 * This file contains the generic code to perform a call to the
 * pSeries LPAR hypervisor.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
 * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <asm/hvcall.h>
#include <asm/processor.h>
#include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
#include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
#define STK_PARM(i)     (48 + ((i)-3)*8)


	.section	".toc","aw"

	.globl hcall_tracepoint_refcount
	.llong	0

	.section	".text"

 * precall must preserve all registers.  use unused STK_PARM()
 * areas to save snapshots and opcode. We branch around this
 * in early init (eg when populating the MMU hashtable) by using an
 * unconditional cpu feature.
	b	1f;						\
END_FTR_SECTION(0, 1);						\
	ld      r12,hcall_tracepoint_refcount@toc(r2);		\
	cmpdi	r12,0;						\
	beq+	1f;						\
	mflr	r0;						\
	std	r3,STK_PARM(r3)(r1);				\
	std	r4,STK_PARM(r4)(r1);				\
	std	r5,STK_PARM(r5)(r1);				\
	std	r6,STK_PARM(r6)(r1);				\
	std	r7,STK_PARM(r7)(r1);				\
	std	r8,STK_PARM(r8)(r1);				\
	std	r9,STK_PARM(r9)(r1);				\
	std	r10,STK_PARM(r10)(r1);				\
	std	r0,16(r1);					\
	addi	r4,r1,STK_PARM(FIRST_REG);			\
	stdu	r1,-STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD(r1);			\
	bl	.__trace_hcall_entry;				\
	addi	r1,r1,STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD;			\
	ld	r0,16(r1);					\
	ld	r3,STK_PARM(r3)(r1);				\
	ld	r4,STK_PARM(r4)(r1);				\
	ld	r5,STK_PARM(r5)(r1);				\
	ld	r6,STK_PARM(r6)(r1);				\
	ld	r7,STK_PARM(r7)(r1);				\
	ld	r8,STK_PARM(r8)(r1);				\
	ld	r9,STK_PARM(r9)(r1);				\
	ld	r10,STK_PARM(r10)(r1);				\
	mtlr	r0;						\

 * postcall is performed immediately before function return which
 * allows liberal use of volatile registers.  We branch around this
 * in early init (eg when populating the MMU hashtable) by using an
 * unconditional cpu feature.
#define __HCALL_INST_POSTCALL					\
	b	1f;						\
END_FTR_SECTION(0, 1);						\
	ld      r12,hcall_tracepoint_refcount@toc(r2);		\
	cmpdi	r12,0;						\
	beq+	1f;						\
	mflr	r0;						\
	ld	r6,STK_PARM(r3)(r1);				\
	std	r3,STK_PARM(r3)(r1);				\
	mr	r4,r3;						\
	mr	r3,r6;						\
	std	r0,16(r1);					\
	stdu	r1,-STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD(r1);			\
	bl	.__trace_hcall_exit;				\
	addi	r1,r1,STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD;			\
	ld	r0,16(r1);					\
	ld	r3,STK_PARM(r3)(r1);				\
	mtlr	r0;						\

	li	r5,0;						\

	mr	r5,BUFREG;					\




	mfcr	r0
	stw	r0,8(r1)


	HVSC				/* invoke the hypervisor */


	lwz	r0,8(r1)
	mtcrf	0xff,r0
	blr				/* return r3 = status */


	mfcr	r0
	stw	r0,8(r1)


	std     r4,STK_PARM(r4)(r1)     /* Save ret buffer */

	mr	r4,r5
	mr	r5,r6
	mr	r6,r7
	mr	r7,r8
	mr	r8,r9
	mr	r9,r10

	HVSC				/* invoke the hypervisor */

	ld	r12,STK_PARM(r4)(r1)
	std	r4,  0(r12)
	std	r5,  8(r12)
	std	r6, 16(r12)
	std	r7, 24(r12)


	lwz	r0,8(r1)
	mtcrf	0xff,r0

	blr				/* return r3 = status */

 * plpar_hcall_raw can be called in real mode. kexec/kdump need some
 * hypervisor calls to be executed in real mode. So plpar_hcall_raw
 * does not access the per cpu hypervisor call statistics variables,
 * since these variables may not be present in the RMO region.

	mfcr	r0
	stw	r0,8(r1)

	std     r4,STK_PARM(r4)(r1)     /* Save ret buffer */

	mr	r4,r5
	mr	r5,r6
	mr	r6,r7
	mr	r7,r8
	mr	r8,r9
	mr	r9,r10

	HVSC				/* invoke the hypervisor */

	ld	r12,STK_PARM(r4)(r1)
	std	r4,  0(r12)
	std	r5,  8(r12)
	std	r6, 16(r12)
	std	r7, 24(r12)

	lwz	r0,8(r1)
	mtcrf	0xff,r0

	blr				/* return r3 = status */


	mfcr	r0
	stw	r0,8(r1)


	std     r4,STK_PARM(r4)(r1)     /* Save ret buffer */

	mr	r4,r5
	mr	r5,r6
	mr	r6,r7
	mr	r7,r8
	mr	r8,r9
	mr	r9,r10
	ld	r10,STK_PARM(r11)(r1)	 /* put arg7 in R10 */
	ld	r11,STK_PARM(r12)(r1)	 /* put arg8 in R11 */
	ld	r12,STK_PARM(r13)(r1)    /* put arg9 in R12 */

	HVSC				/* invoke the hypervisor */

	mr	r0,r12
	ld	r12,STK_PARM(r4)(r1)
	std	r4,  0(r12)
	std	r5,  8(r12)
	std	r6, 16(r12)
	std	r7, 24(r12)
	std	r8, 32(r12)
	std	r9, 40(r12)
	std	r10,48(r12)
	std	r11,56(r12)
	std	r0, 64(r12)


	lwz	r0,8(r1)
	mtcrf	0xff,r0

	blr				/* return r3 = status */