path: root/Documentation/ManagementStyle
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                Linux kernel management style

This is a short document describing the preferred (or made up, depending
on who you ask) management style for the linux kernel.  It's meant to
mirror the CodingStyle document to some degree, and mainly written to
avoid answering (*) the same (or similar) questions over and over again. 

Management style is very personal and much harder to quantify than
simple coding style rules, so this document may or may not have anything
to do with reality.  It started as a lark, but that doesn't mean that it
might not actually be true. You'll have to decide for yourself.

Btw, when talking about "kernel manager", it's all about the technical
lead persons, not the people who do traditional management inside
companies.  If you sign purchase orders or you have any clue about the
budget of your group, you're almost certainly not a kernel manager. 
These suggestions may or may not apply to you. 

First off, I'd suggest buying "Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People", and NOT read it.  Burn it, it's a great symbolic gesture. 

(*) This document does so not so much by answering the question, but by
making it painfully obvious to the questioner that we don't have a clue
to what the answer is. 

Anyway, here goes:

		Chapter 1: Decisions

Everybody thinks managers make decisions, and that decision-making is
important.  The bigger and more painful the decision, the bigger the
manager must be to make it.  That's very deep and obvious, but it's not
actually true. 

The name of the game is to _avoid_ having to make a decision.  In
particular, if somebody tells you "choose (a) or (b), we really need you
to decide on this", you're in trouble as a manager.  The people you
manage had better know the details better than you, so if they come to
you for a technical decision, you're screwed.  You're clearly not
competent to make that decision for them. 

(Corollary:if the people you manage don't know the details better than
you, you're also screwed, although for a totally different reason. 
Namely that you are in the wrong job, and that _they_ should be managing
your brilliance instead). 

So the name of the game is to _avoid_ decisions, at least the big and
painful ones.  Making small and non-consequential decisions is fine, and
makes you look like you know what you're doing, so what a kernel manager
needs to do is to turn the big and painful ones into small things where
nobody really cares. 

It helps to realize that the key difference between a big decision and a
small one is whether you can fix your decision afterwards.  Any decision
can be made small by just always making sure that if you were wrong (and
you _will_ be wrong), you can always undo the damage later by
backtracking.  Suddenly, you get to be doubly managerial for making
_two_ inconsequential decisions - the wrong one _and_ the right one. 

And people will even see that as true leadership (*cough* bullshit

Thus the key to avoiding big decisions becomes to just avoiding to do
things that can't be undone.  Don't get ushered into a corner from which
you cannot escape.  A cornered rat may be dangerous - a cornered manager
is just pitiful. 

It turns out that since nobody would be stupid enough to ever really let
a kernel manager have huge fiscal responsibility _anyway_, it's usually
fairly easy to backtrack.  Since you're not going to be able to waste
huge amounts of money that you might not be able to repay, the only
thing you can backtrack on is a technical decision, and there
back-tracking is very easy: just tell everybody that you were an
incompetent nincompoop, say you're sorry, and undo all the worthless
work you had people work on for the last year.  Suddenly the decision
you made a year ago wasn't a big decision after all, since it could be
easily undone. 

It turns out that some people have trouble with this approach, for two
 - admitting you were an idiot is harder than it looks.  We all like to
   maintain appearances, and coming out in public to say that you were
   wrong is sometimes very hard indeed. 
 - having somebody tell you that what you worked on for the last year
   wasn't worthwhile after all can be hard on the poor lowly engineers
   too, and while the actual _work_ was easy enough to undo by just
   deleting it, you may have irrevocably lost the trust of that
   engineer.  And remember: "irrevocable" was what we tried to avoid in
   the first place, and your decision ended up being a big one after

Happily, both of these reasons can be mitigated effectively by just
admitting up-front that you don't have a friggin' clue, and telling
people ahead of the fact that your decision is purely preliminary, and
might be the wrong thing.  You should always reserve the right to change
your mind, and make people very _aware_ of that.  And it's much easier
to admit that you are stupid when you haven't _yet_ done the really
stupid thing.

Then, when it really does turn out to be stupid, people just roll their
eyes and say "Oops, he did it again".  

This preemptive admission of incompetence might also make the people who
actually do the work also think twice about whether it's worth doing or
not.  After all, if _they_ aren't certain whether it's a good idea, you
sure as hell shouldn't encourage them by promising them that what they
work on will be included.  Make them at least think twice before they
embark on a big endeavor. 

Remember: they'd better know more about the details than you do, and
they usually already think they have the answer to everything.  The best
thing you can do as a manager is not to instill confidence, but rather a
healthy dose of critical thinking on what they do. 

Btw, another way to avoid a decision is to plaintively just whine "can't
we just do both?" and look pitiful.  Trust me, it works.  If it's not
clear which approach is better, they'll eventually figure it out.  The
answer may end up being that both teams get so frustrated by the
situation that they just give up. 

That may sound like a failure, but it's usually a sign that there was
something wrong with both projects, and the reason the people involved
couldn't decide was that they were both wrong.  You end up coming up
smelling like roses, and you avoided yet another decision that you could
have screwed up on. 

		Chapter 2: People

Most people are idiots, and being a manager means you'll have to deal
with it, and perhaps more importantly, that _they_ have to deal with

It turns out that while it's easy to undo technical mistakes, it's not
as easy to undo personality disorders.  You just have to live with
theirs - and yours. 

However, in order to prepare yourself as a kernel manager, it's best to
remember not to burn any bridges, bomb any innocent villagers, or
alienate too many kernel developers. It turns out that alienating people
is fairly easy, and un-alienating them is hard. Thus "alienating"
immediately falls under the heading of "not reversible", and becomes a
no-no according to Chapter 1.

There's just a few simple rules here:
 (1) don't call people d*ckheads (at least not in public)
 (2) learn how to apologize when you forgot rule (1)

The problem with #1 is that it's very easy to do, since you can say
"you're a d*ckhead" in millions of different ways (*), sometimes without
even realizing it, and almost always with a white-hot conviction that
you are right. 

And the more convinced you are that you are right (and let's face it,
you can call just about _anybody_ a d*ckhead, and you often _will_ be
right), the harder it ends up being to apologize afterwards. 

To solve this problem, you really only have two options:
 - get really good at apologies
 - spread the "love" out so evenly that nobody really ends up feeling
   like they get unfairly targeted.  Make it inventive enough, and they
   might even be amused. 

The option of being unfailingly polite really doesn't exist. Nobody will
trust somebody who is so clearly hiding his true character.

(*) Paul Simon sang "Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover", because quite
frankly, "A Million Ways to Tell a Developer He Is a D*ckhead" doesn't
scan nearly as well.  But I'm sure he thought about it. 

		Chapter 3: People II - the Good Kind

While it turns out that most people are idiots, the corollary to that is
sadly that you are one too, and that while we can all bask in the secure
knowledge that we're better than the average person (let's face it,
nobody ever believes that they're average or below-average), we should
also admit that we're not the sharpest knife around, and there will be
other people that are less of an idiot that you are. 

Some people react badly to smart people.  Others take advantage of them. 

Make sure that you, as a kernel maintainer, are in the second group. 
Suck up to them, because they are the people who will make your job
easier. In particular, they'll be able to make your decisions for you,
which is what the game is all about.

So when you find somebody smarter than you are, just coast along.  Your
management responsibilities largely become ones of saying "Sounds like a
good idea - go wild", or "That sounds good, but what about xxx?".  The
second version in particular is a great way to either learn something
new about "xxx" or seem _extra_ managerial by pointing out something the
smarter person hadn't thought about.  In either case, you win.

One thing to look out for is to realize that greatness in one area does
not necessarily translate to other areas.  So you might prod people in
specific directions, but let's face it, they might be good at what they
do, and suck at everything else.  The good news is that people tend to
naturally gravitate back to what they are good at, so it's not like you
are doing something irreversible when you _do_ prod them in some
direction, just don't push too hard.

		Chapter 4: Placing blame

Things will go wrong, and people want somebody to blame. Tag, you're it.

It's not actually that hard to accept the blame, especially if people
kind of realize that it wasn't _all_ your fault.  Which brings us to the
best way of taking the blame: do it for another guy. You'll feel good
for taking the fall, he'll feel good about not getting blamed, and the
guy who lost his whole 36GB porn-collection because of your incompetence
will grudgingly admit that you at least didn't try to weasel out of it.

Then make the developer who really screwed up (if you can find him) know
_in_private_ that he screwed up.  Not just so he can avoid it in the
future, but so that he knows he owes you one.  And, perhaps even more
importantly, he's also likely the person who can fix it.  Because, let's
face it, it sure ain't you. 

Taking the blame is also why you get to be manager in the first place. 
It's part of what makes people trust you, and allow you the potential
glory, because you're the one who gets to say "I screwed up".  And if
you've followed the previous rules, you'll be pretty good at saying that
by now. 

		Chapter 5: Things to avoid

There's one thing people hate even more than being called "d*ckhead",
and that is being called a "d*ckhead" in a sanctimonious voice.  The
first you can apologize for, the second one you won't really get the
chance.  They likely will no longer be listening even if you otherwise
do a good job. 

We all think we're better than anybody else, which means that when
somebody else puts on airs, it _really_ rubs us the wrong way.  You may
be morally and intellectually superior to everybody around you, but
don't try to make it too obvious unless you really _intend_ to irritate
somebody (*). 

Similarly, don't be too polite or subtle about things. Politeness easily
ends up going overboard and hiding the problem, and as they say, "On the
internet, nobody can hear you being subtle". Use a big blunt object to
hammer the point in, because you can't really depend on people getting
your point otherwise.

Some humor can help pad both the bluntness and the moralizing.  Going
overboard to the point of being ridiculous can drive a point home
without making it painful to the recipient, who just thinks you're being
silly.  It can thus help get through the personal mental block we all
have about criticism. 

(*) Hint: internet newsgroups that are not directly related to your work
are great ways to take out your frustrations at other people. Write
insulting posts with a sneer just to get into a good flame every once in
a while, and you'll feel cleansed. Just don't crap too close to home.

		Chapter 6: Why me?

Since your main responsibility seems to be to take the blame for other
peoples mistakes, and make it painfully obvious to everybody else that
you're incompetent, the obvious question becomes one of why do it in the
first place?

First off, while you may or may not get screaming teenage girls (or
boys, let's not be judgmental or sexist here) knocking on your dressing
room door, you _will_ get an immense feeling of personal accomplishment
for being "in charge".  Never mind the fact that you're really leading
by trying to keep up with everybody else and running after them as fast
as you can.  Everybody will still think you're the person in charge. 

It's a great job if you can hack it.
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3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622
 *  linux/drivers/video/fbcon.c -- Low level frame buffer based console driver
 *	Copyright (C) 1995 Geert Uytterhoeven
 *  This file is based on the original Amiga console driver (amicon.c):
 *	Copyright (C) 1993 Hamish Macdonald
 *			   Greg Harp
 *	Copyright (C) 1994 David Carter [carter@compsci.bristol.ac.uk]
 *	      with work by William Rucklidge (wjr@cs.cornell.edu)
 *			   Geert Uytterhoeven
 *			   Jes Sorensen (jds@kom.auc.dk)
 *			   Martin Apel
 *  and on the original Atari console driver (atacon.c):
 *	Copyright (C) 1993 Bjoern Brauel
 *			   Roman Hodek
 *	      with work by Guenther Kelleter
 *			   Martin Schaller
 *			   Andreas Schwab
 *  Hardware cursor support added by Emmanuel Marty (core@ggi-project.org)
 *  Smart redraw scrolling, arbitrary font width support, 512char font support
 *  and software scrollback added by 
 *                         Jakub Jelinek (jj@ultra.linux.cz)
 *  Random hacking by Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
 *	2001 - Documented with DocBook
 *	- Brad Douglas <brad@neruo.com>
 *  The low level operations for the various display memory organizations are
 *  now in separate source files.
 *  Currently the following organizations are supported:
 *    o afb			Amiga bitplanes
 *    o cfb{2,4,8,16,24,32}	Packed pixels
 *    o ilbm			Amiga interleaved bitplanes
 *    o iplan2p[248]		Atari interleaved bitplanes
 *    o mfb			Monochrome
 *    o vga			VGA characters/attributes
 *  To do:
 *    - Implement 16 plane mode (iplan2p16)
 *  This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
 *  License.  See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
 *  more details.


#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>	/* MSch: for IRQ probe */
#include <linux/console.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/kd.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
#include <linux/selection.h>
#include <linux/font.h>
#include <linux/smp.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/crc32.h> /* For counting font checksums */
#include <asm/fb.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
#include <asm/atariints.h>
#include <asm/macints.h>
#if defined(__mc68000__)
#include <asm/machdep.h>
#include <asm/setup.h>

#include "fbcon.h"

#  define DPRINTK(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__ , ## args)
#  define DPRINTK(fmt, args...)

enum {
	FBCON_LOGO_CANSHOW	= -1,	/* the logo can be shown */
	FBCON_LOGO_DRAW		= -2,	/* draw the logo to a console */
	FBCON_LOGO_DONTSHOW	= -3	/* do not show the logo */

static struct display fb_display[MAX_NR_CONSOLES];

static signed char con2fb_map[MAX_NR_CONSOLES];
static signed char con2fb_map_boot[MAX_NR_CONSOLES];
#ifndef MODULE
static int logo_height;
static int logo_lines;
/* logo_shown is an index to vc_cons when >= 0; otherwise follows FBCON_LOGO
   enums.  */
static int logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_CANSHOW;
/* Software scrollback */
static int fbcon_softback_size = 32768;
static unsigned long softback_buf, softback_curr;
static unsigned long softback_in;
static unsigned long softback_top, softback_end;
static int softback_lines;
/* console mappings */
static int first_fb_vc;
static int last_fb_vc = MAX_NR_CONSOLES - 1;
static int fbcon_is_default = 1; 
static int fbcon_has_exited;
static int primary_device = -1;

static int map_override;

static inline void fbcon_map_override(void)
	map_override = 1;
static inline void fbcon_map_override(void)

/* font data */
static char fontname[40];

/* current fb_info */
static int info_idx = -1;

/* console rotation */
static int initial_rotation;
static int fbcon_has_sysfs;

static const struct consw fb_con;

#define CM_SOFTBACK	(8)

#define advance_row(p, delta) (unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(p) + (delta) * vc->vc_size_row)

static int fbcon_set_origin(struct vc_data *);

#define CURSOR_DRAW_DELAY		(1)

/* # VBL ints between cursor state changes */

static int vbl_cursor_cnt;
static int fbcon_cursor_noblink;

#define divides(a, b)	((!(a) || (b)%(a)) ? 0 : 1)

 *  Interface used by the world

static const char *fbcon_startup(void);
static void fbcon_init(struct vc_data *vc, int init);
static void fbcon_deinit(struct vc_data *vc);
static void fbcon_clear(struct vc_data *vc, int sy, int sx, int height,
			int width);
static void fbcon_putc(struct vc_data *vc, int c, int ypos, int xpos);
static void fbcon_putcs(struct vc_data *vc, const unsigned short *s,
			int count, int ypos, int xpos);
static void fbcon_clear_margins(struct vc_data *vc, int bottom_only);
static void fbcon_cursor(struct vc_data *vc, int mode);
static int fbcon_scroll(struct vc_data *vc, int t, int b, int dir,
			int count);
static void fbcon_bmove(struct vc_data *vc, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
			int height, int width);
static int fbcon_switch(struct vc_data *vc);
static int fbcon_blank(struct vc_data *vc, int blank, int mode_switch);
static int fbcon_set_palette(struct vc_data *vc, unsigned char *table);
static int fbcon_scrolldelta(struct vc_data *vc, int lines);

 *  Internal routines
static __inline__ void ywrap_up(struct vc_data *vc, int count);
static __inline__ void ywrap_down(struct vc_data *vc, int count);
static __inline__ void ypan_up(struct vc_data *vc, int count);
static __inline__ void ypan_down(struct vc_data *vc, int count);
static void fbcon_bmove_rec(struct vc_data *vc, struct display *p, int sy, int sx,
			    int dy, int dx, int height, int width, u_int y_break);
static void fbcon_set_disp(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
			   int unit);
static void fbcon_redraw_move(struct vc_data *vc, struct display *p,
			      int line, int count, int dy);
static void fbcon_modechanged(struct fb_info *info);
static void fbcon_set_all_vcs(struct fb_info *info);
static void fbcon_start(void);
static void fbcon_exit(void);
static struct device *fbcon_device;

 * On the Macintoy, there may or may not be a working VBL int. We need to probe
static int vbl_detected;

static irqreturn_t fb_vbl_detect(int irq, void *dummy)
	return IRQ_HANDLED;

static inline void fbcon_set_rotation(struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (!(info->flags & FBINFO_MISC_TILEBLITTING) &&
	    ops->p->con_rotate < 4)
		ops->rotate = ops->p->con_rotate;
		ops->rotate = 0;

static void fbcon_rotate(struct fb_info *info, u32 rotate)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops= info->fbcon_par;
	struct fb_info *fb_info;

	if (!ops || ops->currcon == -1)

	fb_info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[ops->currcon]];

	if (info == fb_info) {
		struct display *p = &fb_display[ops->currcon];

		if (rotate < 4)
			p->con_rotate = rotate;
			p->con_rotate = 0;


static void fbcon_rotate_all(struct fb_info *info, u32 rotate)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct vc_data *vc;
	struct display *p;
	int i;

	if (!ops || ops->currcon < 0 || rotate > 3)

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		vc = vc_cons[i].d;
		if (!vc || vc->vc_mode != KD_TEXT ||
		    registered_fb[con2fb_map[i]] != info)

		p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
		p->con_rotate = rotate;

static inline void fbcon_set_rotation(struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	ops->rotate = FB_ROTATE_UR;

static void fbcon_rotate(struct fb_info *info, u32 rotate)

static void fbcon_rotate_all(struct fb_info *info, u32 rotate)

static int fbcon_get_rotate(struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	return (ops) ? ops->rotate : 0;

static inline int fbcon_is_inactive(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	return (info->state != FBINFO_STATE_RUNNING ||
		vc->vc_mode != KD_TEXT || ops->graphics);

static inline int get_color(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info,
	      u16 c, int is_fg)
	int depth = fb_get_color_depth(&info->var, &info->fix);
	int color = 0;

	if (console_blanked) {
		unsigned short charmask = vc->vc_hi_font_mask ? 0x1ff : 0xff;

		c = vc->vc_video_erase_char & charmask;

	if (depth != 1)
		color = (is_fg) ? attr_fgcol((vc->vc_hi_font_mask) ? 9 : 8, c)
			: attr_bgcol((vc->vc_hi_font_mask) ? 13 : 12, c);

	switch (depth) {
	case 1:
		int col = mono_col(info);
		/* 0 or 1 */
		int fg = (info->fix.visual != FB_VISUAL_MONO01) ? col : 0;
		int bg = (info->fix.visual != FB_VISUAL_MONO01) ? 0 : col;

		if (console_blanked)
			fg = bg;

		color = (is_fg) ? fg : bg;
	case 2:
		 * Scale down 16-colors to 4 colors. Default 4-color palette
		 * is grayscale. However, simply dividing the values by 4
		 * will not work, as colors 1, 2 and 3 will be scaled-down
		 * to zero rendering them invisible.  So empirically convert
		 * colors to a sane 4-level grayscale.
		switch (color) {
		case 0:
			color = 0; /* black */
		case 1 ... 6:
			color = 2; /* white */
		case 7 ... 8:
			color = 1; /* gray */
			color = 3; /* intense white */
	case 3:
		 * Last 8 entries of default 16-color palette is a more intense
		 * version of the first 8 (i.e., same chrominance, different
		 * luminance).
		color &= 7;

	return color;

static void fbcon_update_softback(struct vc_data *vc)
	int l = fbcon_softback_size / vc->vc_size_row;

	if (l > 5)
		softback_end = softback_buf + l * vc->vc_size_row;
		/* Smaller scrollback makes no sense, and 0 would screw
		   the operation totally */
		softback_top = 0;

static void fb_flashcursor(struct work_struct *work)
	struct fb_info *info = container_of(work, struct fb_info, queue);
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *p;
	struct vc_data *vc = NULL;
	int c;
	int mode;

	if (ops && ops->currcon != -1)
		vc = vc_cons[ops->currcon].d;

	if (!vc || !CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc) ||
 	    registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]] != info ||
	    vc->vc_deccm != 1) {

	p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	c = scr_readw((u16 *) vc->vc_pos);
	mode = (!ops->cursor_flash || ops->cursor_state.enable) ?
	ops->cursor(vc, info, mode, softback_lines, get_color(vc, info, c, 1),
		    get_color(vc, info, c, 0));

#if defined(CONFIG_ATARI) || defined(CONFIG_MAC)
static int cursor_blink_rate;
static irqreturn_t fb_vbl_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
	struct fb_info *info = dev_id;

	if (vbl_cursor_cnt && --vbl_cursor_cnt == 0) {
		vbl_cursor_cnt = cursor_blink_rate; 
	return IRQ_HANDLED;
static void cursor_timer_handler(unsigned long dev_addr)
	struct fb_info *info = (struct fb_info *) dev_addr;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	mod_timer(&ops->cursor_timer, jiffies + HZ/5);

static void fbcon_add_cursor_timer(struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if ((!info->queue.func || info->queue.func == fb_flashcursor) &&
	    !(ops->flags & FBCON_FLAGS_CURSOR_TIMER) &&
	    !fbcon_cursor_noblink) {
		if (!info->queue.func)
			INIT_WORK(&info->queue, fb_flashcursor);

		ops->cursor_timer.function = cursor_timer_handler;
		ops->cursor_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ / 5;
		ops->cursor_timer.data = (unsigned long ) info;

static void fbcon_del_cursor_timer(struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (info->queue.func == fb_flashcursor &&
	    ops->flags & FBCON_FLAGS_CURSOR_TIMER) {
		ops->flags &= ~FBCON_FLAGS_CURSOR_TIMER;

#ifndef MODULE
static int __init fb_console_setup(char *this_opt)
	char *options;
	int i, j;

	if (!this_opt || !*this_opt)
		return 1;

	while ((options = strsep(&this_opt, ",")) != NULL) {
		if (!strncmp(options, "font:", 5))
			strcpy(fontname, options + 5);
		if (!strncmp(options, "scrollback:", 11)) {
			options += 11;
			if (*options) {
				fbcon_softback_size = simple_strtoul(options, &options, 0);
				if (*options == 'k' || *options == 'K') {
					fbcon_softback_size *= 1024;
				if (*options != ',')
					return 1;
			} else
				return 1;
		if (!strncmp(options, "map:", 4)) {
			options += 4;
			if (*options) {
				for (i = 0, j = 0; i < MAX_NR_CONSOLES; i++) {
					if (!options[j])
						j = 0;
					con2fb_map_boot[i] =
						(options[j++]-'0') % FB_MAX;


			return 1;

		if (!strncmp(options, "vc:", 3)) {
			options += 3;
			if (*options)
				first_fb_vc = simple_strtoul(options, &options, 10) - 1;
			if (first_fb_vc < 0)
				first_fb_vc = 0;
			if (*options++ == '-')
				last_fb_vc = simple_strtoul(options, &options, 10) - 1;
			fbcon_is_default = 0; 

		if (!strncmp(options, "rotate:", 7)) {
			options += 7;
			if (*options)
				initial_rotation = simple_strtoul(options, &options, 0);
			if (initial_rotation > 3)
				initial_rotation = 0;
	return 1;

__setup("fbcon=", fb_console_setup);

static int search_fb_in_map(int idx)
	int i, retval = 0;

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		if (con2fb_map[i] == idx)
			retval = 1;
	return retval;

static int search_for_mapped_con(void)
	int i, retval = 0;

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		if (con2fb_map[i] != -1)
			retval = 1;
	return retval;

static int fbcon_takeover(int show_logo)
	int err, i;

	if (!num_registered_fb)
		return -ENODEV;

	if (!show_logo)
		logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_DONTSHOW;

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++)
		con2fb_map[i] = info_idx;

	err = take_over_console(&fb_con, first_fb_vc, last_fb_vc,

	if (err) {
		for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
			con2fb_map[i] = -1;
		info_idx = -1;

	return err;

#ifdef MODULE
static void fbcon_prepare_logo(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info,
			       int cols, int rows, int new_cols, int new_rows)
	logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_DONTSHOW;
static void fbcon_prepare_logo(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info,
			       int cols, int rows, int new_cols, int new_rows)
	/* Need to make room for the logo */
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	int cnt, erase = vc->vc_video_erase_char, step;
	unsigned short *save = NULL, *r, *q;

	if (info->flags & FBINFO_MODULE) {
		logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_DONTSHOW;

	 * remove underline attribute from erase character
	 * if black and white framebuffer.
	if (fb_get_color_depth(&info->var, &info->fix) == 1)
		erase &= ~0x400;
	logo_height = fb_prepare_logo(info, ops->rotate);
	logo_lines = (logo_height + vc->vc_font.height - 1) /
	q = (unsigned short *) (vc->vc_origin +
				vc->vc_size_row * rows);
	step = logo_lines * cols;
	for (r = q - logo_lines * cols; r < q; r++)
		if (scr_readw(r) != vc->vc_video_erase_char)
	if (r != q && new_rows >= rows + logo_lines) {
		save = kmalloc(logo_lines * new_cols * 2, GFP_KERNEL);
		if (save) {
			int i = cols < new_cols ? cols : new_cols;
			scr_memsetw(save, erase, logo_lines * new_cols * 2);
			r = q - step;
			for (cnt = 0; cnt < logo_lines; cnt++, r += i)
				scr_memcpyw(save + cnt * new_cols, r, 2 * i);
			r = q;
	if (r == q) {
		/* We can scroll screen down */
		r = q - step - cols;
		for (cnt = rows - logo_lines; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
			scr_memcpyw(r + step, r, vc->vc_size_row);
			r -= cols;
		if (!save) {
			int lines;
			if (vc->vc_y + logo_lines >= rows)
				lines = rows - vc->vc_y - 1;
				lines = logo_lines;
			vc->vc_y += lines;
			vc->vc_pos += lines * vc->vc_size_row;
	scr_memsetw((unsigned short *) vc->vc_origin,
		    vc->vc_size_row * logo_lines);

	if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc) && vc->vc_mode == KD_TEXT) {
		fbcon_clear_margins(vc, 0);

	if (save) {
		q = (unsigned short *) (vc->vc_origin +
					vc->vc_size_row *
		scr_memcpyw(q, save, logo_lines * new_cols * 2);
		vc->vc_y += logo_lines;
		vc->vc_pos += logo_lines * vc->vc_size_row;

	if (logo_lines > vc->vc_bottom) {
		logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_CANSHOW;
		       "fbcon_init: disable boot-logo (boot-logo bigger than screen).\n");
	} else if (logo_shown != FBCON_LOGO_DONTSHOW) {
		logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_DRAW;
		vc->vc_top = logo_lines;
#endif /* MODULE */

static void set_blitting_type(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	ops->p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];

	if ((info->flags & FBINFO_MISC_TILEBLITTING))
		fbcon_set_tileops(vc, info);
	else {

static int fbcon_invalid_charcount(struct fb_info *info, unsigned charcount)
	int err = 0;

	if (info->flags & FBINFO_MISC_TILEBLITTING &&
	    info->tileops->fb_get_tilemax(info) < charcount)
		err = 1;

	return err;
static void set_blitting_type(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	ops->p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];

static int fbcon_invalid_charcount(struct fb_info *info, unsigned charcount)
	return 0;


static int con2fb_acquire_newinfo(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info,
				  int unit, int oldidx)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = NULL;
	int err = 0;

	if (!try_module_get(info->fbops->owner))
		err = -ENODEV;

	if (!err && info->fbops->fb_open &&
	    info->fbops->fb_open(info, 0))
		err = -ENODEV;

	if (!err) {
		ops = kzalloc(sizeof(struct fbcon_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
		if (!ops)
			err = -ENOMEM;

	if (!err) {
		info->fbcon_par = ops;

		if (vc)
			set_blitting_type(vc, info);

	if (err) {
		con2fb_map[unit] = oldidx;

	return err;

static int con2fb_release_oldinfo(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *oldinfo,
				  struct fb_info *newinfo, int unit,
				  int oldidx, int found)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = oldinfo->fbcon_par;
	int err = 0;

	if (oldinfo->fbops->fb_release &&
	    oldinfo->fbops->fb_release(oldinfo, 0)) {
		con2fb_map[unit] = oldidx;
		if (!found && newinfo->fbops->fb_release)
			newinfo->fbops->fb_release(newinfo, 0);
		if (!found)
		err = -ENODEV;

	if (!err) {
		oldinfo->fbcon_par = NULL;
		  If oldinfo and newinfo are driving the same hardware,
		  the fb_release() method of oldinfo may attempt to
		  restore the hardware state.  This will leave the
		  newinfo in an undefined state. Thus, a call to
		  fb_set_par() may be needed for the newinfo.
		if (newinfo->fbops->fb_set_par)

	return err;

static void con2fb_init_display(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info,
				int unit, int show_logo)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	ops->currcon = fg_console;

	if (info->fbops->fb_set_par && !(ops->flags & FBCON_FLAGS_INIT))

	ops->flags |= FBCON_FLAGS_INIT;
	ops->graphics = 0;
	fbcon_set_disp(info, &info->var, unit);

	if (show_logo) {
		struct vc_data *fg_vc = vc_cons[fg_console].d;
		struct fb_info *fg_info =

		fbcon_prepare_logo(fg_vc, fg_info, fg_vc->vc_cols,
				   fg_vc->vc_rows, fg_vc->vc_cols,


 *	set_con2fb_map - map console to frame buffer device
 *	@unit: virtual console number to map
 *	@newidx: frame buffer index to map virtual console to
 *      @user: user request
 *	Maps a virtual console @unit to a frame buffer device
 *	@newidx.
static int set_con2fb_map(int unit, int newidx, int user)
	struct vc_data *vc = vc_cons[unit].d;
	int oldidx = con2fb_map[unit];
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[newidx];
	struct fb_info *oldinfo = NULL;
 	int found, err = 0;

	if (oldidx == newidx)
		return 0;

	if (!info || fbcon_has_exited)
		return -EINVAL;

 	if (!err && !search_for_mapped_con()) {
		info_idx = newidx;
		return fbcon_takeover(0);

	if (oldidx != -1)
		oldinfo = registered_fb[oldidx];

	found = search_fb_in_map(newidx);

	con2fb_map[unit] = newidx;
	if (!err && !found)
 		err = con2fb_acquire_newinfo(vc, info, unit, oldidx);

	 * If old fb is not mapped to any of the consoles,
	 * fbcon should release it.
 	if (!err && oldinfo && !search_fb_in_map(oldidx))
 		err = con2fb_release_oldinfo(vc, oldinfo, info, unit, oldidx,

 	if (!err) {
 		int show_logo = (fg_console == 0 && !user &&
 				 logo_shown != FBCON_LOGO_DONTSHOW);

 		if (!found)
 		con2fb_map_boot[unit] = newidx;
 		con2fb_init_display(vc, info, unit, show_logo);

	if (!search_fb_in_map(info_idx))
		info_idx = newidx;

 	return err;

 *  Low Level Operations
/* NOTE: fbcon cannot be __init: it may be called from take_over_console later */
static int var_to_display(struct display *disp,
			  struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
			  struct fb_info *info)
	disp->xres_virtual = var->xres_virtual;
	disp->yres_virtual = var->yres_virtual;
	disp->bits_per_pixel = var->bits_per_pixel;
	disp->grayscale = var->grayscale;
	disp->nonstd = var->nonstd;
	disp->accel_flags = var->accel_flags;
	disp->height = var->height;
	disp->width = var->width;
	disp->red = var->red;
	disp->green = var->green;
	disp->blue = var->blue;
	disp->transp = var->transp;
	disp->rotate = var->rotate;
	disp->mode = fb_match_mode(var, &info->modelist);
	if (disp->mode == NULL)
		/* This should not happen */
		return -EINVAL;
	return 0;

static void display_to_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
			   struct display *disp)
	fb_videomode_to_var(var, disp->mode);
	var->xres_virtual = disp->xres_virtual;
	var->yres_virtual = disp->yres_virtual;
	var->bits_per_pixel = disp->bits_per_pixel;
	var->grayscale = disp->grayscale;
	var->nonstd = disp->nonstd;
	var->accel_flags = disp->accel_flags;
	var->height = disp->height;
	var->width = disp->width;
	var->red = disp->red;
	var->green = disp->green;
	var->blue = disp->blue;
	var->transp = disp->transp;
	var->rotate = disp->rotate;

static const char *fbcon_startup(void)
	const char *display_desc = "frame buffer device";
	struct display *p = &fb_display[fg_console];
	struct vc_data *vc = vc_cons[fg_console].d;
	const struct font_desc *font = NULL;
	struct module *owner;
	struct fb_info *info = NULL;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops;
	int rows, cols;
	int irqres;

	irqres = 1;
	 *  If num_registered_fb is zero, this is a call for the dummy part.
	 *  The frame buffer devices weren't initialized yet.
	if (!num_registered_fb || info_idx == -1)
		return display_desc;
	 * Instead of blindly using registered_fb[0], we use info_idx, set by
	 * fb_console_init();
	info = registered_fb[info_idx];
	if (!info)
		return NULL;
	owner = info->fbops->owner;
	if (!try_module_get(owner))
		return NULL;
	if (info->fbops->fb_open && info->fbops->fb_open(info, 0)) {
		return NULL;

	ops = kzalloc(sizeof(struct fbcon_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!ops) {
		return NULL;

	ops->currcon = -1;
	ops->graphics = 1;
	ops->cur_rotate = -1;
	info->fbcon_par = ops;
	p->con_rotate = initial_rotation;
	set_blitting_type(vc, info);

	if (info->fix.type != FB_TYPE_TEXT) {
		if (fbcon_softback_size) {
			if (!softback_buf) {
				softback_buf =
				    (unsigned long)
				if (!softback_buf) {
					fbcon_softback_size = 0;
					softback_top = 0;
		} else {
			if (softback_buf) {
				kfree((void *) softback_buf);
				softback_buf = 0;
				softback_top = 0;
		if (softback_buf)
			softback_in = softback_top = softback_curr =
		softback_lines = 0;

	/* Setup default font */
	if (!p->fontdata) {
		if (!fontname[0] || !(font = find_font(fontname)))
			font = get_default_font(info->var.xres,
		vc->vc_font.width = font->width;
		vc->vc_font.height = font->height;
		vc->vc_font.data = (void *)(p->fontdata = font->data);
		vc->vc_font.charcount = 256; /* FIXME  Need to support more fonts */

	cols = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.xres, info->var.yres);
	rows = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.yres, info->var.xres);
	cols /= vc->vc_font.width;
	rows /= vc->vc_font.height;
	vc_resize(vc, cols, rows);

	DPRINTK("mode:   %s\n", info->fix.id);
	DPRINTK("visual: %d\n", info->fix.visual);
	DPRINTK("res:    %dx%d-%d\n", info->var.xres,

		cursor_blink_rate = ATARI_CURSOR_BLINK_RATE;
		irqres =
		    request_irq(IRQ_AUTO_4, fb_vbl_handler,
				IRQ_TYPE_PRIO, "framebuffer vbl",
#endif				/* CONFIG_ATARI */

	 * On a Macintoy, the VBL interrupt may or may not be active. 
	 * As interrupt based cursor is more reliable and race free, we 
	 * probe for VBL interrupts.
	if (MACH_IS_MAC) {
		int ct = 0;
		 * Probe for VBL: set temp. handler ...
		irqres = request_irq(IRQ_MAC_VBL, fb_vbl_detect, 0,
				     "framebuffer vbl", info);
		vbl_detected = 0;

		 * ... and spin for 20 ms ...
		while (!vbl_detected && ++ct < 1000)

		if (ct == 1000)
			    ("fbcon_startup: No VBL detected, using timer based cursor.\n");

		free_irq(IRQ_MAC_VBL, fb_vbl_detect);

		if (vbl_detected) {
			 * interrupt based cursor ok
			cursor_blink_rate = MAC_CURSOR_BLINK_RATE;
			irqres =
			    request_irq(IRQ_MAC_VBL, fb_vbl_handler, 0,
					"framebuffer vbl", info);
		} else {
			 * VBL not detected: fall through, use timer based cursor
			irqres = 1;
#endif				/* CONFIG_MAC */

	fbcon_has_exited = 0;
	return display_desc;

static void fbcon_init(struct vc_data *vc, int init)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops;
	struct vc_data **default_mode = vc->vc_display_fg;
	struct vc_data *svc = *default_mode;
	struct display *t, *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	int logo = 1, new_rows, new_cols, rows, cols, charcnt = 256;
	int cap;

	if (info_idx == -1 || info == NULL)

	cap = info->flags;

	if (vc != svc || logo_shown == FBCON_LOGO_DONTSHOW ||
	    (info->fix.type == FB_TYPE_TEXT))
		logo = 0;

	if (var_to_display(p, &info->var, info))

	if (!info->fbcon_par)
		con2fb_acquire_newinfo(vc, info, vc->vc_num, -1);

	/* If we are not the first console on this
	   fb, copy the font from that console */
	t = &fb_display[fg_console];
	if (!p->fontdata) {
		if (t->fontdata) {
			struct vc_data *fvc = vc_cons[fg_console].d;

			vc->vc_font.data = (void *)(p->fontdata =
			vc->vc_font.width = fvc->vc_font.width;
			vc->vc_font.height = fvc->vc_font.height;
			p->userfont = t->userfont;

			if (p->userfont)
		} else {
			const struct font_desc *font = NULL;

			if (!fontname[0] || !(font = find_font(fontname)))
				font = get_default_font(info->var.xres,
			vc->vc_font.width = font->width;
			vc->vc_font.height = font->height;
			vc->vc_font.data = (void *)(p->fontdata = font->data);
			vc->vc_font.charcount = 256; /* FIXME  Need to
							support more fonts */

	if (p->userfont)
		charcnt = FNTCHARCNT(p->fontdata);

	vc->vc_can_do_color = (fb_get_color_depth(&info->var, &info->fix)!=1);
	vc->vc_complement_mask = vc->vc_can_do_color ? 0x7700 : 0x0800;
	if (charcnt == 256) {
		vc->vc_hi_font_mask = 0;
	} else {
		vc->vc_hi_font_mask = 0x100;
		if (vc->vc_can_do_color)
			vc->vc_complement_mask <<= 1;

	if (!*svc->vc_uni_pagedir_loc)
	if (!*vc->vc_uni_pagedir_loc)
		con_copy_unimap(vc, svc);

	ops = info->fbcon_par;
	p->con_rotate = initial_rotation;
	set_blitting_type(vc, info);

	cols = vc->vc_cols;
	rows = vc->vc_rows;
	new_cols = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.xres, info->var.yres);
	new_rows = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.yres, info->var.xres);
	new_cols /= vc->vc_font.width;
	new_rows /= vc->vc_font.height;
	vc_resize(vc, new_cols, new_rows);

	 * We must always set the mode. The mode of the previous console
	 * driver could be in the same resolution but we are using different
	 * hardware so we have to initialize the hardware.
	 * We need to do it in fbcon_init() to prevent screen corruption.
	if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc) && vc->vc_mode == KD_TEXT) {
		if (info->fbops->fb_set_par &&
		    !(ops->flags & FBCON_FLAGS_INIT))
		ops->flags |= FBCON_FLAGS_INIT;

	ops->graphics = 0;

		p->scrollmode = SCROLL_MOVE;
	else /* default to something safe */
		p->scrollmode = SCROLL_REDRAW;

	 *  ++guenther: console.c:vc_allocate() relies on initializing
	 *  vc_{cols,rows}, but we must not set those if we are only
	 *  resizing the console.
	if (!init) {
		vc->vc_cols = new_cols;
		vc->vc_rows = new_rows;

	if (logo)
		fbcon_prepare_logo(vc, info, cols, rows, new_cols, new_rows);

	if (vc == svc && softback_buf)

	if (ops->rotate_font && ops->rotate_font(info, vc)) {
		ops->rotate = FB_ROTATE_UR;
		set_blitting_type(vc, info);

	ops->p = &fb_display[fg_console];

static void fbcon_free_font(struct display *p)
	if (p->userfont && p->fontdata && (--REFCOUNT(p->fontdata) == 0))
		kfree(p->fontdata - FONT_EXTRA_WORDS * sizeof(int));
	p->fontdata = NULL;
	p->userfont = 0;

static void fbcon_deinit(struct vc_data *vc)
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	struct fb_info *info;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops;
	int idx;

	idx = con2fb_map[vc->vc_num];

	if (idx == -1)
		goto finished;

	info = registered_fb[idx];

	if (!info)
		goto finished;

	ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (!ops)
		goto finished;

	if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc))

	ops->flags &= ~FBCON_FLAGS_INIT;

	if (!con_is_bound(&fb_con))


/* ====================================================================== */

/*  fbcon_XXX routines - interface used by the world
 *  This system is now divided into two levels because of complications
 *  caused by hardware scrolling. Top level functions:
 *	fbcon_bmove(), fbcon_clear(), fbcon_putc(), fbcon_clear_margins()
 *  handles y values in range [0, scr_height-1] that correspond to real
 *  screen positions. y_wrap shift means that first line of bitmap may be
 *  anywhere on this display. These functions convert lineoffsets to
 *  bitmap offsets and deal with the wrap-around case by splitting blits.
 *	fbcon_bmove_physical_8()    -- These functions fast implementations
 *	fbcon_clear_physical_8()    -- of original fbcon_XXX fns.
 *	fbcon_putc_physical_8()	    -- (font width != 8) may be added later
 *  At the moment fbcon_putc() cannot blit across vertical wrap boundary
 *  Implies should only really hardware scroll in rows. Only reason for
 *  restriction is simplicity & efficiency at the moment.

static void fbcon_clear(struct vc_data *vc, int sy, int sx, int height,
			int width)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	u_int y_break;

	if (fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info))

	if (!height || !width)

	/* Split blits that cross physical y_wrap boundary */

	y_break = p->vrows - p->yscroll;
	if (sy < y_break && sy + height - 1 >= y_break) {
		u_int b = y_break - sy;
		ops->clear(vc, info, real_y(p, sy), sx, b, width);
		ops->clear(vc, info, real_y(p, sy + b), sx, height - b,
	} else
		ops->clear(vc, info, real_y(p, sy), sx, height, width);

static void fbcon_putcs(struct vc_data *vc, const unsigned short *s,
			int count, int ypos, int xpos)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (!fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info))
		ops->putcs(vc, info, s, count, real_y(p, ypos), xpos,
			   get_color(vc, info, scr_readw(s), 1),
			   get_color(vc, info, scr_readw(s), 0));

static void fbcon_putc(struct vc_data *vc, int c, int ypos, int xpos)
	unsigned short chr;

	scr_writew(c, &chr);
	fbcon_putcs(vc, &chr, 1, ypos, xpos);

static void fbcon_clear_margins(struct vc_data *vc, int bottom_only)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (!fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info))
		ops->clear_margins(vc, info, bottom_only);

static void fbcon_cursor(struct vc_data *vc, int mode)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	int y;
 	int c = scr_readw((u16 *) vc->vc_pos);

	if (fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info) || vc->vc_deccm != 1)

	if (vc->vc_cursor_type & 0x10)

	ops->cursor_flash = (mode == CM_ERASE) ? 0 : 1;
	if (mode & CM_SOFTBACK) {
		mode &= ~CM_SOFTBACK;
		y = softback_lines;
	} else {
		if (softback_lines)
		y = 0;

	ops->cursor(vc, info, mode, y, get_color(vc, info, c, 1),
		    get_color(vc, info, c, 0));
	vbl_cursor_cnt = CURSOR_DRAW_DELAY;

static int scrollback_phys_max = 0;
static int scrollback_max = 0;
static int scrollback_current = 0;

static void fbcon_set_disp(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
			   int unit)
	struct display *p, *t;
	struct vc_data **default_mode, *vc;
	struct vc_data *svc;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	int rows, cols, charcnt = 256;

	p = &fb_display[unit];

	if (var_to_display(p, var, info))

	vc = vc_cons[unit].d;

	if (!vc)

	default_mode = vc->vc_display_fg;
	svc = *default_mode;
	t = &fb_display[svc->vc_num];

	if (!vc->vc_font.data) {
		vc->vc_font.data = (void *)(p->fontdata = t->fontdata);
		vc->vc_font.width = (*default_mode)->vc_font.width;
		vc->vc_font.height = (*default_mode)->vc_font.height;
		p->userfont = t->userfont;
		if (p->userfont)
	if (p->userfont)
		charcnt = FNTCHARCNT(p->fontdata);

	var->activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
	info->var.activate = var->activate;
	var->yoffset = info->var.yoffset;
	var->xoffset = info->var.xoffset;
	fb_set_var(info, var);
	ops->var = info->var;
	vc->vc_can_do_color = (fb_get_color_depth(&info->var, &info->fix)!=1);
	vc->vc_complement_mask = vc->vc_can_do_color ? 0x7700 : 0x0800;
	if (charcnt == 256) {
		vc->vc_hi_font_mask = 0;
	} else {
		vc->vc_hi_font_mask = 0x100;
		if (vc->vc_can_do_color)
			vc->vc_complement_mask <<= 1;

	if (!*svc->vc_uni_pagedir_loc)
	if (!*vc->vc_uni_pagedir_loc)
		con_copy_unimap(vc, svc);

	cols = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.xres, info->var.yres);
	rows = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.yres, info->var.xres);
	cols /= vc->vc_font.width;
	rows /= vc->vc_font.height;
	vc_resize(vc, cols, rows);

	if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc)) {
		if (softback_buf)

static __inline__ void ywrap_up(struct vc_data *vc, int count)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	p->yscroll += count;
	if (p->yscroll >= p->vrows)	/* Deal with wrap */
		p->yscroll -= p->vrows;
	ops->var.xoffset = 0;
	ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll * vc->vc_font.height;
	ops->var.vmode |= FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
	scrollback_max += count;
	if (scrollback_max > scrollback_phys_max)
		scrollback_max = scrollback_phys_max;
	scrollback_current = 0;

static __inline__ void ywrap_down(struct vc_data *vc, int count)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	p->yscroll -= count;
	if (p->yscroll < 0)	/* Deal with wrap */
		p->yscroll += p->vrows;
	ops->var.xoffset = 0;
	ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll * vc->vc_font.height;
	ops->var.vmode |= FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
	scrollback_max -= count;
	if (scrollback_max < 0)
		scrollback_max = 0;
	scrollback_current = 0;

static __inline__ void ypan_up(struct vc_data *vc, int count)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	p->yscroll += count;
	if (p->yscroll > p->vrows - vc->vc_rows) {
		ops->bmove(vc, info, p->vrows - vc->vc_rows,
			    0, 0, 0, vc->vc_rows, vc->vc_cols);
		p->yscroll -= p->vrows - vc->vc_rows;

	ops->var.xoffset = 0;
	ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll * vc->vc_font.height;
	ops->var.vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
	fbcon_clear_margins(vc, 1);
	scrollback_max += count;
	if (scrollback_max > scrollback_phys_max)
		scrollback_max = scrollback_phys_max;
	scrollback_current = 0;

static __inline__ void ypan_up_redraw(struct vc_data *vc, int t, int count)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];

	p->yscroll += count;

	if (p->yscroll > p->vrows - vc->vc_rows) {
		p->yscroll -= p->vrows - vc->vc_rows;
		fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, t + count, vc->vc_rows - count, t);

	ops->var.xoffset = 0;
	ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll * vc->vc_font.height;
	ops->var.vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
	fbcon_clear_margins(vc, 1);
	scrollback_max += count;
	if (scrollback_max > scrollback_phys_max)
		scrollback_max = scrollback_phys_max;
	scrollback_current = 0;

static __inline__ void ypan_down(struct vc_data *vc, int count)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	p->yscroll -= count;
	if (p->yscroll < 0) {
		ops->bmove(vc, info, 0, 0, p->vrows - vc->vc_rows,
			    0, vc->vc_rows, vc->vc_cols);
		p->yscroll += p->vrows - vc->vc_rows;

	ops->var.xoffset = 0;
	ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll * vc->vc_font.height;
	ops->var.vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
	fbcon_clear_margins(vc, 1);
	scrollback_max -= count;
	if (scrollback_max < 0)
		scrollback_max = 0;
	scrollback_current = 0;

static __inline__ void ypan_down_redraw(struct vc_data *vc, int t, int count)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];

	p->yscroll -= count;

	if (p->yscroll < 0) {
		p->yscroll += p->vrows - vc->vc_rows;
		fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, t, vc->vc_rows - count, t + count);

	ops->var.xoffset = 0;
	ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll * vc->vc_font.height;
	ops->var.vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
	fbcon_clear_margins(vc, 1);
	scrollback_max -= count;
	if (scrollback_max < 0)
		scrollback_max = 0;
	scrollback_current = 0;

static void fbcon_redraw_softback(struct vc_data *vc, struct display *p,
				  long delta)
	int count = vc->vc_rows;
	unsigned short *d, *s;
	unsigned long n;
	int line = 0;

	d = (u16 *) softback_curr;
	if (d == (u16 *) softback_in)
		d = (u16 *) vc->vc_origin;
	n = softback_curr + delta * vc->vc_size_row;
	softback_lines -= delta;
	if (delta < 0) {
		if (softback_curr < softback_top && n < softback_buf) {
			n += softback_end - softback_buf;
			if (n < softback_top) {
				softback_lines -=
				    (softback_top - n) / vc->vc_size_row;
				n = softback_top;
		} else if (softback_curr >= softback_top
			   && n < softback_top) {
			softback_lines -=
			    (softback_top - n) / vc->vc_size_row;
			n = softback_top;
	} else {
		if (softback_curr > softback_in && n >= softback_end) {
			n += softback_buf - softback_end;
			if (n > softback_in) {
				n = softback_in;
				softback_lines = 0;
		} else if (softback_curr <= softback_in && n > softback_in) {
			n = softback_in;
			softback_lines = 0;
	if (n == softback_curr)
	softback_curr = n;
	s = (u16 *) softback_curr;
	if (s == (u16 *) softback_in)
		s = (u16 *) vc->vc_origin;
	while (count--) {
		unsigned short *start;
		unsigned short *le;
		unsigned short c;
		int x = 0;
		unsigned short attr = 1;

		start = s;
		le = advance_row(s, 1);
		do {
			c = scr_readw(s);
			if (attr != (c & 0xff00)) {
				attr = c & 0xff00;
				if (s > start) {
					fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start,
						    line, x);
					x += s - start;
					start = s;
			if (c == scr_readw(d)) {
				if (s > start) {
					fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start,
						    line, x);
					x += s - start + 1;
					start = s + 1;
				} else {
		} while (s < le);
		if (s > start)
			fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start, line, x);
		if (d == (u16 *) softback_end)
			d = (u16 *) softback_buf;
		if (d == (u16 *) softback_in)
			d = (u16 *) vc->vc_origin;
		if (s == (u16 *) softback_end)
			s = (u16 *) softback_buf;
		if (s == (u16 *) softback_in)
			s = (u16 *) vc->vc_origin;

static void fbcon_redraw_move(struct vc_data *vc, struct display *p,
			      int line, int count, int dy)
	unsigned short *s = (unsigned short *)
		(vc->vc_origin + vc->vc_size_row * line);

	while (count--) {
		unsigned short *start = s;
		unsigned short *le = advance_row(s, 1);
		unsigned short c;
		int x = 0;
		unsigned short attr = 1;

		do {
			c = scr_readw(s);
			if (attr != (c & 0xff00)) {
				attr = c & 0xff00;
				if (s > start) {
					fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start,
						    dy, x);
					x += s - start;
					start = s;
		} while (s < le);
		if (s > start)
			fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start, dy, x);

static void fbcon_redraw_blit(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info,
			struct display *p, int line, int count, int ycount)
	int offset = ycount * vc->vc_cols;
	unsigned short *d = (unsigned short *)
	    (vc->vc_origin + vc->vc_size_row * line);
	unsigned short *s = d + offset;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	while (count--) {
		unsigned short *start = s;
		unsigned short *le = advance_row(s, 1);
		unsigned short c;
		int x = 0;

		do {
			c = scr_readw(s);

			if (c == scr_readw(d)) {
				if (s > start) {
					ops->bmove(vc, info, line + ycount, x,
						   line, x, 1, s-start);
					x += s - start + 1;
					start = s + 1;
				} else {

			scr_writew(c, d);
		} while (s < le);
		if (s > start)
			ops->bmove(vc, info, line + ycount, x, line, x, 1,
		if (ycount > 0)
		else {
			/* NOTE: We subtract two lines from these pointers */
			s -= vc->vc_size_row;
			d -= vc->vc_size_row;

static void fbcon_redraw(struct vc_data *vc, struct display *p,
			 int line, int count, int offset)
	unsigned short *d = (unsigned short *)
	    (vc->vc_origin + vc->vc_size_row * line);
	unsigned short *s = d + offset;

	while (count--) {
		unsigned short *start = s;
		unsigned short *le = advance_row(s, 1);
		unsigned short c;
		int x = 0;
		unsigned short attr = 1;

		do {
			c = scr_readw(s);
			if (attr != (c & 0xff00)) {
				attr = c & 0xff00;
				if (s > start) {
					fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start,
						    line, x);
					x += s - start;
					start = s;
			if (c == scr_readw(d)) {
				if (s > start) {
					fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start,
						     line, x);
					x += s - start + 1;
					start = s + 1;
				} else {
			scr_writew(c, d);
		} while (s < le);
		if (s > start)
			fbcon_putcs(vc, start, s - start, line, x);
		if (offset > 0)
		else {
			/* NOTE: We subtract two lines from these pointers */
			s -= vc->vc_size_row;
			d -= vc->vc_size_row;

static inline void fbcon_softback_note(struct vc_data *vc, int t,
				       int count)
	unsigned short *p;

	if (vc->vc_num != fg_console)
	p = (unsigned short *) (vc->vc_origin + t * vc->vc_size_row);

	while (count) {
		scr_memcpyw((u16 *) softback_in, p, vc->vc_size_row);
		p = advance_row(p, 1);
		softback_in += vc->vc_size_row;
		if (softback_in == softback_end)
			softback_in = softback_buf;
		if (softback_in == softback_top) {
			softback_top += vc->vc_size_row;
			if (softback_top == softback_end)
				softback_top = softback_buf;
	softback_curr = softback_in;

static int fbcon_scroll(struct vc_data *vc, int t, int b, int dir,
			int count)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	int scroll_partial = info->flags & FBINFO_PARTIAL_PAN_OK;

	if (fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info))
		return -EINVAL;

	fbcon_cursor(vc, CM_ERASE);

	 * ++Geert: Only use ywrap/ypan if the console is in text mode
	 * ++Andrew: Only use ypan on hardware text mode when scrolling the
	 *           whole screen (prevents flicker).

	switch (dir) {
	case SM_UP:
		if (count > vc->vc_rows)	/* Maximum realistic size */
			count = vc->vc_rows;
		if (softback_top)
			fbcon_softback_note(vc, t, count);
		if (logo_shown >= 0)
			goto redraw_up;
		switch (p->scrollmode) {
			fbcon_redraw_blit(vc, info, p, t, b - t - count,
			fbcon_clear(vc, b - count, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);
			scr_memsetw((unsigned short *) (vc->vc_origin +
							vc->vc_size_row *
							(b - count)),
				    vc->vc_size_row * count);
			return 1;

			if (b - t - count > 3 * vc->vc_rows >> 2) {
				if (t > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, 0, 0, count, 0, t,
				ywrap_up(vc, count);
				if (vc->vc_rows - b > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, b - count, 0, b, 0,
						    vc->vc_rows - b,
			} else if (info->flags & FBINFO_READS_FAST)
				fbcon_bmove(vc, t + count, 0, t, 0,
					    b - t - count, vc->vc_cols);
				goto redraw_up;
			fbcon_clear(vc, b - count, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);

			if ((p->yscroll + count <=
			     2 * (p->vrows - vc->vc_rows))
			    && ((!scroll_partial && (b - t == vc->vc_rows))
				|| (scroll_partial
				    && (b - t - count >
					3 * vc->vc_rows >> 2)))) {
				if (t > 0)
					fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, 0, t, count);
				ypan_up_redraw(vc, t, count);
				if (vc->vc_rows - b > 0)
					fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, b,
							  vc->vc_rows - b, b);
			} else
				fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, t + count, b - t - count, t);
			fbcon_clear(vc, b - count, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);

			if ((p->yscroll + count <=
			     2 * (p->vrows - vc->vc_rows))
			    && ((!scroll_partial && (b - t == vc->vc_rows))
				|| (scroll_partial
				    && (b - t - count >
					3 * vc->vc_rows >> 2)))) {
				if (t > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, 0, 0, count, 0, t,
				ypan_up(vc, count);
				if (vc->vc_rows - b > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, b - count, 0, b, 0,
						    vc->vc_rows - b,
			} else if (info->flags & FBINFO_READS_FAST)
				fbcon_bmove(vc, t + count, 0, t, 0,
					    b - t - count, vc->vc_cols);
				goto redraw_up;
			fbcon_clear(vc, b - count, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);

			fbcon_redraw(vc, p, t, b - t - count,
				     count * vc->vc_cols);
			fbcon_clear(vc, b - count, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);
			scr_memsetw((unsigned short *) (vc->vc_origin +
							vc->vc_size_row *
							(b - count)),
				    vc->vc_size_row * count);
			return 1;

	case SM_DOWN:
		if (count > vc->vc_rows)	/* Maximum realistic size */
			count = vc->vc_rows;
		if (logo_shown >= 0)
			goto redraw_down;
		switch (p->scrollmode) {
			fbcon_redraw_blit(vc, info, p, b - 1, b - t - count,
			fbcon_clear(vc, t, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);
			scr_memsetw((unsigned short *) (vc->vc_origin +
							vc->vc_size_row *
				    vc->vc_size_row * count);
			return 1;

			if (b - t - count > 3 * vc->vc_rows >> 2) {
				if (vc->vc_rows - b > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, b, 0, b - count, 0,
						    vc->vc_rows - b,
				ywrap_down(vc, count);
				if (t > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, count, 0, 0, 0, t,
			} else if (info->flags & FBINFO_READS_FAST)
				fbcon_bmove(vc, t, 0, t + count, 0,
					    b - t - count, vc->vc_cols);
				goto redraw_down;
			fbcon_clear(vc, t, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);

			if ((count - p->yscroll <= p->vrows - vc->vc_rows)
			    && ((!scroll_partial && (b - t == vc->vc_rows))
				|| (scroll_partial
				    && (b - t - count >
					3 * vc->vc_rows >> 2)))) {
				if (vc->vc_rows - b > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, b, 0, b - count, 0,
						    vc->vc_rows - b,
				ypan_down(vc, count);
				if (t > 0)
					fbcon_bmove(vc, count, 0, 0, 0, t,
			} else if (info->flags & FBINFO_READS_FAST)
				fbcon_bmove(vc, t, 0, t + count, 0,
					    b - t - count, vc->vc_cols);
				goto redraw_down;
			fbcon_clear(vc, t, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);

			if ((count - p->yscroll <= p->vrows - vc->vc_rows)
			    && ((!scroll_partial && (b - t == vc->vc_rows))
				|| (scroll_partial
				    && (b - t - count >
					3 * vc->vc_rows >> 2)))) {
				if (vc->vc_rows - b > 0)
					fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, b, vc->vc_rows - b,
							  b - count);
				ypan_down_redraw(vc, t, count);
				if (t > 0)
					fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, count, t, 0);
			} else
				fbcon_redraw_move(vc, p, t, b - t - count, t + count);
			fbcon_clear(vc, t, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);

			fbcon_redraw(vc, p, b - 1, b - t - count,
				     -count * vc->vc_cols);
			fbcon_clear(vc, t, 0, count, vc->vc_cols);
			scr_memsetw((unsigned short *) (vc->vc_origin +
							vc->vc_size_row *
				    vc->vc_size_row * count);
			return 1;
	return 0;

static void fbcon_bmove(struct vc_data *vc, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
			int height, int width)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	if (fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info))

	if (!width || !height)

	/*  Split blits that cross physical y_wrap case.
	 *  Pathological case involves 4 blits, better to use recursive
	 *  code rather than unrolled case
	 *  Recursive invocations don't need to erase the cursor over and
	 *  over again, so we use fbcon_bmove_rec()
	fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy, sx, dy, dx, height, width,
			p->vrows - p->yscroll);

static void fbcon_bmove_rec(struct vc_data *vc, struct display *p, int sy, int sx, 
			    int dy, int dx, int height, int width, u_int y_break)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	u_int b;

	if (sy < y_break && sy + height > y_break) {
		b = y_break - sy;
		if (dy < sy) {	/* Avoid trashing self */
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy, sx, dy, dx, b, width,
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy + b, sx, dy + b, dx,
					height - b, width, y_break);
		} else {
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy + b, sx, dy + b, dx,
					height - b, width, y_break);
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy, sx, dy, dx, b, width,

	if (dy < y_break && dy + height > y_break) {
		b = y_break - dy;
		if (dy < sy) {	/* Avoid trashing self */
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy, sx, dy, dx, b, width,
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy + b, sx, dy + b, dx,
					height - b, width, y_break);
		} else {
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy + b, sx, dy + b, dx,
					height - b, width, y_break);
			fbcon_bmove_rec(vc, p, sy, sx, dy, dx, b, width,
	ops->bmove(vc, info, real_y(p, sy), sx, real_y(p, dy), dx,
		   height, width);

static __inline__ void updatescrollmode(struct display *p,
					struct fb_info *info,
					struct vc_data *vc)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	int fh = vc->vc_font.height;
	int cap = info->flags;
	u16 t = 0;
	int ypan = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->fix.ypanstep,
	int ywrap = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->fix.ywrapstep, t);
	int yres = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.yres, info->var.xres);
	int vyres = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.yres_virtual,
	int good_pan = (cap & FBINFO_HWACCEL_YPAN) &&
		divides(ypan, vc->vc_font.height) && vyres > yres;
	int good_wrap = (cap & FBINFO_HWACCEL_YWRAP) &&
		divides(ywrap, vc->vc_font.height) &&
		divides(vc->vc_font.height, vyres) &&
		divides(vc->vc_font.height, yres);
	int reading_fast = cap & FBINFO_READS_FAST;
	int fast_copyarea = (cap & FBINFO_HWACCEL_COPYAREA) &&
	int fast_imageblit = (cap & FBINFO_HWACCEL_IMAGEBLIT) &&

	p->vrows = vyres/fh;
	if (yres > (fh * (vc->vc_rows + 1)))
		p->vrows -= (yres - (fh * vc->vc_rows)) / fh;
	if ((yres % fh) && (vyres % fh < yres % fh))

	if (good_wrap || good_pan) {
		if (reading_fast || fast_copyarea)
			p->scrollmode = good_wrap ?
			p->scrollmode = good_wrap ? SCROLL_REDRAW :
	} else {
		if (reading_fast || (fast_copyarea && !fast_imageblit))
			p->scrollmode = SCROLL_MOVE;
			p->scrollmode = SCROLL_REDRAW;

static int fbcon_resize(struct vc_data *vc, unsigned int width, 
			unsigned int height, unsigned int user)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	struct fb_var_screeninfo var = info->var;
	int x_diff, y_diff, virt_w, virt_h, virt_fw, virt_fh;

	virt_w = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, width, height);
	virt_h = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, height, width);
	virt_fw = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, vc->vc_font.width,
	virt_fh = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, vc->vc_font.height,
	var.xres = virt_w * virt_fw;
	var.yres = virt_h * virt_fh;
	x_diff = info->var.xres - var.xres;
	y_diff = info->var.yres - var.yres;
	if (x_diff < 0 || x_diff > virt_fw ||
	    y_diff < 0 || y_diff > virt_fh) {
		const struct fb_videomode *mode;

		DPRINTK("attempting resize %ix%i\n", var.xres, var.yres);
		mode = fb_find_best_mode(&var, &info->modelist);
		if (mode == NULL)
			return -EINVAL;
		display_to_var(&var, p);
		fb_videomode_to_var(&var, mode);

		if (virt_w > var.xres/virt_fw || virt_h > var.yres/virt_fh)
			return -EINVAL;

		DPRINTK("resize now %ix%i\n", var.xres, var.yres);
		if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc)) {
			var.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW |
			fb_set_var(info, &var);
		var_to_display(p, &info->var, info);
		ops->var = info->var;
	updatescrollmode(p, info, vc);
	return 0;

static int fbcon_switch(struct vc_data *vc)
	struct fb_info *info, *old_info = NULL;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops;
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	struct fb_var_screeninfo var;
	int i, prev_console, charcnt = 256;

	info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (softback_top) {
		if (softback_lines)
		softback_top = softback_curr = softback_in = softback_buf;
		softback_lines = 0;

	if (logo_shown >= 0) {
		struct vc_data *conp2 = vc_cons[logo_shown].d;

		if (conp2->vc_top == logo_lines
		    && conp2->vc_bottom == conp2->vc_rows)
			conp2->vc_top = 0;
		logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_CANSHOW;

	prev_console = ops->currcon;
	if (prev_console != -1)
		old_info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[prev_console]];
	 * FIXME: If we have multiple fbdev's loaded, we need to
	 * update all info->currcon.  Perhaps, we can place this
	 * in a centralized structure, but this might break some
	 * drivers.
	 * info->currcon = vc->vc_num;
	for (i = 0; i < FB_MAX; i++) {
		if (registered_fb[i] != NULL && registered_fb[i]->fbcon_par) {
			struct fbcon_ops *o = registered_fb[i]->fbcon_par;

			o->currcon = vc->vc_num;
	memset(&var, 0, sizeof(struct fb_var_screeninfo));
	display_to_var(&var, p);
	var.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;

	 * make sure we don't unnecessarily trip the memcmp()
	 * in fb_set_var()
	info->var.activate = var.activate;
	var.yoffset = info->var.yoffset;
	var.xoffset = info->var.xoffset;
	var.vmode = info->var.vmode;
	fb_set_var(info, &var);
	ops->var = info->var;

	if (old_info != NULL && (old_info != info ||
				 info->flags & FBINFO_MISC_ALWAYS_SETPAR)) {
		if (info->fbops->fb_set_par)

		if (old_info != info)

	if (fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info) ||
	    ops->blank_state != FB_BLANK_UNBLANK)

	set_blitting_type(vc, info);
	ops->cursor_reset = 1;

	if (ops->rotate_font && ops->rotate_font(info, vc)) {
		ops->rotate = FB_ROTATE_UR;
		set_blitting_type(vc, info);

	vc->vc_can_do_color = (fb_get_color_depth(&info->var, &info->fix)!=1);
	vc->vc_complement_mask = vc->vc_can_do_color ? 0x7700 : 0x0800;

	if (p->userfont)
		charcnt = FNTCHARCNT(vc->vc_font.data);

	if (charcnt > 256)
		vc->vc_complement_mask <<= 1;

	updatescrollmode(p, info, vc);

	switch (p->scrollmode) {
		scrollback_phys_max = p->vrows - vc->vc_rows;
		scrollback_phys_max = p->vrows - 2 * vc->vc_rows;
		if (scrollback_phys_max < 0)
			scrollback_phys_max = 0;
		scrollback_phys_max = 0;

	scrollback_max = 0;
	scrollback_current = 0;

	if (!fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info)) {
	    ops->var.xoffset = ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll = 0;

	fbcon_set_palette(vc, color_table); 	
	fbcon_clear_margins(vc, 0);

	if (logo_shown == FBCON_LOGO_DRAW) {

		logo_shown = fg_console;
		/* This is protected above by initmem_freed */
		fb_show_logo(info, ops->rotate);
			      vc->vc_origin + vc->vc_size_row * vc->vc_top,
			      vc->vc_size_row * (vc->vc_bottom -
						 vc->vc_top) / 2);
		return 0;
	return 1;

static void fbcon_generic_blank(struct vc_data *vc, struct fb_info *info,
				int blank)
	struct fb_event event;

	if (blank) {
		unsigned short charmask = vc->vc_hi_font_mask ?
			0x1ff : 0xff;
		unsigned short oldc;

		oldc = vc->vc_video_erase_char;
		vc->vc_video_erase_char &= charmask;
		fbcon_clear(vc, 0, 0, vc->vc_rows, vc->vc_cols);
		vc->vc_video_erase_char = oldc;

	event.info = info;
	event.data = &blank;
	fb_notifier_call_chain(FB_EVENT_CONBLANK, &event);

static int fbcon_blank(struct vc_data *vc, int blank, int mode_switch)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (mode_switch) {
		struct fb_var_screeninfo var = info->var;

		ops->graphics = 1;

		if (!blank) {
			if (info->fbops->fb_save_state)
			fb_set_var(info, &var);
			ops->graphics = 0;
			ops->var = info->var;
		} else if (info->fbops->fb_restore_state)

 	if (!fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info)) {
		if (ops->blank_state != blank) {
			ops->blank_state = blank;
			fbcon_cursor(vc, blank ? CM_ERASE : CM_DRAW);
			ops->cursor_flash = (!blank);

			if (fb_blank(info, blank))
				fbcon_generic_blank(vc, info, blank);

		if (!blank)

	if (mode_switch || fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info) ||
	    ops->blank_state != FB_BLANK_UNBLANK)

	return 0;

static int fbcon_get_font(struct vc_data *vc, struct console_font *font)
	u8 *fontdata = vc->vc_font.data;
	u8 *data = font->data;
	int i, j;

	font->width = vc->vc_font.width;
	font->height = vc->vc_font.height;
	font->charcount = vc->vc_hi_font_mask ? 512 : 256;
	if (!font->data)
		return 0;

	if (font->width <= 8) {
		j = vc->vc_font.height;
		for (i = 0; i < font->charcount; i++) {
			memcpy(data, fontdata, j);
			memset(data + j, 0, 32 - j);
			data += 32;
			fontdata += j;
	} else if (font->width <= 16) {
		j = vc->vc_font.height * 2;
		for (i = 0; i < font->charcount; i++) {
			memcpy(data, fontdata, j);
			memset(data + j, 0, 64 - j);
			data += 64;
			fontdata += j;
	} else if (font->width <= 24) {
		for (i = 0; i < font->charcount; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < vc->vc_font.height; j++) {
				*data++ = fontdata[0];
				*data++ = fontdata[1];
				*data++ = fontdata[2];
				fontdata += sizeof(u32);
			memset(data, 0, 3 * (32 - j));
			data += 3 * (32 - j);
	} else {
		j = vc->vc_font.height * 4;
		for (i = 0; i < font->charcount; i++) {
			memcpy(data, fontdata, j);
			memset(data + j, 0, 128 - j);
			data += 128;
			fontdata += j;
	return 0;

static int fbcon_do_set_font(struct vc_data *vc, int w, int h,
			     const u8 * data, int userfont)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	int resize;
	int cnt;
	char *old_data = NULL;

	if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc) && softback_lines)

	resize = (w != vc->vc_font.width) || (h != vc->vc_font.height);
	if (p->userfont)
		old_data = vc->vc_font.data;
	if (userfont)
		cnt = FNTCHARCNT(data);
		cnt = 256;
	vc->vc_font.data = (void *)(p->fontdata = data);
	if ((p->userfont = userfont))
	vc->vc_font.width = w;
	vc->vc_font.height = h;
	if (vc->vc_hi_font_mask && cnt == 256) {
		vc->vc_hi_font_mask = 0;
		if (vc->vc_can_do_color) {
			vc->vc_complement_mask >>= 1;
			vc->vc_s_complement_mask >>= 1;
		/* ++Edmund: reorder the attribute bits */
		if (vc->vc_can_do_color) {
			unsigned short *cp =
			    (unsigned short *) vc->vc_origin;
			int count = vc->vc_screenbuf_size / 2;
			unsigned short c;
			for (; count > 0; count--, cp++) {
				c = scr_readw(cp);
				scr_writew(((c & 0xfe00) >> 1) |
					   (c & 0xff), cp);
			c = vc->vc_video_erase_char;
			vc->vc_video_erase_char =
			    ((c & 0xfe00) >> 1) | (c & 0xff);
			vc->vc_attr >>= 1;
	} else if (!vc->vc_hi_font_mask && cnt == 512) {
		vc->vc_hi_font_mask = 0x100;
		if (vc->vc_can_do_color) {
			vc->vc_complement_mask <<= 1;
			vc->vc_s_complement_mask <<= 1;
		/* ++Edmund: reorder the attribute bits */
			unsigned short *cp =
			    (unsigned short *) vc->vc_origin;
			int count = vc->vc_screenbuf_size / 2;
			unsigned short c;
			for (; count > 0; count--, cp++) {
				unsigned short newc;
				c = scr_readw(cp);
				if (vc->vc_can_do_color)
					newc =
					    ((c & 0xff00) << 1) | (c &
					newc = c & ~0x100;
				scr_writew(newc, cp);
			c = vc->vc_video_erase_char;
			if (vc->vc_can_do_color) {
				vc->vc_video_erase_char =
				    ((c & 0xff00) << 1) | (c & 0xff);
				vc->vc_attr <<= 1;
			} else
				vc->vc_video_erase_char = c & ~0x100;


	if (resize) {
		int cols, rows;

		cols = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.xres, info->var.yres);
		rows = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.yres, info->var.xres);
		cols /= w;
		rows /= h;
		vc_resize(vc, cols, rows);
		if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc) && softback_buf)
	} else if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc)
		   && vc->vc_mode == KD_TEXT) {
		fbcon_clear_margins(vc, 0);

	if (old_data && (--REFCOUNT(old_data) == 0))
		kfree(old_data - FONT_EXTRA_WORDS * sizeof(int));
	return 0;

static int fbcon_copy_font(struct vc_data *vc, int con)
	struct display *od = &fb_display[con];
	struct console_font *f = &vc->vc_font;

	if (od->fontdata == f->data)
		return 0;	/* already the same font... */
	return fbcon_do_set_font(vc, f->width, f->height, od->fontdata, od->userfont);

 *  User asked to set font; we are guaranteed that
 *	a) width and height are in range 1..32
 *	b) charcount does not exceed 512
 *  but lets not assume that, since someone might someday want to use larger
 *  fonts. And charcount of 512 is small for unicode support.
 *  However, user space gives the font in 32 rows , regardless of
 *  actual font height. So a new API is needed if support for larger fonts
 *  is ever implemented.

static int fbcon_set_font(struct vc_data *vc, struct console_font *font, unsigned flags)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	unsigned charcount = font->charcount;
	int w = font->width;
	int h = font->height;
	int size;
	int i, csum;
	u8 *new_data, *data = font->data;
	int pitch = (font->width+7) >> 3;

	/* Is there a reason why fbconsole couldn't handle any charcount >256?
	 * If not this check should be changed to charcount < 256 */
	if (charcount != 256 && charcount != 512)
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Make sure drawing engine can handle the font */
	if (!(info->pixmap.blit_x & (1 << (font->width - 1))) ||
	    !(info->pixmap.blit_y & (1 << (font->height - 1))))
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Make sure driver can handle the font length */
	if (fbcon_invalid_charcount(info, charcount))
		return -EINVAL;

	size = h * pitch * charcount;

	new_data = kmalloc(FONT_EXTRA_WORDS * sizeof(int) + size, GFP_USER);

	if (!new_data)
		return -ENOMEM;

	new_data += FONT_EXTRA_WORDS * sizeof(int);
	FNTSIZE(new_data) = size;
	FNTCHARCNT(new_data) = charcount;
	REFCOUNT(new_data) = 0;	/* usage counter */
	for (i=0; i< charcount; i++) {
		memcpy(new_data + i*h*pitch, data +  i*32*pitch, h*pitch);

	/* Since linux has a nice crc32 function use it for counting font
	 * checksums. */
	csum = crc32(0, new_data, size);

	FNTSUM(new_data) = csum;
	/* Check if the same font is on some other console already */
	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		struct vc_data *tmp = vc_cons[i].d;
		if (fb_display[i].userfont &&
		    fb_display[i].fontdata &&
		    FNTSUM(fb_display[i].fontdata) == csum &&
		    FNTSIZE(fb_display[i].fontdata) == size &&
		    tmp->vc_font.width == w &&
		    !memcmp(fb_display[i].fontdata, new_data, size)) {
			kfree(new_data - FONT_EXTRA_WORDS * sizeof(int));
			new_data = (u8 *)fb_display[i].fontdata;
	return fbcon_do_set_font(vc, font->width, font->height, new_data, 1);

static int fbcon_set_def_font(struct vc_data *vc, struct console_font *font, char *name)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	const struct font_desc *f;

	if (!name)
		f = get_default_font(info->var.xres, info->var.yres,
				     info->pixmap.blit_x, info->pixmap.blit_y);
	else if (!(f = find_font(name)))
		return -ENOENT;

	font->width = f->width;
	font->height = f->height;
	return fbcon_do_set_font(vc, f->width, f->height, f->data, 0);

static u16 palette_red[16];
static u16 palette_green[16];
static u16 palette_blue[16];

static struct fb_cmap palette_cmap = {
	0, 16, palette_red, palette_green, palette_blue, NULL

static int fbcon_set_palette(struct vc_data *vc, unsigned char *table)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[vc->vc_num]];
	int i, j, k, depth;
	u8 val;

	if (fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info))
		return -EINVAL;

	if (!CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc))
		return 0;

	depth = fb_get_color_depth(&info->var, &info->fix);
	if (depth > 3) {
		for (i = j = 0; i < 16; i++) {
			k = table[i];
			val = vc->vc_palette[j++];
			palette_red[k] = (val << 8) | val;
			val = vc->vc_palette[j++];
			palette_green[k] = (val << 8) | val;
			val = vc->vc_palette[j++];
			palette_blue[k] = (val << 8) | val;
		palette_cmap.len = 16;
		palette_cmap.start = 0;
	 * If framebuffer is capable of less than 16 colors,
	 * use default palette of fbcon.
	} else
		fb_copy_cmap(fb_default_cmap(1 << depth), &palette_cmap);

	return fb_set_cmap(&palette_cmap, info);

static u16 *fbcon_screen_pos(struct vc_data *vc, int offset)
	unsigned long p;
	int line;
	if (vc->vc_num != fg_console || !softback_lines)
		return (u16 *) (vc->vc_origin + offset);
	line = offset / vc->vc_size_row;
	if (line >= softback_lines)
		return (u16 *) (vc->vc_origin + offset -
				softback_lines * vc->vc_size_row);
	p = softback_curr + offset;
	if (p >= softback_end)
		p += softback_buf - softback_end;
	return (u16 *) p;

static unsigned long fbcon_getxy(struct vc_data *vc, unsigned long pos,
				 int *px, int *py)
	unsigned long ret;
	int x, y;

	if (pos >= vc->vc_origin && pos < vc->vc_scr_end) {
		unsigned long offset = (pos - vc->vc_origin) / 2;

		x = offset % vc->vc_cols;
		y = offset / vc->vc_cols;
		if (vc->vc_num == fg_console)
			y += softback_lines;
		ret = pos + (vc->vc_cols - x) * 2;
	} else if (vc->vc_num == fg_console && softback_lines) {
		unsigned long offset = pos - softback_curr;

		if (pos < softback_curr)
			offset += softback_end - softback_buf;
		offset /= 2;
		x = offset % vc->vc_cols;
		y = offset / vc->vc_cols;
		ret = pos + (vc->vc_cols - x) * 2;
		if (ret == softback_end)
			ret = softback_buf;
		if (ret == softback_in)
			ret = vc->vc_origin;
	} else {
		/* Should not happen */
		x = y = 0;
		ret = vc->vc_origin;
	if (px)
		*px = x;
	if (py)
		*py = y;
	return ret;

/* As we might be inside of softback, we may work with non-contiguous buffer,
   that's why we have to use a separate routine. */
static void fbcon_invert_region(struct vc_data *vc, u16 * p, int cnt)
	while (cnt--) {
		u16 a = scr_readw(p);
		if (!vc->vc_can_do_color)
			a ^= 0x0800;
		else if (vc->vc_hi_font_mask == 0x100)
			a = ((a) & 0x11ff) | (((a) & 0xe000) >> 4) |
			    (((a) & 0x0e00) << 4);
			a = ((a) & 0x88ff) | (((a) & 0x7000) >> 4) |
			    (((a) & 0x0700) << 4);
		scr_writew(a, p++);
		if (p == (u16 *) softback_end)
			p = (u16 *) softback_buf;
		if (p == (u16 *) softback_in)
			p = (u16 *) vc->vc_origin;

static int fbcon_scrolldelta(struct vc_data *vc, int lines)
	struct fb_info *info = registered_fb[con2fb_map[fg_console]];
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct display *disp = &fb_display[fg_console];
	int offset, limit, scrollback_old;

	if (softback_top) {
		if (vc->vc_num != fg_console)
			return 0;
		if (vc->vc_mode != KD_TEXT || !lines)
			return 0;
		if (logo_shown >= 0) {
			struct vc_data *conp2 = vc_cons[logo_shown].d;

			if (conp2->vc_top == logo_lines
			    && conp2->vc_bottom == conp2->vc_rows)
				conp2->vc_top = 0;
			if (logo_shown == vc->vc_num) {
				unsigned long p, q;
				int i;

				p = softback_in;
				q = vc->vc_origin +
				    logo_lines * vc->vc_size_row;
				for (i = 0; i < logo_lines; i++) {
					if (p == softback_top)
					if (p == softback_buf)
						p = softback_end;
					p -= vc->vc_size_row;
					q -= vc->vc_size_row;
					scr_memcpyw((u16 *) q, (u16 *) p,
				softback_in = softback_curr = p;
				update_region(vc, vc->vc_origin,
					      logo_lines * vc->vc_cols);
			logo_shown = FBCON_LOGO_CANSHOW;
		fbcon_cursor(vc, CM_ERASE | CM_SOFTBACK);
		fbcon_redraw_softback(vc, disp, lines);
		fbcon_cursor(vc, CM_DRAW | CM_SOFTBACK);
		return 0;

	if (!scrollback_phys_max)
		return -ENOSYS;

	scrollback_old = scrollback_current;
	scrollback_current -= lines;
	if (scrollback_current < 0)
		scrollback_current = 0;
	else if (scrollback_current > scrollback_max)
		scrollback_current = scrollback_max;
	if (scrollback_current == scrollback_old)
		return 0;

	if (fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info))
		return 0;

	fbcon_cursor(vc, CM_ERASE);

	offset = disp->yscroll - scrollback_current;
	limit = disp->vrows;
	switch (disp->scrollmode) {
		info->var.vmode |= FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
		limit -= vc->vc_rows;
		info->var.vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
	if (offset < 0)
		offset += limit;
	else if (offset >= limit)
		offset -= limit;

	ops->var.xoffset = 0;
	ops->var.yoffset = offset * vc->vc_font.height;

	if (!scrollback_current)
		fbcon_cursor(vc, CM_DRAW);
	return 0;

static int fbcon_set_origin(struct vc_data *vc)
	if (softback_lines)
		fbcon_scrolldelta(vc, softback_lines);
	return 0;

static void fbcon_suspended(struct fb_info *info)
	struct vc_data *vc = NULL;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (!ops || ops->currcon < 0)
	vc = vc_cons[ops->currcon].d;

	/* Clear cursor, restore saved data */
	fbcon_cursor(vc, CM_ERASE);

static void fbcon_resumed(struct fb_info *info)
	struct vc_data *vc;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (!ops || ops->currcon < 0)
	vc = vc_cons[ops->currcon].d;


static void fbcon_modechanged(struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct vc_data *vc;
	struct display *p;
	int rows, cols;

	if (!ops || ops->currcon < 0)
	vc = vc_cons[ops->currcon].d;
	if (vc->vc_mode != KD_TEXT ||
	    registered_fb[con2fb_map[ops->currcon]] != info)

	p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
	set_blitting_type(vc, info);

	if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc)) {
		var_to_display(p, &info->var, info);
		cols = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.xres, info->var.yres);
		rows = FBCON_SWAP(ops->rotate, info->var.yres, info->var.xres);
		cols /= vc->vc_font.width;
		rows /= vc->vc_font.height;
		vc_resize(vc, cols, rows);
		updatescrollmode(p, info, vc);
		scrollback_max = 0;
		scrollback_current = 0;

		if (!fbcon_is_inactive(vc, info)) {
		    ops->var.xoffset = ops->var.yoffset = p->yscroll = 0;

		fbcon_set_palette(vc, color_table);
		if (softback_buf)

static void fbcon_set_all_vcs(struct fb_info *info)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct vc_data *vc;
	struct display *p;
	int i, rows, cols, fg = -1;

	if (!ops || ops->currcon < 0)

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		vc = vc_cons[i].d;
		if (!vc || vc->vc_mode != KD_TEXT ||
		    registered_fb[con2fb_map[i]] != info)

		if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc)) {
			fg = i;

		p = &fb_display[vc->vc_num];
		set_blitting_type(vc, info);
		var_to_display(p, &info->var, info);
		cols = FBCON_SWAP(p->rotate, info->var.xres, info->var.yres);
		rows = FBCON_SWAP(p->rotate, info->var.yres, info->var.xres);
		cols /= vc->vc_font.width;
		rows /= vc->vc_font.height;
		vc_resize(vc, cols, rows);

	if (fg != -1)

static int fbcon_mode_deleted(struct fb_info *info,
			      struct fb_videomode *mode)
	struct fb_info *fb_info;
	struct display *p;
	int i, j, found = 0;

	/* before deletion, ensure that mode is not in use */
	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		j = con2fb_map[i];
		if (j == -1)
		fb_info = registered_fb[j];
		if (fb_info != info)
		p = &fb_display[i];
		if (!p || !p->mode)
		if (fb_mode_is_equal(p->mode, mode)) {
			found = 1;
	return found;

static int fbcon_unbind(void)
	int ret;

	ret = unbind_con_driver(&fb_con, first_fb_vc, last_fb_vc,
	return ret;
static inline int fbcon_unbind(void)
	return -EINVAL;

static int fbcon_fb_unbind(int idx)
	int i, new_idx = -1, ret = 0;

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		if (con2fb_map[i] != idx &&
		    con2fb_map[i] != -1) {
			new_idx = i;

	if (new_idx != -1) {
		for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
			if (con2fb_map[i] == idx)
				set_con2fb_map(i, new_idx, 0);
	} else
		ret = fbcon_unbind();

	return ret;

static int fbcon_fb_unregistered(struct fb_info *info)
	int i, idx = info->node;

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		if (con2fb_map[i] == idx)
			con2fb_map[i] = -1;

	if (idx == info_idx) {
		info_idx = -1;

		for (i = 0; i < FB_MAX; i++) {
			if (registered_fb[i] != NULL) {
				info_idx = i;

	if (info_idx != -1) {
		for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
			if (con2fb_map[i] == -1)
				con2fb_map[i] = info_idx;

	if (!num_registered_fb)

	if (primary_device == idx)
		primary_device = -1;

	return 0;

static void fbcon_select_primary(struct fb_info *info)
	if (!map_override && primary_device == -1 &&
	    fb_is_primary_device(info)) {
		int i;

		printk(KERN_INFO "fbcon: %s (fb%i) is primary device\n",
		       info->fix.id, info->node);
		primary_device = info->node;

		for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++)
			con2fb_map_boot[i] = primary_device;

		if (con_is_bound(&fb_con)) {
			printk(KERN_INFO "fbcon: Remapping primary device, "
			       "fb%i, to tty %i-%i\n", info->node,
			       first_fb_vc + 1, last_fb_vc + 1);
			info_idx = primary_device;

static inline void fbcon_select_primary(struct fb_info *info)

static int fbcon_fb_registered(struct fb_info *info)
	int ret = 0, i, idx = info->node;


	if (info_idx == -1) {
		for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
			if (con2fb_map_boot[i] == idx) {
				info_idx = idx;

		if (info_idx != -1)
			ret = fbcon_takeover(1);
	} else {
		for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
			if (con2fb_map_boot[i] == idx)
				set_con2fb_map(i, idx, 0);

	return ret;

static void fbcon_fb_blanked(struct fb_info *info, int blank)
	struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;
	struct vc_data *vc;

	if (!ops || ops->currcon < 0)

	vc = vc_cons[ops->currcon].d;
	if (vc->vc_mode != KD_TEXT ||
			registered_fb[con2fb_map[ops->currcon]] != info)

	if (CON_IS_VISIBLE(vc)) {
		if (blank)
	ops->blank_state = blank;

static void fbcon_new_modelist(struct fb_info *info)
	int i;
	struct vc_data *vc;
	struct fb_var_screeninfo var;
	const struct fb_videomode *mode;

	for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
		if (registered_fb[con2fb_map[i]] != info)
		if (!fb_display[i].mode)
		vc = vc_cons[i].d;
		display_to_var(&var, &fb_display[i]);
		mode = fb_find_nearest_mode(fb_display[i].mode,
		fb_videomode_to_var(&var, mode);
		fbcon_set_disp(info, &var, vc->vc_num);

static void fbcon_get_requirement(struct fb_info *info,
				  struct fb_blit_caps *caps)
	struct vc_data *vc;
	struct display *p;

	if (caps->flags) {
		int i, charcnt;

		for (i = first_fb_vc; i <= last_fb_vc; i++) {
			vc = vc_cons[i].d;
			if (vc && vc->vc_mode == KD_TEXT &&
			    info->node == con2fb_map[i]) {
				p = &fb_display[i];
				caps->x |= 1 << (vc->vc_font.width - 1);
				caps->y |= 1 << (vc->vc_font.height - 1);
				charcnt = (p->userfont) ?
					FNTCHARCNT(p->fontdata) : 256;
				if (caps->len < charcnt)
					caps->len = charcnt;
	} else {
		vc = vc_cons[fg_console].d;

		if (vc && vc->vc_mode == KD_TEXT &&
		    info->node == con2fb_map[fg_console]) {
			p = &fb_display[fg_console];
			caps->x = 1 << (vc->vc_font.width - 1);
			caps->y = 1 << (vc->vc_font.height - 1);
			caps->len = (p->userfont) ?
				FNTCHARCNT(p->fontdata) : 256;

static int fbcon_event_notify(struct notifier_block *self, 
			      unsigned long action, void *data)
	struct fb_event *event = data;
	struct fb_info *info = event->info;
	struct fb_videomode *mode;
	struct fb_con2fbmap *con2fb;
	struct fb_blit_caps *caps;
	int ret = 0;

	 * ignore all events except driver registration and deregistration
	 * if fbcon is not active
	if (fbcon_has_exited && !(action == FB_EVENT_FB_REGISTERED ||
				  action == FB_EVENT_FB_UNREGISTERED))
		goto done;

	switch(action) {
		mode = event->data;
		ret = fbcon_mode_deleted(info, mode);
		ret = fbcon_fb_unbind(info->node);
		ret = fbcon_fb_registered(info);
		ret = fbcon_fb_unregistered(info);
		con2fb = event->data;
		ret = set_con2fb_map(con2fb->console - 1,
				     con2fb->framebuffer, 1);
		con2fb = event->data;
		con2fb->framebuffer = con2fb_map[con2fb->console - 1];
		fbcon_fb_blanked(info, *(int *)event->data);
		caps = event->data;
		fbcon_get_requirement(info, caps);

	return ret;

 *  The console `switch' structure for the frame buffer based console

static const struct consw fb_con = {
	.owner			= THIS_MODULE,
	.con_startup 		= fbcon_startup,
	.con_init 		= fbcon_init,
	.con_deinit 		= fbcon_deinit,
	.con_clear 		= fbcon_clear,
	.con_putc 		= fbcon_putc,
	.con_putcs 		= fbcon_putcs,
	.con_cursor 		= fbcon_cursor,
	.con_scroll 		= fbcon_scroll,
	.con_bmove 		= fbcon_bmove,
	.con_switch 		= fbcon_switch,
	.con_blank 		= fbcon_blank,
	.con_font_set 		= fbcon_set_font,
	.con_font_get 		= fbcon_get_font,
	.con_font_default	= fbcon_set_def_font,
	.con_font_copy 		= fbcon_copy_font,
	.con_set_palette 	= fbcon_set_palette,
	.con_scrolldelta 	= fbcon_scrolldelta,
	.con_set_origin 	= fbcon_set_origin,
	.con_invert_region 	= fbcon_invert_region,
	.con_screen_pos 	= fbcon_screen_pos,
	.con_getxy 		= fbcon_getxy,
	.con_resize             = fbcon_resize,

static struct notifier_block fbcon_event_notifier = {
	.notifier_call	= fbcon_event_notify,

static ssize_t store_rotate(struct device *device,
			    struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf,
			    size_t count)
	struct fb_info *info;
	int rotate, idx;
	char **last = NULL;

	if (fbcon_has_exited)
		return count;

	idx = con2fb_map[fg_console];

	if (idx == -1 || registered_fb[idx] == NULL)
		goto err;

	info = registered_fb[idx];
	rotate = simple_strtoul(buf, last, 0);
	fbcon_rotate(info, rotate);
	return count;

static ssize_t store_rotate_all(struct device *device,
				struct device_attribute *attr,const char *buf,
				size_t count)
	struct fb_info *info;
	int rotate, idx;
	char **last = NULL;

	if (fbcon_has_exited)
		return count;

	idx = con2fb_map[fg_console];

	if (idx == -1 || registered_fb[idx] == NULL)
		goto err;

	info = registered_fb[idx];
	rotate = simple_strtoul(buf, last, 0);
	fbcon_rotate_all(info, rotate);
	return count;

static ssize_t show_rotate(struct device *device,
			   struct device_attribute *attr,char *buf)
	struct fb_info *info;
	int rotate = 0, idx;

	if (fbcon_has_exited)
		return 0;

	idx = con2fb_map[fg_console];

	if (idx == -1 || registered_fb[idx] == NULL)
		goto err;

	info = registered_fb[idx];
	rotate = fbcon_get_rotate(info);
	return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", rotate);

static ssize_t show_cursor_blink(struct device *device,
				 struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
	struct fb_info *info;
	struct fbcon_ops *ops;
	int idx, blink = -1;

	if (fbcon_has_exited)
		return 0;

	idx = con2fb_map[fg_console];

	if (idx == -1 || registered_fb[idx] == NULL)
		goto err;

	info = registered_fb[idx];
	ops = info->fbcon_par;

	if (!ops)
		goto err;

	blink = (ops->flags & FBCON_FLAGS_CURSOR_TIMER) ? 1 : 0;
	return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", blink);

static ssize_t store_cursor_blink(struct device *device,
				  struct device_attribute *attr,
				  const char *buf, size_t count)
	struct fb_info *info;
	int blink, idx;
	char **last = NULL;

	if (fbcon_has_exited)
		return count;

	idx = con2fb_map[fg_console];

	if (idx == -1 || registered_fb[idx] == NULL)
		goto err;

	info = registered_fb[idx];

	if (!info->fbcon_par)
		goto err;

	blink = simple_strtoul(buf, last, 0);

	if (blink) {
		fbcon_cursor_noblink = 0;
	} else {
		fbcon_cursor_noblink = 1;

	return count;

static struct device_attribute device_attrs[] = {
	__ATTR(rotate, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, show_rotate, store_rotate),
	__ATTR(rotate_all, S_IWUSR, NULL, store_rotate_all),
	__ATTR(cursor_blink, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, show_cursor_blink,

static int fbcon_init_device(void)
	int i, error = 0;

	fbcon_has_sysfs = 1;

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(device_attrs); i++) {
		error = device_create_file(fbcon_device, &device_attrs[i]);

		if (error)

	if (error) {
		while (--i >= 0)
			device_remove_file(fbcon_device, &device_attrs[i]);

		fbcon_has_sysfs = 0;

	return 0;

static void fbcon_start(void)
	if (num_registered_fb) {
		int i;


		for (i = 0; i < FB_MAX; i++) {
			if (registered_fb[i] != NULL) {
				info_idx = i;


static void fbcon_exit(void)
	struct fb_info *info;
	int i, j, mapped;

	if (fbcon_has_exited)

	free_irq(IRQ_AUTO_4, fb_vbl_handler);
	if (MACH_IS_MAC && vbl_detected)
		free_irq(IRQ_MAC_VBL, fb_vbl_handler);

	kfree((void *)softback_buf);
	softback_buf = 0UL;

	for (i = 0; i < FB_MAX; i++) {
		mapped = 0;
		info = registered_fb[i];

		if (info == NULL)

		for (j = first_fb_vc; j <= last_fb_vc; j++) {
			if (con2fb_map[j] == i)
				mapped = 1;

		if (mapped) {
			if (info->fbops->fb_release)
				info->fbops->fb_release(info, 0);

			if (info->fbcon_par) {
				struct fbcon_ops *ops = info->fbcon_par;

				info->fbcon_par = NULL;

			if (info->queue.func == fb_flashcursor)
				info->queue.func = NULL;

	fbcon_has_exited = 1;

static int __init fb_console_init(void)
	int i;

	fbcon_device = device_create(fb_class, NULL, MKDEV(0, 0), "fbcon");

	if (IS_ERR(fbcon_device)) {
		printk(KERN_WARNING "Unable to create device "
		       "for fbcon; errno = %ld\n",
		fbcon_device = NULL;
	} else

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_NR_CONSOLES; i++)
		con2fb_map[i] = -1;

	return 0;


#ifdef MODULE

static void __exit fbcon_deinit_device(void)
	int i;

	if (fbcon_has_sysfs) {
		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(device_attrs); i++)
			device_remove_file(fbcon_device, &device_attrs[i]);

		fbcon_has_sysfs = 0;

static void __exit fb_console_exit(void)
	device_destroy(fb_class, MKDEV(0, 0));

