  Copyright (c) Eicon Technology Corporation, 2000.
  This source file is supplied for the use with Eicon
  Technology Corporation's range of DIVA Server Adapters.
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
  any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/* file: dbgioctl.h                                                 */

#if !defined(__DBGIOCTL_H__)

#define __DBGIOCTL_H__

 * The requested operation is passed in arg0 of DbgIoctlArgs,
 * additional arguments (if any) in arg1, arg2 and arg3.

typedef struct
{	ULONG	arg0 ;
	ULONG	arg1 ;
	ULONG	arg2 ;
	ULONG	arg3 ;
} DbgIoctlArgs ;

#define	DBG_COPY_LOGS	0	/* copy debugs to user until buffer full	*/
							/* arg1: size threshold						*/
							/* arg2: timeout in milliseconds			*/

#define DBG_FLUSH_LOGS	1	/* flush pending debugs to user buffer		*/
							/* arg1: internal driver id					*/

#define DBG_LIST_DRVS	2	/* return the list of registered drivers	*/

#define	DBG_GET_MASK	3	/* get current debug mask of driver			*/
							/* arg1: internal driver id					*/

#define	DBG_SET_MASK	4	/* set/change debug mask of driver			*/
							/* arg1: internal driver id					*/
							/* arg2: new debug mask						*/

#define	DBG_GET_BUFSIZE	5	/* get current buffer size of driver		*/
							/* arg1: internal driver id					*/
							/* arg2: new debug mask						*/

#define	DBG_SET_BUFSIZE	6	/* set new buffer size of driver			*/
							/* arg1: new buffer size					*/

 *	common internal debug message structure

typedef struct
{	unsigned short id ;		/* virtual driver id                  */
	unsigned short type ;	/* special message type               */
	unsigned long  seq ;	/* sequence number of message         */
	unsigned long  size ;	/* size of message in bytes           */
	unsigned long  next ;	/* offset to next buffered message    */
	LARGE_INTEGER  NTtime ;	/* 100 ns  since 1.1.1601             */
	unsigned char  data[4] ;/* message data                       */
} OldDbgMessage ;

typedef struct
{	LARGE_INTEGER  NTtime ;	/* 100 ns  since 1.1.1601             */
	unsigned short size ;	/* size of message in bytes           */
	unsigned short ffff ;	/* always 0xffff to indicate new msg  */
	unsigned short id ;		/* virtual driver id                  */
	unsigned short type ;	/* special message type               */
	unsigned long  seq ;	/* sequence number of message         */
	unsigned char  data[4] ;/* message data                       */
} DbgMessage ;


#define DRV_ID_UNKNOWN		0x0C	/* for messages via prtComp() */

#define	MSG_PROC_FLAG		0x80
#define	MSG_PROC_NO_GET(x)	(((x) & MSG_PROC_FLAG) ? (((x) >> 4) & 7) : -1)
#define	MSG_PROC_NO_SET(x)	(MSG_PROC_FLAG | (((x) & 7) << 4))

#define MSG_TYPE_DRV_ID		0x0001
#define MSG_TYPE_FLAGS		0x0002
#define MSG_TYPE_STRING		0x0003
#define MSG_TYPE_BINARY		0x0004

#define MSG_HEAD_SIZE	((unsigned long)&(((DbgMessage *)0)->data[0]))
#define MSG_ALIGN(len)	(((unsigned long)(len) + MSG_HEAD_SIZE + 3) & ~3)
#define MSG_SIZE(pMsg)	MSG_ALIGN((pMsg)->size)
#define MSG_NEXT(pMsg)	((DbgMessage *)( ((char *)(pMsg)) + MSG_SIZE(pMsg) ))

#define OLD_MSG_HEAD_SIZE	((unsigned long)&(((OldDbgMessage *)0)->data[0]))
#define OLD_MSG_ALIGN(len)	(((unsigned long)(len)+OLD_MSG_HEAD_SIZE+3) & ~3)

 * manifest constants

#define MSG_FRAME_MAX_SIZE	2150		/* maximum size of B1 frame	 */
#define MSG_TEXT_MAX_SIZE	1024		/* maximum size of msg text	 */
#define DBG_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE	0x00008000	/* minimal total buffer size  32 KB */
#define DBG_DEF_BUFFER_SIZE	0x00020000	/* default total buffer size 128 KB */
#define DBG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE	0x00400000	/* maximal total buffer size   4 MB */

#define DBGDRV_NAME		"Diehl_DIMAINT"
#define UNIDBG_DRIVER	L"\\Device\\Diehl_DIMAINT" /* UNICODE name for kernel */
#define DEBUG_DRIVER	"\\\\.\\" DBGDRV_NAME  /* traditional string for apps */
#define DEBUG_VXD		"\\\\.\\" DBGVXD_NAME  /* traditional string for apps */

 *	Special IDI interface debug construction

#define	DBG_IDI_SIG_REQ		(unsigned long)0xF479C402
#define	DBG_IDI_SIG_IND		(unsigned long)0xF479C403
#define	DBG_IDI_NL_REQ		(unsigned long)0xF479C404
#define	DBG_IDI_NL_IND		(unsigned long)0xF479C405

typedef struct
{	unsigned long  magic_type ;
	unsigned short data_len ;
	unsigned char  layer_ID ;
	unsigned char  entity_ID ;
	unsigned char  request ;
	unsigned char  ret_code ;
	unsigned char  indication ;
	unsigned char  complete ;
	unsigned char  data[4] ;
} DbgIdiAct, *DbgIdiAction ;

 * We want to use the same IOCTL codes in Win95 and WinNT.
 * The official constructor for IOCTL codes is the CTL_CODE macro
 * from <winoctl.h> (<devioctl.h> in WinNT DDK environment).
 * The problem here is that we don't know how to get <winioctl.h>
 * working in a Win95 DDK environment!

# ifdef CTL_CODE	/*{*/

/* Assert that we have the same idea of the CTL_CODE macro.	*/

#define CTL_CODE( DeviceType, Function, Method, Access ) (                 \
    ((DeviceType) << 16) | ((Access) << 14) | ((Function) << 2) | (Method) \

# else	/* !CTL_CODE */ /*}{*/

/* Use the definitions stolen from <winioctl.h>.  */

#define CTL_CODE( DeviceType, Function, Method, Access ) (                 \
    ((DeviceType) << 16) | ((Access) << 14) | ((Function) << 2) | (Method) \

#define METHOD_BUFFERED                 0
#define METHOD_IN_DIRECT                1
#define METHOD_OUT_DIRECT               2
#define METHOD_NEITHER                  3

#define FILE_ANY_ACCESS                 0
#define FILE_READ_ACCESS          ( 0x0001 )    // file & pipe
#define FILE_WRITE_ACCESS         ( 0x0002 )    // file & pipe

# endif	/* CTL_CODE */ /*}*/

 * Now we can define WinNT/Win95 DeviceIoControl codes.
 * These codes are defined in di_defs.h too, a possible mismatch will be
 * detected when the dbgtool is compiled.


#endif /* __DBGIOCTL_H__ */