/* * Board-specific setup code for Remote Media Terminal 1 (RMT1) * add-on board for the ATNGW100 Network Gateway * * Copyright (C) 2008 Mediama Technologies * Based on ATNGW100 Network Gateway (Copyright (C) Atmel) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <linux/linkage.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/leds.h> #include <linux/pwm.h> #include <linux/leds_pwm.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <linux/gpio_keys.h> #include <linux/atmel_serial.h> #include <linux/spi/spi.h> #include <linux/spi/ads7846.h> #include <video/atmel_lcdc.h> #include <sound/atmel-ac97c.h> #include <asm/delay.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/setup.h> #include <mach/at32ap700x.h> #include <mach/board.h> #include <mach/init.h> #include <mach/portmux.h> /* Define board-specifoic GPIO assignments */ #define PIN_LCD_BL GPIO_PIN_PA(28) #define PWM_CH_BL 0 /* Must match with GPIO pin definition */ #define PIN_LCD_DISP GPIO_PIN_PA(31) #define PIN_AC97_RST_N GPIO_PIN_PA(30) #define PB_EXTINT_BASE 25 #define TS_IRQ 0 #define PIN_TS_EXTINT GPIO_PIN_PB(PB_EXTINT_BASE+TS_IRQ) #define PIN_PB_LEFT GPIO_PIN_PB(11) #define PIN_PB_RIGHT GPIO_PIN_PB(12) #define PIN_PWR_SW_N GPIO_PIN_PB(14) #define PIN_PWR_ON GPIO_PIN_PB(13) #define PIN_ZB_RST_N GPIO_PIN_PA(21) #define PIN_BT_RST GPIO_PIN_PA(22) #define PIN_LED_SYS GPIO_PIN_PA(16) #define PIN_LED_A GPIO_PIN_PA(19) #define PIN_LED_B GPIO_PIN_PE(19) #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_LCD_LQ043T3DX0X /* Sharp LQ043T3DX0x (or compatible) panel */ static struct fb_videomode __initdata lcd_fb_modes[] = { { .name = "480x272 @ 59.94Hz", .refresh = 59.94, .xres = 480, .yres = 272, .pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(9000), .left_margin = 2, .right_margin = 2, .upper_margin = 3, .lower_margin = 9, .hsync_len = 41, .vsync_len = 1, .sync = 0, .vmode = FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED, }, }; static struct fb_monspecs __initdata lcd_fb_default_monspecs = { .manufacturer = "SHA", .monitor = "LQ043T3DX02", .modedb = lcd_fb_modes, .modedb_len = ARRAY_SIZE(lcd_fb_modes), .hfmin = 14915, .hfmax = 17638, .vfmin = 53, .vfmax = 61, .dclkmax = 9260000, }; static struct atmel_lcdfb_pdata __initdata rmt_lcdc_data = { .default_bpp = 24, .default_dmacon = ATMEL_LCDC_DMAEN | ATMEL_LCDC_DMA2DEN, .default_lcdcon2 = (ATMEL_LCDC_DISTYPE_TFT | ATMEL_LCDC_CLKMOD_ALWAYSACTIVE | ATMEL_LCDC_INVCLK_NORMAL | ATMEL_LCDC_MEMOR_BIG), .lcd_wiring_mode = ATMEL_LCDC_WIRING_RGB, .default_monspecs = &lcd_fb_default_monspecs, .guard_time = 2, }; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_LCD_KWH043GM08 /* Sharp KWH043GM08-Fxx (or compatible) panel */ static struct fb_videomode __initdata lcd_fb_modes[] = { { .name = "480x272 @ 59.94Hz", .refresh = 59.94, .xres = 480, .yres = 272, .pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(9000), .left_margin = 2, .right_margin = 2, .upper_margin = 3, .lower_margin = 9, .hsync_len = 41, .vsync_len = 1, .sync = 0, .vmode = FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED, }, }; static struct fb_monspecs __initdata lcd_fb_default_monspecs = { .manufacturer = "FOR", .monitor = "KWH043GM08", .modedb = lcd_fb_modes, .modedb_len = ARRAY_SIZE(lcd_fb_modes), .hfmin = 14915, .hfmax = 17638, .vfmin = 53, .vfmax = 61, .dclkmax = 9260000, }; static struct atmel_lcdfb_pdata __initdata rmt_lcdc_data = { .default_bpp = 24, .default_dmacon = ATMEL_LCDC_DMAEN | ATMEL_LCDC_DMA2DEN, .default_lcdcon2 = (ATMEL_LCDC_DISTYPE_TFT | ATMEL_LCDC_CLKMOD_ALWAYSACTIVE | ATMEL_LCDC_INVCLK_INVERTED | ATMEL_LCDC_MEMOR_BIG), .lcd_wiring_mode = ATMEL_LCDC_WIRING_RGB, .default_monspecs = &lcd_fb_default_monspecs, .guard_time = 2, }; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_AC97 static struct ac97c_platform_data __initdata ac97c0_data = { .reset_pin = PIN_AC97_RST_N, }; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_UCB1400_TS /* NOTE: IRQ assignment relies on kernel module parameter */ static struct platform_device rmt_ts_device = { .name = "ucb1400_ts", .id = -1, }; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_BL_PWM /* PWM LEDs: LCD Backlight, etc */ static struct pwm_lookup pwm_lookup[] = { PWM_LOOKUP("at91sam9rl-pwm", PWM_CH_BL, "leds_pwm", "ds1", 5000, PWM_POLARITY_INVERSED), }; static struct led_pwm pwm_leds[] = { { .name = "backlight", .max_brightness = 255, }, }; static struct led_pwm_platform_data pwm_data = { .num_leds = ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_leds), .leds = pwm_leds, }; static struct platform_device leds_pwm = { .name = "leds_pwm", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &pwm_data, }, }; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_ADS7846_TS static int ads7846_pendown_state(void) { return !gpio_get_value( PIN_TS_EXTINT ); /* PENIRQ.*/ } static struct ads7846_platform_data ads_info = { .model = 7846, .keep_vref_on = 0, /* Use external VREF pin */ .vref_delay_usecs = 0, .vref_mv = 3300, /* VREF = 3.3V */ .settle_delay_usecs = 800, .penirq_recheck_delay_usecs = 800, .x_plate_ohms = 750, .y_plate_ohms = 300, .pressure_max = 4096, .debounce_max = 1, .debounce_rep = 0, .debounce_tol = (~0), .get_pendown_state = ads7846_pendown_state, .filter = NULL, .filter_init = NULL, }; static struct spi_board_info spi01_board_info[] __initdata = { { .modalias = "ads7846", .max_speed_hz = 31250*26, .bus_num = 0, .chip_select = 1, .platform_data = &ads_info, .irq = AT32_EXTINT(TS_IRQ), }, }; #endif /* GPIO Keys: left, right, power, etc */ static const struct gpio_keys_button rmt_gpio_keys_buttons[] = { [0] = { .type = EV_KEY, .code = KEY_POWER, .gpio = PIN_PWR_SW_N, .active_low = 1, .desc = "power button", }, [1] = { .type = EV_KEY, .code = KEY_LEFT, .gpio = PIN_PB_LEFT, .active_low = 1, .desc = "left button", }, [2] = { .type = EV_KEY, .code = KEY_RIGHT, .gpio = PIN_PB_RIGHT, .active_low = 1, .desc = "right button", }, }; static const struct gpio_keys_platform_data rmt_gpio_keys_data = { .nbuttons = ARRAY_SIZE(rmt_gpio_keys_buttons), .buttons = (void *) rmt_gpio_keys_buttons, }; static struct platform_device rmt_gpio_keys = { .name = "gpio-keys", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = (void *) &rmt_gpio_keys_data, } }; #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_RTC_I2C static struct i2c_board_info __initdata mrmt1_i2c_rtc = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("s35390a", 0x30), .irq = 0, }; #endif static void mrmt_power_off(void) { /* PWR_ON=0 will force power off */ gpio_set_value( PIN_PWR_ON, 0 ); } static int __init mrmt1_init(void) { gpio_set_value( PIN_PWR_ON, 1 ); /* Ensure PWR_ON is enabled */ pm_power_off = mrmt_power_off; /* Setup USARTS (other than console) */ at32_map_usart(2, 1, 0); /* USART 2: /dev/ttyS1, RMT1:DB9M */ at32_map_usart(3, 2, ATMEL_USART_RTS | ATMEL_USART_CTS); /* USART 3: /dev/ttyS2, RMT1:Wireless, w/ RTS/CTS */ at32_add_device_usart(1); at32_add_device_usart(2); /* Select GPIO Key pins */ at32_select_gpio( PIN_PWR_SW_N, AT32_GPIOF_DEGLITCH); at32_select_gpio( PIN_PB_LEFT, AT32_GPIOF_DEGLITCH); at32_select_gpio( PIN_PB_RIGHT, AT32_GPIOF_DEGLITCH); platform_device_register(&rmt_gpio_keys); #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_RTC_I2C i2c_register_board_info(0, &mrmt1_i2c_rtc, 1); #endif #ifndef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_LCD_DISABLE /* User "alternate" LCDC inferface on Port E & D */ /* NB: exclude LCDC_CC pin, as NGW100 reserves it for other use */ at32_add_device_lcdc(0, &rmt_lcdc_data, fbmem_start, fbmem_size, (ATMEL_LCDC_ALT_24BIT | ATMEL_LCDC_PE_DVAL ) ); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_AC97 at32_add_device_ac97c(0, &ac97c0_data, AC97C_BOTH); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_ADS7846_TS /* Select the Touchscreen interrupt pin mode */ at32_select_periph( GPIO_PIOB_BASE, 1 << (PB_EXTINT_BASE+TS_IRQ), GPIO_PERIPH_A, AT32_GPIOF_DEGLITCH); irq_set_irq_type(AT32_EXTINT(TS_IRQ), IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING); at32_spi_setup_slaves(0,spi01_board_info,ARRAY_SIZE(spi01_board_info)); spi_register_board_info(spi01_board_info,ARRAY_SIZE(spi01_board_info)); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_UCB1400_TS /* Select the Touchscreen interrupt pin mode */ at32_select_periph( GPIO_PIOB_BASE, 1 << (PB_EXTINT_BASE+TS_IRQ), GPIO_PERIPH_A, AT32_GPIOF_DEGLITCH); platform_device_register(&rmt_ts_device); #endif at32_select_gpio( PIN_LCD_DISP, AT32_GPIOF_OUTPUT ); gpio_request( PIN_LCD_DISP, "LCD_DISP" ); gpio_direction_output( PIN_LCD_DISP, 0 ); /* LCD DISP */ #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_LCD_DISABLE /* Keep Backlight and DISP off */ at32_select_gpio( PIN_LCD_BL, AT32_GPIOF_OUTPUT ); gpio_request( PIN_LCD_BL, "LCD_BL" ); gpio_direction_output( PIN_LCD_BL, 0 ); /* Backlight */ #else gpio_set_value( PIN_LCD_DISP, 1 ); /* DISP asserted first */ #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_BL_PWM /* Use PWM for Backlight controls */ at32_add_device_pwm(1 << PWM_CH_BL); pwm_add_table(pwm_lookup, ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_lookup)); platform_device_register(&leds_pwm); #else /* Backlight always on */ udelay( 1 ); at32_select_gpio( PIN_LCD_BL, AT32_GPIOF_OUTPUT ); gpio_request( PIN_LCD_BL, "LCD_BL" ); gpio_direction_output( PIN_LCD_BL, 1 ); #endif #endif /* Make sure BT and Zigbee modules in reset */ at32_select_gpio( PIN_BT_RST, AT32_GPIOF_OUTPUT ); gpio_request( PIN_BT_RST, "BT_RST" ); gpio_direction_output( PIN_BT_RST, 1 ); /* BT Module in Reset */ at32_select_gpio( PIN_ZB_RST_N, AT32_GPIOF_OUTPUT ); gpio_request( PIN_ZB_RST_N, "ZB_RST_N" ); gpio_direction_output( PIN_ZB_RST_N, 0 ); /* XBee Module in Reset */ #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_WIRELESS_ZB udelay( 1000 ); /* Unreset the XBee Module */ gpio_set_value( PIN_ZB_RST_N, 1 ); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_MRMT_WIRELESS_BT udelay( 1000 ); /* Unreset the BT Module */ gpio_set_value( PIN_BT_RST, 0 ); #endif return 0; } arch_initcall(mrmt1_init); static int __init mrmt1_early_init(void) { /* To maintain power-on signal in case boot loader did not already */ at32_select_gpio( PIN_PWR_ON, AT32_GPIOF_OUTPUT ); gpio_request( PIN_PWR_ON, "PIN_PWR_ON" ); gpio_direction_output( PIN_PWR_ON, 1 ); return 0; } core_initcall(mrmt1_early_init);