bheap_node* __bheap_merge(struct bheap_node* a, struct bheap_node* b) { struct bheap_node* head = NULL; struct bheap_node** pos = &head; while (a && b) { if (a->degree < b->degree) { *pos = a; a = a->next; } else { *pos = b; b = b->next; } pos = &(*pos)->next; } if (a) *pos = a; else *pos = b; return head; } /* reverse a linked list of nodes. also clears parent pointer */ static struct bheap_node* __bheap_reverse(struct bheap_node* h) { struct bheap_node* tail = NULL; struct bheap_node* next; if (!h) return h; h->parent = NULL; while (h->next) { next = h->next; h->next = tail; tail = h; h = next; h->parent = NULL; } h->next = tail; return h; } static void __bheap_min(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap, struct bheap_node** prev, struct bheap_node** node) { struct bheap_node *_prev, *cur; *prev = NULL; if (!heap->head) { *node = NULL; return; } *node = heap->head; _prev = heap->head; cur = heap->head->next; while (cur) { if (higher_prio(cur, *node)) { *node = cur; *prev = _prev; } _prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } } static void __bheap_union(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap, struct bheap_node* h2) { struct bheap_node* h1; struct bheap_node *prev, *x, *next; if (!h2) return; h1 = heap->head; if (!h1) { heap->head = h2; return; } h1 = __bheap_merge(h1, h2); prev = NULL; x = h1; next = x->next; while (next) { if (x->degree != next->degree || (next->next && next->next->degree == x->degree)) { /* nothing to do, advance */ prev = x; x = next; } else if (higher_prio(x, next)) { /* x becomes the root of next */ x->next = next->next; __bheap_link(x, next); } else { /* next becomes the root of x */ if (prev) prev->next = next; else h1 = next; __bheap_link(next, x); x = next; } next = x->next; } heap->head = h1; } static struct bheap_node* __bheap_extract_min(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap) { struct bheap_node *prev, *node; __bheap_min(higher_prio, heap, &prev, &node); if (!node) return NULL; if (prev) prev->next = node->next; else heap->head = node->next; __bheap_union(higher_prio, heap, __bheap_reverse(node->child)); return node; } /* insert (and reinitialize) a node into the heap */ void bheap_insert(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap, struct bheap_node* node) { struct bheap_node *min; node->child = NULL; node->parent = NULL; node->next = NULL; node->degree = 0; if (heap->min && higher_prio(node, heap->min)) { /* swap min cache */ min = heap->min; min->child = NULL; min->parent = NULL; min->next = NULL; min->degree = 0; __bheap_union(higher_prio, heap, min); heap->min = node; } else __bheap_union(higher_prio, heap, node); } void bheap_uncache_min(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap) { struct bheap_node* min; if (heap->min) { min = heap->min; heap->min = NULL; bheap_insert(higher_prio, heap, min); } } /* merge addition into target */ void bheap_union(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* target, struct bheap* addition) { /* first insert any cached minima, if necessary */ bheap_uncache_min(higher_prio, target); bheap_uncache_min(higher_prio, addition); __bheap_union(higher_prio, target, addition->head); /* this is a destructive merge */ addition->head = NULL; } struct bheap_node* bheap_peek(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap) { if (!heap->min) heap->min = __bheap_extract_min(higher_prio, heap); return heap->min; } struct bheap_node* bheap_take(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap) { struct bheap_node *node; if (!heap->min) heap->min = __bheap_extract_min(higher_prio, heap); node = heap->min; heap->min = NULL; if (node) node->degree = NOT_IN_HEAP; return node; } int bheap_decrease(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap_node* node) { struct bheap_node *parent; struct bheap_node** tmp_ref; void* tmp; /* bubble up */ parent = node->parent; while (parent && higher_prio(node, parent)) { /* swap parent and node */ tmp = parent->value; parent->value = node->value; node->value = tmp; /* swap references */ *(parent->ref) = node; *(node->ref) = parent; tmp_ref = parent->ref; parent->ref = node->ref; node->ref = tmp_ref; /* step up */ node = parent; parent = node->parent; } return parent != NULL; } void bheap_delete(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap, struct bheap_node* node) { struct bheap_node *parent, *prev, *pos; struct bheap_node** tmp_ref; void* tmp; if (heap->min != node) { /* bubble up */ parent = node->parent; while (parent) { /* swap parent and node */ tmp = parent->value; parent->value = node->value; node->value = tmp; /* swap references */ *(parent->ref) = node; *(node->ref) = parent; tmp_ref = parent->ref; parent->ref = node->ref; node->ref = tmp_ref; /* step up */ node = parent; parent = node->parent; } /* now delete: * first find prev */ prev = NULL; pos = heap->head; while (pos != node) { BUG_ON(!pos); /* fell off the list -> deleted from wrong heap */ prev = pos; pos = pos->next; } /* we have prev, now remove node */ if (prev) prev->next = node->next; else heap->head = node->next; __bheap_union(higher_prio, heap, __bheap_reverse(node->child)); } else heap->min = NULL; node->degree = NOT_IN_HEAP; } /* allocate a heap node for value and insert into the heap */ int bheap_add(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap, void* value, int gfp_flags) { struct bheap_node* hn = bheap_node_alloc(gfp_flags); if (likely(hn)) { bheap_node_init(&hn, value); bheap_insert(higher_prio, heap, hn); } return hn != NULL; } void* bheap_take_del(bheap_prio_t higher_prio, struct bheap* heap) { struct bheap_node* hn = bheap_take(higher_prio, heap); void* ret = NULL; if (hn) { ret = hn->value; bheap_node_free(hn); } return ret; }