/* * Copyright (c) Eicon Technology Corporation, 2000. * This source file is supplied for the use with Eicon Technology Corporation's range of DIVA Server Adapters. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* file: dbgioctl.h */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if !defined(__DBGIOCTL_H__) #define __DBGIOCTL_H__ #ifdef NOT_YET_NEEDED /* * The requested operation is passed in arg0 of DbgIoctlArgs, * additional arguments (if any) in arg1, arg2 and arg3. */ typedef struct { ULONG arg0 ; ULONG arg1 ; ULONG arg2 ; ULONG arg3 ; } DbgIoctlArgs ; #define DBG_COPY_LOGS 0 /* copy debugs to user until buffer full */ /* arg1: size threshold */ /* arg2: timeout in milliseconds */ #define DBG_FLUSH_LOGS 1 /* flush pending debugs to user buffer */ /* arg1: internal driver id */ #define DBG_LIST_DRVS 2 /* return the list of registered drivers */ #define DBG_GET_MASK 3 /* get current debug mask of driver */ /* arg1: internal driver id */ #define DBG_SET_MASK 4 /* set/change debug mask of driver */ /* arg1: internal driver id */ /* arg2: new debug mask */ #define DBG_GET_BUFSIZE 5 /* get current buffer size of driver */ /* arg1: internal driver id */ /* arg2: new debug mask */ #define DBG_SET_BUFSIZE 6 /* set new buffer size of driver */ /* arg1: new buffer size */ /* * common internal debug message structure */ typedef struct { unsigned short id ; /* virtual driver id */ unsigned short type ; /* special message type */ unsigned long seq ; /* sequence number of message */ unsigned long size ; /* size of message in bytes */ unsigned long next ; /* offset to next buffered message */ LARGE_INTEGER NTtime ; /* 100 ns since 1.1.1601 */ unsigned char data[4] ;/* message data */ } OldDbgMessage ; typedef struct { LARGE_INTEGER NTtime ; /* 100 ns since 1.1.1601 */ unsigned short size ; /* size of message in bytes */ unsigned short ffff ; /* always 0xffff to indicate new msg */ unsigned short id ; /* virtual driver id */ unsigned short type ; /* special message type */ unsigned long seq ; /* sequence number of message */ unsigned char data[4] ;/* message data */ } DbgMessage ; #endif #define DRV_ID_UNKNOWN 0x0C /* for messages via prtComp() */ #define MSG_PROC_FLAG 0x80 #define MSG_PROC_NO_GET(x) (((x) & MSG_PROC_FLAG) ? (((x) >> 4) & 7) : -1) #define MSG_PROC_NO_SET(x) (MSG_PROC_FLAG | (((x) & 7) << 4)) #define MSG_TYPE_DRV_ID 0x0001 #define MSG_TYPE_FLAGS 0x0002 #define MSG_TYPE_STRING 0x0003 #define MSG_TYPE_BINARY 0x0004 #define MSG_HEAD_SIZE ((unsigned long)&(((DbgMessage *)0)->data[0])) #define MSG_ALIGN(len) (((unsigned long)(len) + MSG_HEAD_SIZE + 3) & ~3) #define MSG_SIZE(pMsg) MSG_ALIGN((pMsg)->size) #define MSG_NEXT(pMsg) ((DbgMessage *)( ((char *)(pMsg)) + MSG_SIZE(pMsg) )) #define OLD_MSG_HEAD_SIZE ((unsigned long)&(((OldDbgMessage *)0)->data[0])) #define OLD_MSG_ALIGN(len) (((unsigned long)(len)+OLD_MSG_HEAD_SIZE+3) & ~3) /* * manifest constants */ #define MSG_FRAME_MAX_SIZE 2150 /* maximum size of B1 frame */ #define MSG_TEXT_MAX_SIZE 1024 /* maximum size of msg text */ #define MSG_MAX_SIZE MSG_ALIGN(MSG_FRAME_MAX_SIZE) #define DBG_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE 0x00008000 /* minimal total buffer size 32 KB */ #define DBG_DEF_BUFFER_SIZE 0x00020000 /* default total buffer size 128 KB */ #define DBG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 0x00400000 /* maximal total buffer size 4 MB */ #define DBGDRV_NAME "Diehl_DIMAINT" #define UNIDBG_DRIVER L"\\Device\\Diehl_DIMAINT" /* UNICODE name for kernel */ #define DEBUG_DRIVER "\\\\.\\" DBGDRV_NAME /* traditional string for apps */ #define DBGVXD_NAME "DIMAINT" #define DEBUG_VXD "\\\\.\\" DBGVXD_NAME /* traditional string for apps */ /* * Special IDI interface debug construction */ #define DBG_IDI_SIG_REQ (unsigned long)0xF479C402 #define DBG_IDI_SIG_IND (unsigned long)0xF479C403 #define DBG_IDI_NL_REQ (unsigned long)0xF479C404 #define DBG_IDI_NL_IND (unsigned long)0xF479C405 typedef struct { unsigned long magic_type ; unsigned short data_len ; unsigned char layer_ID ; unsigned char entity_ID ; unsigned char request ; unsigned char ret_code ; unsigned char indication ; unsigned char complete ; unsigned char data[4] ; } DbgIdiAct, *DbgIdiAction ; /* * We want to use the same IOCTL codes in Win95 and WinNT. * The official constructor for IOCTL codes is the CTL_CODE macro * from <winoctl.h> (<devioctl.h> in WinNT DDK environment). * The problem here is that we don't know how to get <winioctl.h> * working in a Win95 DDK environment! */ # ifdef CTL_CODE /*{*/ /* Assert that we have the same idea of the CTL_CODE macro. */ #define CTL_CODE( DeviceType, Function, Method, Access ) ( \ ((DeviceType) << 16) | ((Access) << 14) | ((Function) << 2) | (Method) \ ) # else /* !CTL_CODE */ /*}{*/ /* Use the definitions stolen from <winioctl.h>. */ #define CTL_CODE( DeviceType, Function, Method, Access ) ( \ ((DeviceType) << 16) | ((Access) << 14) | ((Function) << 2) | (Method) \ ) #define METHOD_BUFFERED 0 #define METHOD_IN_DIRECT 1 #define METHOD_OUT_DIRECT 2 #define METHOD_NEITHER 3 #define FILE_ANY_ACCESS 0 #define FILE_READ_ACCESS ( 0x0001 ) // file & pipe #define FILE_WRITE_ACCESS ( 0x0002 ) // file & pipe # endif /* CTL_CODE */ /*}*/ /* * Now we can define WinNT/Win95 DeviceIoControl codes. * * These codes are defined in di_defs.h too, a possible mismatch will be * detected when the dbgtool is compiled. */ #define IOCTL_DRIVER_LNK \ CTL_CODE(0x8001U,0x701,METHOD_OUT_DIRECT,FILE_ANY_ACCESS) #define IOCTL_DRIVER_DBG \ CTL_CODE(0x8001U,0x702,METHOD_OUT_DIRECT,FILE_ANY_ACCESS) #endif /* __DBGIOCTL_H__ */