#include <linux/config.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/i2c-id.h> #include <linux/i2c-algo-bit.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <video/radeon.h> #include "radeonfb.h" #include "../edid.h" #define RADEON_DDC 0x50 static void radeon_gpio_setscl(void* data, int state) { struct radeon_i2c_chan *chan = data; struct radeonfb_info *rinfo = chan->rinfo; u32 val; val = INREG(chan->ddc_reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN); if (!state) val |= VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN; OUTREG(chan->ddc_reg, val); (void)INREG(chan->ddc_reg); } static void radeon_gpio_setsda(void* data, int state) { struct radeon_i2c_chan *chan = data; struct radeonfb_info *rinfo = chan->rinfo; u32 val; val = INREG(chan->ddc_reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN); if (!state) val |= VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN; OUTREG(chan->ddc_reg, val); (void)INREG(chan->ddc_reg); } static int radeon_gpio_getscl(void* data) { struct radeon_i2c_chan *chan = data; struct radeonfb_info *rinfo = chan->rinfo; u32 val; val = INREG(chan->ddc_reg); return (val & VGA_DDC_CLK_INPUT) ? 1 : 0; } static int radeon_gpio_getsda(void* data) { struct radeon_i2c_chan *chan = data; struct radeonfb_info *rinfo = chan->rinfo; u32 val; val = INREG(chan->ddc_reg); return (val & VGA_DDC_DATA_INPUT) ? 1 : 0; } static int radeon_setup_i2c_bus(struct radeon_i2c_chan *chan, const char *name) { int rc; strcpy(chan->adapter.name, name); chan->adapter.owner = THIS_MODULE; chan->adapter.id = I2C_ALGO_ATI; chan->adapter.algo_data = &chan->algo; chan->adapter.dev.parent = &chan->rinfo->pdev->dev; chan->algo.setsda = radeon_gpio_setsda; chan->algo.setscl = radeon_gpio_setscl; chan->algo.getsda = radeon_gpio_getsda; chan->algo.getscl = radeon_gpio_getscl; chan->algo.udelay = 40; chan->algo.timeout = 20; chan->algo.data = chan; i2c_set_adapdata(&chan->adapter, chan); /* Raise SCL and SDA */ radeon_gpio_setsda(chan, 1); radeon_gpio_setscl(chan, 1); udelay(20); rc = i2c_bit_add_bus(&chan->adapter); if (rc == 0) dev_dbg(&chan->rinfo->pdev->dev, "I2C bus %s registered.\n", name); else dev_warn(&chan->rinfo->pdev->dev, "Failed to register I2C bus %s.\n", name); return rc; } void radeon_create_i2c_busses(struct radeonfb_info *rinfo) { rinfo->i2c[0].rinfo = rinfo; rinfo->i2c[0].ddc_reg = GPIO_MONID; radeon_setup_i2c_bus(&rinfo->i2c[0], "monid"); rinfo->i2c[1].rinfo = rinfo; rinfo->i2c[1].ddc_reg = GPIO_DVI_DDC; radeon_setup_i2c_bus(&rinfo->i2c[1], "dvi"); rinfo->i2c[2].rinfo = rinfo; rinfo->i2c[2].ddc_reg = GPIO_VGA_DDC; radeon_setup_i2c_bus(&rinfo->i2c[2], "vga"); rinfo->i2c[3].rinfo = rinfo; rinfo->i2c[3].ddc_reg = GPIO_CRT2_DDC; radeon_setup_i2c_bus(&rinfo->i2c[3], "crt2"); } void radeon_delete_i2c_busses(struct radeonfb_info *rinfo) { if (rinfo->i2c[0].rinfo) i2c_bit_del_bus(&rinfo->i2c[0].adapter); rinfo->i2c[0].rinfo = NULL; if (rinfo->i2c[1].rinfo) i2c_bit_del_bus(&rinfo->i2c[1].adapter); rinfo->i2c[1].rinfo = NULL; if (rinfo->i2c[2].rinfo) i2c_bit_del_bus(&rinfo->i2c[2].adapter); rinfo->i2c[2].rinfo = NULL; if (rinfo->i2c[3].rinfo) i2c_bit_del_bus(&rinfo->i2c[3].adapter); rinfo->i2c[3].rinfo = NULL; } static u8 *radeon_do_probe_i2c_edid(struct radeon_i2c_chan *chan) { u8 start = 0x0; struct i2c_msg msgs[] = { { .addr = RADEON_DDC, .len = 1, .buf = &start, }, { .addr = RADEON_DDC, .flags = I2C_M_RD, .len = EDID_LENGTH, }, }; u8 *buf; buf = kmalloc(EDID_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) { dev_warn(&chan->rinfo->pdev->dev, "Out of memory!\n"); return NULL; } msgs[1].buf = buf; if (i2c_transfer(&chan->adapter, msgs, 2) == 2) return buf; dev_dbg(&chan->rinfo->pdev->dev, "Unable to read EDID block.\n"); kfree(buf); return NULL; } int radeon_probe_i2c_connector(struct radeonfb_info *rinfo, int conn, u8 **out_edid) { u32 reg = rinfo->i2c[conn-1].ddc_reg; u8 *edid = NULL; int i, j; OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_DATA_OUTPUT | VGA_DDC_CLK_OUTPUT)); OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* For some old monitors we need the * following process to initialize/stop DDC */ OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); msleep(13); OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { msleep(10); if (INREG(reg) & VGA_DDC_CLK_INPUT) break; } if (j == 5) continue; OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) | VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN); (void)INREG(reg); msleep(15); OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) | VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN); (void)INREG(reg); msleep(15); OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); msleep(15); /* Do the real work */ edid = radeon_do_probe_i2c_edid(&rinfo->i2c[conn-1]); OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) | (VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN | VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); msleep(15); OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { msleep(10); if (INREG(reg) & VGA_DDC_CLK_INPUT) break; } OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); msleep(15); OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) | (VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN | VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); if (edid) break; } /* Release the DDC lines when done or the Apple Cinema HD display * will switch off */ OUTREG(reg, INREG(reg) & ~(VGA_DDC_CLK_OUT_EN | VGA_DDC_DATA_OUT_EN)); (void)INREG(reg); if (out_edid) *out_edid = edid; if (!edid) { RTRACE("radeonfb: I2C (port %d) ... not found\n", conn); return MT_NONE; } if (edid[0x14] & 0x80) { /* Fix detection using BIOS tables */ if (rinfo->is_mobility /*&& conn == ddc_dvi*/ && (INREG(LVDS_GEN_CNTL) & LVDS_ON)) { RTRACE("radeonfb: I2C (port %d) ... found LVDS panel\n", conn); return MT_LCD; } else { RTRACE("radeonfb: I2C (port %d) ... found TMDS panel\n", conn); return MT_DFP; } } RTRACE("radeonfb: I2C (port %d) ... found CRT display\n", conn); return MT_CRT; }