* Atmel Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART)

Required properties:
- compatible: Should be "atmel,<chip>-usart" or "atmel,<chip>-dbgu"
  The compatible <chip> indicated will be the first SoC to support an
  additional mode or an USART new feature.
  For the dbgu UART, use "atmel,<chip>-dbgu", "atmel,<chip>-usart"
- reg: Should contain registers location and length
- interrupts: Should contain interrupt
- clock-names: tuple listing input clock names.
	Required elements: "usart"
- clocks: phandles to input clocks.

Optional properties:
- atmel,use-dma-rx: use of PDC or DMA for receiving data
- atmel,use-dma-tx: use of PDC or DMA for transmitting data
- {rts,cts,dtr,dsr,rng,dcd}-gpios: specify a GPIO for RTS/CTS/DTR/DSR/RI/DCD line respectively.
  It will use specified PIO instead of the peripheral function pin for the USART feature.
  If unsure, don't specify this property.
- add dma bindings for dma transfer:
	- dmas: DMA specifier, consisting of a phandle to DMA controller node,
		memory peripheral interface and USART DMA channel ID, FIFO configuration.
		Refer to dma.txt and atmel-dma.txt for details.
	- dma-names: "rx" for RX channel, "tx" for TX channel.

<chip> compatible description:
- at91rm9200:  legacy USART support
- at91sam9260: generic USART implementation for SAM9 SoCs

- use PDC:
	usart0: serial@fff8c000 {
		compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-usart";
		reg = <0xfff8c000 0x4000>;
		interrupts = <7>;
		clocks = <&usart0_clk>;
		clock-names = "usart";
		rts-gpios = <&pioD 15 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		cts-gpios = <&pioD 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		dtr-gpios = <&pioD 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		dsr-gpios = <&pioD 18 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		dcd-gpios = <&pioD 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		rng-gpios = <&pioD 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

- use DMA:
	usart0: serial@f001c000 {
		compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-usart";
		reg = <0xf001c000 0x100>;
		interrupts = <12 4 5>;
		clocks = <&usart0_clk>;
		clock-names = "usart";
		dmas = <&dma0 2 0x3>,
		       <&dma0 2 0x204>;
		dma-names = "tx", "rx";