 *  Driver for the Conexant CX23885 PCIe bridge
 *  Copyright (c) 2006 Steven Toth <stoth@hauppauge.com>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/i2c-algo-bit.h>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>

#include <media/v4l2-common.h>
#include <media/tuner.h>
#include <media/tveeprom.h>
#include <media/videobuf-dma-sg.h>
#include <media/videobuf-dvb.h>

#include "btcx-risc.h"
#include "cx23885-reg.h"

#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>


#define UNSET (-1U)

#define CX23885_MAXBOARDS 8

/* Max number of inputs by card */
#define MAX_CX23885_INPUT 8

#define BUFFER_TIMEOUT     (HZ)  /* 0.5 seconds */

#define CX23885_BOARD_NOAUTO               UNSET
#define CX23885_BOARD_UNKNOWN                  0
#define CX23885_BOARD_HAUPPAUGE_HVR1800lp      1
#define CX23885_BOARD_HAUPPAUGE_HVR1800        2
#define CX23885_BOARD_HAUPPAUGE_HVR1250        3

enum cx23885_itype {

enum cx23885_src_sel_type {
	CX23885_SRC_SEL_EXT_656_VIDEO = 0,

/* buffer for one video frame */
struct cx23885_buffer {
	/* common v4l buffer stuff -- must be first */
	struct videobuf_buffer vb;

	/* cx23885 specific */
	unsigned int           bpl;
	struct btcx_riscmem    risc;
	struct cx23885_fmt     *fmt;
	u32                    count;

struct cx23885_input {
	enum cx23885_itype type;
	unsigned int    vmux;
	u32             gpio0, gpio1, gpio2, gpio3;

typedef enum {
} port_t;

struct cx23885_board {
	char                    *name;
	port_t			portb, portc;
	struct cx23885_input    input[MAX_CX23885_INPUT];

struct cx23885_subid {
	u16     subvendor;
	u16     subdevice;
	u32     card;

struct cx23885_i2c {
	struct cx23885_dev *dev;

	int                        nr;

	/* i2c i/o */
	struct i2c_adapter         i2c_adap;
	struct i2c_algo_bit_data   i2c_algo;
	struct i2c_client          i2c_client;
	u32                        i2c_rc;

	/* 885 registers used for raw addess */
	u32                        i2c_period;
	u32                        reg_ctrl;
	u32                        reg_stat;
	u32                        reg_addr;
	u32                        reg_rdata;
	u32                        reg_wdata;

struct cx23885_dmaqueue {
	struct list_head       active;
	struct list_head       queued;
	struct timer_list      timeout;
	struct btcx_riscmem    stopper;
	u32                    count;

struct cx23885_tsport {
	struct cx23885_dev *dev;

	int                        nr;
	int                        sram_chno;

	struct videobuf_dvb        dvb;

	/* dma queues */
	struct cx23885_dmaqueue    mpegq;
	u32                        ts_packet_size;
	u32                        ts_packet_count;

	int                        width;
	int                        height;

	spinlock_t                 slock;

	/* registers */
	u32                        reg_gpcnt;
	u32                        reg_gpcnt_ctl;
	u32                        reg_dma_ctl;
	u32                        reg_lngth;
	u32                        reg_hw_sop_ctrl;
	u32                        reg_gen_ctrl;
	u32                        reg_bd_pkt_status;
	u32                        reg_sop_status;
	u32                        reg_fifo_ovfl_stat;
	u32                        reg_vld_misc;
	u32                        reg_ts_clk_en;
	u32                        reg_ts_int_msk;
	u32                        reg_ts_int_stat;
	u32                        reg_src_sel;

	/* Default register vals */
	int                        pci_irqmask;
	u32                        dma_ctl_val;
	u32                        ts_int_msk_val;
	u32                        gen_ctrl_val;
	u32                        ts_clk_en_val;
	u32                        src_sel_val;

struct cx23885_dev {
	struct list_head           devlist;
	atomic_t                   refcount;

	/* pci stuff */
	struct pci_dev             *pci;
	unsigned char              pci_rev, pci_lat;
	int                        pci_bus, pci_slot;
	u32                        __iomem *lmmio;
	u8                         __iomem *bmmio;
	int                        pci_irqmask;

	/* I2C adapters: Master 1 & 2 (External) & Master 3 (Internal only) */
	struct cx23885_i2c         i2c_bus[3];

	int                        nr;
	struct mutex               lock;

	/* board details */
	unsigned int               board;
	char                       name[32];

	struct cx23885_tsport      ts1, ts2;

	/* sram configuration */
	struct sram_channel        *sram_channels;

	enum {
		CX23885_BRIDGE_885 = 885,
		CX23885_BRIDGE_887 = 887,
	} bridge;

#define SRAM_CH01  0 /* Video A */
#define SRAM_CH02  1 /* VBI A */
#define SRAM_CH03  2 /* Video B */
#define SRAM_CH04  3 /* Transport via B */
#define SRAM_CH05  4 /* VBI B */
#define SRAM_CH06  5 /* Video C */
#define SRAM_CH07  6 /* Transport via C */
#define SRAM_CH08  7 /* Audio Internal A */
#define SRAM_CH09  8 /* Audio Internal B */
#define SRAM_CH10  9 /* Audio External */
#define SRAM_CH11 10 /* COMB_3D_N */
#define SRAM_CH12 11 /* Comb 3D N1 */
#define SRAM_CH13 12 /* Comb 3D N2 */
#define SRAM_CH14 13 /* MOE Vid */
#define SRAM_CH15 14 /* MOE RSLT */

struct sram_channel {
	char *name;
	u32  cmds_start;
	u32  ctrl_start;
	u32  cdt;
	u32  fifo_start;;
	u32  fifo_size;
	u32  ptr1_reg;
	u32  ptr2_reg;
	u32  cnt1_reg;
	u32  cnt2_reg;
	u32  jumponly;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */

#define cx_read(reg)             readl(dev->lmmio + ((reg)>>2))
#define cx_write(reg,value)      writel((value), dev->lmmio + ((reg)>>2))

#define cx_andor(reg,mask,value) \
  writel((readl(dev->lmmio+((reg)>>2)) & ~(mask)) |\
  ((value) & (mask)), dev->lmmio+((reg)>>2))

#define cx_set(reg,bit)          cx_andor((reg),(bit),(bit))
#define cx_clear(reg,bit)        cx_andor((reg),(bit),0)

extern int cx23885_sram_channel_setup(struct cx23885_dev *dev,
	struct sram_channel *ch,
	unsigned int bpl, u32 risc);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* cx23885-cards.c                                                */

extern struct cx23885_board cx23885_boards[];
extern const unsigned int cx23885_bcount;

extern struct cx23885_subid cx23885_subids[];
extern const unsigned int cx23885_idcount;

extern void cx23885_card_list(struct cx23885_dev *dev);
extern int  cx23885_ir_init(struct cx23885_dev *dev);
extern void cx23885_gpio_setup(struct cx23885_dev *dev);
extern void cx23885_card_setup(struct cx23885_dev *dev);
extern void cx23885_card_setup_pre_i2c(struct cx23885_dev *dev);

extern int cx23885_dvb_register(struct cx23885_tsport *port);
extern int cx23885_dvb_unregister(struct cx23885_tsport *port);

extern int cx23885_buf_prepare(struct videobuf_queue *q,
			       struct cx23885_tsport *port,
			       struct cx23885_buffer *buf,
			       enum v4l2_field field);

extern void cx23885_buf_queue(struct cx23885_tsport *port,
			      struct cx23885_buffer *buf);
extern void cx23885_free_buffer(struct videobuf_queue *q,
				struct cx23885_buffer *buf);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* cx23885-i2c.c                                                */
extern int cx23885_i2c_register(struct cx23885_i2c *bus);
extern int cx23885_i2c_unregister(struct cx23885_i2c *bus);
extern void cx23885_call_i2c_clients(struct cx23885_i2c *bus, unsigned int cmd,
				     void *arg);

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