This patch creates a new character device, uncachedev.
Pages of RAM allocated by this device are not cached by
Uses for such pages:
1) Determining *very* pessimistic emperical worst-
case execution times.
2) Compare against performance with caches (quantify
the avg. case benefit).
3) Deterministic memory accesses (access cannot cause a
cache eviction.)
4) Theoretically, increased performance can be achieved
by storing infrequently accessed data in uncache pages.
uncachedev allocates pages with the pgprot_noncached() page
attribute for user applications. Since pages allocated by
uncachedev are not locked in memory by default, applications
with any access level may mmap pages with uncachedev.
1) Uncache pages must be MAP_PRIVATE.
2) Remapping not supported.
Usage (user level):
int size = NR_PAGES*PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = open("/dev/litmus/uncache", O_RDWR);
char *data = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
<...do stuff...>
munmap(data, size);