/* * drivers/misc/tegra-baseband/bb-m7400.c * * Copyright (c) 2011, NVIDIA Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bb-power.h" static struct tegra_bb_gpio_data m7400_gpios[] = { { { GPIO_INVALID, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "MDM_PWR_ON" }, true }, { { GPIO_INVALID, GPIOF_IN, "MDM_PWRSTATUS" }, true }, { { GPIO_INVALID, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "MDM_SERVICE" }, true }, { { GPIO_INVALID, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "MDM_USB_AWR" }, false }, { { GPIO_INVALID, GPIOF_IN, "MDM_USB_CWR" }, false }, { { GPIO_INVALID, GPIOF_IN, "MDM_RESOUT2" }, true }, { { GPIO_INVALID, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "MDM_USB_ARR" }, false }, { { GPIO_INVALID, 0, NULL }, false }, /* End of table */ }; static bool ehci_registered; static int modem_status; static int gpio_awr; static int gpio_cwr; static int gpio_arr; static struct usb_device *m7400_usb_device; static int gpio_wait_timeout(int gpio, int value, int timeout_msec) { int count; for (count = 0; count < timeout_msec; ++count) { if (gpio_get_value(gpio) == value) return 0; mdelay(1); } return -1; } static int m7400_enum_handshake(void) { int retval = 0; /* Wait for CP to indicate ready - by driving CWR high. */ if (gpio_wait_timeout(gpio_cwr, 1, 10) != 0) { pr_info("%s: Error: timeout waiting for modem resume.\n", __func__); retval = -1; } /* Signal AP ready - Drive AWR and ARR high. */ gpio_set_value(gpio_awr, 1); gpio_set_value(gpio_arr, 1); return retval; } static int m7400_apup_handshake(bool checkresponse) { int retval = 0; /* Signal AP ready - Drive AWR and ARR high. */ gpio_set_value(gpio_awr, 1); gpio_set_value(gpio_arr, 1); if (checkresponse) { /* Wait for CP ack - by driving CWR high. */ if (gpio_wait_timeout(gpio_cwr, 1, 10) != 0) { pr_info("%s: Error: timeout waiting for modem ack.\n", __func__); retval = -1; } } return retval; } static void m7400_apdown_handshake(void) { /* Signal AP going down to modem - Drive AWR low. */ /* No need to wait for a CP response */ gpio_set_value(gpio_awr, 0); } static int m7400_l2_suspend(void) { /* Gets called for two cases : a) Port suspend. b) Bus suspend. */ if (modem_status == BBSTATE_L2) return 0; /* Post bus suspend: Drive ARR low. */ gpio_set_value(gpio_arr, 0); modem_status = BBSTATE_L2; return 0; } static int m7400_l2_resume(void) { /* Gets called for two cases : a) L2 resume. b) bus resume phase of L3 resume. */ if (modem_status == BBSTATE_L0) return 0; /* Pre bus resume: Drive ARR high. */ gpio_set_value(gpio_arr, 1); /* If host initiated resume - Wait for CP ack (CWR goes high). */ /* If device initiated resume - CWR will be already high. */ if (gpio_wait_timeout(gpio_cwr, 1, 10) != 0) { pr_info("%s: Error: timeout waiting for modem ack.\n", __func__); return -1; } modem_status = BBSTATE_L0; return 0; } static void m7400_l3_suspend(void) { m7400_apdown_handshake(); modem_status = BBSTATE_L3; } static void m7400_l3_resume(void) { m7400_apup_handshake(true); modem_status = BBSTATE_L0; } static irqreturn_t m7400_wake_irq(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct usb_interface *intf; switch (modem_status) { case BBSTATE_L2: /* Resume usb host activity. */ if (m7400_usb_device) { usb_lock_device(m7400_usb_device); intf = usb_ifnum_to_if(m7400_usb_device, 0); usb_autopm_get_interface(intf); usb_autopm_put_interface(intf); usb_unlock_device(m7400_usb_device); } break; default: break; } return IRQ_HANDLED; } static int m7400_power(int code) { switch (code) { case PWRSTATE_L2L3: m7400_l3_suspend(); break; case PWRSTATE_L3L0: m7400_l3_resume(); break; default: break; } return 0; } static void m7400_ehci_customize(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct tegra_ehci_platform_data *ehci_pdata; struct tegra_uhsic_config *hsic_config; ehci_pdata = (struct tegra_ehci_platform_data *) pdev->dev.platform_data; hsic_config = (struct tegra_uhsic_config *) ehci_pdata->phy_config; /* Register PHY callbacks */ hsic_config->postsuspend = m7400_l2_suspend; hsic_config->preresume = m7400_l2_resume; /* Override required settings */ ehci_pdata->power_down_on_bus_suspend = 0; } static int m7400_attrib_write(struct device *dev, int value) { struct tegra_bb_pdata *pdata; static struct platform_device *ehci_device; static bool first_enum = true; if (value > 1 || (!ehci_registered && !value)) { /* Supported values are 0/1. */ return -1; } pdata = (struct tegra_bb_pdata *) dev->platform_data; if (value) { /* Check readiness for enumeration */ if (first_enum) first_enum = false; else m7400_enum_handshake(); /* Register ehci controller */ ehci_device = pdata->ehci_register(); if (ehci_device == NULL) { pr_info("%s - Error: ehci register failed.\n", __func__); return -1; } /* Customize PHY setup/callbacks */ m7400_ehci_customize(ehci_device); ehci_registered = true; } else { /* Unregister ehci controller */ if (ehci_device != NULL) pdata->ehci_unregister(ehci_device); /* Signal AP going down */ m7400_apdown_handshake(); ehci_registered = false; } return 0; } static int m7400_registered(struct usb_device *udev) { m7400_usb_device = udev; modem_status = BBSTATE_L0; return 0; } static struct tegra_bb_gpio_irqdata m7400_gpioirqs[] = { { GPIO_INVALID, "tegra_bb_wake", m7400_wake_irq, IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, true, NULL }, { GPIO_INVALID, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }, /* End of table */ }; static struct tegra_bb_power_gdata m7400_gdata = { .gpio = m7400_gpios, .gpioirq = m7400_gpioirqs, }; static struct tegra_bb_power_mdata m7400_mdata = { .vid = 0x04cc, .pid = 0x230f, .wake_capable = true, .autosuspend_ready = true, .reg_cb = m7400_registered, }; static struct tegra_bb_power_data m7400_data = { .gpio_data = &m7400_gdata, .modem_data = &m7400_mdata, }; static void *m7400_init(void *pdata) { struct tegra_bb_pdata *platdata = (struct tegra_bb_pdata *) pdata; union tegra_bb_gpio_id *id = platdata->id; /* Fill the gpio ids allocated by hardware */ m7400_gpios[0].data.gpio = id->m7400.pwr_on; m7400_gpios[1].data.gpio = id->m7400.pwr_status; m7400_gpios[2].data.gpio = id->m7400.service; m7400_gpios[3].data.gpio = id->m7400.usb_awr; m7400_gpios[4].data.gpio = id->m7400.usb_cwr; m7400_gpios[5].data.gpio = id->m7400.resout2; m7400_gpios[6].data.gpio = id->m7400.uart_awr; m7400_gpioirqs[0].id = id->m7400.usb_cwr; if (!platdata->ehci_register || !platdata->ehci_unregister) { pr_info("%s - Error: ehci reg/unreg functions missing.\n" , __func__); return 0; } gpio_awr = m7400_gpios[3].data.gpio; gpio_cwr = m7400_gpios[4].data.gpio; gpio_arr = m7400_gpios[6].data.gpio; if (gpio_awr == GPIO_INVALID || gpio_cwr == GPIO_INVALID || gpio_arr == GPIO_INVALID) { pr_info("%s - Error: Invalid gpio data.\n", __func__); return 0; } ehci_registered = false; modem_status = BBSTATE_UNKNOWN; return (void *) &m7400_data; } static void *m7400_deinit(void) { return (void *) &m7400_data; } static struct tegra_bb_callback m7400_callbacks = { .init = m7400_init, .deinit = m7400_deinit, .attrib = m7400_attrib_write, #ifdef CONFIG_PM .power = m7400_power, #endif }; void *m7400_get_cblist(void) { return (void *) &m7400_callbacks; }