/* zr36120.c - Zoran 36120/36125 based framegrabbers Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Pauline Middelink <middelin@polyware.nl> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/major.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/vmalloc.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/signal.h> #include <linux/wait.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/pgtable.h> #include <asm/page.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/video_decoder.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> #include "tuner.h" #include "zr36120.h" #include "zr36120_mem.h" /* mark an required function argument unused - lintism */ #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) /* sensible default */ #ifndef CARDTYPE #define CARDTYPE 0 #endif /* Anybody who uses more than four? */ #define ZORAN_MAX 4 static unsigned int triton1=0; /* triton1 chipset? */ static unsigned int cardtype[ZORAN_MAX]={ [ 0 ... ZORAN_MAX-1 ] = CARDTYPE }; static int video_nr = -1; static int vbi_nr = -1; static struct pci_device_id zr36120_pci_tbl[] = { { PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZORAN,PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZORAN_36120, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0 } }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, zr36120_pci_tbl); MODULE_AUTHOR("Pauline Middelink <middelin@polyware.nl>"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Zoran ZR36120 based framegrabber"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_PARM(triton1,"i"); MODULE_PARM(cardtype,"1-" __MODULE_STRING(ZORAN_MAX) "i"); MODULE_PARM(video_nr,"i"); MODULE_PARM(vbi_nr,"i"); static int zoran_cards; static struct zoran zorans[ZORAN_MAX]; /* * the meaning of each element can be found in zr36120.h * Determining the value of gpdir/gpval can be tricky. The * best way is to run the card under the original software * and read the values from the general purpose registers * 0x28 and 0x2C. How you do that is left as an exercise * to the impatient reader :) */ #define T 1 /* to separate the bools from the ints */ #define F 0 static struct tvcard tvcards[] = { /* reported working by <middelin@polyware.nl> */ /*0*/ { "Trust Victor II", 2, 0, T, T, T, T, 0x7F, 0x80, { 1, SVHS(6) }, { 0 } }, /* reported working by <Michael.Paxton@aihw.gov.au> */ /*1*/ { "Aitech WaveWatcher TV-PCI", 3, 0, T, F, T, T, 0x7F, 0x80, { 1, TUNER(3), SVHS(6) }, { 0 } }, /* reported working by ? */ /*2*/ { "Genius Video Wonder PCI Video Capture Card", 2, 0, T, T, T, T, 0x7F, 0x80, { 1, SVHS(6) }, { 0 } }, /* reported working by <Pascal.Gabriel@wanadoo.fr> */ /*3*/ { "Guillemot Maxi-TV PCI", 2, 0, T, T, T, T, 0x7F, 0x80, { 1, SVHS(6) }, { 0 } }, /* reported working by "Craig Whitmore <lennon@igrin.co.nz> */ /*4*/ { "Quadrant Buster", 3, 3, T, F, T, T, 0x7F, 0x80, { SVHS(1), TUNER(2), 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 } }, /* a debug entry which has all inputs mapped */ /*5*/ { "ZR36120 based framegrabber (all inputs enabled)", 6, 0, T, T, T, T, 0x7F, 0x80, { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, { 0 } } }; #undef T #undef F #define NRTVCARDS (sizeof(tvcards)/sizeof(tvcards[0])) #ifdef __sparc__ #define ENDIANESS 0 #else #define ENDIANESS ZORAN_VFEC_LE #endif static struct { const char name[8]; uint mode; uint bpp; } palette2fmt[] = { /* n/a */ { "n/a", 0, 0 }, /* GREY */ { "GRAY", 0, 0 }, /* HI240 */ { "HI240", 0, 0 }, /* RGB565 */ { "RGB565", ZORAN_VFEC_RGB_RGB565|ENDIANESS, 2 }, /* RGB24 */ { "RGB24", ZORAN_VFEC_RGB_RGB888|ENDIANESS|ZORAN_VFEC_PACK24, 3 }, /* RGB32 */ { "RGB32", ZORAN_VFEC_RGB_RGB888|ENDIANESS, 4 }, /* RGB555 */ { "RGB555", ZORAN_VFEC_RGB_RGB555|ENDIANESS, 2 }, /* YUV422 */ { "YUV422", ZORAN_VFEC_RGB_YUV422|ENDIANESS, 2 }, /* YUYV */ { "YUYV", 0, 0 }, /* UYVY */ { "UYVY", 0, 0 }, /* YUV420 */ { "YUV420", 0, 0 }, /* YUV411 */ { "YUV411", 0, 0 }, /* RAW */ { "RAW", 0, 0 }, /* YUV422P */ { "YUV422P", 0, 0 }, /* YUV411P */ { "YUV411P", 0, 0 }}; #define NRPALETTES (sizeof(palette2fmt)/sizeof(palette2fmt[0])) #undef ENDIANESS /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ZORAN chipset detector */ /* shamelessly stolen from bttv.c */ /* Reason for beeing here: we need to detect if we are running on a */ /* Triton based chipset, and if so, enable a certain bit */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __init handle_chipset(void) { /* Just in case some nut set this to something dangerous */ if (triton1) triton1 = ZORAN_VDC_TRICOM; if (pci_pci_problems & PCIPCI_TRITON) { printk(KERN_INFO "zoran: Host bridge 82437FX Triton PIIX\n"); triton1 = ZORAN_VDC_TRICOM; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ZORAN functions */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void zoran_set_geo(struct zoran* ztv, struct vidinfo* i); #if 0 /* unused */ static void zoran_dump(struct zoran *ztv) { char str[256]; char *p=str; /* shut up, gcc! */ int i; for (i=0; i<0x60; i+=4) { if ((i % 16) == 0) { if (i) printk("%s\n",str); p = str; p+= sprintf(str, KERN_DEBUG " %04x: ",i); } p += sprintf(p, "%08x ",zrread(i)); } } #endif /* unused */ static void reap_states(struct zoran* ztv) { /* count frames */ ztv->fieldnr++; /* * Are we busy at all? * This depends on if there is a workqueue AND the * videotransfer is enabled on the chip... */ if (ztv->workqueue && (zrread(ZORAN_VDC) & ZORAN_VDC_VIDEN)) { struct vidinfo* newitem; /* did we get a complete frame? */ if (zrread(ZORAN_VSTR) & ZORAN_VSTR_GRAB) return; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "completed %s at %p\n",CARD,ztv->workqueue->kindof==FBUFFER_GRAB?"grab":"read",ztv->workqueue)); /* we are done with this buffer, tell everyone */ ztv->workqueue->status = FBUFFER_DONE; ztv->workqueue->fieldnr = ztv->fieldnr; /* not good, here for BTTV_FIELDNR reasons */ ztv->lastfieldnr = ztv->fieldnr; switch (ztv->workqueue->kindof) { case FBUFFER_GRAB: wake_up_interruptible(&ztv->grabq); break; case FBUFFER_VBI: wake_up_interruptible(&ztv->vbiq); break; default: printk(CARD_INFO "somebody killed the workqueue (kindof=%d)!\n",CARD,ztv->workqueue->kindof); } /* item completed, skip to next item in queue */ write_lock(&ztv->lock); newitem = ztv->workqueue->next; ztv->workqueue->next = 0; /* mark completed */ ztv->workqueue = newitem; write_unlock(&ztv->lock); } /* * ok, so it seems we have nothing in progress right now. * Lets see if we can find some work. */ if (ztv->workqueue) { struct vidinfo* newitem; again: DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "starting %s at %p\n",CARD,ztv->workqueue->kindof==FBUFFER_GRAB?"grab":"read",ztv->workqueue)); /* loadup the frame settings */ read_lock(&ztv->lock); zoran_set_geo(ztv,ztv->workqueue); read_unlock(&ztv->lock); switch (ztv->workqueue->kindof) { case FBUFFER_GRAB: case FBUFFER_VBI: zrand(~ZORAN_OCR_OVLEN, ZORAN_OCR); zror(ZORAN_VSTR_SNAPSHOT,ZORAN_VSTR); zror(ZORAN_VDC_VIDEN,ZORAN_VDC); /* start single-shot grab */ zror(ZORAN_VSTR_GRAB, ZORAN_VSTR); break; default: printk(CARD_INFO "what is this doing on the queue? (kindof=%d)\n",CARD,ztv->workqueue->kindof); write_lock(&ztv->lock); newitem = ztv->workqueue->next; ztv->workqueue->next = 0; ztv->workqueue = newitem; write_unlock(&ztv->lock); if (newitem) goto again; /* yeah, sure.. */ } /* bye for now */ return; } DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "nothing in queue\n",CARD)); /* * What? Even the workqueue is empty? Am i really here * for nothing? Did i come all that way to... do nothing? */ /* do we need to overlay? */ if (test_bit(STATE_OVERLAY, &ztv->state)) { /* are we already overlaying? */ if (!(zrread(ZORAN_OCR) & ZORAN_OCR_OVLEN) || !(zrread(ZORAN_VDC) & ZORAN_VDC_VIDEN)) { DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "starting overlay\n",CARD)); read_lock(&ztv->lock); zoran_set_geo(ztv,&ztv->overinfo); read_unlock(&ztv->lock); zror(ZORAN_OCR_OVLEN, ZORAN_OCR); zrand(~ZORAN_VSTR_SNAPSHOT,ZORAN_VSTR); zror(ZORAN_VDC_VIDEN,ZORAN_VDC); } /* * leave overlaying on, but turn interrupts off. */ zrand(~ZORAN_ICR_EN,ZORAN_ICR); return; } /* do we have any VBI idle time processing? */ if (test_bit(STATE_VBI, &ztv->state)) { struct vidinfo* item; struct vidinfo* lastitem; /* protect the workqueue */ write_lock(&ztv->lock); lastitem = ztv->workqueue; if (lastitem) while (lastitem->next) lastitem = lastitem->next; for (item=ztv->readinfo; item!=ztv->readinfo+ZORAN_VBI_BUFFERS; item++) if (item->next == 0 && item->status == FBUFFER_FREE) { DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "%p added to queue\n",CARD,item)); item->status = FBUFFER_BUSY; if (!lastitem) ztv->workqueue = item; else lastitem->next = item; lastitem = item; } write_unlock(&ztv->lock); if (ztv->workqueue) goto again; /* hey, _i_ graduated :) */ } /* * Then we must be realy IDLE */ DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "turning off\n",CARD)); /* nothing further to do, disable DMA and further IRQs */ zrand(~ZORAN_VDC_VIDEN,ZORAN_VDC); zrand(~ZORAN_ICR_EN,ZORAN_ICR); } static void zoran_irq(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs) { u32 stat,estat; int count = 0; struct zoran *ztv = dev_id; UNUSED(irq); UNUSED(regs); for (;;) { /* get/clear interrupt status bits */ stat=zrread(ZORAN_ISR); estat=stat & zrread(ZORAN_ICR); if (!estat) return; zrwrite(estat,ZORAN_ISR); IDEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "estat %08x\n",CARD,estat)); IDEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG " stat %08x\n",CARD,stat)); if (estat & ZORAN_ISR_CODE) { IDEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "CodReplIRQ\n",CARD)); } if (estat & ZORAN_ISR_GIRQ0) { IDEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "GIRQ0\n",CARD)); if (!ztv->card->usegirq1) reap_states(ztv); } if (estat & ZORAN_ISR_GIRQ1) { IDEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "GIRQ1\n",CARD)); if (ztv->card->usegirq1) reap_states(ztv); } count++; if (count > 10) printk(CARD_ERR "irq loop %d (%x)\n",CARD,count,estat); if (count > 20) { zrwrite(0, ZORAN_ICR); printk(CARD_ERR "IRQ lockup, cleared int mask\n",CARD); } } } static int zoran_muxsel(struct zoran* ztv, int channel, int norm) { int rv; /* set the new video norm */ rv = i2c_control_device(&(ztv->i2c), I2C_DRIVERID_VIDEODECODER, DECODER_SET_NORM, &norm); if (rv) return rv; ztv->norm = norm; /* map the given channel to the cards decoder's channel */ channel = ztv->card->video_mux[channel] & CHANNEL_MASK; /* set the new channel */ rv = i2c_control_device(&(ztv->i2c), I2C_DRIVERID_VIDEODECODER, DECODER_SET_INPUT, &channel); return rv; } /* Tell the interrupt handler what to to. */ static void zoran_cap(struct zoran* ztv, int on) { DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "zoran_cap(%d) state=%x\n",CARD,on,ztv->state)); if (on) { ztv->running = 1; /* * turn interrupts (back) on. The DMA will be enabled * inside the irq handler when it detects a restart. */ zror(ZORAN_ICR_EN,ZORAN_ICR); } else { /* * turn both interrupts and DMA off */ zrand(~ZORAN_VDC_VIDEN,ZORAN_VDC); zrand(~ZORAN_ICR_EN,ZORAN_ICR); ztv->running = 0; } } static ulong dmask[] = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFC, 0xFFFFFFF8, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0xFFFFFFE0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFFE00, 0xFFFFFC00, 0xFFFFF800, 0xFFFFF000, 0xFFFFE000, 0xFFFFC000, 0xFFFF8000, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFE0000, 0xFFFC0000, 0xFFF80000, 0xFFF00000, 0xFFE00000, 0xFFC00000, 0xFF800000, 0xFF000000, 0xFE000000, 0xFC000000, 0xF8000000, 0xF0000000, 0xE0000000, 0xC0000000, 0x80000000 }; static void zoran_built_overlay(struct zoran* ztv, int count, struct video_clip *vcp) { ulong* mtop; int ystep = (ztv->vidXshift + ztv->vidWidth+31)/32; /* next DWORD */ int i; DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " overlay at %p, ystep=%d, clips=%d\n",ztv->overinfo.overlay,ystep,count)); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { struct video_clip *vp = vcp+i; UNUSED(vp); DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " %d: clip(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", i,vp->x,vp->y,vp->width,vp->height)); } /* * activate the visible portion of the screen * Note we take some shortcuts here, because we * know the width can never be < 32. (I.e. a DWORD) * We also assume the overlay starts somewhere in * the FIRST dword. */ { int start = ztv->vidXshift; ulong firstd = dmask[start]; ulong lastd = ~dmask[(start + ztv->overinfo.w) & 31]; mtop = ztv->overinfo.overlay; for (i=0; i<ztv->overinfo.h; i++) { int w = ztv->vidWidth; ulong* line = mtop; if (start & 31) { *line++ = firstd; w -= 32-(start&31); } memset(line, ~0, w/8); if (w & 31) line[w/32] = lastd; mtop += ystep; } } /* process clipping regions */ for (i=0; i<count; i++) { int h; if (vcp->x < 0 || (uint)vcp->x > ztv->overinfo.w || vcp->y < 0 || vcp->y > ztv->overinfo.h || vcp->width < 0 || (uint)(vcp->x+vcp->width) > ztv->overinfo.w || vcp->height < 0 || (vcp->y+vcp->height) > ztv->overinfo.h) { DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "invalid clipzone (%d,%d,%d,%d) not in (0,0,%d,%d), adapting\n",CARD,vcp->x,vcp->y,vcp->width,vcp->height,ztv->overinfo.w,ztv->overinfo.h)); if (vcp->x < 0) vcp->x = 0; if ((uint)vcp->x > ztv->overinfo.w) vcp->x = ztv->overinfo.w; if (vcp->y < 0) vcp->y = 0; if (vcp->y > ztv->overinfo.h) vcp->y = ztv->overinfo.h; if (vcp->width < 0) vcp->width = 0; if ((uint)(vcp->x+vcp->width) > ztv->overinfo.w) vcp->width = ztv->overinfo.w - vcp->x; if (vcp->height < 0) vcp->height = 0; if (vcp->y+vcp->height > ztv->overinfo.h) vcp->height = ztv->overinfo.h - vcp->y; // continue; } mtop = &ztv->overinfo.overlay[vcp->y*ystep]; for (h=0; h<=vcp->height; h++) { int w; int x = ztv->vidXshift + vcp->x; for (w=0; w<=vcp->width; w++) { clear_bit(x&31, &mtop[x/32]); x++; } mtop += ystep; } ++vcp; } mtop = ztv->overinfo.overlay; zrwrite(virt_to_bus(mtop), ZORAN_MTOP); zrwrite(virt_to_bus(mtop+ystep), ZORAN_MBOT); zraor((ztv->vidInterlace*ystep)<<0,~ZORAN_OCR_MASKSTRIDE,ZORAN_OCR); } struct tvnorm { u16 Wt, Wa, Ht, Ha, HStart, VStart; }; static struct tvnorm tvnorms[] = { /* PAL-BDGHI */ /* { 864, 720, 625, 576, 131, 21 },*/ /*00*/ { 864, 768, 625, 576, 81, 17 }, /* NTSC */ /*01*/ { 858, 720, 525, 480, 121, 10 }, /* SECAM */ /*02*/ { 864, 720, 625, 576, 131, 21 }, /* BW50 */ /*03*/ { 864, 720, 625, 576, 131, 21 }, /* BW60 */ /*04*/ { 858, 720, 525, 480, 121, 10 } }; #define TVNORMS (sizeof(tvnorms)/sizeof(tvnorm)) /* * Program the chip for a setup as described in the vidinfo struct. * * Side-effects: calculates vidXshift, vidInterlace, * vidHeight, vidWidth which are used in a later stage * to calculate the overlay mask * * This is an internal function, as such it does not check the * validity of the struct members... Spectaculair crashes will * follow /very/ quick when you're wrong and the chip right :) */ static void zoran_set_geo(struct zoran* ztv, struct vidinfo* i) { ulong top, bot; int stride; int winWidth, winHeight; int maxWidth, maxHeight, maxXOffset, maxYOffset; long vfec; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "set_geo(rect=(%d,%d,%d,%d), norm=%d, format=%d, bpp=%d, bpl=%d, busadr=%lx, overlay=%p)\n",CARD,i->x,i->y,i->w,i->h,ztv->norm,i->format,i->bpp,i->bpl,i->busadr,i->overlay)); /* * make sure the DMA transfers are inhibited during our * reprogramming of the chip */ zrand(~ZORAN_VDC_VIDEN,ZORAN_VDC); maxWidth = tvnorms[ztv->norm].Wa; maxHeight = tvnorms[ztv->norm].Ha/2; maxXOffset = tvnorms[ztv->norm].HStart; maxYOffset = tvnorms[ztv->norm].VStart; /* setup vfec register (keep ExtFl,TopField and VCLKPol settings) */ vfec = (zrread(ZORAN_VFEC) & (ZORAN_VFEC_EXTFL|ZORAN_VFEC_TOPFIELD|ZORAN_VFEC_VCLKPOL)) | (palette2fmt[i->format].mode & (ZORAN_VFEC_RGB|ZORAN_VFEC_ERRDIF|ZORAN_VFEC_LE|ZORAN_VFEC_PACK24)); /* * Set top, bottom ptrs. Since these must be DWORD aligned, * possible adjust the x and the width of the window. * so the endposition stay the same. The vidXshift will make * sure we are not writing pixels before the requested x. */ ztv->vidXshift = 0; winWidth = i->w; if (winWidth < 0) winWidth = -winWidth; top = i->busadr + i->x*i->bpp + i->y*i->bpl; if (top & 3) { ztv->vidXshift = (top & 3) / i->bpp; winWidth += ztv->vidXshift; DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " window-x shifted %d pixels left\n",ztv->vidXshift)); top &= ~3; } /* * bottom points to next frame but in interleaved mode we want * to 'mix' the 2 frames to one capture, so 'bot' points to one * (physical) line below the top line. */ bot = top + i->bpl; zrwrite(top,ZORAN_VTOP); zrwrite(bot,ZORAN_VBOT); /* * Make sure the winWidth is DWORD aligned too, * thereby automaticly making sure the stride to the * next line is DWORD aligned too (as required by spec). */ if ((winWidth*i->bpp) & 3) { DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " window-width enlarged by %d pixels\n",(winWidth*i->bpp) & 3)); winWidth += (winWidth*i->bpp) & 3; } /* determine the DispMode and stride */ if (i->h >= 0 && i->h <= maxHeight) { /* single frame grab suffices for this height. */ vfec |= ZORAN_VFEC_DISPMOD; ztv->vidInterlace = 0; stride = i->bpl - (winWidth*i->bpp); winHeight = i->h; } else { /* interleaving needed for this height */ ztv->vidInterlace = 1; stride = i->bpl*2 - (winWidth*i->bpp); winHeight = i->h/2; } if (winHeight < 0) /* can happen for VBI! */ winHeight = -winHeight; /* safety net, sometimes bpl is too short??? */ if (stride<0) { DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "WARNING stride = %d\n",CARD,stride)); stride = 0; } zraor((winHeight<<12)|(winWidth<<0),~(ZORAN_VDC_VIDWINHT|ZORAN_VDC_VIDWINWID), ZORAN_VDC); zraor(stride<<16,~ZORAN_VSTR_DISPSTRIDE,ZORAN_VSTR); /* remember vidWidth, vidHeight for overlay calculations */ ztv->vidWidth = winWidth; ztv->vidHeight = winHeight; DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " top=%08lx, bottom=%08lx\n",top,bot)); DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " winWidth=%d, winHeight=%d\n",winWidth,winHeight)); DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " maxWidth=%d, maxHeight=%d\n",maxWidth,maxHeight)); DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " stride=%d\n",stride)); /* * determine horizontal scales and crops */ if (i->w < 0) { int Hstart = 1; int Hend = Hstart + winWidth; DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " Y: scale=0, start=%d, end=%d\n", Hstart, Hend)); zraor((Hstart<<10)|(Hend<<0),~(ZORAN_VFEH_HSTART|ZORAN_VFEH_HEND),ZORAN_VFEH); } else { int Wa = maxWidth; int X = (winWidth*64+Wa-1)/Wa; int We = winWidth*64/X; int HorDcm = 64-X; int hcrop1 = 2*(Wa-We)/4; /* * BUGFIX: Juha Nurmela <junki@qn-lpr2-165.quicknet.inet.fi> * found the solution to the color phase shift. * See ChangeLog for the full explanation) */ int Hstart = (maxXOffset + hcrop1) | 1; int Hend = Hstart + We - 1; DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " X: scale=%d, start=%d, end=%d\n", HorDcm, Hstart, Hend)); zraor((Hstart<<10)|(Hend<<0),~(ZORAN_VFEH_HSTART|ZORAN_VFEH_HEND),ZORAN_VFEH); vfec |= HorDcm<<14; if (HorDcm<16) vfec |= ZORAN_VFEC_HFILTER_1; /* no filter */ else if (HorDcm<32) vfec |= ZORAN_VFEC_HFILTER_3; /* 3 tap filter */ else if (HorDcm<48) vfec |= ZORAN_VFEC_HFILTER_4; /* 4 tap filter */ else vfec |= ZORAN_VFEC_HFILTER_5; /* 5 tap filter */ } /* * Determine vertical scales and crops * * when height is negative, we want to read starting at line 0 * One day someone might need access to these lines... */ if (i->h < 0) { int Vstart = 0; int Vend = Vstart + winHeight; DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " Y: scale=0, start=%d, end=%d\n", Vstart, Vend)); zraor((Vstart<<10)|(Vend<<0),~(ZORAN_VFEV_VSTART|ZORAN_VFEV_VEND),ZORAN_VFEV); } else { int Ha = maxHeight; int Y = (winHeight*64+Ha-1)/Ha; int He = winHeight*64/Y; int VerDcm = 64-Y; int vcrop1 = 2*(Ha-He)/4; int Vstart = maxYOffset + vcrop1; int Vend = Vstart + He - 1; DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " Y: scale=%d, start=%d, end=%d\n", VerDcm, Vstart, Vend)); zraor((Vstart<<10)|(Vend<<0),~(ZORAN_VFEV_VSTART|ZORAN_VFEV_VEND),ZORAN_VFEV); vfec |= VerDcm<<8; } DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG " F: format=%d(=%s)\n",i->format,palette2fmt[i->format].name)); /* setup the requested format */ zrwrite(vfec, ZORAN_VFEC); } static void zoran_common_open(struct zoran* ztv, int flags) { UNUSED(flags); /* already opened? */ if (ztv->users++ != 0) return; /* unmute audio */ /* /what/ audio? */ ztv->state = 0; /* setup the encoder to the initial values */ ztv->picture.colour=254<<7; ztv->picture.brightness=128<<8; ztv->picture.hue=128<<8; ztv->picture.contrast=216<<7; i2c_control_device(&ztv->i2c, I2C_DRIVERID_VIDEODECODER, DECODER_SET_PICTURE, &ztv->picture); /* default to the composite input since my camera is there */ zoran_muxsel(ztv, 0, VIDEO_MODE_PAL); } static void zoran_common_close(struct zoran* ztv) { if (--ztv->users != 0) return; /* mute audio */ /* /what/ audio? */ /* stop the chip */ zoran_cap(ztv, 0); } /* * Open a zoran card. Right now the flags are just a hack */ static int zoran_open(struct video_device *dev, int flags) { struct zoran *ztv = (struct zoran*)dev; struct vidinfo* item; char* pos; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "open(dev,%d)\n",CARD,flags)); /********************************************* * We really should be doing lazy allocing... *********************************************/ /* allocate a frame buffer */ if (!ztv->fbuffer) ztv->fbuffer = bmalloc(ZORAN_MAX_FBUFSIZE); if (!ztv->fbuffer) { /* could not get a buffer, bail out */ return -ENOBUFS; } /* at this time we _always_ have a framebuffer */ memset(ztv->fbuffer,0,ZORAN_MAX_FBUFSIZE); if (!ztv->overinfo.overlay) ztv->overinfo.overlay = kmalloc(1024*1024/8, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ztv->overinfo.overlay) { /* could not get an overlay buffer, bail out */ bfree(ztv->fbuffer, ZORAN_MAX_FBUFSIZE); return -ENOBUFS; } /* at this time we _always_ have a overlay */ /* clear buffer status, and give them a DMAable address */ pos = ztv->fbuffer; for (item=ztv->grabinfo; item!=ztv->grabinfo+ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS; item++) { item->status = FBUFFER_FREE; item->memadr = pos; item->busadr = virt_to_bus(pos); pos += ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFER; } /* do the common part of all open's */ zoran_common_open(ztv, flags); return 0; } static void zoran_close(struct video_device* dev) { struct zoran *ztv = (struct zoran*)dev; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "close(dev)\n",CARD)); /* driver specific closure */ clear_bit(STATE_OVERLAY, &ztv->state); zoran_common_close(ztv); /* * This is sucky but right now I can't find a good way to * be sure its safe to free the buffer. We wait 5-6 fields * which is more than sufficient to be sure. */ msleep(100); /* Wait 1/10th of a second */ /* free the allocated framebuffer */ bfree(ztv->fbuffer, ZORAN_MAX_FBUFSIZE); ztv->fbuffer = 0; kfree(ztv->overinfo.overlay); ztv->overinfo.overlay = 0; } /* * This read function could be used reentrant in a SMP situation. * * This is made possible by the spinlock which is kept till we * found and marked a buffer for our own use. The lock must * be released as soon as possible to prevent lock contention. */ static long zoran_read(struct video_device* dev, char* buf, unsigned long count, int nonblock) { struct zoran *ztv = (struct zoran*)dev; unsigned long max; struct vidinfo* unused = 0; struct vidinfo* done = 0; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "zoran_read(%p,%ld,%d)\n",CARD,buf,count,nonblock)); /* find ourself a free or completed buffer */ for (;;) { struct vidinfo* item; write_lock_irq(&ztv->lock); for (item=ztv->grabinfo; item!=ztv->grabinfo+ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS; item++) { if (!unused && item->status == FBUFFER_FREE) unused = item; if (!done && item->status == FBUFFER_DONE) done = item; } if (done || unused) break; /* no more free buffers, wait for them. */ write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); if (nonblock) return -EWOULDBLOCK; interruptible_sleep_on(&ztv->grabq); if (signal_pending(current)) return -EINTR; } /* Do we have 'ready' data? */ if (!done) { /* no? than this will take a while... */ if (nonblock) { write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); return -EWOULDBLOCK; } /* mark the unused buffer as wanted */ unused->status = FBUFFER_BUSY; unused->w = 320; unused->h = 240; unused->format = VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24; unused->bpp = palette2fmt[unused->format].bpp; unused->bpl = unused->w * unused->bpp; unused->next = 0; { /* add to tail of queue */ struct vidinfo* oldframe = ztv->workqueue; if (!oldframe) ztv->workqueue = unused; else { while (oldframe->next) oldframe = oldframe->next; oldframe->next = unused; } } write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); /* tell the state machine we want it filled /NOW/ */ zoran_cap(ztv, 1); /* wait till this buffer gets grabbed */ wait_event_interruptible(ztv->grabq, (unused->status != FBUFFER_BUSY)); /* see if a signal did it */ if (signal_pending(current)) return -EINTR; done = unused; } else write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); /* Yes! we got data! */ max = done->bpl * done->h; if (count > max) count = max; if (copy_to_user((void*)buf, done->memadr, count)) count = -EFAULT; /* keep the engine running */ done->status = FBUFFER_FREE; // zoran_cap(ztv,1); /* tell listeners this buffer became free */ wake_up_interruptible(&ztv->grabq); /* goodbye */ DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "zoran_read() returns %lu\n",CARD,count)); return count; } static long zoran_write(struct video_device* dev, const char* buf, unsigned long count, int nonblock) { struct zoran *ztv = (struct zoran *)dev; UNUSED(ztv); UNUSED(dev); UNUSED(buf); UNUSED(count); UNUSED(nonblock); DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "zoran_write\n",CARD)); return -EINVAL; } static unsigned int zoran_poll(struct video_device *dev, struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { struct zoran *ztv = (struct zoran *)dev; struct vidinfo* item; unsigned int mask = 0; poll_wait(file, &ztv->grabq, wait); for (item=ztv->grabinfo; item!=ztv->grabinfo+ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS; item++) if (item->status == FBUFFER_DONE) { mask |= (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM); break; } DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "zoran_poll()=%x\n",CARD,mask)); return mask; } /* append a new clipregion to the vector of video_clips */ static void new_clip(struct video_window* vw, struct video_clip* vcp, int x, int y, int w, int h) { vcp[vw->clipcount].x = x; vcp[vw->clipcount].y = y; vcp[vw->clipcount].width = w; vcp[vw->clipcount].height = h; vw->clipcount++; } static int zoran_ioctl(struct video_device* dev, unsigned int cmd, void *arg) { struct zoran* ztv = (struct zoran*)dev; switch (cmd) { case VIDIOCGCAP: { struct video_capability c; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGCAP\n",CARD)); strcpy(c.name,ztv->video_dev.name); c.type = VID_TYPE_CAPTURE| VID_TYPE_OVERLAY| VID_TYPE_CLIPPING| VID_TYPE_FRAMERAM| VID_TYPE_SCALES; if (ztv->have_tuner) c.type |= VID_TYPE_TUNER; if (ztv->have_decoder) { c.channels = ztv->card->video_inputs; c.audios = ztv->card->audio_inputs; } else /* no decoder -> no channels */ c.channels = c.audios = 0; c.maxwidth = 768; c.maxheight = 576; c.minwidth = 32; c.minheight = 32; if (copy_to_user(arg,&c,sizeof(c))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCGCHAN: { struct video_channel v; int mux; if (copy_from_user(&v, arg,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGCHAN(%d)\n",CARD,v.channel)); v.flags=VIDEO_VC_AUDIO #ifdef VIDEO_VC_NORM |VIDEO_VC_NORM #endif ; v.tuners=0; v.type=VIDEO_TYPE_CAMERA; #ifdef I_EXPECT_POSSIBLE_NORMS_IN_THE_API v.norm=VIDEO_MODE_PAL| VIDEO_MODE_NTSC| VIDEO_MODE_SECAM; #else v.norm=VIDEO_MODE_PAL; #endif /* too many inputs? no decoder -> no channels */ if (!ztv->have_decoder || v.channel < 0 || v.channel >= ztv->card->video_inputs) return -EINVAL; /* now determine the name of the channel */ mux = ztv->card->video_mux[v.channel]; if (mux & IS_TUNER) { /* lets assume only one tuner, yes? */ strcpy(v.name,"Television"); v.type = VIDEO_TYPE_TV; if (ztv->have_tuner) { v.flags |= VIDEO_VC_TUNER; v.tuners = 1; } } else if (mux & IS_SVHS) sprintf(v.name,"S-Video-%d",v.channel); else sprintf(v.name,"CVBS-%d",v.channel); if (copy_to_user(arg,&v,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCSCHAN: { /* set video channel */ struct video_channel v; if (copy_from_user(&v, arg,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCSCHAN(%d,%d)\n",CARD,v.channel,v.norm)); /* too many inputs? no decoder -> no channels */ if (!ztv->have_decoder || v.channel >= ztv->card->video_inputs || v.channel < 0) return -EINVAL; if (v.norm != VIDEO_MODE_PAL && v.norm != VIDEO_MODE_NTSC && v.norm != VIDEO_MODE_SECAM && v.norm != VIDEO_MODE_AUTO) return -EOPNOTSUPP; /* make it happen, nr1! */ return zoran_muxsel(ztv,v.channel,v.norm); } case VIDIOCGTUNER: { struct video_tuner v; if (copy_from_user(&v, arg,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGTUNER(%d)\n",CARD,v.tuner)); /* Only no or one tuner for now */ if (!ztv->have_tuner || v.tuner) return -EINVAL; strcpy(v.name,"Television"); v.rangelow = 0; v.rangehigh = ~0; v.flags = VIDEO_TUNER_PAL|VIDEO_TUNER_NTSC|VIDEO_TUNER_SECAM; v.mode = ztv->norm; v.signal = 0xFFFF; /* unknown */ if (copy_to_user(arg,&v,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCSTUNER: { struct video_tuner v; if (copy_from_user(&v, arg, sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCSTUNER(%d,%d)\n",CARD,v.tuner,v.mode)); /* Only no or one tuner for now */ if (!ztv->have_tuner || v.tuner) return -EINVAL; /* and it only has certain valid modes */ if( v.mode != VIDEO_MODE_PAL && v.mode != VIDEO_MODE_NTSC && v.mode != VIDEO_MODE_SECAM) return -EOPNOTSUPP; /* engage! */ return zoran_muxsel(ztv,v.tuner,v.mode); } case VIDIOCGPICT: { struct video_picture p = ztv->picture; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGPICT\n",CARD)); p.depth = ztv->depth; switch (p.depth) { case 8: p.palette=VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV422; break; case 15: p.palette=VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB555; break; case 16: p.palette=VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565; break; case 24: p.palette=VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24; break; case 32: p.palette=VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB32; break; } if (copy_to_user(arg, &p, sizeof(p))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCSPICT: { struct video_picture p; if (copy_from_user(&p, arg,sizeof(p))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCSPICT(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",CARD,p.brightness,p.hue,p.colour,p.contrast,p.whiteness,p.depth,p.palette)); /* depth must match with framebuffer */ if (p.depth != ztv->depth) return -EINVAL; /* check if palette matches this bpp */ if (p.palette>NRPALETTES || palette2fmt[p.palette].bpp != ztv->overinfo.bpp) return -EINVAL; write_lock_irq(&ztv->lock); ztv->overinfo.format = p.palette; ztv->picture = p; write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); /* tell the decoder */ i2c_control_device(&ztv->i2c, I2C_DRIVERID_VIDEODECODER, DECODER_SET_PICTURE, &p); break; } case VIDIOCGWIN: { struct video_window vw; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGWIN\n",CARD)); read_lock(&ztv->lock); vw.x = ztv->overinfo.x; vw.y = ztv->overinfo.y; vw.width = ztv->overinfo.w; vw.height = ztv->overinfo.h; vw.chromakey= 0; vw.flags = 0; if (ztv->vidInterlace) vw.flags|=VIDEO_WINDOW_INTERLACE; read_unlock(&ztv->lock); if (copy_to_user(arg,&vw,sizeof(vw))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCSWIN: { struct video_window vw; struct video_clip *vcp; int on; if (copy_from_user(&vw,arg,sizeof(vw))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCSWIN(%d,%d,%d,%d,%x,%d)\n",CARD,vw.x,vw.y,vw.width,vw.height,vw.flags,vw.clipcount)); if (vw.flags) return -EINVAL; if (vw.clipcount <0 || vw.clipcount>256) return -EDOM; /* Too many! */ /* * Do any clips. */ vcp = vmalloc(sizeof(struct video_clip)*(vw.clipcount+4)); if (vcp==NULL) return -ENOMEM; if (vw.clipcount && copy_from_user(vcp,vw.clips,sizeof(struct video_clip)*vw.clipcount)) { vfree(vcp); return -EFAULT; } on = ztv->running; if (on) zoran_cap(ztv, 0); /* * strange, it seems xawtv sometimes calls us with 0 * width and/or height. Ignore these values */ if (vw.x == 0) vw.x = ztv->overinfo.x; if (vw.y == 0) vw.y = ztv->overinfo.y; /* by now we are committed to the new data... */ write_lock_irq(&ztv->lock); ztv->overinfo.x = vw.x; ztv->overinfo.y = vw.y; ztv->overinfo.w = vw.width; ztv->overinfo.h = vw.height; write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); /* * Impose display clips */ if (vw.x+vw.width > ztv->swidth) new_clip(&vw, vcp, ztv->swidth-vw.x, 0, vw.width-1, vw.height-1); if (vw.y+vw.height > ztv->sheight) new_clip(&vw, vcp, 0, ztv->sheight-vw.y, vw.width-1, vw.height-1); /* built the requested clipping zones */ zoran_set_geo(ztv, &ztv->overinfo); zoran_built_overlay(ztv, vw.clipcount, vcp); vfree(vcp); /* if we were on, restart the video engine */ if (on) zoran_cap(ztv, 1); break; } case VIDIOCCAPTURE: { int v; if (get_user(v, (int *)arg)) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCCAPTURE(%d)\n",CARD,v)); if (v==0) { clear_bit(STATE_OVERLAY, &ztv->state); zoran_cap(ztv, 1); } else { /* is VIDIOCSFBUF, VIDIOCSWIN done? */ if (ztv->overinfo.busadr==0 || ztv->overinfo.w==0 || ztv->overinfo.h==0) return -EINVAL; set_bit(STATE_OVERLAY, &ztv->state); zoran_cap(ztv, 1); } break; } case VIDIOCGFBUF: { struct video_buffer v; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGFBUF\n",CARD)); read_lock(&ztv->lock); v.base = (void *)ztv->overinfo.busadr; v.height = ztv->sheight; v.width = ztv->swidth; v.depth = ztv->depth; v.bytesperline = ztv->overinfo.bpl; read_unlock(&ztv->lock); if(copy_to_user(arg, &v,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCSFBUF: { struct video_buffer v; if(!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) return -EPERM; if (copy_from_user(&v, arg,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCSFBUF(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",CARD,v.base, v.width,v.height,v.depth,v.bytesperline)); if (v.depth!=15 && v.depth!=16 && v.depth!=24 && v.depth!=32) return -EINVAL; if (v.bytesperline<1) return -EINVAL; if (ztv->running) return -EBUSY; write_lock_irq(&ztv->lock); ztv->overinfo.busadr = (ulong)v.base; ztv->sheight = v.height; ztv->swidth = v.width; ztv->depth = v.depth; /* bits per pixel */ ztv->overinfo.bpp = ((v.depth+1)&0x38)/8;/* bytes per pixel */ ztv->overinfo.bpl = v.bytesperline; /* bytes per line */ write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); break; } case VIDIOCKEY: { /* Will be handled higher up .. */ break; } case VIDIOCSYNC: { int i; if (get_user(i, (int *) arg)) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDEOCSYNC(%d)\n",CARD,i)); if (i<0 || i>ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS) return -EINVAL; switch (ztv->grabinfo[i].status) { case FBUFFER_FREE: return -EINVAL; case FBUFFER_BUSY: /* wait till this buffer gets grabbed */ wait_event_interruptible(ztv->grabq, (ztv->grabinfo[i].status != FBUFFER_BUSY)); /* see if a signal did it */ if (signal_pending(current)) return -EINTR; /* don't fall through; a DONE buffer is not UNUSED */ break; case FBUFFER_DONE: ztv->grabinfo[i].status = FBUFFER_FREE; /* tell ppl we have a spare buffer */ wake_up_interruptible(&ztv->grabq); break; } DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDEOCSYNC(%d) returns\n",CARD,i)); break; } case VIDIOCMCAPTURE: { struct video_mmap vm; struct vidinfo* frame; if (copy_from_user(&vm,arg,sizeof(vm))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCMCAPTURE(%d,(%d,%d),%d)\n",CARD,vm.frame,vm.width,vm.height,vm.format)); if (vm.frame<0 || vm.frame>ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS || vm.width<32 || vm.width>768 || vm.height<32 || vm.height>576 || vm.format>NRPALETTES || palette2fmt[vm.format].mode == 0) return -EINVAL; /* we are allowed to take over UNUSED and DONE buffers */ frame = &ztv->grabinfo[vm.frame]; if (frame->status == FBUFFER_BUSY) return -EBUSY; /* setup the other parameters if they are given */ write_lock_irq(&ztv->lock); frame->w = vm.width; frame->h = vm.height; frame->format = vm.format; frame->bpp = palette2fmt[frame->format].bpp; frame->bpl = frame->w*frame->bpp; frame->status = FBUFFER_BUSY; frame->next = 0; { /* add to tail of queue */ struct vidinfo* oldframe = ztv->workqueue; if (!oldframe) ztv->workqueue = frame; else { while (oldframe->next) oldframe = oldframe->next; oldframe->next = frame; } } write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); zoran_cap(ztv, 1); break; } case VIDIOCGMBUF: { struct video_mbuf mb; int i; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGMBUF\n",CARD)); mb.size = ZORAN_MAX_FBUFSIZE; mb.frames = ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS; for (i=0; i<ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS; i++) mb.offsets[i] = i*ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFER; if(copy_to_user(arg, &mb,sizeof(mb))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCGUNIT: { struct video_unit vu; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGUNIT\n",CARD)); vu.video = ztv->video_dev.minor; vu.vbi = ztv->vbi_dev.minor; vu.radio = VIDEO_NO_UNIT; vu.audio = VIDEO_NO_UNIT; vu.teletext = VIDEO_NO_UNIT; if(copy_to_user(arg, &vu,sizeof(vu))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCGFREQ: { unsigned long v = ztv->tuner_freq; if (copy_to_user(arg,&v,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGFREQ\n",CARD)); break; } case VIDIOCSFREQ: { unsigned long v; if (copy_from_user(&v, arg, sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCSFREQ\n",CARD)); if (ztv->have_tuner) { int fixme = v; if (i2c_control_device(&(ztv->i2c), I2C_DRIVERID_TUNER, TUNER_SET_TVFREQ, &fixme) < 0) return -EAGAIN; } ztv->tuner_freq = v; break; } /* Why isn't this in the API? * And why doesn't it take a buffer number? case BTTV_FIELDNR: { unsigned long v = ztv->lastfieldnr; if (copy_to_user(arg,&v,sizeof(v))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "BTTV_FIELDNR\n",CARD)); break; } */ default: return -ENOIOCTLCMD; } return 0; } static int zoran_mmap(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct video_device* dev, const char* adr, unsigned long size) { struct zoran* ztv = (struct zoran*)dev; unsigned long start = (unsigned long)adr; unsigned long pos; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "zoran_mmap(0x%p,%ld)\n",CARD,adr,size)); /* sanity checks */ if (size > ZORAN_MAX_FBUFSIZE || !ztv->fbuffer) return -EINVAL; /* start mapping the whole shabang to user memory */ pos = (unsigned long)ztv->fbuffer; while (size>0) { unsigned long pfn = virt_to_phys((void*)pos) >> PAGE_SHIFT; if (remap_pfn_range(vma, start, pfn, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SHARED)) return -EAGAIN; start += PAGE_SIZE; pos += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } return 0; } static struct video_device zr36120_template= { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .name = "UNSET", .type = VID_TYPE_TUNER|VID_TYPE_CAPTURE|VID_TYPE_OVERLAY, .hardware = VID_HARDWARE_ZR36120, .open = zoran_open, .close = zoran_close, .read = zoran_read, .write = zoran_write, .poll = zoran_poll, .ioctl = zoran_ioctl, .compat_ioctl = v4l_compat_ioctl32, .mmap = zoran_mmap, .minor = -1, }; static int vbi_open(struct video_device *dev, int flags) { struct zoran *ztv = dev->priv; struct vidinfo* item; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "vbi_open(dev,%d)\n",CARD,flags)); /* * During VBI device open, we continiously grab VBI-like * data in the vbi buffer when we have nothing to do. * Only when there is an explicit request for VBI data * (read call) we /force/ a read. */ /* allocate buffers */ for (item=ztv->readinfo; item!=ztv->readinfo+ZORAN_VBI_BUFFERS; item++) { item->status = FBUFFER_FREE; /* alloc */ if (!item->memadr) { item->memadr = bmalloc(ZORAN_VBI_BUFSIZE); if (!item->memadr) { /* could not get a buffer, bail out */ while (item != ztv->readinfo) { item--; bfree(item->memadr, ZORAN_VBI_BUFSIZE); item->memadr = 0; item->busadr = 0; } return -ENOBUFS; } } /* determine the DMAable address */ item->busadr = virt_to_bus(item->memadr); } /* do the common part of all open's */ zoran_common_open(ztv, flags); set_bit(STATE_VBI, &ztv->state); /* start read-ahead */ zoran_cap(ztv, 1); return 0; } static void vbi_close(struct video_device *dev) { struct zoran *ztv = dev->priv; struct vidinfo* item; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "vbi_close(dev)\n",CARD)); /* driver specific closure */ clear_bit(STATE_VBI, &ztv->state); zoran_common_close(ztv); /* * This is sucky but right now I can't find a good way to * be sure its safe to free the buffer. We wait 5-6 fields * which is more than sufficient to be sure. */ msleep(100); /* Wait 1/10th of a second */ for (item=ztv->readinfo; item!=ztv->readinfo+ZORAN_VBI_BUFFERS; item++) { if (item->memadr) bfree(item->memadr, ZORAN_VBI_BUFSIZE); item->memadr = 0; } } /* * This read function could be used reentrant in a SMP situation. * * This is made possible by the spinlock which is kept till we * found and marked a buffer for our own use. The lock must * be released as soon as possible to prevent lock contention. */ static long vbi_read(struct video_device* dev, char* buf, unsigned long count, int nonblock) { struct zoran *ztv = dev->priv; unsigned long max; struct vidinfo* unused = 0; struct vidinfo* done = 0; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "vbi_read(0x%p,%ld,%d)\n",CARD,buf,count,nonblock)); /* find ourself a free or completed buffer */ for (;;) { struct vidinfo* item; write_lock_irq(&ztv->lock); for (item=ztv->readinfo; item!=ztv->readinfo+ZORAN_VBI_BUFFERS; item++) { if (!unused && item->status == FBUFFER_FREE) unused = item; if (!done && item->status == FBUFFER_DONE) done = item; } if (done || unused) break; /* no more free buffers, wait for them. */ write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); if (nonblock) return -EWOULDBLOCK; interruptible_sleep_on(&ztv->vbiq); if (signal_pending(current)) return -EINTR; } /* Do we have 'ready' data? */ if (!done) { /* no? than this will take a while... */ if (nonblock) { write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); return -EWOULDBLOCK; } /* mark the unused buffer as wanted */ unused->status = FBUFFER_BUSY; unused->next = 0; { /* add to tail of queue */ struct vidinfo* oldframe = ztv->workqueue; if (!oldframe) ztv->workqueue = unused; else { while (oldframe->next) oldframe = oldframe->next; oldframe->next = unused; } } write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); /* tell the state machine we want it filled /NOW/ */ zoran_cap(ztv, 1); /* wait till this buffer gets grabbed */ wait_event_interruptible(ztv->vbiq, (unused->status != FBUFFER_BUSY)); /* see if a signal did it */ if (signal_pending(current)) return -EINTR; done = unused; } else write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); /* Yes! we got data! */ max = done->bpl * -done->h; if (count > max) count = max; /* check if the user gave us enough room to write the data */ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, buf, count)) { count = -EFAULT; goto out; } /* * Now transform/strip the data from YUV to Y-only * NB. Assume the Y is in the LSB of the YUV data. */ { unsigned char* optr = buf; unsigned char* eptr = buf+count; /* are we beeing accessed from an old driver? */ if (count == 2*19*2048) { /* * Extreme HACK, old VBI programs expect 2048 points * of data, and we only got 864 orso. Double each * datapoint and clear the rest of the line. * This way we have appear to have a * sample_frequency of 29.5 Mc. */ int x,y; unsigned char* iptr = done->memadr+1; for (y=done->h; optr<eptr && y<0; y++) { /* copy to doubled data to userland */ for (x=0; optr+1<eptr && x<-done->w; x++) { unsigned char a = iptr[x*2]; __put_user(a, optr++); __put_user(a, optr++); } /* and clear the rest of the line */ for (x*=2; optr<eptr && x<done->bpl; x++) __put_user(0, optr++); /* next line */ iptr += done->bpl; } } else { /* * Other (probably newer) programs asked * us what geometry we are using, and are * reading the correct size. */ int x,y; unsigned char* iptr = done->memadr+1; for (y=done->h; optr<eptr && y<0; y++) { /* copy to doubled data to userland */ for (x=0; optr<eptr && x<-done->w; x++) __put_user(iptr[x*2], optr++); /* and clear the rest of the line */ for (;optr<eptr && x<done->bpl; x++) __put_user(0, optr++); /* next line */ iptr += done->bpl; } } /* API compliance: * place the framenumber (half fieldnr) in the last long */ __put_user(done->fieldnr/2, ((ulong*)eptr)[-1]); } /* keep the engine running */ done->status = FBUFFER_FREE; zoran_cap(ztv, 1); /* tell listeners this buffer just became free */ wake_up_interruptible(&ztv->vbiq); /* goodbye */ out: DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "vbi_read() returns %lu\n",CARD,count)); return count; } static unsigned int vbi_poll(struct video_device *dev, struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { struct zoran *ztv = dev->priv; struct vidinfo* item; unsigned int mask = 0; poll_wait(file, &ztv->vbiq, wait); for (item=ztv->readinfo; item!=ztv->readinfo+ZORAN_VBI_BUFFERS; item++) if (item->status == FBUFFER_DONE) { mask |= (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM); break; } DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "vbi_poll()=%x\n",CARD,mask)); return mask; } static int vbi_ioctl(struct video_device *dev, unsigned int cmd, void *arg) { struct zoran* ztv = dev->priv; switch (cmd) { case VIDIOCGVBIFMT: { struct vbi_format f; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCGVBIINFO\n",CARD)); f.sampling_rate = 14750000UL; f.samples_per_line = -ztv->readinfo[0].w; f.sample_format = VIDEO_PALETTE_RAW; f.start[0] = f.start[1] = ztv->readinfo[0].y; f.start[1] += 312; f.count[0] = f.count[1] = -ztv->readinfo[0].h; f.flags = VBI_INTERLACED; if (copy_to_user(arg,&f,sizeof(f))) return -EFAULT; break; } case VIDIOCSVBIFMT: { struct vbi_format f; int i; if (copy_from_user(&f, arg,sizeof(f))) return -EFAULT; DEBUG(printk(CARD_DEBUG "VIDIOCSVBIINFO(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%x)\n",CARD,f.sampling_rate,f.samples_per_line,f.sample_format,f.start[0],f.start[1],f.count[0],f.count[1],f.flags)); /* lots of parameters are fixed... (PAL) */ if (f.sampling_rate != 14750000UL || f.samples_per_line > 864 || f.sample_format != VIDEO_PALETTE_RAW || f.start[0] < 0 || f.start[0] != f.start[1]-312 || f.count[0] != f.count[1] || f.start[0]+f.count[0] >= 288 || f.flags != VBI_INTERLACED) return -EINVAL; write_lock_irq(&ztv->lock); ztv->readinfo[0].y = f.start[0]; ztv->readinfo[0].w = -f.samples_per_line; ztv->readinfo[0].h = -f.count[0]; ztv->readinfo[0].bpl = f.samples_per_line*ztv->readinfo[0].bpp; for (i=1; i<ZORAN_VBI_BUFFERS; i++) ztv->readinfo[i] = ztv->readinfo[i]; write_unlock_irq(&ztv->lock); break; } default: return -ENOIOCTLCMD; } return 0; } static struct video_device vbi_template= { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .name = "UNSET", .type = VID_TYPE_CAPTURE|VID_TYPE_TELETEXT, .hardware = VID_HARDWARE_ZR36120, .open = vbi_open, .close = vbi_close, .read = vbi_read, .write = zoran_write, .poll = vbi_poll, .ioctl = vbi_ioctl, .minor = -1, }; /* * Scan for a Zoran chip, request the irq and map the io memory */ static int __init find_zoran(void) { int result; struct zoran *ztv; struct pci_dev *dev = NULL; unsigned char revision; int zoran_num=0; while ((dev = pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZORAN,PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZORAN_36120, dev))) { /* Ok, a ZR36120/ZR36125 found! */ ztv = &zorans[zoran_num]; ztv->dev = dev; if (pci_enable_device(dev)) return -EIO; pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_CLASS_REVISION, &revision); printk(KERN_INFO "zoran: Zoran %x (rev %d) ", dev->device, revision); printk("bus: %d, devfn: %d, irq: %d, ", dev->bus->number, dev->devfn, dev->irq); printk("memory: 0x%08lx.\n", ztv->zoran_adr); ztv->zoran_mem = ioremap(ztv->zoran_adr, 0x1000); DEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG "zoran: mapped-memory at 0x%p\n",ztv->zoran_mem)); result = request_irq(dev->irq, zoran_irq, SA_SHIRQ|SA_INTERRUPT,"zoran", ztv); if (result==-EINVAL) { iounmap(ztv->zoran_mem); printk(KERN_ERR "zoran: Bad irq number or handler\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (result==-EBUSY) printk(KERN_ERR "zoran: IRQ %d busy, change your PnP config in BIOS\n",dev->irq); if (result < 0) { iounmap(ztv->zoran_mem); return result; } /* Enable bus-mastering */ pci_set_master(dev); zoran_num++; } if(zoran_num) printk(KERN_INFO "zoran: %d Zoran card(s) found.\n",zoran_num); return zoran_num; } static int __init init_zoran(int card) { struct zoran *ztv = &zorans[card]; int i; /* if the given cardtype valid? */ if (cardtype[card]>=NRTVCARDS) { printk(KERN_INFO "invalid cardtype(%d) detected\n",cardtype[card]); return -1; } /* reset the zoran */ zrand(~ZORAN_PCI_SOFTRESET,ZORAN_PCI); udelay(10); zror(ZORAN_PCI_SOFTRESET,ZORAN_PCI); udelay(10); /* zoran chip specific details */ ztv->card = tvcards+cardtype[card]; /* point to the selected card */ ztv->norm = 0; /* PAL */ ztv->tuner_freq = 0; /* videocard details */ ztv->swidth = 800; ztv->sheight = 600; ztv->depth = 16; /* State details */ ztv->fbuffer = 0; ztv->overinfo.kindof = FBUFFER_OVERLAY; ztv->overinfo.status = FBUFFER_FREE; ztv->overinfo.x = 0; ztv->overinfo.y = 0; ztv->overinfo.w = 768; /* 640 */ ztv->overinfo.h = 576; /* 480 */ ztv->overinfo.format = VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565; ztv->overinfo.bpp = palette2fmt[ztv->overinfo.format].bpp; ztv->overinfo.bpl = ztv->overinfo.bpp*ztv->swidth; ztv->overinfo.busadr = 0; ztv->overinfo.memadr = 0; ztv->overinfo.overlay = 0; for (i=0; i<ZORAN_MAX_FBUFFERS; i++) { ztv->grabinfo[i] = ztv->overinfo; ztv->grabinfo[i].kindof = FBUFFER_GRAB; } init_waitqueue_head(&ztv->grabq); /* VBI details */ ztv->readinfo[0] = ztv->overinfo; ztv->readinfo[0].kindof = FBUFFER_VBI; ztv->readinfo[0].w = -864; ztv->readinfo[0].h = -38; ztv->readinfo[0].format = VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV422; ztv->readinfo[0].bpp = palette2fmt[ztv->readinfo[0].format].bpp; ztv->readinfo[0].bpl = 1024*ztv->readinfo[0].bpp; for (i=1; i<ZORAN_VBI_BUFFERS; i++) ztv->readinfo[i] = ztv->readinfo[0]; init_waitqueue_head(&ztv->vbiq); /* maintenance data */ ztv->have_decoder = 0; ztv->have_tuner = 0; ztv->tuner_type = 0; ztv->running = 0; ztv->users = 0; rwlock_init(&ztv->lock); ztv->workqueue = 0; ztv->fieldnr = 0; ztv->lastfieldnr = 0; if (triton1) zrand(~ZORAN_VDC_TRICOM, ZORAN_VDC); /* external FL determines TOP frame */ zror(ZORAN_VFEC_EXTFL, ZORAN_VFEC); /* set HSpol */ if (ztv->card->hsync_pos) zrwrite(ZORAN_VFEH_HSPOL, ZORAN_VFEH); /* set VSpol */ if (ztv->card->vsync_pos) zrwrite(ZORAN_VFEV_VSPOL, ZORAN_VFEV); /* Set the proper General Purpuse register bits */ /* implicit: no softreset, 0 waitstates */ zrwrite(ZORAN_PCI_SOFTRESET|(ztv->card->gpdir<<0),ZORAN_PCI); /* implicit: 3 duration and recovery PCI clocks on guest 0-3 */ zrwrite(ztv->card->gpval<<24,ZORAN_GUEST); /* clear interrupt status */ zrwrite(~0, ZORAN_ISR); /* * i2c template */ ztv->i2c = zoran_i2c_bus_template; sprintf(ztv->i2c.name,"zoran-%d",card); ztv->i2c.data = ztv; /* * Now add the template and register the device unit */ ztv->video_dev = zr36120_template; strcpy(ztv->video_dev.name, ztv->i2c.name); ztv->video_dev.priv = ztv; if (video_register_device(&ztv->video_dev, VFL_TYPE_GRABBER, video_nr) < 0) return -1; ztv->vbi_dev = vbi_template; strcpy(ztv->vbi_dev.name, ztv->i2c.name); ztv->vbi_dev.priv = ztv; if (video_register_device(&ztv->vbi_dev, VFL_TYPE_VBI, vbi_nr) < 0) { video_unregister_device(&ztv->video_dev); return -1; } i2c_register_bus(&ztv->i2c); /* set interrupt mask - the PIN enable will be set later */ zrwrite(ZORAN_ICR_GIRQ0|ZORAN_ICR_GIRQ1|ZORAN_ICR_CODE, ZORAN_ICR); printk(KERN_INFO "%s: installed %s\n",ztv->i2c.name,ztv->card->name); return 0; } static void release_zoran(int max) { struct zoran *ztv; int i; for (i=0;i<max; i++) { ztv = &zorans[i]; /* turn off all capturing, DMA and IRQs */ /* reset the zoran */ zrand(~ZORAN_PCI_SOFTRESET,ZORAN_PCI); udelay(10); zror(ZORAN_PCI_SOFTRESET,ZORAN_PCI); udelay(10); /* first disable interrupts before unmapping the memory! */ zrwrite(0, ZORAN_ICR); zrwrite(0xffffffffUL,ZORAN_ISR); /* free it */ free_irq(ztv->dev->irq,ztv); /* unregister i2c_bus */ i2c_unregister_bus((&ztv->i2c)); /* unmap and free memory */ if (ztv->zoran_mem) iounmap(ztv->zoran_mem); video_unregister_device(&ztv->video_dev); video_unregister_device(&ztv->vbi_dev); } } void __exit zr36120_exit(void) { release_zoran(zoran_cards); } int __init zr36120_init(void) { int card; handle_chipset(); zoran_cards = find_zoran(); if (zoran_cards<0) /* no cards found, no need for a driver */ return -EIO; /* initialize Zorans */ for (card=0; card<zoran_cards; card++) { if (init_zoran(card)<0) { /* only release the zorans we have registered */ release_zoran(card); return -EIO; } } return 0; } module_init(zr36120_init); module_exit(zr36120_exit);