ChromeOS Embedded Controller

Google's ChromeOS EC is a Cortex-M device which talks to the AP and
implements various function such as keyboard and battery charging.

The EC can be connect through various means (I2C, SPI, LPC) and the
compatible string used depends on the interface. Each connection method has
its own driver which connects to the top level interface-agnostic EC driver.
Other Linux driver (such as cros-ec-keyb for the matrix keyboard) connect to
the top-level driver.

Required properties (I2C):
- compatible: "google,cros-ec-i2c"
- reg: I2C slave address

Required properties (SPI):
- compatible: "google,cros-ec-spi"
- reg: SPI chip select

Required properties (LPC):
- compatible: "google,cros-ec-lpc"
- reg: List of (IO address, size) pairs defining the interface uses

Example for I2C:

i2c@12CA0000 {
	cros-ec@1e {
		reg = <0x1e>;
		compatible = "google,cros-ec-i2c";
		interrupts = <14 0>;
		interrupt-parent = <&wakeup_eint>;

Example for SPI:

spi@131b0000 {
	ec@0 {
		compatible = "google,cros-ec-spi";
		reg = <0x0>;
		interrupts = <14 0>;
		interrupt-parent = <&wakeup_eint>;
		spi-max-frequency = <5000000>;
		controller-data {
		cs-gpio = <&gpf0 3 4 3 0>;
		samsung,spi-feedback-delay = <2>;

Example for LPC is not supplied as it is not yet implemented.