/* * board-overo.c (Gumstix Overo) * * Initial code: Steve Sakoman <steve@sakoman.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ #include <linux/clk.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/err.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/i2c/twl.h> #include <linux/regulator/machine.h> #include <linux/regulator/fixed.h> #include <linux/spi/spi.h> #include <linux/mtd/mtd.h> #include <linux/mtd/nand.h> #include <linux/mtd/partitions.h> #include <linux/mmc/host.h> #include <linux/platform_data/mtd-nand-omap2.h> #include <linux/platform_data/spi-omap2-mcspi.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <asm/mach/arch.h> #include <asm/mach/flash.h> #include <asm/mach/map.h> #include <video/omapdss.h> #include <video/omap-panel-generic-dpi.h> #include <video/omap-panel-tfp410.h> #include "common.h" #include "mux.h" #include "sdram-micron-mt46h32m32lf-6.h" #include "gpmc.h" #include "hsmmc.h" #include "board-flash.h" #include "common-board-devices.h" #define NAND_CS 0 #define OVERO_GPIO_BT_XGATE 15 #define OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET 16 #define OVERO_GPIO_PENDOWN 114 #define OVERO_GPIO_BT_NRESET 164 #define OVERO_GPIO_USBH_CPEN 168 #define OVERO_GPIO_USBH_NRESET 183 #define OVERO_SMSC911X_CS 5 #define OVERO_SMSC911X_GPIO 176 #define OVERO_SMSC911X2_CS 4 #define OVERO_SMSC911X2_GPIO 65 #if defined(CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ADS7846) || \ defined(CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ADS7846_MODULE) /* fixed regulator for ads7846 */ static struct regulator_consumer_supply ads7846_supply[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vcc", "spi1.0"), }; static struct regulator_init_data vads7846_regulator = { .constraints = { .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(ads7846_supply), .consumer_supplies = ads7846_supply, }; static struct fixed_voltage_config vads7846 = { .supply_name = "vads7846", .microvolts = 3300000, /* 3.3V */ .gpio = -EINVAL, .startup_delay = 0, .init_data = &vads7846_regulator, }; static struct platform_device vads7846_device = { .name = "reg-fixed-voltage", .id = 1, .dev = { .platform_data = &vads7846, }, }; static void __init overo_ads7846_init(void) { omap_ads7846_init(1, OVERO_GPIO_PENDOWN, 0, NULL); platform_device_register(&vads7846_device); } #else static inline void __init overo_ads7846_init(void) { return; } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_SMSC911X) || defined(CONFIG_SMSC911X_MODULE) #include <linux/smsc911x.h> #include "gpmc-smsc911x.h" static struct omap_smsc911x_platform_data smsc911x_cfg = { .id = 0, .cs = OVERO_SMSC911X_CS, .gpio_irq = OVERO_SMSC911X_GPIO, .gpio_reset = -EINVAL, .flags = SMSC911X_USE_32BIT, }; static struct omap_smsc911x_platform_data smsc911x2_cfg = { .id = 1, .cs = OVERO_SMSC911X2_CS, .gpio_irq = OVERO_SMSC911X2_GPIO, .gpio_reset = -EINVAL, .flags = SMSC911X_USE_32BIT, }; static void __init overo_init_smsc911x(void) { gpmc_smsc911x_init(&smsc911x_cfg); gpmc_smsc911x_init(&smsc911x2_cfg); } #else static inline void __init overo_init_smsc911x(void) { return; } #endif /* DSS */ static int lcd_enabled; static int dvi_enabled; #define OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN 144 #define OVERO_GPIO_LCD_BL 145 static struct gpio overo_dss_gpios[] __initdata = { { OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN" }, { OVERO_GPIO_LCD_BL, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "OVERO_GPIO_LCD_BL" }, }; static void __init overo_display_init(void) { if (gpio_request_array(overo_dss_gpios, ARRAY_SIZE(overo_dss_gpios))) { printk(KERN_ERR "could not obtain DSS control GPIOs\n"); return; } gpio_export(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 0); gpio_export(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_BL, 0); } static struct tfp410_platform_data dvi_panel = { .i2c_bus_num = 3, .power_down_gpio = -1, }; static struct omap_dss_device overo_dvi_device = { .name = "dvi", .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, .driver_name = "tfp410", .data = &dvi_panel, .phy.dpi.data_lines = 24, }; static struct omap_dss_device overo_tv_device = { .name = "tv", .driver_name = "venc", .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC, .phy.venc.type = OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_SVIDEO, }; static int overo_panel_enable_lcd(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev) { if (dvi_enabled) { printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable LCD, DVI is enabled\n"); return -EINVAL; } gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 1); gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_BL, 1); lcd_enabled = 1; return 0; } static void overo_panel_disable_lcd(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev) { gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 0); gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_BL, 0); lcd_enabled = 0; } static struct panel_generic_dpi_data lcd43_panel = { .name = "samsung_lte430wq_f0c", .platform_enable = overo_panel_enable_lcd, .platform_disable = overo_panel_disable_lcd, }; static struct omap_dss_device overo_lcd43_device = { .name = "lcd43", .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, .driver_name = "generic_dpi_panel", .data = &lcd43_panel, .phy.dpi.data_lines = 24, }; #if defined(CONFIG_PANEL_LGPHILIPS_LB035Q02) || \ defined(CONFIG_PANEL_LGPHILIPS_LB035Q02_MODULE) static struct omap_dss_device overo_lcd35_device = { .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, .name = "lcd35", .driver_name = "lgphilips_lb035q02_panel", .phy.dpi.data_lines = 24, .platform_enable = overo_panel_enable_lcd, .platform_disable = overo_panel_disable_lcd, }; #endif static struct omap_dss_device *overo_dss_devices[] = { &overo_dvi_device, &overo_tv_device, #if defined(CONFIG_PANEL_LGPHILIPS_LB035Q02) || \ defined(CONFIG_PANEL_LGPHILIPS_LB035Q02_MODULE) &overo_lcd35_device, #endif &overo_lcd43_device, }; static struct omap_dss_board_info overo_dss_data = { .num_devices = ARRAY_SIZE(overo_dss_devices), .devices = overo_dss_devices, .default_device = &overo_dvi_device, }; static struct mtd_partition overo_nand_partitions[] = { { .name = "xloader", .offset = 0, /* Offset = 0x00000 */ .size = 4 * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, .mask_flags = MTD_WRITEABLE }, { .name = "uboot", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x80000 */ .size = 14 * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, }, { .name = "uboot environment", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x240000 */ .size = 2 * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, }, { .name = "linux", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x280000 */ .size = 32 * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, }, { .name = "rootfs", .offset = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND, /* Offset = 0x680000 */ .size = MTDPART_SIZ_FULL, }, }; static struct omap2_hsmmc_info mmc[] = { { .mmc = 1, .caps = MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA, .gpio_cd = -EINVAL, .gpio_wp = -EINVAL, }, { .mmc = 2, .caps = MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA, .gpio_cd = -EINVAL, .gpio_wp = -EINVAL, .transceiver = true, .ocr_mask = 0x00100000, /* 3.3V */ }, {} /* Terminator */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply overo_vmmc1_supply[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vmmc", "omap_hsmmc.0"), }; #if defined(CONFIG_LEDS_GPIO) || defined(CONFIG_LEDS_GPIO_MODULE) #include <linux/leds.h> static struct gpio_led gpio_leds[] = { { .name = "overo:red:gpio21", .default_trigger = "heartbeat", .gpio = 21, .active_low = true, }, { .name = "overo:blue:gpio22", .default_trigger = "none", .gpio = 22, .active_low = true, }, { .name = "overo:blue:COM", .default_trigger = "mmc0", .gpio = -EINVAL, /* gets replaced */ .active_low = true, }, }; static struct gpio_led_platform_data gpio_leds_pdata = { .leds = gpio_leds, .num_leds = ARRAY_SIZE(gpio_leds), }; static struct platform_device gpio_leds_device = { .name = "leds-gpio", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &gpio_leds_pdata, }, }; static void __init overo_init_led(void) { platform_device_register(&gpio_leds_device); } #else static inline void __init overo_init_led(void) { return; } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_KEYBOARD_GPIO) || defined(CONFIG_KEYBOARD_GPIO_MODULE) #include <linux/input.h> #include <linux/gpio_keys.h> static struct gpio_keys_button gpio_buttons[] = { { .code = BTN_0, .gpio = 23, .desc = "button0", .wakeup = 1, }, { .code = BTN_1, .gpio = 14, .desc = "button1", .wakeup = 1, }, }; static struct gpio_keys_platform_data gpio_keys_pdata = { .buttons = gpio_buttons, .nbuttons = ARRAY_SIZE(gpio_buttons), }; static struct platform_device gpio_keys_device = { .name = "gpio-keys", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &gpio_keys_pdata, }, }; static void __init overo_init_keys(void) { platform_device_register(&gpio_keys_device); } #else static inline void __init overo_init_keys(void) { return; } #endif static int overo_twl_gpio_setup(struct device *dev, unsigned gpio, unsigned ngpio) { #if defined(CONFIG_LEDS_GPIO) || defined(CONFIG_LEDS_GPIO_MODULE) /* TWL4030_GPIO_MAX + 1 == ledB, PMU_STAT (out, active low LED) */ gpio_leds[2].gpio = gpio + TWL4030_GPIO_MAX + 1; #endif return 0; } static struct twl4030_gpio_platform_data overo_gpio_data = { .use_leds = true, .setup = overo_twl_gpio_setup, }; static struct regulator_init_data overo_vmmc1 = { .constraints = { .min_uV = 1850000, .max_uV = 3150000, .valid_modes_mask = REGULATOR_MODE_NORMAL | REGULATOR_MODE_STANDBY, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_MODE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(overo_vmmc1_supply), .consumer_supplies = overo_vmmc1_supply, }; static struct twl4030_platform_data overo_twldata = { .gpio = &overo_gpio_data, .vmmc1 = &overo_vmmc1, }; static int __init overo_i2c_init(void) { omap3_pmic_get_config(&overo_twldata, TWL_COMMON_PDATA_USB | TWL_COMMON_PDATA_AUDIO, TWL_COMMON_REGULATOR_VDAC | TWL_COMMON_REGULATOR_VPLL2); overo_twldata.vpll2->constraints.name = "VDVI"; omap3_pmic_init("tps65950", &overo_twldata); /* i2c2 pins are used for gpio */ omap_register_i2c_bus(3, 400, NULL, 0); return 0; } static struct spi_board_info overo_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { #if defined(CONFIG_PANEL_LGPHILIPS_LB035Q02) || \ defined(CONFIG_PANEL_LGPHILIPS_LB035Q02_MODULE) { .modalias = "lgphilips_lb035q02_panel-spi", .bus_num = 1, .chip_select = 1, .max_speed_hz = 500000, .mode = SPI_MODE_3, }, #endif }; static int __init overo_spi_init(void) { overo_ads7846_init(); spi_register_board_info(overo_spi_board_info, ARRAY_SIZE(overo_spi_board_info)); return 0; } static const struct usbhs_omap_board_data usbhs_bdata __initconst = { .port_mode[0] = OMAP_USBHS_PORT_MODE_UNUSED, .port_mode[1] = OMAP_EHCI_PORT_MODE_PHY, .port_mode[2] = OMAP_USBHS_PORT_MODE_UNUSED, .phy_reset = true, .reset_gpio_port[0] = -EINVAL, .reset_gpio_port[1] = OVERO_GPIO_USBH_NRESET, .reset_gpio_port[2] = -EINVAL }; #ifdef CONFIG_OMAP_MUX static struct omap_board_mux board_mux[] __initdata = { { .reg_offset = OMAP_MUX_TERMINATOR }, }; #endif static struct gpio overo_bt_gpios[] __initdata = { { OVERO_GPIO_BT_XGATE, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "lcd enable" }, { OVERO_GPIO_BT_NRESET, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "lcd bl enable" }, }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply dummy_supplies[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vddvario", "smsc911x.0"), REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd33a", "smsc911x.0"), REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vddvario", "smsc911x.1"), REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd33a", "smsc911x.1"), }; static void __init overo_init(void) { int ret; regulator_register_fixed(0, dummy_supplies, ARRAY_SIZE(dummy_supplies)); omap3_mux_init(board_mux, OMAP_PACKAGE_CBB); overo_i2c_init(); omap_hsmmc_init(mmc); omap_display_init(&overo_dss_data); omap_serial_init(); omap_sdrc_init(mt46h32m32lf6_sdrc_params, mt46h32m32lf6_sdrc_params); board_nand_init(overo_nand_partitions, ARRAY_SIZE(overo_nand_partitions), NAND_CS, 0, NULL); usb_musb_init(NULL); usbhs_init(&usbhs_bdata); overo_spi_init(); overo_init_smsc911x(); overo_display_init(); overo_init_led(); overo_init_keys(); omap_twl4030_audio_init("overo"); /* Ensure SDRC pins are mux'd for self-refresh */ omap_mux_init_signal("sdrc_cke0", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); omap_mux_init_signal("sdrc_cke1", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); ret = gpio_request_one(OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET"); if (ret == 0) { gpio_export(OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET, 0); gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET, 0); udelay(10); gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET, 1); } else { pr_err("could not obtain gpio for OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET\n"); } ret = gpio_request_array(overo_bt_gpios, ARRAY_SIZE(overo_bt_gpios)); if (ret) { pr_err("%s: could not obtain BT gpios\n", __func__); } else { gpio_export(OVERO_GPIO_BT_XGATE, 0); gpio_export(OVERO_GPIO_BT_NRESET, 0); gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_BT_NRESET, 0); mdelay(6); gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_BT_NRESET, 1); } ret = gpio_request_one(OVERO_GPIO_USBH_CPEN, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "OVERO_GPIO_USBH_CPEN"); if (ret == 0) gpio_export(OVERO_GPIO_USBH_CPEN, 0); else pr_err("could not obtain gpio for OVERO_GPIO_USBH_CPEN\n"); } MACHINE_START(OVERO, "Gumstix Overo") .atag_offset = 0x100, .reserve = omap_reserve, .map_io = omap3_map_io, .init_early = omap35xx_init_early, .init_irq = omap3_init_irq, .handle_irq = omap3_intc_handle_irq, .init_machine = overo_init, .init_late = omap35xx_init_late, .timer = &omap3_timer, .restart = omap3xxx_restart, MACHINE_END