/* * * Hardware accelerated Matrox Millennium I, II, Mystique, G100, G200, G400 and G450. * * (c) 1998-2002 Petr Vandrovec <vandrove@vc.cvut.cz> * * Portions Copyright (c) 2001 Matrox Graphics Inc. * * Version: 1.65 2002/08/14 * * See matroxfb_base.c for contributors. * */ #include "matroxfb_maven.h" #include "matroxfb_misc.h" #include "matroxfb_DAC1064.h" #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/matroxfb.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <asm/div64.h> #define MGATVO_B 1 #define MGATVO_C 2 static const struct maven_gamma { unsigned char reg83; unsigned char reg84; unsigned char reg85; unsigned char reg86; unsigned char reg87; unsigned char reg88; unsigned char reg89; unsigned char reg8a; unsigned char reg8b; } maven_gamma[] = { { 131, 57, 223, 15, 117, 212, 251, 91, 156}, { 133, 61, 128, 63, 180, 147, 195, 100, 180}, { 131, 19, 63, 31, 50, 66, 171, 64, 176}, { 0, 0, 0, 31, 16, 16, 16, 100, 200}, { 8, 23, 47, 73, 147, 244, 220, 80, 195}, { 22, 43, 64, 80, 147, 115, 58, 85, 168}, { 34, 60, 80, 214, 147, 212, 188, 85, 167}, { 45, 77, 96, 216, 147, 99, 91, 85, 159}, { 56, 76, 112, 107, 147, 212, 148, 64, 144}, { 65, 91, 128, 137, 147, 196, 17, 69, 148}, { 72, 104, 136, 138, 147, 180, 245, 73, 147}, { 87, 116, 143, 126, 16, 83, 229, 77, 144}, { 95, 119, 152, 254, 244, 83, 221, 77, 151}, { 100, 129, 159, 156, 244, 148, 197, 77, 160}, { 105, 141, 167, 247, 244, 132, 181, 84, 166}, { 105, 147, 168, 247, 244, 245, 181, 90, 170}, { 120, 153, 175, 248, 212, 229, 165, 90, 180}, { 119, 156, 176, 248, 244, 229, 84, 74, 160}, { 119, 158, 183, 248, 244, 229, 149, 78, 165} }; /* Definition of the various controls */ struct mctl { struct v4l2_queryctrl desc; size_t control; }; #define BLMIN 0x0FF #define WLMAX 0x3FF static const struct mctl maven_controls[] = { { { V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS, V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER, "brightness", 0, WLMAX - BLMIN, 1, 379 - BLMIN, 0, }, offsetof(struct matrox_fb_info, altout.tvo_params.brightness) }, { { V4L2_CID_CONTRAST, V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER, "contrast", 0, 1023, 1, 127, 0, }, offsetof(struct matrox_fb_info, altout.tvo_params.contrast) }, { { V4L2_CID_SATURATION, V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER, "saturation", 0, 255, 1, 155, 0, }, offsetof(struct matrox_fb_info, altout.tvo_params.saturation) }, { { V4L2_CID_HUE, V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER, "hue", 0, 255, 1, 0, 0, }, offsetof(struct matrox_fb_info, altout.tvo_params.hue) }, { { V4L2_CID_GAMMA, V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER, "gamma", 0, ARRAY_SIZE(maven_gamma) - 1, 1, 3, 0, }, offsetof(struct matrox_fb_info, altout.tvo_params.gamma) }, { { MATROXFB_CID_TESTOUT, V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "test output", 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, }, offsetof(struct matrox_fb_info, altout.tvo_params.testout) }, { { MATROXFB_CID_DEFLICKER, V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER, "deflicker mode", 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, }, offsetof(struct matrox_fb_info, altout.tvo_params.deflicker) }, }; #define MAVCTRLS ARRAY_SIZE(maven_controls) /* Return: positive number: id found -EINVAL: id not found, return failure -ENOENT: id not found, create fake disabled control */ static int get_ctrl_id(__u32 v4l2_id) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAVCTRLS; i++) { if (v4l2_id < maven_controls[i].desc.id) { if (maven_controls[i].desc.id == 0x08000000) { return -EINVAL; } return -ENOENT; } if (v4l2_id == maven_controls[i].desc.id) { return i; } } return -EINVAL; } struct maven_data { struct matrox_fb_info* primary_head; struct i2c_client *client; int version; }; static int* get_ctrl_ptr(struct maven_data* md, int idx) { return (int*)((char*)(md->primary_head) + maven_controls[idx].control); } static int maven_get_reg(struct i2c_client* c, char reg) { char dst; struct i2c_msg msgs[] = {{ c->addr, I2C_M_REV_DIR_ADDR, sizeof(reg), ® }, { c->addr, I2C_M_RD | I2C_M_NOSTART, sizeof(dst), &dst }}; s32 err; err = i2c_transfer(c->adapter, msgs, 2); if (err < 0) printk(KERN_INFO "ReadReg(%d) failed\n", reg); return dst & 0xFF; } static int maven_set_reg(struct i2c_client* c, int reg, int val) { s32 err; err = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(c, reg, val); if (err) printk(KERN_INFO "WriteReg(%d) failed\n", reg); return err; } static int maven_set_reg_pair(struct i2c_client* c, int reg, int val) { s32 err; err = i2c_smbus_write_word_data(c, reg, val); if (err) printk(KERN_INFO "WriteRegPair(%d) failed\n", reg); return err; } static const struct matrox_pll_features maven_pll = { 50000, 27000, 4, 127, 2, 31, 3 }; struct matrox_pll_features2 { unsigned int vco_freq_min; unsigned int vco_freq_max; unsigned int feed_div_min; unsigned int feed_div_max; unsigned int in_div_min; unsigned int in_div_max; unsigned int post_shift_max; }; struct matrox_pll_ctl { unsigned int ref_freq; unsigned int den; }; static const struct matrox_pll_features2 maven1000_pll = { 50000000, 300000000, 5, 128, 3, 32, 3 }; static const struct matrox_pll_ctl maven_PAL = { 540000, 50 }; static const struct matrox_pll_ctl maven_NTSC = { 450450, /* 27027000/60 == 27000000/59.94005994 */ 60 }; static int matroxfb_PLL_mavenclock(const struct matrox_pll_features2* pll, const struct matrox_pll_ctl* ctl, unsigned int htotal, unsigned int vtotal, unsigned int* in, unsigned int* feed, unsigned int* post, unsigned int* h2) { unsigned int besth2 = 0; unsigned int fxtal = ctl->ref_freq; unsigned int fmin = pll->vco_freq_min / ctl->den; unsigned int fwant; unsigned int p; unsigned int scrlen; unsigned int fmax; DBG(__func__) scrlen = htotal * (vtotal - 1); fwant = htotal * vtotal; fmax = pll->vco_freq_max / ctl->den; dprintk(KERN_DEBUG "want: %u, xtal: %u, h: %u, v: %u, fmax: %u\n", fwant, fxtal, htotal, vtotal, fmax); for (p = 1; p <= pll->post_shift_max; p++) { if (fwant * 2 > fmax) break; fwant *= 2; } if (fwant > fmax) return 0; for (; p-- > 0; fwant >>= 1) { unsigned int m; if (fwant < fmin) break; for (m = pll->in_div_min; m <= pll->in_div_max; m++) { unsigned int n; unsigned int dvd; unsigned int ln; n = (fwant * m) / fxtal; if (n < pll->feed_div_min) continue; if (n > pll->feed_div_max) break; ln = fxtal * n; dvd = m << p; if (ln % dvd) continue; ln = ln / dvd; if (ln < scrlen + 2) continue; ln = ln - scrlen; if (ln > htotal) continue; dprintk(KERN_DEBUG "Match: %u / %u / %u / %u\n", n, m, p, ln); if (ln > besth2) { dprintk(KERN_DEBUG "Better...\n"); *h2 = besth2 = ln; *post = p; *in = m; *feed = n; } } } /* if h2/post/in/feed have not been assigned, return zero (error) */ if (besth2 < 2) return 0; dprintk(KERN_ERR "clk: %02X %02X %02X %d %d\n", *in, *feed, *post, fxtal, fwant); return fxtal * (*feed) / (*in) * ctl->den; } static unsigned int matroxfb_mavenclock(const struct matrox_pll_ctl* ctl, unsigned int htotal, unsigned int vtotal, unsigned int* in, unsigned int* feed, unsigned int* post, unsigned int* htotal2) { unsigned int fvco; unsigned int uninitialized_var(p); fvco = matroxfb_PLL_mavenclock(&maven1000_pll, ctl, htotal, vtotal, in, feed, &p, htotal2); if (!fvco) return -EINVAL; p = (1 << p) - 1; if (fvco <= 100000000) ; else if (fvco <= 140000000) p |= 0x08; else if (fvco <= 180000000) p |= 0x10; else p |= 0x18; *post = p; return 0; } static void DAC1064_calcclock(unsigned int freq, unsigned int fmax, unsigned int* in, unsigned int* feed, unsigned int* post) { unsigned int fvco; unsigned int p; fvco = matroxfb_PLL_calcclock(&maven_pll, freq, fmax, in, feed, &p); p = (1 << p) - 1; if (fvco <= 100000) ; else if (fvco <= 140000) p |= 0x08; else if (fvco <= 180000) p |= 0x10; else p |= 0x18; *post = p; return; } static unsigned char maven_compute_deflicker (const struct maven_data* md) { unsigned char df; df = (md->version == MGATVO_B?0x40:0x00); switch (md->primary_head->altout.tvo_params.deflicker) { case 0: /* df |= 0x00; */ break; case 1: df |= 0xB1; break; case 2: df |= 0xA2; break; } return df; } static void maven_compute_bwlevel (const struct maven_data* md, int *bl, int *wl) { const int b = md->primary_head->altout.tvo_params.brightness + BLMIN; const int c = md->primary_head->altout.tvo_params.contrast; *bl = max(b - c, BLMIN); *wl = min(b + c, WLMAX); } static const struct maven_gamma* maven_compute_gamma (const struct maven_data* md) { return maven_gamma + md->primary_head->altout.tvo_params.gamma; } static void maven_init_TVdata(const struct maven_data* md, struct mavenregs* data) { static struct mavenregs palregs = { { 0x2A, 0x09, 0x8A, 0xCB, /* 00: chroma subcarrier */ 0x00, 0x00, /* ? not written */ 0x00, /* modified by code (F9 written...) */ 0x00, /* ? not written */ 0x7E, /* 08 */ 0x44, /* 09 */ 0x9C, /* 0A */ 0x2E, /* 0B */ 0x21, /* 0C */ 0x00, /* ? not written */ 0x3F, 0x03, /* 0E-0F */ 0x3F, 0x03, /* 10-11 */ 0x1A, /* 12 */ 0x2A, /* 13 */ 0x1C, 0x3D, 0x14, /* 14-16 */ 0x9C, 0x01, /* 17-18 */ 0x00, /* 19 */ 0xFE, /* 1A */ 0x7E, /* 1B */ 0x60, /* 1C */ 0x05, /* 1D */ 0x89, 0x03, /* 1E-1F */ 0x72, /* 20 */ 0x07, /* 21 */ 0x72, /* 22 */ 0x00, /* 23 */ 0x00, /* 24 */ 0x00, /* 25 */ 0x08, /* 26 */ 0x04, /* 27 */ 0x00, /* 28 */ 0x1A, /* 29 */ 0x55, 0x01, /* 2A-2B */ 0x26, /* 2C */ 0x07, 0x7E, /* 2D-2E */ 0x02, 0x54, /* 2F-30 */ 0xB0, 0x00, /* 31-32 */ 0x14, /* 33 */ 0x49, /* 34 */ 0x00, /* 35 written multiple times */ 0x00, /* 36 not written */ 0xA3, /* 37 */ 0xC8, /* 38 */ 0x22, /* 39 */ 0x02, /* 3A */ 0x22, /* 3B */ 0x3F, 0x03, /* 3C-3D */ 0x00, /* 3E written multiple times */ 0x00, /* 3F not written */ }, MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_PAL, 625, 50 }; static struct mavenregs ntscregs = { { 0x21, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x1F, /* 00: chroma subcarrier */ 0x00, 0x00, /* ? not written */ 0x00, /* modified by code (F9 written...) */ 0x00, /* ? not written */ 0x7E, /* 08 */ 0x43, /* 09 */ 0x7E, /* 0A */ 0x3D, /* 0B */ 0x00, /* 0C */ 0x00, /* ? not written */ 0x41, 0x00, /* 0E-0F */ 0x3C, 0x00, /* 10-11 */ 0x17, /* 12 */ 0x21, /* 13 */ 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x24, /* 14-16 */ 0x83, 0x01, /* 17-18 */ 0x00, /* 19 */ 0x0F, /* 1A */ 0x0F, /* 1B */ 0x60, /* 1C */ 0x05, /* 1D */ 0x89, 0x02, /* 1E-1F */ 0x5F, /* 20 */ 0x04, /* 21 */ 0x5F, /* 22 */ 0x01, /* 23 */ 0x02, /* 24 */ 0x00, /* 25 */ 0x0A, /* 26 */ 0x05, /* 27 */ 0x00, /* 28 */ 0x10, /* 29 */ 0xFF, 0x03, /* 2A-2B */ 0x24, /* 2C */ 0x0F, 0x78, /* 2D-2E */ 0x00, 0x00, /* 2F-30 */ 0xB2, 0x04, /* 31-32 */ 0x14, /* 33 */ 0x02, /* 34 */ 0x00, /* 35 written multiple times */ 0x00, /* 36 not written */ 0xA3, /* 37 */ 0xC8, /* 38 */ 0x15, /* 39 */ 0x05, /* 3A */ 0x3B, /* 3B */ 0x3C, 0x00, /* 3C-3D */ 0x00, /* 3E written multiple times */ 0x00, /* never written */ }, MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_NTSC, 525, 60 }; struct matrox_fb_info *minfo = md->primary_head; if (minfo->outputs[1].mode == MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_PAL) *data = palregs; else *data = ntscregs; /* Set deflicker */ data->regs[0x93] = maven_compute_deflicker(md); /* set gamma */ { const struct maven_gamma* g; g = maven_compute_gamma(md); data->regs[0x83] = g->reg83; data->regs[0x84] = g->reg84; data->regs[0x85] = g->reg85; data->regs[0x86] = g->reg86; data->regs[0x87] = g->reg87; data->regs[0x88] = g->reg88; data->regs[0x89] = g->reg89; data->regs[0x8A] = g->reg8a; data->regs[0x8B] = g->reg8b; } /* Set contrast / brightness */ { int bl, wl; maven_compute_bwlevel (md, &bl, &wl); data->regs[0x0e] = bl >> 2; data->regs[0x0f] = bl & 3; data->regs[0x1e] = wl >> 2; data->regs[0x1f] = wl & 3; } /* Set saturation */ { data->regs[0x20] = data->regs[0x22] = minfo->altout.tvo_params.saturation; } /* Set HUE */ data->regs[0x25] = minfo->altout.tvo_params.hue; return; } #define LR(x) maven_set_reg(c, (x), m->regs[(x)]) #define LRP(x) maven_set_reg_pair(c, (x), m->regs[(x)] | (m->regs[(x)+1] << 8)) static void maven_init_TV(struct i2c_client* c, const struct mavenregs* m) { int val; maven_set_reg(c, 0x3E, 0x01); maven_get_reg(c, 0x82); /* fetch oscillator state? */ maven_set_reg(c, 0x8C, 0x00); maven_get_reg(c, 0x94); /* get 0x82 */ maven_set_reg(c, 0x94, 0xA2); /* xmiscctrl */ maven_set_reg_pair(c, 0x8E, 0x1EFF); maven_set_reg(c, 0xC6, 0x01); /* removed code... */ maven_get_reg(c, 0x06); maven_set_reg(c, 0x06, 0xF9); /* or read |= 0xF0 ? */ /* removed code here... */ /* real code begins here? */ /* chroma subcarrier */ LR(0x00); LR(0x01); LR(0x02); LR(0x03); LR(0x04); LR(0x2C); LR(0x08); LR(0x0A); LR(0x09); LR(0x29); LRP(0x31); LRP(0x17); LR(0x0B); LR(0x0C); if (m->mode == MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_PAL) { maven_set_reg(c, 0x35, 0x10); /* ... */ } else { maven_set_reg(c, 0x35, 0x0F); /* ... */ } LRP(0x10); LRP(0x0E); LRP(0x1E); LR(0x20); /* saturation #1 */ LR(0x22); /* saturation #2 */ LR(0x25); /* hue */ LR(0x34); LR(0x33); LR(0x19); LR(0x12); LR(0x3B); LR(0x13); LR(0x39); LR(0x1D); LR(0x3A); LR(0x24); LR(0x14); LR(0x15); LR(0x16); LRP(0x2D); LRP(0x2F); LR(0x1A); LR(0x1B); LR(0x1C); LR(0x23); LR(0x26); LR(0x28); LR(0x27); LR(0x21); LRP(0x2A); if (m->mode == MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_PAL) maven_set_reg(c, 0x35, 0x1D); /* ... */ else maven_set_reg(c, 0x35, 0x1C); LRP(0x3C); LR(0x37); LR(0x38); maven_set_reg(c, 0xB3, 0x01); maven_get_reg(c, 0xB0); /* read 0x80 */ maven_set_reg(c, 0xB0, 0x08); /* ugh... */ maven_get_reg(c, 0xB9); /* read 0x7C */ maven_set_reg(c, 0xB9, 0x78); maven_get_reg(c, 0xBF); /* read 0x00 */ maven_set_reg(c, 0xBF, 0x02); maven_get_reg(c, 0x94); /* read 0x82 */ maven_set_reg(c, 0x94, 0xB3); LR(0x80); /* 04 1A 91 or 05 21 91 */ LR(0x81); LR(0x82); maven_set_reg(c, 0x8C, 0x20); maven_get_reg(c, 0x8D); maven_set_reg(c, 0x8D, 0x10); LR(0x90); /* 4D 50 52 or 4E 05 45 */ LR(0x91); LR(0x92); LRP(0x9A); /* 0049 or 004F */ LRP(0x9C); /* 0004 or 0004 */ LRP(0x9E); /* 0458 or 045E */ LRP(0xA0); /* 05DA or 051B */ LRP(0xA2); /* 00CC or 00CF */ LRP(0xA4); /* 007D or 007F */ LRP(0xA6); /* 007C or 007E */ LRP(0xA8); /* 03CB or 03CE */ LRP(0x98); /* 0000 or 0000 */ LRP(0xAE); /* 0044 or 003A */ LRP(0x96); /* 05DA or 051B */ LRP(0xAA); /* 04BC or 046A */ LRP(0xAC); /* 004D or 004E */ LR(0xBE); LR(0xC2); maven_get_reg(c, 0x8D); maven_set_reg(c, 0x8D, 0x04); LR(0x20); /* saturation #1 */ LR(0x22); /* saturation #2 */ LR(0x93); /* whoops */ LR(0x20); /* oh, saturation #1 again */ LR(0x22); /* oh, saturation #2 again */ LR(0x25); /* hue */ LRP(0x0E); LRP(0x1E); LRP(0x0E); /* problems with memory? */ LRP(0x1E); /* yes, matrox must have problems in memory area... */ /* load gamma correction stuff */ LR(0x83); LR(0x84); LR(0x85); LR(0x86); LR(0x87); LR(0x88); LR(0x89); LR(0x8A); LR(0x8B); val = maven_get_reg(c, 0x8D); val &= 0x14; /* 0x10 or anything ored with it */ maven_set_reg(c, 0x8D, val); LR(0x33); LR(0x19); LR(0x12); LR(0x3B); LR(0x13); LR(0x39); LR(0x1D); LR(0x3A); LR(0x24); LR(0x14); LR(0x15); LR(0x16); LRP(0x2D); LRP(0x2F); LR(0x1A); LR(0x1B); LR(0x1C); LR(0x23); LR(0x26); LR(0x28); LR(0x27); LR(0x21); LRP(0x2A); if (m->mode == MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_PAL) maven_set_reg(c, 0x35, 0x1D); else maven_set_reg(c, 0x35, 0x1C); LRP(0x3C); LR(0x37); LR(0x38); maven_get_reg(c, 0xB0); LR(0xB0); /* output mode */ LR(0x90); LR(0xBE); LR(0xC2); LRP(0x9A); LRP(0xA2); LRP(0x9E); LRP(0xA6); LRP(0xAA); LRP(0xAC); maven_set_reg(c, 0x3E, 0x00); maven_set_reg(c, 0x95, 0x20); } static int maven_find_exact_clocks(unsigned int ht, unsigned int vt, struct mavenregs* m) { unsigned int x; unsigned int err = ~0; /* 1:1 */ m->regs[0x80] = 0x0F; m->regs[0x81] = 0x07; m->regs[0x82] = 0x81; for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { unsigned int c; unsigned int uninitialized_var(a), uninitialized_var(b), uninitialized_var(h2); unsigned int h = ht + 2 + x; if (!matroxfb_mavenclock((m->mode == MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_PAL) ? &maven_PAL : &maven_NTSC, h, vt, &a, &b, &c, &h2)) { unsigned int diff = h - h2; if (diff < err) { err = diff; m->regs[0x80] = a - 1; m->regs[0x81] = b - 1; m->regs[0x82] = c | 0x80; m->hcorr = h2 - 2; m->htotal = h - 2; } } } return err != ~0U; } static inline int maven_compute_timming(struct maven_data* md, struct my_timming* mt, struct mavenregs* m) { unsigned int tmpi; unsigned int a, bv, c; struct matrox_fb_info *minfo = md->primary_head; m->mode = minfo->outputs[1].mode; if (m->mode != MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_MONITOR) { unsigned int lmargin; unsigned int umargin; unsigned int vslen; unsigned int hcrt; unsigned int slen; maven_init_TVdata(md, m); if (maven_find_exact_clocks(mt->HTotal, mt->VTotal, m) == 0) return -EINVAL; lmargin = mt->HTotal - mt->HSyncEnd; slen = mt->HSyncEnd - mt->HSyncStart; hcrt = mt->HTotal - slen - mt->delay; umargin = mt->VTotal - mt->VSyncEnd; vslen = mt->VSyncEnd - mt->VSyncStart; if (m->hcorr < mt->HTotal) hcrt += m->hcorr; if (hcrt > mt->HTotal) hcrt -= mt->HTotal; if (hcrt + 2 > mt->HTotal) hcrt = 0; /* or issue warning? */ /* last (first? middle?) line in picture can have different length */ /* hlen - 2 */ m->regs[0x96] = m->hcorr; m->regs[0x97] = m->hcorr >> 8; /* ... */ m->regs[0x98] = 0x00; m->regs[0x99] = 0x00; /* hblanking end */ m->regs[0x9A] = lmargin; /* 100% */ m->regs[0x9B] = lmargin >> 8; /* 100% */ /* who knows */ m->regs[0x9C] = 0x04; m->regs[0x9D] = 0x00; /* htotal - 2 */ m->regs[0xA0] = m->htotal; m->regs[0xA1] = m->htotal >> 8; /* vblanking end */ m->regs[0xA2] = mt->VTotal - mt->VSyncStart - 1; /* stop vblanking */ m->regs[0xA3] = (mt->VTotal - mt->VSyncStart - 1) >> 8; /* something end... [A6]+1..[A8] */ if (md->version == MGATVO_B) { m->regs[0xA4] = 0x04; m->regs[0xA5] = 0x00; } else { m->regs[0xA4] = 0x01; m->regs[0xA5] = 0x00; } /* something start... 0..[A4]-1 */ m->regs[0xA6] = 0x00; m->regs[0xA7] = 0x00; /* vertical line count - 1 */ m->regs[0xA8] = mt->VTotal - 1; m->regs[0xA9] = (mt->VTotal - 1) >> 8; /* horizontal vidrst pos */ m->regs[0xAA] = hcrt; /* 0 <= hcrt <= htotal - 2 */ m->regs[0xAB] = hcrt >> 8; /* vertical vidrst pos */ m->regs[0xAC] = mt->VTotal - 2; m->regs[0xAD] = (mt->VTotal - 2) >> 8; /* moves picture up/down and so on... */ m->regs[0xAE] = 0x01; /* Fix this... 0..VTotal */ m->regs[0xAF] = 0x00; { int hdec; int hlen; unsigned int ibmin = 4 + lmargin + mt->HDisplay; unsigned int ib; int i; /* Verify! */ /* Where 94208 came from? */ if (mt->HTotal) hdec = 94208 / (mt->HTotal); else hdec = 0x81; if (hdec > 0x81) hdec = 0x81; if (hdec < 0x41) hdec = 0x41; hdec--; hlen = 98304 - 128 - ((lmargin + mt->HDisplay - 8) * hdec); if (hlen < 0) hlen = 0; hlen = hlen >> 8; if (hlen > 0xFF) hlen = 0xFF; /* Now we have to compute input buffer length. If you want any picture, it must be between 4 + lmargin + xres and 94208 / hdec If you want perfect picture even on the top of screen, it must be also 0x3C0000 * i / hdec + Q - R / hdec where R Qmin Qmax 0x07000 0x5AE 0x5BF 0x08000 0x5CF 0x5FF 0x0C000 0x653 0x67F 0x10000 0x6F8 0x6FF */ i = 1; do { ib = ((0x3C0000 * i - 0x8000)/ hdec + 0x05E7) >> 8; i++; } while (ib < ibmin); if (ib >= m->htotal + 2) { ib = ibmin; } m->regs[0x90] = hdec; /* < 0x40 || > 0x80 is bad... 0x80 is questionable */ m->regs[0xC2] = hlen; /* 'valid' input line length */ m->regs[0x9E] = ib; m->regs[0x9F] = ib >> 8; } { int vdec; int vlen; #define MATROX_USE64BIT_DIVIDE if (mt->VTotal) { #ifdef MATROX_USE64BIT_DIVIDE u64 f1; u32 a; u32 b; a = m->vlines * (m->htotal + 2); b = (mt->VTotal - 1) * (m->htotal + 2) + m->hcorr + 2; f1 = ((u64)a) << 15; /* *32768 */ do_div(f1, b); vdec = f1; #else vdec = m->vlines * 32768 / mt->VTotal; #endif } else vdec = 0x8000; if (vdec > 0x8000) vdec = 0x8000; vlen = (vslen + umargin + mt->VDisplay) * vdec; vlen = (vlen >> 16) - 146; /* FIXME: 146?! */ if (vlen < 0) vlen = 0; if (vlen > 0xFF) vlen = 0xFF; vdec--; m->regs[0x91] = vdec; m->regs[0x92] = vdec >> 8; m->regs[0xBE] = vlen; } m->regs[0xB0] = 0x08; /* output: SVideo/Composite */ return 0; } DAC1064_calcclock(mt->pixclock, 450000, &a, &bv, &c); m->regs[0x80] = a; m->regs[0x81] = bv; m->regs[0x82] = c | 0x80; m->regs[0xB3] = 0x01; m->regs[0x94] = 0xB2; /* htotal... */ m->regs[0x96] = mt->HTotal; m->regs[0x97] = mt->HTotal >> 8; /* ?? */ m->regs[0x98] = 0x00; m->regs[0x99] = 0x00; /* hsync len */ tmpi = mt->HSyncEnd - mt->HSyncStart; m->regs[0x9A] = tmpi; m->regs[0x9B] = tmpi >> 8; /* hblank end */ tmpi = mt->HTotal - mt->HSyncStart; m->regs[0x9C] = tmpi; m->regs[0x9D] = tmpi >> 8; /* hblank start */ tmpi += mt->HDisplay; m->regs[0x9E] = tmpi; m->regs[0x9F] = tmpi >> 8; /* htotal + 1 */ tmpi = mt->HTotal + 1; m->regs[0xA0] = tmpi; m->regs[0xA1] = tmpi >> 8; /* vsync?! */ tmpi = mt->VSyncEnd - mt->VSyncStart - 1; m->regs[0xA2] = tmpi; m->regs[0xA3] = tmpi >> 8; /* ignored? */ tmpi = mt->VTotal - mt->VSyncStart; m->regs[0xA4] = tmpi; m->regs[0xA5] = tmpi >> 8; /* ignored? */ tmpi = mt->VTotal - 1; m->regs[0xA6] = tmpi; m->regs[0xA7] = tmpi >> 8; /* vtotal - 1 */ m->regs[0xA8] = tmpi; m->regs[0xA9] = tmpi >> 8; /* hor vidrst */ tmpi = mt->HTotal - mt->delay; m->regs[0xAA] = tmpi; m->regs[0xAB] = tmpi >> 8; /* vert vidrst */ tmpi = mt->VTotal - 2; m->regs[0xAC] = tmpi; m->regs[0xAD] = tmpi >> 8; /* ignored? */ m->regs[0xAE] = 0x00; m->regs[0xAF] = 0x00; m->regs[0xB0] = 0x03; /* output: monitor */ m->regs[0xB1] = 0xA0; /* ??? */ m->regs[0x8C] = 0x20; /* must be set... */ m->regs[0x8D] = 0x04; /* defaults to 0x10: test signal */ m->regs[0xB9] = 0x1A; /* defaults to 0x2C: too bright */ m->regs[0xBF] = 0x22; /* makes picture stable */ return 0; } static int maven_program_timming(struct maven_data* md, const struct mavenregs* m) { struct i2c_client *c = md->client; if (m->mode == MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_MONITOR) { LR(0x80); LR(0x81); LR(0x82); LR(0xB3); LR(0x94); LRP(0x96); LRP(0x98); LRP(0x9A); LRP(0x9C); LRP(0x9E); LRP(0xA0); LRP(0xA2); LRP(0xA4); LRP(0xA6); LRP(0xA8); LRP(0xAA); LRP(0xAC); LRP(0xAE); LR(0xB0); /* output: monitor */ LR(0xB1); /* ??? */ LR(0x8C); /* must be set... */ LR(0x8D); /* defaults to 0x10: test signal */ LR(0xB9); /* defaults to 0x2C: too bright */ LR(0xBF); /* makes picture stable */ } else { maven_init_TV(c, m); } return 0; } static inline int maven_resync(struct maven_data* md) { struct i2c_client *c = md->client; maven_set_reg(c, 0x95, 0x20); /* start whole thing */ return 0; } static int maven_get_queryctrl (struct maven_data* md, struct v4l2_queryctrl *p) { int i; i = get_ctrl_id(p->id); if (i >= 0) { *p = maven_controls[i].desc; return 0; } if (i == -ENOENT) { static const struct v4l2_queryctrl disctrl = { .flags = V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_DISABLED }; i = p->id; *p = disctrl; p->id = i; sprintf(p->name, "Ctrl #%08X", i); return 0; } return -EINVAL; } static int maven_set_control (struct maven_data* md, struct v4l2_control *p) { int i; i = get_ctrl_id(p->id); if (i < 0) return -EINVAL; /* * Check if changed. */ if (p->value == *get_ctrl_ptr(md, i)) return 0; /* * Check limits. */ if (p->value > maven_controls[i].desc.maximum) return -EINVAL; if (p->value < maven_controls[i].desc.minimum) return -EINVAL; /* * Store new value. */ *get_ctrl_ptr(md, i) = p->value; switch (p->id) { case V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS: case V4L2_CID_CONTRAST: { int blacklevel, whitelevel; maven_compute_bwlevel(md, &blacklevel, &whitelevel); blacklevel = (blacklevel >> 2) | ((blacklevel & 3) << 8); whitelevel = (whitelevel >> 2) | ((whitelevel & 3) << 8); maven_set_reg_pair(md->client, 0x0e, blacklevel); maven_set_reg_pair(md->client, 0x1e, whitelevel); } break; case V4L2_CID_SATURATION: { maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x20, p->value); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x22, p->value); } break; case V4L2_CID_HUE: { maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x25, p->value); } break; case V4L2_CID_GAMMA: { const struct maven_gamma* g; g = maven_compute_gamma(md); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x83, g->reg83); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x84, g->reg84); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x85, g->reg85); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x86, g->reg86); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x87, g->reg87); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x88, g->reg88); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x89, g->reg89); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x8a, g->reg8a); maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x8b, g->reg8b); } break; case MATROXFB_CID_TESTOUT: { unsigned char val = maven_get_reg(md->client, 0x8d); if (p->value) val |= 0x10; else val &= ~0x10; maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x8d, val); } break; case MATROXFB_CID_DEFLICKER: { maven_set_reg(md->client, 0x93, maven_compute_deflicker(md)); } break; } return 0; } static int maven_get_control (struct maven_data* md, struct v4l2_control *p) { int i; i = get_ctrl_id(p->id); if (i < 0) return -EINVAL; p->value = *get_ctrl_ptr(md, i); return 0; } /******************************************************/ static int maven_out_compute(void* md, struct my_timming* mt) { #define mdinfo ((struct maven_data*)md) #define minfo (mdinfo->primary_head) return maven_compute_timming(md, mt, &minfo->hw.maven); #undef minfo #undef mdinfo } static int maven_out_program(void* md) { #define mdinfo ((struct maven_data*)md) #define minfo (mdinfo->primary_head) return maven_program_timming(md, &minfo->hw.maven); #undef minfo #undef mdinfo } static int maven_out_start(void* md) { return maven_resync(md); } static int maven_out_verify_mode(void* md, u_int32_t arg) { switch (arg) { case MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_PAL: case MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_NTSC: case MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_MONITOR: return 0; } return -EINVAL; } static int maven_out_get_queryctrl(void* md, struct v4l2_queryctrl* p) { return maven_get_queryctrl(md, p); } static int maven_out_get_ctrl(void* md, struct v4l2_control* p) { return maven_get_control(md, p); } static int maven_out_set_ctrl(void* md, struct v4l2_control* p) { return maven_set_control(md, p); } static struct matrox_altout maven_altout = { .name = "Secondary output", .compute = maven_out_compute, .program = maven_out_program, .start = maven_out_start, .verifymode = maven_out_verify_mode, .getqueryctrl = maven_out_get_queryctrl, .getctrl = maven_out_get_ctrl, .setctrl = maven_out_set_ctrl, }; static int maven_init_client(struct i2c_client* clnt) { struct maven_data* md = i2c_get_clientdata(clnt); struct matrox_fb_info *minfo = container_of(clnt->adapter, struct i2c_bit_adapter, adapter)->minfo; md->primary_head = minfo; md->client = clnt; down_write(&minfo->altout.lock); minfo->outputs[1].output = &maven_altout; minfo->outputs[1].src = minfo->outputs[1].default_src; minfo->outputs[1].data = md; minfo->outputs[1].mode = MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_MONITOR; up_write(&minfo->altout.lock); if (maven_get_reg(clnt, 0xB2) < 0x14) { md->version = MGATVO_B; /* Tweak some things for this old chip */ } else { md->version = MGATVO_C; } /* * Set all parameters to its initial values. */ { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < MAVCTRLS; ++i) { *get_ctrl_ptr(md, i) = maven_controls[i].desc.default_value; } } return 0; } static int maven_shutdown_client(struct i2c_client* clnt) { struct maven_data* md = i2c_get_clientdata(clnt); if (md->primary_head) { struct matrox_fb_info *minfo = md->primary_head; down_write(&minfo->altout.lock); minfo->outputs[1].src = MATROXFB_SRC_NONE; minfo->outputs[1].output = NULL; minfo->outputs[1].data = NULL; minfo->outputs[1].mode = MATROXFB_OUTPUT_MODE_MONITOR; up_write(&minfo->altout.lock); md->primary_head = NULL; } return 0; } static int maven_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id) { struct i2c_adapter *adapter = client->adapter; int err = -ENODEV; struct maven_data* data; if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter, I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_WORD_DATA | I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA | I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING)) goto ERROR0; if (!(data = kzalloc(sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL))) { err = -ENOMEM; goto ERROR0; } i2c_set_clientdata(client, data); err = maven_init_client(client); if (err) goto ERROR4; return 0; ERROR4:; kfree(data); ERROR0:; return err; } static int maven_remove(struct i2c_client *client) { maven_shutdown_client(client); kfree(i2c_get_clientdata(client)); return 0; } static const struct i2c_device_id maven_id[] = { { "maven", 0 }, { } }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, maven_id); static struct i2c_driver maven_driver={ .driver = { .name = "maven", }, .probe = maven_probe, .remove = maven_remove, .id_table = maven_id, }; static int __init matroxfb_maven_init(void) { return i2c_add_driver(&maven_driver); } static void __exit matroxfb_maven_exit(void) { i2c_del_driver(&maven_driver); } MODULE_AUTHOR("(c) 1999-2002 Petr Vandrovec <vandrove@vc.cvut.cz>"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Matrox G200/G400 Matrox MGA-TVO driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); module_init(matroxfb_maven_init); module_exit(matroxfb_maven_exit); /* we do not have __setup() yet */